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Cameron Colquhoun Target Audience

The Target Demographic

Age: Young adults (16-19) as they are still coming to terms with developing an identity for themselves but are clear with what they like and what they do not.

Gender: Mixed gender- leading to quite a wide audience as Indie Folk is becoming a more popular genre but slightly more females.

Stage of life: Majority in education or going onto employment.



Music taken in through:

Live Concerts Spotify Vinyl and Record Players CDs

Magazines that target audience may like:


Cameron Colquhoun Target Audience

- INDIE- Blogs

Name: Marcus

Age: 18

Employment: In education but has a part time job at fashion store

Hobbies: Goes to local “gigs”, plays acoustic guitar and reads a lot of up to date music magazines

Loves idolising great acoustic players such as Jose Gonzalez and old greats guitar players going to heavier rock such as Jimi Hendrix.

Follows a lot of other bands such as Of Monsters and Men and likes listening to Arctic Monkeys and The Black Keys.

This is based on a stereotype, it is apparent that the target audience of Indie-folk is the hipster culture and how the following aspires to be part of that certain culture.

Both hipsters and indie are labels for different subcultures and the people who belong to that subculture. Each subculture has its own characteristics and freedom of expression through taste, preferences, attitude, and lifestyle.

“Both a hipster and an indie promote non-conformity, independence from the mainstream culture and thinking, creativity, and independence. The hipster subculture began in the 1940s born out of the Jazz Age. Hipsters are usually young adult men and women in their 20’s to their 30’s. They often wear clothes from vintage or thrift shops and have an androgynous hairstyle.

As people, hipsters are radically open-minded and considered pioneers or leaders in terms of cultural trends and ideas. Some even consider them as early adopters of an emerging culture. In line with this, they are considered to have an avant-garde attitude that often leads the mainstream into accepting new ideas and trends as well as lifestyles. Once a concept is adapted by the mainstream society, hipsters tend to abandon it and move to something new and improved.

Hipsters are often thought of as uneducated or rich people, but they are also well-educated. Some hipsters are graduates with liberal arts degrees or scientific degrees like math and science. Most of them work in an artistic environment in industries like music, fashion, film, and the like. In term of relationships, a hipster tends to mingle with their own. This is a result of their tendency to be conformists to their own culture and rejecting

Cameron Colquhoun Target Audience

people from the mainstream. They see mainstream people of the opposite sex as somewhat lacking in terms of self. Because of this, hipsters are often thought of as people with an attitude of irony and elitism.”

Read more: Difference between Hipster and Indie | Difference Between