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SCI conferenceKilkenny

March 2012Margaret Gilmore, IT Sligo

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A look back…Current courses have origin in Kilkenny one

year course (1970-1980)Original demand was to train workers in

residential child care settingsCourses were mostly 2 or 3 year National

Cert./Diploma (now levels 6 & 7)Small classes, mix of theoretical and practical Short placements e.g. 2 weeks x 2 yearly

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Now and towards the future … • Current courses at BA levels 7 or 8, available

countrywide• Prepare students for social care work in a

wide context, both residential and community settings

• BA level 7 is the professional qualification for social care practitioners

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Placement Standards set by -Minimum of 800 hours specified by HETAC

(2010)Draft standards from Coru (May 2010) with

registration coming shortlyIASCE

Placement Policy document (2011)Practice Placement Manual available to IASCE

members (2009, 2nd ed.) or colleges using their own manuals

Supervision course available since 2006

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In practice, what happens?Students have time and financial pressuresInstitutes may have difficulty with allocating

resources to placementsPlacement agencies are under pressures of

staffing, inspections, financial shortfalls Many agencies have closed Shortage of relevant Social Care settings

with appropriate supervision

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Importance of PlacementPlacement is vital to ensure that students

can experience real life situationsApply theory to practiceExperience best practiceTest their own aptitude for Social CareDevelop their identity as Social Care

ProfessionalsGet feedback from supervisor and work


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Importance of PlacementFor the profession - Students bring enthusiasm, questions, energy,

insightsProfessionals give and gain new perspectives into

theory and/or practiceCloser links between workplace and courses

Supervision course, other collaborationsMeeting with visiting tutorsProfessional identity re-inforcedMirrored by formation of Social Care Ireland from


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So – how to raise/retain standards?• Course boards / Head of Department ensuring

centrality of placement in documentation and resource allocation

• Acknowledge placement as vital in each student’s learning

• Mentoring of students before, during and after placement

• Supporting supervisors –pre-arranged supportive tripartite visits, offering supervision course, clear documents, available to discuss issues

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One Institute’s approachOverview1)Students2)Agencies3)Visiting Tutors

Regular review of practice

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One Institute’s approachAt IT Sligo we have

Placement Committee as sub-committee of Course Board

Placement co-ordinator (lecturing staff member)

Time allowance for visiting tutorsActive membership of IASCE, using meetings

to check best practice, using placement subcommittee as required

Supervision course run regularly

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One Institute’s approach1) Students

work within Placement Committee policies - Submit placement request plus CVAttend mandatory placement preparation classesMeet placement co-ordinator as requiredAttend for interview / preliminary visitSign IASCE principles and agree to IASCE

placement policiesPass mandatory pre-placement essay before

being allowed to go on placement

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One Institute’s approach1) Students

– Complete 30 hours per week x 13 weeks in semester 4 and again in semester 6 (each worth 30 ECTS)

– Keep a learning journal– Complete Placement portfolio comprising 3

projects– Participate in 2 tripartite meetings– Participate in Placement Review and give a

presentation to peers & staff

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One Institute’s approach2) Agency

– Is matched to student by placement co-ordinator– Formal request for placement by letter stating

parameters / guidelines / learning objectives– Plus Practice Placement Manual and invitation

to Supervision Course– Sign Placement Contract with student – Provide weekly supervision meetings with

student– Participate in tripartite meetings– Complete the final report on placement

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One Institute’s approach3) Visiting Tutor

Is a member of staff lecturing on SC programme (job description is agreed)

Completes an induction before visiting placements

Is automatically a member of Placement Committee which has drawn up Placement Policies document

Visits each student twice during placementParticipates in Placement ReviewMarks visits and placement portfolio

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Critical Review1) Students – like the support, find the associated

work challenging but overall worthwhile2) Agencies – appreciate the visits and

collaboration with the Institute; use the opportunity for relevant feedback / advice

3) Visiting Tutors – find the experience helps them in continuing professional development; takes major commitment to fulfil role

4) Institute – benefits from PR aspect, collaboration with Social Care professionals, international contacts etc.

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Challenges remaining at IT SligoHow can we implement the IASCE Placement

Policy guidelines e.g. on pre-placement screening?

Re-inforce thatPlacement is earned, not a student’s rightOnly 2 attempts allowed for placementService users / agencies must be consideredWe need to devise a system to ensure students

are alerted to possible difficulties and supported in overcoming them: pre-placement portfolio of placement readiness

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Personal Development Profiling (PDP) and Placement Readiness

PDP is already established for studentsMay be adapted to fulfil IASCE Placement

Policy on placement readinessWill require more time input alongside

Placement Preparation classesPilot to begin 2012

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Other Challenges Are we offering enough support to

students and agencies? Feedback is positive but e.g.

Should we use social media?Should we make more use of Moodle?

Should we use webinars?

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Other ChallengesRange of experience

Social Care covers all ages and vulnerable groups

Currently we use 2 placement settings/studentTransferable skills v. situation-specific skills:

Should we increase placement hours?Should we encourage volunteering?Can we adequately monitor international placements?Should we develop specialisms in undergraduate


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Other Challenges• Conforming to Coru and HETAC standards• Recessionary times• Developing an identity as a Social Care

Professional• Developing strong, pro-active professionals

who can cope with the wide demands of Social Care as a career

• Developing self-care to prevent burnout• Preparing students for Registration

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SummaryTaking stock and heading forward ....Importance of placements in educating

future generations of social care professionals

Upholding standards One college’s approach & challenges

remaining -

All comments and feedback are welcome

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ReferencesIASCE: Supervision course IASCE: Practice Placement Manual (2009)IASCE: Practice placement policy guidelines,

available at

Share P. & Lalor K. (eds) Applied Social Care, 2nd ed. Gill & Macmillan, Dublin

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References 2HETAC standards:


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Discussion – Where to now?