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Jess Britton

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P O S T E R / B O O K M A R K I D E A

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Leaflet Idea

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Background Idea

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For the first idea I thought it would help the campaign if the design was quite simple, so I created a layout that

matched this. The colours that have been used are quite upbeat, there are only three colours that have been use,

yellow, pink and orange, and these project the idea of optimism and upbeat stories. I thought that using these

colours, and making the design quite simple, would appeal to a lot of people. This might appeal to people more

because the colours are quite eye catching; meaning that the message would be able to be portrayed clearly. This

would help my campaign because it would draw in the viewers eye, and if the message is short and punchy, then

people are more likely to take it in. I decided however that I needed to see what else I could use for my campaigns,

so I decided to find an image on the internet that looked quite old and textured. This image would appeal to people

because its different, its even more eye catching then the first example and it looks like it would portray the

message of homelessness better. Since these were just ideas I found another image on the internet, made the

colours mainly green and white, and used this for the background of a billboard. I found that this idea would work

well, but it wouldn’t particularly match the message of the campaigns. The last background idea that I did, I chose

to look at other images that would match the second example. I found this old, worn looking image on Google and I

decided to make it into a billboard. I did this to show that I could have similar looking products that would work as

a set. Then I decided to try some copy ideas, the first one shows the first background idea that I made, with an

actual story from the SASH website. This would be a good idea to use because the message would be clear and

easily readable, and since the font is clear that people would be more open to reading it. The second example that I

made was quite different to the rest, the background image matched the copy, which gave me the idea of using

proper photographs, and linking the message in with that.