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Taming the Technical Talk

Major Hayden


Rackspace Tech Talk Tuesday -- January 5, 2016

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Who am I?

I started atRackspace in 2006

I love Fedora Linux, python, OpenStack,

and information security

I root for underdogs (including Houston

Texans, Houston Astros, and SELinux)

I own over60 domain names(I have a problem)

I enjoy being the whipping boy for new


I love watching that Keith Morrison guy

on Dateline NBC(orrrr, do I?)

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1. My amazingly horrific

breakthrough moment

2. What this presentation is really


3. Changing the world

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My amazingly horrific breakthrough moment

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Achievement unlocked!

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This talk is NOT abouthow to make good slides

(although I’ll cover that briefly later)

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This talk is abouthow to make an IMPACT

(cue the dramatic music here)

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Making a point“If you have an important

point to make, don't try to

be subtle or clever. Use a

pile driver. Hit the point

once. Then come back and

hit it again. Then hit it a

third time - a tremendous


― Winston S. Churchill

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Where do I start?

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Getting overthe fear

This may work for some people,

but let’s choose something more

productive (and HR-friendly).

“Winston Churchill

overcame his early fear of

audiences by imagining that

each of them was sitting

there naked.”

-- Dorothy Samoff

Speech Can Change Your Life

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Imagine that everyone in your audiencesigned a contract to do ONE THINGyou ask of them during your talk.

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We’re nerds.We like redundancy and high availability.

Pick three things.

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These make up the backbone of your talk.

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We speak to change the world

It starts with an appeal

to something inside every person

in your audience.

(Sorry, we’re going

to get mushy here.)

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Three concepts for appealing to an audience

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Dancing with Loxodonta africana

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An elephant is a greatmetaphor for human emotion.

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The biggest elephants are11 feet tall and 12,000 pounds.

That’s a LOT of inertia.

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Something that big will go where it wants to go. Convincing a six ton animal to

change directions isn’t easy.

However, it can be done.

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“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

-- Helen Keller

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Appeal to the audience’s emotions by taking them on a journey with you

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Your audience must connect with youon an emotional level

if you want to change their minds.

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If you get the elephant moving in a different direction,

it will have LOTS of momentum.

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Use an anecdote of a previous failureand how you overcame it

Use humor to gently highlightthe behavior you want to change

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WARNING:Your audience can tell when

you don’t care about your topic

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Success! The elephant is rumbling

in a new direction.

What do you do now?

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Appealingto the rider

Unlike the elephant, the rider

responds well to reason






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The rider can make small adjustments to the elephant’s path based on reason.

However, the rider willget tired quickly if the elephant

is going in a very different direction.

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Shaping the pathNow that the audience

understands your message and

wants to take action, what do

they do now?

Offer a challenge with a simple


Provide links to documentation

and/or your code repository

One-step installations are helpful


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Making a special delivery

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All of your preparation, effort,and emotional investment

is worth nothingif you can’t deliver it

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Timeframe for preparing a talk


My rule of thumb:One hour of preparation per five minutes of talking time

(That’s six hours of preparation for a half hour talk)

50% 25% 25%

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Let’s talk about slides

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Slides exist to ENHANCE your talk,not REPLACE or DISTRACT from it.

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Bullets are okayBut they can get

out of hand quickly

Keep them brief

Make them useful

Appendices for long comments

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Keep the slides moving.

Get a new slide on screenevery one to two minutes (or faster).

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Record audio whileyou practiceIt’s less stressful than

recording video

You can focus on what you’re

saying, not how you look

when you’re saying it

Refine your slides, your

speech, or both as you listen

to the playback

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Share your talk with friends or coworkers for new perspectives

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BREATHESeriously. You’ll thank me later.

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Handling questions without rambling

1-2-3 method

Provide three short responses, calling out the number each time

Past, present, future

Compare the past, how it is today, and a desired state

(Good for difficult/pointy questions)

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Feedback is a gift

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“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”

-– Lilly Walters

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Thank you!@majorhayden - - [email protected]

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Photo credits

● Photo of the elephant by itself: "Serengeti Elefantenbulle" by Ikiwaner - Own work. Licensed under GFDL 1.2 via Commons


● Elephant rider: Flickr: Tim Bayman -

● Path along the mountainside: Flickr: Martin Pilát -

● Threw it on the ground:

● Delivery motorcycle: By Kamyar Adl (originally posted to Flickr as Tissue Delivery) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.

org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

● Cat and microphone: Flickr: ocean yamaha -

● Presentation slide with car: PCWorld -


● Winston Churchill photo: By United Nations Information Office, New York [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

● Major at Fedora Flock 2015: Kushal Das --

● Old train photo: Ben Brooksbank [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia


● Suggestion box: By Hash Milhan (Flickr: suggestion box) [CC BY 2.0 (], via

Wikimedia Commons