Page 1: Tasks and Assessments:Simplified Characters Versus Traditional Characters

Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters,

Which One is for Me?

Draft Performance Assessment

by Lee Kerk and Sheng-Yin LinOctober 11, 2014

Page 2: Tasks and Assessments:Simplified Characters Versus Traditional Characters

ObjectiveConstructive Response:

● to reflect their learning process● to analyze data from various experiments

Curriculum Embedded Experiments: on both simplified and traditional character

● Test speed of recognizing ● Test comfortable level of writing ● Test depth of comprehension

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Task 1: Constructive Response

You are in a Summer Camp in Singapore and the coaches want to know your experience with Chinese. Please write a paragraph about 100 characters to share with them how you grow up learning Chinese. Your writing may include, but not limit to, information about your family background, when and how you started learning Chinese, what writing system you start with or use, etc.

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Checklist:__ amount of information: ~100 characters__ completion of task: in 10 minutes__ comprehensibility:

__ legibility __ sentence structure__ organization of ideas:

__ required elements & vocabulary words__ logical flow of thought

Task 1: Constructive Response

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Task 2 (Experiment 1): Reading Fluency

● students will do timed reading in both simplified and traditional characters on the same paragraph.

● Four paragraphs in all. Each time alternate the order of reading text in simplified or traditional character first. For example, read paragraph 1 in simplified characters first, then read it in traditional characters. Next time, read paragraph 2 in traditional characters first, then in simplified characters.

● Record the time of each reading on the chart.

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My Timed Reading Record Chart

Reading:● Remember to read

the text every day/night.

● Read the same text, simplified first then traditional or vice versa.

● Reverse the order your start reading the next day/night.

Charting: ● Start with the minute,

and label the time in the intervals of 5 seconds.

● Remember to mark the reading time in red line for simplified character, and blue line in traditional character.

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__ Record for four days.__ Record time and make chart.__ Record number of unknown words.__ Record texts in simplified/traditional character.

(Red shows text in simplified and blue shows text in traditional character.)

Task 2 (Experiment 1): Reading Fluency

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Experiment 1: Reading Aloud text 1常聽人提起「早飯吃得飽、午飯吃得好、晚飯吃得少」,我認為退休後的老年人和還沒進幼兒園的小朋友比較適用,對生活在朝九晚五的大多數人來說,根本不適合。為什麼這樣說呢?先看第一句「早飯吃得飽」。現代人睡眠時間不足,多數人不願花時間吃早飯,要想吃得飽還真不容易。但如果真把早飯吃得很飽,是非常有害的。但是有的人長年不吃早飯,這種習慣會影響人體對營養的要求,對肝臟特別不好。所以應該改為「早飯吃到老」,建議大家吃點豆漿、麵食之類容易消化的食物,千萬不要不吃早飯。

( 224 字)

“常听人提起 早饭吃得饱、午饭吃得好、晚饭吃” 得少 ,我认为退休后的老年人和还没进幼儿园


“ ”为什么这样说呢?先看第一句 早饭吃得饱 。现代人睡眠时间不足,多数人不愿花时间吃早饭,要想吃得饱还真不容易。但如果真把早饭吃得很饱,是非常有害的。但是有的人长年不吃早饭,这种习惯会影响人体

对营养的要求,对肝脏特别不好。所以应该改为“ ”早饭吃到老 ,建议大家吃点豆浆、面食之类容易消化的食物,千万不要不吃早饭。

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Experiment 1: Reading Aloud text 2 小學生的造句作業--笑話集( 232字)

一直 ----上數學課,我畫了一直線。如果 ----罐頭不如果汁營養豐富。天真 ----今天真熱,是游泳的好日子。從容 ----我做事情,都是先從容易的做起。乾脆 ----餅乾脆脆的很好吃 !天才 ----我每隔一天才洗一次澡。人參 ----老師說明天每個人參加大隊接力的時候,一定要盡力跑。便當 ----小明把大便當做每天早上起床後第一件要做的事。從前 ----上課鈴打了,小明從前門進來。難過 ----我們家門前的大水溝很難過。十分 ----妹妹的數學只考十分,真丟臉。陸陸續續 ----晚上七點,爸爸陸陸續續地乘著地鐵下班回來了。

小学生的造句作业--笑话集( 232字)一直 ----上数学课,我画了一直线。如果 ----罐头不如果汁营养丰富。天真 ----今天真热,是游泳的好日子。从容 ----我做事情,都是先从容易的做起。干脆 ----饼干脆脆的很好吃 !天才 ----我每隔一天才洗一次澡。人参 ----老师说明天每个人参加大队接力的时候,一定要尽力跑。便当 ----小明把大便当做每天早上起床后第一件要做的事。从前 ----上课铃打了,小明从前门进来。难过 ----我们家门前的大水沟很难过。十分 ----妹妹的数学只考十分,真丢脸。陆陆续续 ----晚上七点,爸爸陆陆续续地乘着地铁下班回来了。

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Experiment 1: Reading Aloud text 3心愛的寵物狗「艾比」去世,小女孩梅爾

迪絲 (Meredith)寫信給上帝請祂照顧小狗,還收到天使的回信。底下是小女孩的信。



過了兩週以後,梅爾迪絲家門口收到一個金色的包裹,寄件人是「上帝派來的一個特殊天使」,裡面有一本書《當寵物過世》 (When a Pet Die)和一封粉紅色信紙的信。

( 244 字)

心爱的宠物狗「艾比」去世,小女孩梅尔迪丝 (Meredith)写信给上帝请祂照顾小狗,还收到天使的回信。底下是小女孩的信。




过了两周以后,梅尔迪丝家门口收到一个金色的包裹,寄件人是「上帝派来的一个特殊天使」,里面有一本书《当宠物过世》 (When a Pet Die)和一封粉红色信纸的信。

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Experiment 1: Reading Aloud text 4亲爱的梅尔迪丝:


──我这里,就像永远留在妳的心里一样 健康、年轻、爱跑爱玩;还有,不用我說妳一定也知



( 244 字)



──我這裡,就像永遠留在妳的心裡一樣 健康、年輕、愛跑愛玩;還有,不用我說妳一定也知道,艾比也很榮幸成為妳們家的狗。


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Task 3 (Experiment 2-1):Quick Write in Simplified Character

Prompt 1: You will be attending an overnight Chinese Camp next weekend. You are asked to talk about your accomplishments and/or challenges in learning Chinese with supporting details and examples. Use simplified characters to write at least 100 characters. Use pinyin when you do not know how to write the characters. Amount of information, organization of ideas, accuracy of characters will be assessed. Finish the task in 10 minutes.

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Task 3 (Experiment 2-2): Quick Write in traditional Character

Prompt 2: You will be attending an overnight Chinese Camp next weekend. You are asked to write about your family and language background. Use traditional characters to write a complete paragraph about 100 characters. Use pinyin when you do not know how to write the characters. Amount of information, organization of ideas, accuracy of characters will be assessed. Finish the task in 10 minutes.

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Checklist:__ amount of information: ~15 sentences__ completion of task: in 10 minutes__ comprehensibility:

__ legibility __ correct use of required characters, ____ errors__ organization of ideas:

__ required elements & vocabulary words__ logical flow of thought

Task 3 (Experiment 2): Quick Write in simplified/traditional Character

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Task 4 (Experiment 3): Reading Level

● Students are to self-select two books about 100 pages long or two articles about 500 characters at their reading level: one in simplified character and the other in traditional character.

● Complete the reading log to show understanding.● Analyze the discrepancy of the reading level between

the took books/articles, if any.

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__ Completion of task: reading logs__ Completion of task: reflection of discrepancy__ Reflection:

__ compare the reading level__ support your reasoning__ choice of character system

Task 4 (Experiment 3): Reading Level

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Task 5 Constructive Response Performance Assessment

Based on the analysis of reading and writing data and guided reflection, identify if you are a better reader and writer in simplified and/or traditional characters. Decide which character system you will use based on your learning needs. Justify your choice with clear reason and relevant evidence. If you choose to use both character systems, justify your choice too. Argument, evidence, analysis, organization and convention will be assessed.

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Domain Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced

Argument Argument and conclusions are unclear or absent.

Makes a somewhat clear argument and draws superficial conclusions.

Makes a clear argument and draws broad conclusions.

Makes a well developed argument and draw meaningful conclusions.

Evidence States, but not explain evidence.

States a general difference in perspectives.

States some major difference in perspectives.

Enlists varying perspectives.

Analysis Restates information from single source.

Restates information from multiple sources.

Summarize evidence from multiple sources.

Synthesizes evidence from multiple sources.

Organization Ideas are underdeveloped, or loosely sequenced.

Ideas are organized, but not logically sequenced.

Ideas are organized, and logically sequenced.

Ideas are well developed, and sequenced smoothly.

Conventions Has serious errors in character or syntax that interferes with meaning.

Has minor errors in character or syntax that distract meaning.

Has minor errors in character or syntax that do not distract meaning.

Is free from errors and easy to understand the writing.

Task 5 Constructive Response Performance Assessment-Rubric

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Task 6 Presentation/SpeechPerformance Assessment

Present your choice of character system in front of the class or video tape a two-minute speech and share with the teacher. Pronunciation and tones, posture, eye contact, volume and pacing will be assessed.

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Emerging E/D Developing D/P Proficient P/A Advanced

Pronunciation and tones

Pronunciation and tones affects comprehensibility of presentation

Speaking is somewhat clear , and hard to follow

Speaking is generally clear, fluid, and easy to follow

Speaking is consistently clear, fluid, and easy to follow

Presentational skills:Posture and gestures Eye Contact Volume Pacing

Lacks control of body posture and gestures Does not make eye contact Too soft to be heard by all audience Pacing of the presentation is too slow or too rushed

Demonstrates some control of body posture and gestures Makes some eye contact Loud enough to be heard by some audience Keeps appropriate pacing some of the time

Stands up straight and demonstrates appropriate gestures Establishes eye contact with everyone most of the time Loud enough to be heard by all audience most of the time Keeps appropriate pacingmost of the time

Stands up straight and looks confident and relaxed Establishes eye contact with everyone throughout the presentation Loud enough to be heard by all audience throughout the presentation Keeps pacing in a way that engages the audience

Oral Presentation Rubric
