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Tales of the Arabian Nights rules summary

Object: Players each move a character around the board, having encounters and attempting to complete quests to gain Destiny and Story Points. Once you have gained a secret combination of these Points, return to Baghdad to qualify to win the game.

Setup: Give each player a Player Reference (which provides the Turn Sequence, the Encounter Reaction Choices, the list of Available Skills, and a spot for the Player Token).Each player chooses a Character stand-up and the matching colored player markers.Character stand-ups are placed in Baghdad.Regardless of the character you chose, you can start as either gender. Adjust your Player Token accordingly.Each player puts his Destiny and Story markers on the respective starting spaces and his Wealth marker on the Poor box.Shuffle the Quest deck and deal one card face up to each player. The Quest begins at the start of your first turn.Shuffle the Encounter deck and place the Morning marker next to it. If the deck is reshuffled, replace the Morning marker with the Noon marker. If the deck is reshuffled again, replace the Noon marker with the Night marker (which stays for the rest of the game).Shuffle the Treasure deck.Sort the Status cards by type and place them face up near the board.Each player chooses a number of Destiny and Story Point tokens and conceals them under his Player Reference. The number of Destiny and Story Points taken must total 20 (e.g., 9 Destiny and 11 Story Points).Randomly determine the first player.Starting with the first player, each player chooses one Skill marker. Repeat this process until each player has three different Skill markers. These initial Skills all start at Talent level.

Quest Cards: When a Quest requires you to visit multiple locations, mark them with your Quest markers. You claim a marker if you remain in the location after having an encounter there.Quests don’t have to be fulfilled linearly, nor even be fulfilled at all.Once a Quest is completed (or lost), draw another one and remove your Quest markers from the board. The new Quest begins at the start of your next turn.If the Quest deck is depleted, do not form a new deck.For the purpose of Quests, the FAQ defines Arabia, Europe, Africa, India, and Asia in the section titled, “The Board”.

Game Sequence: On your turn, complete the following phases in order:1) Pass the Book of Tales and the Reaction Matrix – pass them to the player on your left

(the Reader) and to the player on your right (the Matrix Reader), respectively.2) Check Treasures and Statuses – announce their effects before your move.3) Movement – you may move up to a number of spaces allowed by your Wealth.4) Encounter – draw the top card of the Encounter deck and resolve it.

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5) Play Cards and Resolve Quests – if you are in a city, you may play a matching City Encounter card and you may then sell any Treasure cards. However, you can’t do either of these things if you are imprisoned.Baghdad is a city for all game purposes. The City if Brass is not a city; it is a Place of Power.If you have completed the requirements for a Quest card, you may take the listed reward.

6) Check for Victory – if you are in Baghdad and have met (or exceeded) your secret number of Destiny and Story Points, declare that you can win. All other players have one more turn.

Movement Phase: Your current Wealth shows your land and sea movement rates. The total distance you may move cannot exceed the faster of the two movement rates. But you also cannot move more spaces than the slower movement rate allows.For example, Princely wealth grants a sea movement rate of 5 and land movement rate of 3. You can therefore move up to 5 spaces but no more than 3 of them can be by land.

Places of Power: Each of the ten Places of Power has a one-way arrow leading away from it. They may not be entered via normal movement except as noted below.Some encounters may reward you with an “opportunity to enter” which means that you place your Destination marker on the Place of Power and may enter it via normal movement. If you do so, your move ends and you remove the Destination marker.Some encounters move you directly to a Place of Power. This causes you to immediately have an encounter there.Once you complete your encounter on a Place of Power, move your character to the space indicated by the arrow. You cannot end your turn on a Place of Power.If your Destination marker is on the board and you discover another “opportunity to enter”, you must move your Destination marker to the new location, and your old opportunity is lost. If you are told to move your Destination marker for any reason, your old opportunity is lost.If your Destination marker is on a Place of Power and a treasure or effect allows you to move to any “normal” space, you may move to your Destination marker as though it were a normal space.

Encounter Phase: If an encounter gave you a free move to another space, you do not have a second encounter unless the new space is a Place of Power. If you ended your move in a Place of Power, the Reader goes straight to the corresponding

paragraph number for the Place of Power. (Step 4 below) Character Encounter cards – read the encounter title and the number corresponding to the

current deck marker (Morning, Noon, or Night). The Reader looks up the number in the Book of Tales. (Step 1 below)

Terrain Encounter cards – determine the terrain your character is in (per the Terrain Key on the back of the rulebook). The Reader looks up the number in the terrain symbol in the Book of Tales. (Step 1 below)

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If the terrain type has an “N” instead of a number, read the card’s title and the Matrix Reader goes straight to Reaction Matrix N. A Terrain Encounter card’s title and illustration only apply to the “N” encounter on the card. (Step 2 below)

City Encounter cards – the number at the bottom of the card is looked up in the Book of Tales by the Reader. (Step 1 below)You may keep the card face up in front of you rather than discarding it.If you keep the card and are in the named city at the end of a future encounter phase, you may play the card. Roll a die and take the listed reward or additional encounter (by either a paragraph number in the Book of Tales or a letter matching a table in the Reaction Matrix).

Encounter Phase Step 1: Discover Who or What You Have Encountered: If the encounter results in the Reader looking up a number (other than for a Place of Power) in the Book of Tales”, the number will reference an Encounter Chart with 12 numbered entries.The current player adds the number printed inside the gem or city icon of his location on the board to a die roll. Generally, the higher the location number, the greater the danger.If he has 3-4 or 5+ Destiny Points, he adds +1 or +2 to the roll, respectively.Any result above 12 is a 12.The Reader matches the result of the modified roll on the Encounter Chart and reads the description next to that number.The letter at the top of the Encounter Chart or next to the description text is announced for the Matrix Reader.

Encounter Phase Step 2: Choose Your Reaction: The Matrix Reader finds the matrix corresponding to the letter from step 1 (or finds N if it resulted from a Terrain Encounter card).The Matrix Reader finds the adjective in the left-hand column that matches the one used in the encounter description.The current player then chooses a reaction for the matrix using the Encounter Reaction Choices on his Player Reference.The Matrix Reader matches the adjective to the chosen reaction and announces the paragraph number listed.Note that the current player may only choose the Court reaction if his character is of the opposite gender from the person encountered.

Encounter Phase Step 3: Determine Your Destiny: The current player rolls the Destiny Die. A blank result means that the paragraph number read by the Matrix Reader is used. A minus or plus result will subtract or add 1 to the paragraph number, respectively, to determine the paragraph number to use.A status that allows you to change a die roll (e.g., Blessed) may not affect the Destiny Die.If the current player has any skills at the Master level, do not immediately roll the Destiny Die:

First, the Reader reviews the paragraph number and the paragraph numbers one above and one below it.Any instances of the current player’s Master level skill(s) are announced by paragraph number.The current player then has the option to go directly to that paragraph number rather than roll the Destiny Die.

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Note that the Reader does not read the initial paragraphs of the three paragraph numbers.Also note that the Reader does not identify whether any of the paragraph numbers has the Master level skill listed as “(mandatory)”, since most mandatory results are harmful.

Encounter Phase Step 4: Resolve the Encounter: When reading from the Book of Tales, the Reader should replace the word “other” with the name of the person or creature being encountered.The Reader reads aloud the initial paragraph for the encounter and then announces the list of any skills listed in bold below the initial paragraph.The current player chooses whether or not he will use any matching skills that he possesses.If he does not have a matching skill or does not want to use one, the Reader then reads and resolves the No Skill section aloud.If the current player wants to use a matching skill, he chooses any one of them and the Reader then reads and resolves the corresponding section aloud.If a skill is listed as “(mandatory)” and the current player has a matching skill, treasure, or status, that section must be used.The end of the resulting paragraph lists the rewards/penalties in brackets.A number printed next to a D is the number of Destiny Points gained (or lost, if it is a negative number).A number printed next to an S is the number of Story Points gained (or lost, if it is a negative number).A number printed next to a W is the number of Wealth Levels gained (or lost, if it is a negative number) and the maximum/minimum level this award can give.Skills and Statuses may be gained immediately (statuses will be in italics).Skills are gained at the Talent level unless noted otherwise. If you already have the skill, flip the marker over to the Master level (a star shape).If instructed to gain a level in a skill you don’t have, take the skill at Talent level.If instructed to lose a skill you have at Master level, flip it to the Talent level.If a skill is temporarily lost due to a status, place the skill marker under the status card (and regain it when you lose the status).If Treasure is listed, draw a Treasure card and place it face up in front of you.If a specific Treasure is listed, find the corresponding card in the deck. If someone else already has that treasure, take it from him.If a skill or status is gained with a “1 Turn” restriction, it is returned at the end of your next turn.If a skill or status is gained with a “1 Use” restriction, it is returned when used once.You can’t have or choose to take the same status twice at the same time [EXC: if you are sex-changed, a second one cancels out the first].If a game effect forces you to move your Destination or Origin marker, you lose the effect/status previously associated with it.If your character is Envious and Insane, another player chooses your response in an encounter.

However, if Rob is an available option, then it must be chosen.You are considered to have a “successful” encounter if you finish your turn in the same space as the encounter and you are not currently Lost, Imprisoned, or dead.

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If you are Imprisoned or Lost and are moved to another Location due to a game effect such as the Ebony Horse or an encounter result, you lose the Imprisoned/Lost status unless the result specifies otherwise.The Under Geas status goes away after you gain 3 destiny points more than what you had when you gained it.“Coastal Space” refers to any space with both land and sea routes leading to it.

Components: Skills and Statuses are not limited by the components. If you run out of them, record who should have them and continue playing.

Destiny and Story Points: Your points can never drop below zero.If you are given a choice that would require you to lose more points than you currently possess, you may not choose to lose those points.When your Story Points reach 3, you gain +1 to your Wealth Level with a maximum of Respectable. When your Story Points reach 5, you are given a choice of one skill at the Talent level. If you lose Story Points later, you keep these rewards. But you can only gain each reward once per game.

Wealth: Your wealth can never exceed Fabulous.You may not have Fabulous wealth unless you also have a Treasure.If you have Fabulous wealth and lose your last Treasure, your Wealth Level drops to Princely.Your wealth can never fall below Beggar.You may not choose to voluntarily spend a Wealth Level if you are a Beggar.A player can give another player one of his wealth levels if they occupy the same space at the end of either player’s turn.You can sell any Treasure whenever you end your turn in a city during the Play Cards and Resolve Quests phase. You gain the wealth indicated on the upper left of the card, noting the maximum Wealth Level you can gain written at the bottom of the card.The Celestial Planisphere treasure can destroy any “unoccupied” city except for Baghdad or Mecca. This means a city with no markers (Quest, Origin, Destination, characters) of any sort.

Death: If your character dies, move your stand-up back to Baghdad and your brother or sister takes over your quests.Remove your Origin, Quest, and Destination markers from the board.Reduce your Wealth Level to Poor.Lose any statuses and treasures.You get to keep your skills, Destiny Points, and Story Points.

Game End: If you have declared that you can win in the Check for Victory phase, all other players have one last turn to try to complete their goals and reach Baghdad.At the end of this “last turn” any player who qualifies can win. The player with the most statuses wins. If tied, the player with the most skills wins. If still tied, the victory is shared.

Map Errata: There should be a sea connection from Serendib to the 2 space to the west.

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Reaction Matrix Errata:Matrix I – for Strange and Honor, change 1005 to 1004.Matrix I – for Bloodthirsty and Honor, change 2058 to 2059.

Book of Tales Errata:#117 – change Cold to Vengeful.#488 – for No Skill, change the reward from S to S1.#613 – for No Skill, change the Matrix from E to I.#1184 – for No Skill, change Max to Min.#1210 – for Wisdom, add “Choice of” before “Seduction or Beloved”.#1427 – for No Skill, add “Use” after “Lose Weapon”.#1466 – for No Skill, change Max to Min.#2557 – this paragraph heading should by 2557, not 2257.