Page 2: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)


• Starting Questions• Sample Conversations

– (1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)– (2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)

• Vocabulary• Useful Expressions

– (1) Tourist Spots– (2) Local Specialties– (3) Activities People Can Do in Tamsui

• Activity• Discussion Questions• Reference

Page 3: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Starting Questions

• Have you ever been to Tamsui? How much do you like it?

• What do people usually go to Tamsui for?

• How can one get to Tamsui from FJU? How long would it take?

• What aspect(s) of Tamsui do you like the most? (historical sites, local specialties, beautiful views and etc.)

Page 4: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Sample Conversation (1): A Trip to Tamsui

Sara: Hey, Michael. I’m just thinking that since we have the whole day off tomorrow, why don’t we go to Tamsui for a trip?

Michael: Oh, come on. We’ve been there so many times. Don’t you feel tired of it?

Sara: Not at all. In fact, I miss the boat ride we had last time during sunset. It’s so romantic. Besides, I truly enjoy being away from the hustle and bustle of city life there. So I really hope you could take me there again tomorrow. By the way, I remember you like the food there, don’t you?

Michael: Yeah,that’s true. All right then. Let’s go to Tamsui tomorrow. But remember I’m doing this all because of you.

Page 5: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Sample Conversation (2):One-Day Tour to Tamsui

Carrie: Hey, John. What’re you going to do this Saturday? My friends and I are going to Tamsui then. Wanna join us?

John: Actually, I still haven’t figured out what to do this Saturday. What are you planning to do there?

Carrie: We’re thinking of a one-day trip to Tamsui. First, we might take a tour to Fort San Domingo around noon. Then we will walk along the riverbank and have a bite of some local specialties. After that, we’ll take a boat ride to Fisherman’s Wharf and enjoy the sunset viewing on the wooden path there.

John: Wow. Sounds like a lot of fun! Count me in!

Page 6: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Vocabulary• to have (a day) off 放一天假• to go to (somewhere) for a trip 到哪兒遊玩• to feel tired of (something) 對 ( 某事 ) 感到厭倦• hustle and bustle 忙亂與喧囂• one-day tour / one-day trip 一日遊• to take a boat ride 搭渡輪• to walk along (the riverbank) 沿著河岸散步• to have a bite of (something) 吃 ( 東西 )• local specialty 當地特產• to take a boat ride to (somewhere) 搭乘渡船到某地• sunset viewing 觀賞落日• a wooden path 木製步道• to count (someone) in 算 ( 某人 ) 一份;讓某人參加

Page 7: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Useful Expressions (1): Tourist Spots

• Tamsui Harbor 淡水碼頭• Tamsui Old Street 淡水老街• Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf 淡水漁人碼頭• Fort San Domingo/ Hongmau Castle 淡水紅毛城• Tamsui Mangrove Conservation Area 淡水紅樹林保育區

• Shihsanhang Museum of Archeology 十三行博物館• Guandu Bridge 關渡大橋• first-grade/ first-class historical site 一級古蹟※ 相關字彙:• cultural asset 文化資產 / anecdote 奇聞軼事

Page 8: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Useful Expressions (2): Local Specialties

• hard egg 鐵蛋• fish dumpling 魚丸• shrimp roll 蝦卷• peacock clams 孔雀蛤• fish crackers/ fish crisp 魚酥• Argi (fried meat pastry) 阿給• carbon-roast & strong-smelling fermented

beancurd 碳烤臭豆腐• sour plum juice 酸梅湯

Page 9: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Useful Expressions (3): Activities People Can Do in Tamsui

• sunset viewing 觀賞落日• to take a boat ride 搭渡船• to walk along the riverbank / the wooden p

ath 沿著河岸 / 木製步道散步

Page 10: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)


• There are four pictures taken in Tamsui in the following slide. See if you can recognize ( 辨識 ) them and tell where they are located ( 座落 ).

Page 11: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Tamsui old street along the riverb


sunset at Tamsui Harbora bridge in the shape of a boat

in Fisherman’s Wharf

the wooden path in Fisherman’s Wharf

1 2

3 4

Page 12: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)

Discussion Questions

• Do you think Tamsui’s prosperity is tightly connected with the development of MRT?

Page 13: Tamsui By Paul Chen. Outline Starting Questions Sample Conversations –(1) A Trip to Tamsui (request)(1) A Trip to Tamsui –(2) One-day Tour to Tamsui (invitation)(2)


• Naruwan—Welcome to Taiwan <>.

• Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf <>.

• Tamsui Historical Sites <>.
