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  • 8/20/2019 Tax Case List



    [G.R. No. L-28896. February 17, 1988.]


    REVENUE, petitioner, vs. ALGUE, INC., and THE COURT OF

    TAX APPEALS, respondents.



    PROTEST. — According to Rep. Act No. 1125, the appeal may be made within

    thirty days after receipt of the decision or ruling challenged. It is true that as a rule

    the warrant of distraint and levy is "proof of the finality of the assessment" and

    "renders hopeless a request for reconsideration," being "tantamount to an

    outright denial thereof and makes the said request deemed rejected." But there is

    a special circumstance in the case at bar that prevents application of this

    accepted doctrine. The proven fact is that four days after the private respondent

    received the petitioner's notice of assessment, it filed its letter of protest. This was

    apparently not taken into account before the warrant of distraint and levy was

    issued; indeed, such protest could not be located in the office of the petitioner. It

    was only after Atty. Guevara gave the BIR a copy of the protest that it was, if at

    all, considered by the tax authorities. During the intervening period, the warrant

    was premature and could therefore not be served. As the Court of Tax Appeals

    correctly noted, the protest filed by private respondent was not pro forma and wasbased on strong legal considerations. It thus had the effect of suspending on

    January 18, 1965, when it was filed, the reglementary period which started on the

    date the assessment was received,viz.,January 14, 1965. The period started

    running again only on April 7, 1965, when the private respondent was definitely

    informed of the implied rejection of the said protest and the warrant was finally

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    served on it. Hence, when the appeal was filed on April 23, 1965, only 20 days of

    the reglementary period had been consumed.


    PROMOTIONAL FEES; FOUND NECESSARY AND REASONABLE IN CASE ATBAR. — We agree with the respondent court that the amount of the promotional

    fees was not excessive. The total commission paid by the Philippine Sugar Estate

    Development Co. to the private respondent was P125,000.00. After deducting the

    said fees, Algue still had a balance of P50,000.00 as clear profit from the

    transaction. The amount of P75,000.00 was 60% of the total commission. This

    was a reasonable proportion, considering that it was the payees who did

    practically everything, from the formation of the Vegetable Oil Investment

    Corporation to the actual purchase by it of the Sugar Estate properties. In the

    present case, however, we find that the onus has been discharged satisfactorily.

    The private respondent has proved that the payment of the fees was necessary

    and reasonable in the light of the efforts exerted by the payees in inducing

    investors and prominent businessmen to venture in an experimental enterprise

    and involve themselves in a new business requiring millions of pesos.

    D E C I S I O N

    CRUZ, Jp:

    Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so should be collected without

    unnecessary hindrance. On the other hand, such collection should be made in

    accordance with law as any arbitrariness will negate the very reason for

    government itself. It is therefore necessary to reconcile the apparently conflictinginterests of the authorities and the taxpayers so that the real purpose of taxation,

    which is the promotion of the common good, may be achieved.

    The main issue in this case is whether or not the Collector of Internal Revenue

    correctly disallowed the P75,000.00 deduction claimed by private respondent

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    Algue as legitimate business expenses in its income tax returns. The corollary

    issue is whether or not the appeal of the private respondent from the decision of

    the Collector of Internal Revenue was made on time and in accordance with law.

    We deal first with the procedural question.

    The record shows that on January 14, 1965, the private respondent, a domestic

    corporation engaged in engineering, construction and other allied activities,

    received a letter from the petitioner assessing it in the total amount of P83,183.85

    as delinquency income taxes for the years 1958 and 1959.1 On January 18,

    1965, Algue filed a letter of protest or request for reconsideration, which letter

    was stamp-received on the same day in the office of the petitioner. 2On March 12,

    1965, a warrant of distraint and levy was presented to the private respondent,through its counsel, Atty. Alberto Guevara, Jr., who refused to receive it on the

    ground of the pending protest.3 A search of the protest in the dockets of the case

    proved fruitless. Atty. Guevara produced his file copy and gave a photostat to BIR

    agent Ramon Reyes, who deferred service of the warrant.4 On April 7, 1965,

    Atty. Guevara was finally informed that the BIR was not taking any action on the

    protest and it was only then that he accepted the warrant of distraint and levy

    earlier sought to be served.5 Sixteen days later, on April 23, 1965, Algue filed a

    petition for review of the decision of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue withthe Court of Tax Appeals.6

    The above chronology shows that the petition was filed seasonably. According to

    Rep. Act No. 1125, the appeal may be made within thirty days after receipt of the

    decision or ruling challenged.7 It is true that as a rule the warrant of distraint and

    levy is "proof of the finality of the assessment"9 being "tantamount to an outright

    denial thereof and makes the said request deemed rejected."10 But there is a

    special circumstance in the case at bar that prevents application of this accepteddoctrine.

    The proven fact is that four days after the private respondent received the

    petitioner's notice of assessment, it filed its letter of protest. This was apparently

    not taken into account before the warrant of distraint and levy was issued; indeed,

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    such protest could not be located in the office of the petitioner. It was only after

    Atty. Guevara gave the BIR a copy of the protest that it was, if at all, considered

    by the tax authorities. During the intervening period, the warrant was premature

    and could therefore not be served.

    As the Court of Tax Appeals correctly noted,11 the protest filed by private

    respondent was not pro forma and was based on strong legal considerations. It

    thus had the effect of suspending on January 18, 1965, when it was filed, the

    reglementary period which started on the date the assessment was

    received,viz.,January 14, 1965. The period started running again only on April

    7, 1965, when the private respondent was definitely informed of the implied

    rejection of the said protest and the warrant was finally served on it. Hence, when

    the appeal was filed on April 23, 1965, only 20 days of the reglementary period

    had been consumed.

    Now for the substantive question.

    The petitioner contends that the claimed deduction of P75,000.00 was properly

    disallowed because it was not an ordinary, reasonable or necessary business

    expense. The Court of Tax Appeals had seen it differently. Agreeing with Algue, it

    held that the said amount had been legitimately paid by the private respondent

    for actual services rendered. The payment was in the form of promotional fees.

    These were collected by the payees for their work in the creation of the Vegetable

    Oil Investment Corporation of the Philippines and its subsequent purchase of the

    properties of the Philippine Sugar Estate Development Company.

    Parenthetically, it may be observed that the petitioner had originally claimed these

    promotional fees to be personal holding company income12 but later conformed

    to the decision of the respondent court rejecting this assertion.13 In fact, as the

    said court found, the amount was earned through the joint efforts of the persons

    among whom it was distributed. It has been established that the Philippine Sugar

    Estate Development Company had earlier appointed Algue as its agent,

    authorizing it to sell its land, factories and oil manufacturing process. Pursuant to

    such authority, Alberto Guevara, Jr., Eduardo Guevara, Isabel Guevara, Edith

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    O'Farell, and Pablo Sanchez worked for the formation of the Vegetable Oil

    Investment Corporation, inducing other persons to invest in it.14 Ultimately, after

    its incorporation largely through the promotion of the said persons, this new

    corporation purchased the PSEDC properties.15 For this sale, Algue received as

    agent a commission of P125,000.00, and it was from this commission that the

    P75,000.00 promotional fees were paid to the aforenamed individuals.16

    There is no dispute that the payees duly reported their respective shares of the

    fees in their income tax returns and paid the corresponding taxes thereon.17 The

    Court of Tax Appeals also found, after examining the evidence, that no

    distribution of dividends was involved.18

    The petitioner claims that these payments are fictitious because most of thepayees are members of the same family in control of Algue. It is argued that no

    indication was made as to how such payments were made, whether by check or

    in cash, and there is not enough substantiation of such payments. In short, the

    petitioner suggests a tax dodge, an attempt to evade a legitimate assessment by

    involving an imaginary deduction.

    We find that these suspicions were adequately met by the private respondent

    when its President, Alberto Guevara, and the accountant, Cecilia V. de Jesus,

    testified that the payments were not made in one lump sum but periodically and

    in different amounts as each payee's need arose.19 It should be remembered

    that this was a family corporation where strict business procedures were not

    applied and immediate issuance of receipts was not required. Even so, at the end

    of the year, when the books were to be closed, each payee made an accounting

    of all of the fees received by him or her, to make up the total of

    P75,000.00.20 Admittedly, everything seemed to be informal. This arrangement

    was understandable, however, in view of the close relationship among thepersons in the family corporation.


    We agree with the respondent court that the amount of the promotional fees was

    not excessive. The total commission paid by the Philippine Sugar Estate

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    Development Co. to the private respondent was P125,000.00.21 After deducting

    the said fees, Algue still had a balance of P50,000.00 as clear profit from the

    transaction. The amount of P75,000.00 was 60% of the total commission. This

    was a reasonable proportion, considering that it was the payees who did

    practically everything, from the formation of the Vegetable Oil Investment

    Corporation to the actual purchase by it of the Sugar Estate properties.

    This finding of the respondent court is in accord with the following provision of the

    Tax Code:

    "SEC. 30.Deductions from gross income. — In computing net income

    there shall be allowed as deduction —

    (a) Expenses:

    (1)In general. — All the ordinary and necessary expenses paid or

    incurred during the taxable year in carrying on any trade or business,

    including a reasonable allowance for salaries or other compensation for

    personal services actually rendered; . . ."22

    and Revenue Regulations No. 2, Section 70 (1), reading as follows:

    "SEC. 70.Compensation for personal services. — Among the ordinary

    and necessary expenses paid or incurred in carrying on any trade or

    business may be included a reasonable allowance for salaries or other

    compensation for personal services actually rendered. The test of

    deductibility in the case of compensation payments is whether they are

    reasonable and are, in fact, payments purely for service. This test and its

    practical application may be further stated and illustrated as follows:

    "Any amount paid in the form of compensation, but not in fact as the

    purchase price of services, is not deductible. (a) An ostensible salary

    paid by a corporation may be a distribution of a dividend on stock. This is

    likely to occur in the case of a corporation having few stockholders,

    practically all of whom draw salaries. If in such a case the salaries are in

    excess of those ordinarily paid for similar services, and the excessive

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    payment correspond or bear a close relationship to the stockholdings of

    the officers of employees, it would seem likely that the salaries are not

    paid wholly for services rendered, but the excessive payments are a

    distribution of earnings upon the stock. . . ." (Promulgated Feb. 11, 1931,

    30 O.G. No. 18, 325.)

    It is worth noting at this point that most of the payees were not in the regular

    employ of Algue nor were they its controlling stockholders.23

    The Solicitor General is correct when he says that the burden is on the taxpayer

    to prove the validity of the claimed deduction. In the present case, however, we

    find that the onus has been discharged satisfactorily. The private respondent has

    proved that the payment of the fees was necessary and reasonable in the light ofthe efforts exerted by the payees in inducing investors and prominent

    businessmen to venture in an experimental enterprise and involve themselves in

    a new business requiring millions of pesos. This was no mean feat and should

    be, as it was, sufficiently recompensed.

    It is said that taxes are what we pay for civilized society. Without taxes, the

    government would be paralyzed for lack of the motive power to activate and

    operate it. Hence, despite the natural reluctance to surrender part of one's hard-

    earned income to the taxing authorities, every person who is able to must

    contribute his share in the running of the government. The government for its

    part, is expected to respond in the form of tangible and intangible benefits

    intended to improve the lives of the people and enhance their moral and material

    values. This symbiotic relationship is the rationale of taxation and should dispel

    the erroneous notion that it is an arbitrary method of exaction by those in the seat

    of power.

    But even as we concede the inevitability and indispensability of taxation, it is a

    requirement in all democratic regimes that it be exercised reasonably and in

    accordance with the prescribed procedure. If it is not, then the taxpayer has a

    right to complain and the courts will then come to his succor. For all the awesome

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    power of the tax collector, he may still be stopped in his tracks if the taxpayer can

    demonstrate, as it has here, that the law has not been observed.

    We hold that the appeal of the private respondent from the decision of the

    petitioner was filed on time with the respondent court in accordance with Rep.Act No. 1125. And we also find that the claimed deduction by the private

    respondent was permitted under the Internal Revenue Code and should therefore

    not have been disallowed by the petitioner.

    ACCORDINGLY, the appealed decision of the Court of Tax Appeals is

    AFFIRMEDin toto, without costs.


    Teehankee, C. J., Narvasa, Gancayco and Griño-Aquino, JJ., concur.

    ||| (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Algue, Inc., G.R. No. L-28896, [February

    17, 1988], 241 PHIL 829-836)


    [G.R. No. 99886. March 31, 1993.]

    JOHN H. OSMEÑA, petitioner, vs. OSCAR ORBOS, in his

    capacity as Executive Secretary; JESUS ESTANISLAO, in his

    capacity as Secretary of Finance; WENCESLAO DELA PAZ, in

    his capacity as Head of the Office of Energy Affairs; REX V.


    BOARD, respondents.

    Nachura & Sarmiento for petitioner.

    The Solicitor General for public respondents.

    D E C I S I O N

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    The petitioner seeks the corrective, 1 prohibitive and coercive remedies provided

    by Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, 2 upon the following posited grounds,viz.:3

    1) the invalidity of the "TRUST ACCOUNT" in the books of account of the Ministry

    of Energy (now the Office of Energy Affairs) created pursuant to § 8, paragraph 1,

    of P.D. No. 1956, as amended, "said creation of a trust fund being contrary to

    Section 29 (3) Article VI of the Constitution;"4

    2) the unconstitutionality of § 8, paragraph 1 (c) of P.D. No. 1956 as amended

    by Executive Order No. 137 for "being an undue and invalid delegation of

    legislative power to the Energy Regulatory Board;"5

    3) the illegality of the reimbursements to oil companies, paid out of the Oil Price

    Stabilization Fund, 6 because it contravenes § 8 paragraph 2(2) of P.D. 1956 as

    amended; and

    4) the consequent nullity of the Order dated December 10, 1990 and the

    necessity of a rollback of the pump prices and petroleum products to the levels

    prevailing prior to the said Order.

    It will be recalled that on October 10, 1984 President Ferdinand Marcos

    issued P.D. 1956 creating a Special Account in the General Fund, designated as

    the Oil Price Stabilization Fund (OPSF). The OPSF was designed to reimburse

    oil companies for cost increases in crude oil and imported petroleum products

    resulting from exchange rate adjustments and from increases in the world market

    prices of crude oil.Cdpr

    Subsequently the OPSF was reclassified into a "trust liability account," in virtue of

    E.O 1024, 7 and ordered released from the National Treasury to the Ministry of

    Energy. The same Executive Order also authorized the investment of the fund in

    government securities, with the earnings from such placements accruing to the


    President Corazon C. Aquino amended P.D. 1956. She promulgated Executive

    Order No. 137 on February 27, 1987 expanding the grounds for reimbursement

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    to oil companies for possiblecost under recovery incurred as a result of the

    reduction of domestic prices of petroleum products the amount of the under

    recovery being left for determination by the Ministry of Finance.

    Now, the petition alleges that the status of the OPSF as of March 31 1991showed a "Terminal Fund Balance deficit" of some P12.877 billion; 8 that to abate

    the worsening deficit, "the Energy Regulatory Board issued an Order on

    December 10, 1990, approving the increase in pump prices of petroleum

    products," and at the rate of recoupment the OPSF deficit should have been fully

    covered in a span of six (6) months, but this notwithstanding, the respondents —

    Oscar Orbos, in his capacity as Executive Secretary; Jesus Estanislao, in his

    capacity as Secretary of Finance; Wenceslao de la Paz, in his capacity as Head

    of the Office of Energy Affairs; Chairman Rex V. Tantiongco and the Energy

    Regulatory Board —"are poised to accept process and pay claims not authorized

    under P.D 1956."9

    The petition further avers that the creation of the trust fund violates § 29(3),

    Article VI of the Constitution, reading as follows:

    "(3) All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose shall be

    treated as a special fund and paid out for such purposes only. If the

    purpose for which a special fund was created has been fulfilled or

    abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be transferred to the general funds

    of the Government."

    The petitioner argues that "the monies collected pursuant to P.D. 1956 as

    amended, must be treated as a 'SPECIAL FUND,' not as a 'trust account' or a

    'trust fund,' and that "if a special tax is collected for a specific purpose the

    revenue generated therefrom shall 'be treated as a special fund' to be used only

    for the purpose indicated, and not channeled to another government objective."

    10 Petitioner further points out that since "a 'special fund' consists of monies

    collected through the taxing power of a State,such amounts belong to the State,

    although the use thereof is limited to the special purpose/objective for which it

    was created."11

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    He also contends that the "delegation of "legislative authority" to the ERB violates

    § 28 (2) Article VI of the Constitution,viz.:

    "(2) The Congress may, by law, authorize the President to fix, within

    specified limits, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as it mayimpose, tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage

    dues, and other duties or imposts within the framework of the national

    development program of the Government";

    and inasmuch as the delegation relates to the exercise of the power of

    taxation, "the limits, limitations and restrictions must be quantitative, that is,

    the law must not only specify how to tax, who (shall) be taxed (and) what the

    tax is for, but also impose a specific limit on how much to tax."12

    The petitioner does not suggest that a "trust account" is illegal per se, but

    maintains that the monies collected, which form part of the OPSF should be

    maintained in aspecial account of the general fund for the reason that

    theConstitution so provides, and because they are, supposedly,taxes levied for a

    special purpose. He assumes that the Fund is formed from a tax undoubtedly

    because a portion thereof is taken from collections ofad valorem taxes and the

    increases thereon.cdphil

    It thus appears that the challenge posed by the petitioner is premised primarily on

    the view that the powers granted to the ERB under P.D. 1956, as amended,

    partake of the nature of the taxation power of the State. The Solicitor General

    observes that the "argument rests on the assumption that the OPSF is a form of

    revenue measure drawing from a special tax to be expended for a special

    purpose." 13 The petitioner's perceptions are, in the Court's view, not quite


    To address this critical misgiving in the position of the petitioner on these issues,

    the Court recalls its holding inValmonte v. Energy Regulatory Board, et al."14 —

    'The foregoing arguments suggest the presence of misconceptions about

    the nature and functions of the OPSF. The OPSF is a 'Trust Account'

    which was established 'for the purpose of minimizing the frequent price

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    changes brought about by exchange rate adjustment and/or changes in

    world market prices of crude oil and imported petroleum

    products."15 Under P.D. No. 1956, as amended by Executive Order No.

    137 dated 27 February 1987, this Trust Account may be funded from any

    of the following sources:

    "a) Any increase in the tax collection from ad valorem tax

    or customs duty imposed on petroleum products subject to tax

    under this Decree arising from exchange rate adjustment, as may

    be determined by the Minister of Finance in consultation with the

    Board of Energy;

    b) Any increase in the tax collection as a result of the liftingof tax exemptions of government corporations, as may be

    determined by the Minister of Finance in consultation with the

    Board of Energy;

    c) Any additional amount to be imposed on petroleum

     products to augment the resources of the Fund through an

    appropriate Order that may be issued by the Board of Energy

    requiring payment of persons or companies engaged in the

    business of importing, manufacturing and/or marketing petroleum


    d) Any resulting peso cost differentials in case the actual

    peso costs paid by oil companies in the importation of crude oil

    and petroleum products is less than the peso costs computed

    using the reference foreign exchange rate as fixed by the Board of


    xxx xxx xxx

    The fact that the world market prices of oil, measured by the spot market

    in Rotterdam, vary from day to day is of judicial notice. Freight rates for

    hauling crude oil and petroleum products from sources of supply to the

    Philippines may also vary from time to time. The exchange rate of the

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    peso vis-a-vis the U.S. dollar and other convertible foreign currencies

    also changes from day to day. These fluctuations in world market prices

    and in tanker rates and foreign exchange rates would in a completely

    free market translate into corresponding adjustments in domestic prices

    of oil and petroleum products with sympathetic frequency. But domestic

    prices which vary from day to day or even only from week to week would

    result in a chaotic market with unpredictable effects upon the country's

    economy in general.The OPSF was established precisely to protect

    local consumers from the adverse consequences that such frequent oil

     price adjustments may have upon the economy.Thus, the OPSF serves

    as a pocket, as it were, into which a portion of the purchase price of oil

    and petroleum products paid by consumers as well as some taxrevenues are inputted and from which amounts are drawn from time to

    time to reimburse oil companies, when appropriate situations arise, for

    increases in, as well as under recovery of, costs of crude importation.

    The OPSF is thus a buffer mechanism through which the domestic

    consumer prices of oil and petroleum products are stabilized, instead of

    fluctuating every so often, and oil companies are allowed to recover

    those portions of their costs which they would not otherwise recover

     given the level of domestic prices existing at any given time. To the

    extent that some tax revenues are also put into it, the OPSF is in effect a

    device through which the domestic prices of petroleum products are

    subsidized in part. It appears to the Court that the establishment and

    maintenance of the OPSF is well within that pervasive and non-waivable

     power and responsibility of the government to secure, the physical and

    economic survival and well-being of the community, that comprehensive

    sovereign authority we designate as the police power of the State. The

    stabilization, and subsidy of domestic prices of petroleum products and

    fuel oil — clearly critical in importance considering, among other things,

    the continuing high level of dependence of the country on imported

    crude oil — are appropriately regarded as public purposes."dctai


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    Also of relevance is this Court's ruling in relation to the sugar stabilization fund

    the nature of which is not far different from the OPSF. InGaston v. Republic

    Planters Bank,16 this Court upheld the legality of the sugar stabilization fees and

    explained their nature and character, viz.:

    "The stabilization fees collected are in the nature of a tax, which is within

    the power of the State to impose for the promotion of the sugar industry

    (Lutz v. Araneta, 98 Phil. 148).The tax collected is not in a pure exercise

    of the taxing power.It is levied with a regulatory purpose, to provide a

    means for the stabilization of the sugar industry.The levy is primarily in

    the exercise of the police power of the State (Lutz v. Araneta, supra).

    xxx xxx xxx

    "The stabilization fees in question are levied by the State upon sugar

    millers, planters and producers for a special purpose — that of 'financing

    the growth and development of the sugar industry and all its

    components, stabilization of the domestic market including the foreign

    market.' The fact that the State has taken possession of moneys

    pursuant to law is sufficient to constitute them state funds, even though

    they are held for a special purpose (Lawrence v. American Surety Co.

    263 Mich. 586, 249 ALR 535, cited in 42 Am Jur Sec. 2, p. 718). Having

    been levied for a special purpose, the revenues collected are to be

    treated as a special fund, to be, in the language of the statute,

    'administered in trust' for the purpose intended. Once the purpose has

    been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance if any, is to be transferred to the

    general funds of the Government. That is the essence of the trust

    intended (SEE 1987 Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 29(3), lifted from the

    1935 Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 23(1).17

    The character of the Stabilization Fund as a special kind of fund is

    emphasized by the fact that the funds are deposited in the Philippine

    National Bank and not in the Philippine Treasury, moneys from which

    may be paid out only in pursuance of an appropriation made by law

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    (1987) Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 29 (3), lifted from the

    1935 Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 23(1)." (emphasis supplied.)

    Hence, it seems clear that while the funds collected may be referred to as taxes,

    they are exacted in the exercise of the police power of the State. Moreover, thatthe OPSF is a special fund is plain from the special treatment given it by E.O.

    137. It is segregated from the general fund; and while it is placed in what the law

    refers to as a "trust liability account," the fund nonetheless remains subject to the

    scrutiny and review of the COA. The Court is satisfied that these measures

    comply with the constitutional description of a "special fund." Indeed, the practice

    is not without precedent.

    With regard to the allegedundue delegation of legislative power, the Court findsthat the provision conferring the authority upon the ERB to impose additional

    amounts on petroleum products provides a sufficient standard by which the

    authority must be exercised. In addition to the general policy of the law to protect

    the local consumer by stabilizing and subsidizing domestic pump rates, § 8(c)

    of P.D. 1956 18 expressly authorizes the ERB to impose additional amountsto

    augment the resources of the Fund.

    What petitioner would wish is the fixing of some definite, quantitative restriction,

    or "a specific limit on how much to tax." 19 The Court is cited to this requirement

    by the petitioner on the premise that what is involved here is the power of

    taxation; but as already discussed, this is not the case. What is here involved is

    not so much the power of taxation its police power. Although the provision

    authorizing the ERB to impose additional amounts could be construed to refer to

    the power of taxation, it cannot be overlooked that the overriding consideration is

    to enable the delegate to act with expediency in carrying out the objectives of the

    law which are embraced by the police power of the State.

    The interplay and constant fluctuation of the various factors involved in the

    determination of the price of oil and petroleum products, and the frequently

    shifting need to either augment or exhaust the Fund, do not conveniently permit

    the setting of fixed or rigid parameters in the law as proposed by the petitioner. To

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    do so would render the ERB unable to respond effectively so as to mitigate or

    avoid the undesirable consequences of such fluidity. As such, the standard as it

    is expressed, suffices to guide the delegate in the exercise of the delegated

    power, taking account of the circumstances under which it is to be exercised.

    For a valid delegation of power, it is essential that the law delegating the power

    must he (1) complete in itself, that is it must set forth the policy to be executed by

    the delegate and (2) it must fix a standard — limits of which are sufficiently

    determinate or determinable — to which the delegate must conform.20

    ". . . As pointed out in Edu v. Ericta: To avoid the taint of unlawful

    delegation, there must be a standard, which implies at the very least that

    the legislature itself determines matters of principle and lays downfundamental policy. Otherwise, the charge of complete abdication may

    he hard to repel. A standard thus defines legislative policy, marks its

    limits, maps out its boundaries and specifies the public agency to apply

    it. It indicates the circumstances under which the legislative command is

    to be effected. It is the criterion by which the legislative purpose may be

    carried out. Thereafter, the executive or administrative office designated

    may in pursuance of the above guidelines promulgate supplemental

    rules and regulations. The standard may either be express or implied. If

    the former, the non-delegation objection is easily met. The standard

    though does not have to be spelled out specifically. It could be implied

    from the policy and purpose of the act considered as a whole.' "21

    It would seem that from the above-quoted ruling, the petition for prohibition

    should fail.

    The standard, as the Court has already stated, may even be implied. In that light,

    there can be no ground upon which to sustain the petition, inasmuch as the

    challenged law sets forth a determinable standard which guides the exercise of

    the power granted to the ERB. By the same token, the proper exercise of the

    delegated power may be tested with ease. It seems obvious that what the law

    intended was to permit the additional imposts for as long as there exists a need

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    to protect the general public and the petroleum industry from the adverse

    consequences of pump rate fluctuations. "Where the standards set up for the

    guidance of an administrative officer and the action taken are in fact recorded in

    the orders of such officer, so that Congress, the courts and the public are

    assured that the orders in the judgment of such officer conform to the legislative

    standard, there is no failure in the performance of the legislative functions."22

    This Court thus finds no serious impediment to sustaining the validity of the

    legislation; the express purpose for which the imposts are permitted and the

    general objectives and purposes of the fund are readily discernible, and they

    constitute a sufficient standard upon which the delegation of power may be


    In relation to the third question — respecting the illegality of the reimbursements

    to oil companies, paid out of the Oil Price Stabilization Fund, because allegedly in

    contravention of § 8, paragraph 2 (2) of P.D. 1956, as amended23 — the Court

    finds for the petitioner.cda

    The petition assails the payment of certain items or accounts in favor of the

    petroleum companies (i.e., inventory losses, financing charges, fuel oil sales to

    the National Power Corporation, etc.) because not authorized by law. Petitioner

    contends that "these claims are not embraced in the enumeration in § 8 of P.D.

    1956 since none of them was incurred 'as a result of the reduction of domestic

     prices of petroleum products,'" 24 and since these items are reimbursements for

    which the OPSF should not have responded, the amount of the P12.877 billion

    deficit "should be reduced by P5,277.2 million."25 It is argued "that under the

    principle ofejusdem generisthe term 'other factors' (as used in § 8 of P.D. 1956)

    can only include such 'other factors' which necessarily result in the reduction of

    domestic prices of petroleum products."26

    The Solicitor General, for his part, contends that "(t)o place said (term) within the

    restrictive confines of the rule ofejusdem generis would reduce (E.O. 137) to a

    meaningless provision."

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    This Court, inCaltex Philippines, Inc. v. The Honorable Commissioner on Audit,

    et al., 27 passed upon the application ofejusdem generis to paragraph 2 of § 8

    of P.D. 1956, viz.:

    "The rule ofejusdem generis states that 'where words follow anenumeration of persons or things, by words of a particular and specific

    meaning, such general words are not to be construed in their widest

    extent, but are held to be as applying only to persons or things of the

    same kind or class as those specifically mentioned.'28A reading of

    subparagraphs (i) and (ii) easily discloses that they do not have a

    common characteristic. The first relates to price reduction as directed by

    the Board of Energy while the second refers to reduction in internalad

    valorem taxes. Therefore, subparagraph (iii) cannot be limited by the

    enumeration in these subparagraphs. What should be considered for

    purposes of determining the 'other factors' in subparagraph (iii) is the first

    sentence of paragraph (2) of the Section which explicitly allows the cost

    under recovery only if such were incurred as aresult of the reduction of

    domestic prices of petroleum products."

    The Court thus holds, that the reimbursement of financing charges is not

    authorized by paragraph 2 of § 5 of P.D. 1956, for the reason that they were notincurred as a result of the reduction of domestic prices of petroleum products.

    Under the same provision, however, the payment of inventory losses is upheld as

    valid, being clearly a result of domestic price reduction, when oil companies incur

    a cost under recovery for yet unsold stocks of oil in inventory acquired at a higher



    Reimbursement for cost under recovery from the sales of oil to the National

    Power Corporation is equally permissible, not as coming within the provisions

    of P.D. 1956, but in virtue of other laws and regulations as held inCaltex 29 and

    which have been pointed to by the Solicitor General. At any rate, doubts about

    the propriety of such reimbursements have been dispelled by the enactment

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    of R.A. 6952, establishing the Petroleum Price Standby Fund, § 2 of which

    specifically authorizes the reimbursement of "cost under recovery incurred as a

    result of fuel oil sales to the National Power Corporation."

    Anent the overpayment refunds mentioned by the petitioner, no substantivediscussion has been presented to show how this is prohibited by P.D. 1956. Nor

    has the Solicitor General taken any effort to defend the propriety of this refund. In

    fine, neither of the parties, beyond the mere mention of overpayment refunds,

    has at all bothered to discuss the arguments for or against the legality of the so-

    called overpayment refunds. To be sure, the absence of any argument for or

    against the validity of the refund cannot result in its disallowance by the Court.

    Unless the impropriety or illegality of the overpayment refund has been clearly

    and specifically shown, there can be no basis upon which to nullify the same.

    Finally, the Court finds no necessity to rule on the remaining issue, the same

    having been rendered moot and academic. As of date hereof, the pump rates of

    gasoline have been reduced to levels below even those prayed for in the petition.

    WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED insofar as it prays for the nullification of

    the reimbursement of financing charges, paid pursuant to E.O. 137, and

    DISMISSED in all other respects.


    ||| (Osmeña v. Orbos, G.R. No. 99886, [March 31, 1993])


    [G.R. No. L-41383. August 15, 1988.]

    PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC., plaintiff-appellant, vs. ROMEO

    F. EDU, in his capacity as Land Transportation Commissioner,

    and UBALDO CARBONELL, in his capacity as National

    Treasurer, defendants-appellants.

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    Ricardo V. Puno, Jr. and Conrado A. Boro for plaintiff-appellant.




    provisions of Section 73 of Commonwealth Act 123 and Section 61 of the Land

    Transportation and Traffic Code that the legislative intent and purpose behind the

    law requiring owners of vehicles to pay for their registration is mainly to raise

    funds for the construction and maintenance of highways and to a much lesser

    degree, pay for the operating expenses of the administering agency. On the other

    hand, thePhilippine Rabbit case mentions a presumption arising from the use ofthe term "fees" which appears to have been favored by the legislature to

    distinguish fees from other taxes such as those mentioned in Section 13 of Rep.

    Act 4136 referring to taxes other than those imposed on the registration,

    operation or ownership of a motor vehicle (Sec. 89, b, Rep. Act 4136, as

    amended). Fees may be properly regarded as taxes even though they also serve

    as an instrument of regulation.


    — Taxation may be made the implement of the state's police power (Lutzv.

    Araneta, 98 Phil. 148). If the purpose is primarily revenue, or if revenue is, at

    least, one of the real and substantial purposes, then the exaction is properly

    called a tax. Such is the case of motor vehicle registration fees. The same

    provision appears as Section 59(b) in the Land Transportation Code. It is patent

    therefrom that the legislators had in mind a regulatory tax as the law refers to the

    imposition on the registration, operation or ownership of a motor vehicle as a "tax

    or fee." Though nowhere in Rep. Act 4136 does the law specifically state that the

    imposition is a tax, Section 59(b) speaks of "taxes or fees . . . for the registration

    or operation or on the ownership of any motor vehicle, or for the exercise of the

    profession of chauffeur . . ." making the intent to impose a tax more apparent.

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    Thus, even Rep. Act 5448 cited by the respondents, speak of an "additional tax,"

    where the law could have referred to an original tax and not onein additionto the

    tax already imposed on the registration, operation, or ownership of a motor

    vehicle under Rep. Act 4136. Simply put, if the exaction under Rep. Act

    4136 were merely a regulatory fee, the imposition in Rep. Act 5448 need not be

    an "additional" tax. Rep. Act 4136 also speaks of other "fees" such as the special

    permit fees for certain types of motor vehicles (Sec. 10) and additional fees for

    change of registration (Sec. 11). These are not to be understood as taxes

    because such fees are very minimal to be revenue-raising. Thus, they are not

    mentioned by Sec. 59(b) of the Code as taxes like the motor vehicle registration

    fee and chauffeurs' license fee. Such fees are to go into the expenditures of the

    Land Transportation Commission as provided for in the last proviso of Sec. 61.

    3. ID.; ID.; NATURE AND PURPOSE. — We rule that motor vehicle registration

    fees as at present exacted pursuant to the Land Transportation and Traffic

    Code are actually taxes intended for additional revenues of government even if

    one fifth or less of the amount collected is set aside for the operating expenses of

    the agency administering the program.



    — The claim for refund is made for payments given in 1971. It is not clear from

    the records as to what payments were made in succeeding years. Any

    registration fees collected between June 27,1968 and April 9, 1979, were

    correctly imposed because the tax exemption in the franchise of PAL was

    repealed during that period. However, an amended franchise was given to PAL in

    1979. PAL's current franchise is clear and specific. It has removed the ambiguity

    found in the earlier law. Under Section 13 of Presidential Decree No. 1590, PAL

    is not exempt from the payment of any tax, fee, or other charge on the registration

    and licensing of motor vehicles. Such payments are already included in the basic

    tax or franchise tax provided in Subsections (a) and (b) of Section 13, P.D.

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    1590 and may no longer be exacted. Hence, the prayer for refund of registration

    fees paid in 1991 is DENIED.

    D E C I S I O N


    What is the nature of motor vehicle registration fees? Are they taxes or regulatory


    This question has been brought before this Court in the past. The parties are, in

    effect, asking for a re-examination of the latest decision on this issue.

    This appeal was certified to us as one involving a pure question of law by the

    Court of Appeals in a case where the then Court of First Instance of Rizal

    dismissed the plaintiff-appellant's complaint for refund of registration fees paid

    under protest.cdrep

    The disputed registration fees were imposed by the appellee, Commissioner

    Romeo F. Edu, pursuant to Section 8, Republic Act No. 4136, otherwise known

    as the Land Transportation and Traffic Code.

    The Philippine Airlines (PAL) is a corporation organized and existing under the

    laws of the Philippines and engaged in the air transportation business under a

    legislative franchise, Act No. 4271, as amended by Republic Act Nos. 2360 and

    2667. Under its franchise, PAL is exempt from the payment of taxes. The

    pertinent provision of the franchise provides as follows:

    "Section 13. In consideration of the franchise and rights hereby granted,

    the grantee shall pay to the National Government during the life of this

    franchise a tax of two per cent of the gross revenue or gross earning

    derived by the grantee from its operations under this franchise. Such tax

    shall be due and payable quarterly and shall be in lieu of all taxes of any

    kind, nature or description, levied, established or collected by any

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    municipal, provincial or national authority; Provided, that if, after the audit

    of the accounts of the grantee by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,

    a deficiency tax is shown to be due, the deficiency tax shall be payable

    within the ten days from the receipt of the assessment. The grantee shall

    pay the tax on its real property in conformity with existing law."

    On the strength of an opinion of the Secretary of Justice (Op. No. 307, series of

    1956) PAL has, since 1956, not been paying motor vehicle registration fees.

    Sometime in 1971, however, appellee Commissioner Romeo F. Edu, issued a

    regulation requiring all tax exempt entities, among them PAL to pay motor vehicle

    registration fees.

    Despite PAL's protestations, the appellee refused to register the appellant's motorvehicles unless the amounts imposed under Republic Act 4136 were paid. The

    appellant thus paid, under protest, the amount of P19,529.75 as registration fees

    of its motor vehicles.cdrep

    After paying under protest, PAL through counsel, wrote a letter dated May 19,

    1971, to Commissioner Edu demanding a refund of the amounts paid, invoking

    the ruling inCalalang v. Lorenzo (97 Phil. 212 [1951]) where it was held that

    motor vehicle registration fees are in reality taxes from the payment of which PALis exempt by virtue of its legislative franchise.

    Appellee Edu denied the request for refund basing his action on the decision

    inRepublic v. Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc., (32 SCRA 211, March 30, 1970)

    to the effect that motor vehicle registration fees are regulatory exactions and not

    revenue measures and, therefore, do not come within the exemption granted to

    PAL under its franchise. Hence, PAL filed the complaint against Land

    Transportation Commissioner Romeo F. Edu and National Treasurer Ubaldo

    Carbonell with the Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch 18 where it was

    docketed as Civil Case No. Q-15862.

    Appellee Romeo F. Edu, in his capacity as LTC Commissioner, and Ubaldo

    Carbonell, in his capacity as National Treasurer, filed a motion to dismiss alleging

    that the complaint states no cause of action. In support of the motion to dismiss,

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    defendants reiterated the ruling inRepublic v. Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc.,

    (supra) that registration fees of motor vehicles are not taxes, but regulatory fees

    imposed as an incident of the exercise of the police power of the state. They

    contended that while Act 4271 exempts PAL from the payment of any tax except

    two per cent on its gross revenue or earnings, it does not exempt the plaintiff from

    paying regulatory fees, such as motor vehicle registration fees. The resolution of

    the motion to dismiss was deferred by the Court until after trial on the merits.

    On April 24, 1973, the trial court rendered a decision dismissing the appellant's

    complaint "guided by the later ruling laid down by the Supreme Court in the case

    ofRepublic v. Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. (supra)." From this judgment, PAL

    appealed to the Court of Appeals which certified the case to us.

    Calalang v. Lorenzo (supra) andRepublic v. Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines,

    Inc. (supra) cited by PAL and Commissioner Romeo F. Edu respectively, discuss

    the main points of contention in the case at bar.

    Resolving the issue in thePhilippine Rabbit case, this Court held:

    "The registration fee which defendant-appellee had to pay was imposed

    by Section 8 of the Revised Motor Vehicle Law (Republic Act No.

    587 [1950]). Its heading speaks of 'registration fees.' The term isrepeated four times in the body thereof. Equally so, mention is made of

    the 'fee for registration.' (Ibid., Subsection G) A subsection starts with a

    categorical statement 'No fees shall be charged.' (Ibid., Subsection H)

    The conclusion is difficult to resist therefore that the Motor Vehicle Act

    requires the payment not of a tax but of a registration fee under the

    police power. Hence the inapplicability of the section relied upon by

    defendant-appellee under the Back Pay Law. It is not held liable for a tax

    but for a registration fee. It therefore cannot make use of a backpay

    certificate to meet such an obligation.


    "Any vestige of any doubt as to the correctness of the above conclusion

    should be dissipated by Republic Act No. 5448. ([1968]. Section 3

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    thereof as to the imposition of additional tax on privately-owned

    passenger automobiles, motorcycles and scooters was amended

    by Republic Act No. 5470 which is (sic) approved on May 30, 1969.) A

    special science fund was thereby created and its title expressly sets forth

    that a tax on privately-owned passenger automobiles, motorcycles and

    scooters was imposed. The rates thereof were provided for in its Section

    3 which clearly specifies that 'additional tax' was to be paid as

    distinguished from the registration fee under the Motor Vehicle Act.

    There cannot be any clearer expression therefore of the legislative will,

    even on the assumption that the earlier legislation could by stretching the

    point be susceptible of the interpretation that a tax rather than a fee was

    levied. What is thus most apparent is that where the legislative bodyrelies on its authority to tax it expressly so states, and where it is

    enacting a regulatory measure, it is equally explicit." (at p. 216)

    In direct refutation is the ruling inCalalang v.Lorenzo (supra), where the Court,

    on the other hand, held:

    "The charges prescribed by the Revised Motor Vehicle Law for the

    registration of motor vehicles are in section 8 of that law called 'fees.' But

    the appellation is no impediment to their being considered taxes if taxes

    they really are. For not the name but the object of the charge determines

    whether it is a tax or a fee. Generally speaking, taxes are for revenue,

    whereas fees are exactions for purposes of regulation and inspection

    and are for that reason limited in amount to what is necessary to cover

    the cost of the services rendered in that connection. Hence, 'a charge

    fixed by statute for the service to be performed by an officer, where the

    charge has no relation to the value of the services performed and where

    the amount collected eventually finds its way into the treasury of the

    branch of the government whose officer or officers collected the charge,

    is not a fee but a tax.' (Cooley on Taxation, Vol. 1, 4th ed., p. 110.)

    "From the data submitted in the court below, it appears that the

    expenditures of the Motor Vehicle Office are but a small portion — about

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    5 per centum — of the total collections from motor vehicle registration

    fees. And as proof that the money collected is not intended for the

    expenditures of that office, the law itself provides that all such money

    shall accrue to the funds for the construction and maintenance of public

    roads, streets and bridges. It is thus obvious that the fees are not

    collected for regulatory purposes, that is to say, as an incident to the

    enforcement of regulations governing the operation of motor vehicles on

    public highways, for their express object is to provide revenue with which

    the Government is to discharge one of its principal functions — the

    construction and maintenance of public highways for everybody's use.

    They are veritable taxes, not merely fees.cdphil

    "As a matter of fact, the Revised Motor Vehicle Law itself now regards

    those fees as taxes, for it provides that 'no other taxes or fees than those

    prescribed in this Act shall be imposed,' thus implying that the charges

    therein imposed — though called fees — are of the category of taxes.

    The provision is contained in section 70, of subsection (b), of the law, as

    amended by section 17 of Republic Act 587, which reads:

    "'Sec. 70 (b) No other taxes or fees than those prescribed

    in this Act shall be imposed for the registration or operation or on

    the ownership of any motor vehicle, or for the exercise of the

    profession of chauffeur, by any municipal corporation, the

    provisions of any city charter to the contrary

    notwithstanding:Provided, however, That any provincial board,

    city or municipal council or board, or other competent authority

    may exact and collect such reasonable and equitable toll fees for

    the use of such bridges and ferries, within their respective

     jurisdiction, as may be authorized and approved by the Secretary

    of Public Works and Communications, and also for the use of

    such public roads, as may be authorized by the President of the

    Philippines upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Public

    Works and Communications, but in none of these cases, shall any

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    toll fees be charged or collected until and unless the approved

    schedule of tolls shall have been posted legibly in a conspicuous

    place at such toll station.'" (at pp. 213-214)

    Motor vehicle registration fees were matters originally governed by the RevisedMotor Vehicle Law (Act 3992 [1932] as amended by Commonwealth Act 123 and

    Republic Acts Nos. 587 and 1603).LibLex

    Today, the matter is governed by Rep. Act 4136 [1964] otherwise known as

    the Land Transportation Code, (as amended by Rep. Acts Nos. 5715 and 6374,

    P.D. Nos. 382, 843, 896, 1057 and BP Blg. 43, 74 and 398).

    Section 73 of Commonwealth Act 123 (which amended Sec. 73 of Act 3992 and

    remained unrevised by Rep. Act Nos. 587 and 1603) states:

    Section 73.Disposal of moneys collected. — Twenty per centum of the

    money collected under the provisions of this Act shall accrue to the road

    and bridge funds of the different provinces and chartered cities in

    proportion to the cedula sales during the next previous year and the

    remaining eighty per centum shall be deposited in the Philippine

    Treasury to create a special fund for the construction and maintenance

    of national and provincial roads and bridges, as well as the streets andbridges in the chartered cities to be alloted by the Secretary of Public

    Works and Communications for projects recommended by the Director of

    Public Works in the different provinces and chartered cities . . ."

    Presently, Sec. 61 of the Land Transportation and Traffic Code provides:

    "Sec. 61.Disposal of Monies Collected. — Monies collected under the

    provisions of this Act shall be deposited in a special trust account in the

    National Treasury to constitute the Highway Special Fund, which shall beapportioned and expended in accordance with the provisions of the

    'Philippine Highway Act of 1935.' Provided, however, That the amount

    necessary to maintain and equip the Land Transportation Commission

    but not to exceed twenty per cent of the total collection during one year,

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    shall be set aside for the purpose. (As amended by RA 6374, approved

    August 6 1971)."

    It appears clear from the above provisions that the legislative intent and purpose

    behind the law requiring owners of vehicles to pay for their registration is mainlyto raise funds for the construction and maintenance of highways and to a much

    lesser degree, pay for the operating expenses of the administering agency. On