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Page 1: Task 3 existing products

Existing Products

Page 2: Task 3 existing products

Layout: The layout is very simple but effective as it get straight to the point. The front of the card has a full page view image and a title and a logo of the company. It is very simple but the image quickly stands out. The back of the card is still simple but with more information it looks busier. Ingredients are mentioned first so you can prepare before the method. I do like how at the top in the banner it tells you how many the tart will serve, how long it will take to prepare and cook. This stands out so you are not wasting time trying to find how long it will take you and with the quick preparing time this is a good recipe for people who have a busy work or family life as it is aimed towards adults. I do not like the way the logo at the back of the card is set in the middle of a blank space and it has been turned on an angle. It do not look professional, it could have been set in a better place and looked more professional. The way the title has been repeated on the back of the recipe card in italics racing down the side of the page makes it look more sophisticated but using a grid it could be fitted on the page better. There is a lot of white space that makes the card look empty. Things could have been set out better. But overall a simple layout can make it more appealing to a person

who doesn’t have a lot of time.Colour Scheme: The main banner colour is a deep green. The green could represent the green lifestyle in a vegetarians diet so vegetarians know this recipe is aimed towards them as the Vegetarian Society’s logo is printed towards the bottom and nothing else suggests it is for vegetarians. The red from the tart contrasts with the green making the tart stand out and look more appealing. The colours seem very seasonal, but a raspberry tart for me would be a summer treat, that is why I am not a fan of the choice of the colour scheme.

Image: The image has been taken with a wider aperture which gives the photo a shallow depth of field, this style of photograph is used to accentuate the meal and make it stand out from its background. The image has purposely been centred to over the whole page to make it look appealing and so it instantly catches your eye. I like having the dessert centred in the middle so you can see the whole meal but some recipe cards I have previously seen takes the food slightly off centre but I feel this is less effective. There is a smaller image on the back which does this. But because it is on the back of the card a smaller off-centre image is appropriate as it shows, in detail, what the tart looks closer up.

Writing Style: The method is written in a formal style to inform you in a well mannered way. The ingredients section gets straight to the point with the measurements and one or two words next to it. A 4-step-method makes it look achievable to anyone, but when reading the instructions it places several steps in one step and could complicate some people.

Font: This recipe card only uses simple fonts such as Arial. There is not a lot of huge variety in size, just the headings are made bigger but this gives a running theme all the way through recipe card making it consistent. Inverse colours have been used on the dark green banner but other than that there is no other colour change on the fonts. They have stuck to a very simple and specific theme throughout the card and their other recipe cards.

Page 3: Task 3 existing products

Layout: This recipe card has a well presented method in a separate box to make it stand out and again the step-by-step situation is again used to make it logical and easy to understand and follow. There is a large photograph on the front of the page which is set in a box, I do not like this layout as it looks unprofessional and comical. The way the background has graffiti/splats of paint/shapes all over it it could show it is for teenagers and university students to make it more up to date with their scene. It has used grids to set it out professionally on the second page, it is easy to read and find the information you need quickly. Again this recipe card has quickly told the audience how long it will take to prepare and to cook which shows it is aimed towards a busy audience.

Colour Scheme: The colour scheme is quite bright on this recipe card. The reds and pinks could represent if the tortilla is spicy and hot, this can also link with the cut out of the chili pepper representing the spicy taste. The pink can also be gender represented towards girls as it could be something women would like to make. The pink contrasts with the white and the peach box lets the method stand out because of the black font. This has all been thought out carefully to make certain parts stand out over others.

Image: A large image of the food is placed in the centre of a frame. This frame has also got a shadow underneath it to make it look like its 3D and it stands out from the flat page. Personally I do not like this effect, although it makes it stand out, the border looks overpowering and the 3D shadow effect looks too much and takes the attention away from the food with all the graphic effects on the page. The image itself does not show a full view of the tortilla’s which I think a recipe card should show on the front cover. They have cropped the image in at the sides, although it does focus in to the meal in more detail it doesn’t look professional. From the way the photograph has been taken and the graphics being used you can tell this is not aimed towards business men and women but probably for new university students trying to learn to cook something new while living on their own therefore the bright colours and graphic will grab their attention and make it look more appetizing.

Content: On the back of the card it has a method box named “How to make it…”, this is written in a typical step-by-step method which is popular on recipe cards so they are easy to follow and make. Next to the method on the right is what you need to make the mexi baked tortillas. This is written in a list, like a shopping

so it is easy to collect and find the ingredients. The content is

all easy to read and in a step-by-step format

which is common to see on

recipe cards. Font: A simple house font is used on the front and back which is a san serif font. It helps to navigate your way through the page and understand all the elements, some words are highlighted bold or used a bigger font. This is to draw attention to a particular section. Sans serif refers to the simplicity of the recipe and it gives a modern look that would attract a younger audience.

Writing Style: The style it is written in is slightly informal but also informing you on what to do next but in a quick, short way. This is so the younger audience can quickly prepare and make this recipe without harsh orders, but being softly told what to do they are more likely willing to do it, especially if it is aimed towards teenagers.

Page 4: Task 3 existing products

Layout: This is just a single page recipe card, although it goes against what I have been told to do on the brief but I feel like the layout of the recipe card is very interesting. There is a lot going on on the page but they way it has been laid out it doesn't look messy or unprofessional. A large header is placed in a long banner across the page, this instantly shows who the recipe is for-a family. There is a sub-heading for the name of the recipe underneath the banner but on top of the image. To me it looks a bit odd, like it is floating but it does inform you on what the image is showing. A white banner down the side shows the ingredients you will need and even the price as itis a Sainsbury special recipe card. This is a great feature as you know you will be able to go to Sainsbury and find all these ingredients and at the bottom of the page it says how much the total will be. The layout is easy to read and understand quickly, but it does not show the method, this would either be printed on the back of the card or the method will be interactively online. This isthe only fault I found with the layout on this card.

Colour Scheme: There are a lot of warm colours on this recipe card which represents the honey and roasted vegetables in the recipe and how warm the food should taste. The colour orange represents the common and familiar colour that represents Sainsbury. Sainsbury’s use orange on all their own branded food and products including plastic bags and on each TV or poster advert the same orange is used. They don’t need to have a large logo on the front of products because of the same colour being placed on every product of their own. This has become a base colour and everyone associates Sainsbury’s with this colour.

Image: The image is well presented in the warm colours that consist throughout the whole recipe card. The photograph has been taken with a wide aperture that gives the photo a shallow depth of field, this effect is to highlight the meal and to focus straight on the food on the plate and nothing else. This is used a lot in recipe card photographs. The food is highlighted well with the lighting, aperture and the positioning. There is a lot of empty space on the top of the picture but this is not bad as it elongates the poster and the title of the recipe is placed over it which takes over the empty space. There are cut out images of the food, this is a great way for you to know what you need to buy and you can go into Sainsbury’s and find the product easier due to the images on the recipe card. I like this cut out effect as it looks professional for this type of recipe card and helps a busy parent be able to find the product quickly in the shop if they have an image and information to look at.

Font: The font is in a fun and, could be seen as a childish font as it is not all on one line, and the widths of the letters are all in different shapes. The font makes it look fun and appeals to families, this could introduce young children to cook with their parents. A simple san serif font is easy to read therefore this is used for the ingredients so you can read what you will need easily. There is no complications as it is easy to read but the family friendly wording is written in a bubbly style.

Writing Style: It is all very family friendly and very casual. It does not implicate orders or instructions which is unusual for a recipe card. It is very sort sentences or you could even call them just label, there is not long paragraphs or instructions. The short amount of information on the recipe card does promote Sainsbury’s food and the shop more than helping family cook this meal. But the method could be found on their website which gives the card more space to promote their own products.

Overall Appearance: The over all appeal looks family friendly and easy to make. The fonts make it light hearted while the image looks very professional and appetizing. It clearly shows who the company is who is advertising this recipe card, and not just because of the logo but of the orange and the warm colours within. The warm colours make it look friendly and pleasant. It brings a friendly audience in and it all looks comfortable to make and produce. It is a cheap and easy way to make a family meal and this is what people want in this day and age because of the existing credit crunch.

Page 5: Task 3 existing products

Layout: The layout of this recipe card is very plain and simple it follows a rectangular layout and everything is straight and in line with each other. I would not say that the layout of this card is very creative as it does not explore different layout options by having text and images in more random places. I do think that in some ways the layout is good because the recipe car is not fussy and it gets straight to the point. It clearly shows the ingredients, method and the food when it has been prepared. This is good to have the food big on the front of the card. This attracts people to the read the back of the card.

Use of font: The font on the recipe card is again very plain and simple this is effective because it makes the text really easy to understand. There is one piece of fancy writing going vertical across the back of the card and this is effective as it makes the recipe card that bit more sophisticated and special. The main text is in a simple font of Century Gothic. ‘The font used.’ As you can see this font has spaces and is not joined up which makes it easy for the audience to read.

Colour Scheme: The colour scheme of this work is green and white. I think these are really affective colours for the purpose of the recipe card. The recipe card is for vegetarians and green is the main colour that you associate with vegetables and vegetarians. The white breaks the green up and uses contrast between the two colours.

This is effective because It represents the vegetarian company. The white title and the small bit of information really stands out behind the green background this is effective because it attracts people to look at the recipe card.

Image: Looking at the image they have taken a picture of the actual food dish all prepared. I think this is effective because the audience can actually see what the food looks like. This image has been edited in post production to perfect it. The contrast has been edited so the shadow parts are darker than the light part this make the food stand out more. The background of the image has been blurred and again this make the bowl stand out. I think the image looks very professional. There is a smaller image on the back and this focuses more of the soup with a zoomed in picture I think this is effective because it shows the food dish in more detail. The darker more luxury colours of the image make the card look more elegant and of high-class

Overall Appeal: The overall appeal of this recipe card is a a modern and simple set of instructions. It is a simple design which follows the simple recipe. It would appeal to an older adult audience because of the lack of colour and patterns. It is hard to say what specific gender this would be aimed at because it uses unisex colours. It is very apparent this recipe would not be aimed at children because it is very plain and children would not appreciate the simplicity of this product. This card is straight forward and states clearly the methods and ingredients including a lot of white space around each part of the text so it is all spread out and readable.

Page 6: Task 3 existing products

Layout: The layout of this recipe card has a lot more going on than the last recipe card. This layout is a lot less plain and rectangular like. The main picture is on the front then the on the back consists of the text and animated images that are linked with the theme of the card. The ingredients and method are in columns on the back of the card. Which is simple to read and is in some kind of order. The layout is effective like this because it is organized and is a lot more interesting than the last recipe card layout. It is interesting because it consists of a lot more graphics and images than the other layout. It follows the same with the picture on the front an text on the back but this is an effective part of the layout because having the image big on the front to entice people. Use of font: The font is quite plain and is a serif font to promote the theme that this recipe card is following which Christmas is very traditional and the font demonstrates this. The font is purple is represents Christmas as the theme of the card is Christmas and purple is a Christmas colour. The font is in centaury schoolbook font this spaced out and is easy to read for people. There is not any fancy writing because this kind of font may use more space with the bigger letters and may be harder for the people to read . The font used is really effective because it relates to the theme of the card and is a lot more simple and it’s not that plain its still sophisticated like.

Colour Scheme: The colours of this recipe card are winter/cool colours such as purple, white and different shades of grey. The colours compliment each other and they are contrast so your able to see the writing clearly. It uses a light background and dark text so the text contrasts'

and stands out. The colours are light and link with the colouring on the image with the light white background behind the pie. The white aspect of the recipe card represents snow which is another convention of Christmas, Overall the colour scheme follows a Christmas theme.

Image: This card consists of two images one on the front and one on the back. The image on the front is a larger image than the one on the back and that is there to demonstrate what the food dish looks like when it is cooked. The image has been taken with an aperture shot because the background is slightly out of shot compared to the foreground. This has been done for a purpose to make the foreground image stand out more. The back of the card image is a smaller version and this has been surrounded with a graphic of a Christmas bauble to follow the Christmas theme running through the work. The graphics on the card are Christmas baubles to represent the link to the Christmas pie. This is effective because it shows creativity of the card and makes it more interesting and gets you in to a Christmas spirit.

Overall appeal: The Overall appeal of this card is that its Christmas dish so the card has a Christmassy theme. It is a modern but traditional like recipe card which uses conventional aspects of Christmas in the colours and images. It shows the image of the finished product on the front to entice people to want to make it. It also shows the company responsible for the recipe card. The back shows clearly the instructions for the recipe and they show this in an easy way for children to follow as well. The colour scheme attracts people to read the recipe and the traditional writing style and font makes it easy to understand and puts that Christmas traditional value to the work. Overall all of the features of this recipe card makes it very easy to read and understand and is visually enjoyable as well. This recipe card can be aimed at a wide age range because it has children's features like graphics and easy writing and also is sophisticated enough for an adult to enjoy.

Page 7: Task 3 existing products

Layout: The layout of this recipe card is a lot more creative than other cards that I have annotated. This card has a layout which includes a large image on one side and the text on the the other side. Then a border is around all the content on the inside of the card. This is effective because it makes the recipe card a lot more interesting to look at. The text is all at a slant which is creative and makes the card look funky and modern. I like that the text has not been placed in straight column because this makes it a lot more interesting for children to look at. The layout links with who the card could be aimed at. Its apparent that the card is aimed at children so to create a interesting and imaginative layout to the work is effective towards children as they will find it less boring to look at. The layout is organized so everything is easy to read and everything has an order on the card. Use of font: The font on this card is child like as you can see. It is spaced out and it looks like a child has maybe painted the letters on the card by the splongyness of the font. The font is easy to read for children to be able to read what the card says. They use all capital letters which also makes it easy reading for the audience to read. The font is in different colours the breaks up the text for younger children to read. It headlines the different sections and highlights any important parts in which the children need to see for example ‘serve with topped tomato and cucumber salad’ this is effective because thought the font this creates the child like behavior almost as like a child made the card. Its appropriate towards a child.

Colour scheme: The colour scheme of this recipe card is earth like colours like green and brown and mustard. There are many different types of colours of green like light green and dark green which are rural and natural colours which reflect on the theme of the food. As it is a vegetarian dish the green represents this and as the food is more natural that’s why natural colours have been used. These colours and bright and look modern and stand out which gets the attention of children. As this is aimed it is aimed at children it is important that bright colours are used and a lot of colours to make the card look appealing to their younger audience and it has done this very well.

Image: The image is on one side on the card and it is large so it takes up the whole side. The image shows half of the dish and half of how you can use the dish. It has been taken with an aperture shot because the background behind the dish is slightly blurred out. The foreground is bright and this is to attract children who are wanting to make this. They have made the image of the dish as perfect as possible and this is to inspire the audience to want to make the dish look that good. The image is so big to get the audiences attention and it is covered in a cloud like border to separate the text with the writing and I think this is very effective as it makes the image look very creative and it makes the

Overall appearance: The overall appearance of this work is mainly based for children or a younger generation. The appearance is very child like and earth and rural with reflections to mud and earth. I think the way they have made it childlike is very interesting because they have followed a more minimal modern kind of child theme. They have not made it really fussy and right in your face it is just cute and fun. It is clear that it is aimed at a younger generation and I don’t think that an adult would appreciate the deign as much as a child would because its not that sophisticated and grown up. The way is very minimal is effective as it is easy for children to follow and there is not that much right so children will find it easy to be able to read and perform. I really like this deign for children because it is something original and cute to work from.

Page 8: Task 3 existing products

As we annotated each recipe card we noticed a similar house style but regarding to who they are aimed at they all have a large picture of the food on the front of the recipe card while the back informs and instructs the audience on the method. Each recipe card uses a font that is easy to read but if it is targeted for kids the font will be slightly larger and brighter. Each uses the same kind of colour scheme, these are usually primary and secondary colours. The aspects we would like to work with will be experimenting with different fonts, and we are looking to work with different colours and different layouts. From looking at each recipe card we have decided that we are going to explore with something that is more creative and create something that’s more original than the ones we have annotated.