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Page 1: Target audience profile

Lewis BrownLewis Brown

Page 2: Target audience profile

Demographics of a target audience include the following:

AgeGender Location/EthnicitySocio-Economic Class Languages


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The age of my target audience would be 16 and above because this is the most common age of EDM fans. Some of the lyrics used in EDM can be unsuitable for younger audiences, therefore my magazine would not be appropriate for anyone under the age of 16 in my opinion.

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My magazine is aimed at both genders as dance music is not aimed at a specific audience. However, my product may be more popular with males because of the aggressive nature of various dance artists and sub-genres of EDM such as Dubstep which focuses on hard hitting, violent sounds as opposed to more feminine genres like Pop that are much more light-hearted.

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I want my target audience to be from all over Britain, not just a specific area in the country as I believe EDM is very popular in Britain in a huge variety of cities and towns where there are several dance music events in nightclubs and festivals.

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Socio-Economic Class

I want my target audience’s socio economic class to be from around the E or D groups as these tend to be students and lower-paid workers, which is what I want my magazine to be mainly aimed at as I believe they can afford my magazine (priced at around £2.00 to £2.99). Also, students are the most popular audience of EDM from my own experience so the classes D and E would be suitable for my magazine.

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In addition to demographics, I can also state the psychographics of my target audience which include:

Personality/Lifestyle Interests Buying habits


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Firstly I would like my target audience to enjoy the EDM genre, but they should also enjoy partying (not necessarily drinking as my target audience age group starts at 16) and socializing with friends, sharing their music interests with them. They may also have a carefree attitude, with hedonistic ideologies on life, and I plan to use language that suits this personality in my magazine. My audience should also enjoy social networking, for example showing their love for their favourite EDM artists on sites such as Twitter and Facebook.They could also enjoy producing music themselves and I plan to have tutorials in my magazine for creating music on computer software that they can relate to these features and be educated by them. Finally, their buying habits would be mainly concert tickets, albums and possibly music production software.

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This is Tommy, he has just turned 18 and is staying at a University in London studying Music Technology. Tommy was born in the UK and has a part time job at his local supermarket. On the weekend, Tommy loves going to nightclubs with friends from his University and going to concerts where his favourite EDM artists such as Deadmau5 and Skrillex perform.Tommy would be interested in my music magazine as he is likes to produce his own music on his laptop and would benefit from the music software tutorials that it provides.Tommy is an example of a stereotypical reader of my magazine.

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