  • To the Parole Board, Corrections Services Canada, etc.

    It is my understanding that Parole Board members have the duty and responsibility to ensure that no

    matter how many times we, as victims, pour out our heartfelt feelings, deep frustrations and extreme risk

    to us by this murderer, George Harding Lovie, the Board will bestow attention. The definition of a

    murderer is to kill another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating

    circumstance recognized by Law. This hearing process can never become mundane for you as civil

    servants of this country. Please do not become complacent and be sure to always read and absorb our

    statements with compassion as each and every one of them is extremely difficult to write. Please take the

    time to concentrate. Frustration comes to mind as we must constantly repeat how much this murderer has

    affected all of our lives and the citizens of our communities lives. As stated in the guidelines and criteria on how to write a victim impact statement that is recognized by governing bodies, continue to emphasis the importance that victims must continue each and every time to focus on how this heinous and

    gruesome crime has affected our lives, childrens lives and their childrens lives. Just being here today and the months leading up to this hearing, adds significant undue stress and anxiety. These statements are

    very difficult and involve great effort and hardship. How many different ways can we express how much

    emotional, physical and financial damage this offender has affected upon our family?

    What clearly comes to mind regarding George Harding Lovies intentions to continue to stalk and harm our family members is this: He had the opportunity to kill Myra James and Hughie Widdup and he did

    not think about pulling the trigger to murder them. Lovie tells the Hamilton Wentworth Police

    Department that when he was sitting in the Conservation Area outside of Binbrook, after he murdered

    Mom and Dad and attempted to kill Michele, Lovie briefly thought about shooting himself but did not.

    Why? Two reasons.FIRST ReasonHe had not completed the task that he set out to do which was to prey upon and kill more of the Edwards family .and Reason Number TWO-- Lovie is spineless.

    As a family we are constantly reminded of how this gruesome crime has impacted our lives, our

    childrens lives and will continue to do so. Please understand that there are no organizations that can help us with the grieving process. It is not like we lost our parents to a car accident on a snowy road. There is

    closure to that as it was an accident and the weather contributed to their demise. Now, to date, our

    situation still has no closure. We are reminded each and every day what kind of monster we are slaying.

    But please know that this practice will never grow old for us. We have no intention of going away. Our

    voices will continue to be heard forever.

    As for the Privacy Act, Lovie is protected by all of it. As a Parole Board you ask for all of us to disclose

    our medications such as high blood pressure, anti-depressant., etc. but Lovies information is confidential. What medication is has Lovie been prescribed over the last 24 years? How often does he consult a

    physiatrist? Is it an automatic from Corrections Service Canada that when you are incarcerated that

    service is free? What is disclosed on his reports? Does Lovie have congenital visits? How often does

    Lovies family come to the Muskokas to enjoy the incredible cabin life at Beaver Creek?

    George Harding Lovie refused to speak after cross examination at the murder trial and did not utter a

    word at his Parole Hearing in 2011 at this very institution. How can you possibly accept Lovie as

    creditable and truthful and that this offender is not a risk to our entire family and all society? He has not

    spoken a word in 24 years in front of anyone in this room so how can Lovie be deemed as rehabilitated?

    George Harding Lovie is morally wrong, demonstrates no shame, and undesirable to the customs of any


  • George Harding Lovie is a rapist, double murderer, liar and con man. He conned the Hamilton

    Wentworth Police into thinking that he was the innocent one while he was continually stalking Michele and casing Mom and Dads house. Lovie is also a thief especially one who intends to escape notice. He stole our parents lives, our childrens innocence, our livelihoods and most importantly the matriarchs of our family. Lovies actions robbed us from all future memories, Christmases, Mothers Days, Fathers Days, hockey tryouts and tournaments, baseball games in the front yard, birthdays, vacations, sleepovers,

    graduations, Grandmas favorite family recipes, new grandchildren and great grandchildren. Let me quote the Phantom of the Opera songChristina Wishing to hear your voice, feeling your hugs, No more memories, no more voices, never a chance to say good bye.

    When my husband played in the National Hockey League, there is a saying amongst teams that make the

    playoffs and are facing their opponents. It is written and spoken and the saying goes like thisNever let upKeep your foot on the Snake. That is what Lovie is--- a poisonous venomous snake the worst type of reptile. We will keep our foot on the snake and we will remain constant as this is about winning the battles to protect our familys lives and all people of Canada. Keep the animal locked up for life.

    As a family, we have not had any time to mourn.only time to continue our fight. We hope that you, as a group of professionals chosen to make executive and qualified decisions on behalf of the Parole Board

    and the citizens of Canada, come to an understanding and be of the same mind as us.

    Submitted by:

    Tannis Edwards

    May 25, 2015
