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Camera work

Shots in the film that involve conversation are close up, this shows the characters emotion, making the intense dialogue seem more extreme. Many of the actions shots in the trailer are shot at a medium to long range. This allows the viewer to see all the fast paced action going on and not becoming confused if the action was shot close up.

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The whole film is centered around this one main hero so the meis en scene used highlights him throughout the film. This is shown through the lighting in many of the more serious shots where the character is narrating the lighting is dark and all light is focused on his face. This gives him the most attention in the scene and creates a more tense atmosphere for the film.

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The editing especially in the trailer of the film is made up of short cuts during the action scenes and long close ups during the narrative. The fast cuts during action make the scene feel more fasted paced and shows off a ruthlessness of the protagonist as he moves on through the scene from one person to the next not looking back. The cuts used in these actions scenes are not smooth they are very sharp and deliberate this is also reflected on to the main protagonist usually fighting or chasing a ‘bad guy’. During the narrative scenes the short smooth editing between shots portrays as being very thought through, this again reflects on the protagonist of the film.

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Characters and events

The protagonist of the film is usually alone in the film with maybe one other character who is close to them may it be partner or family member. For many action films and specifically this one the protagonist performs the stunts seen in the film for the well being of that family member and to save them. Generally the backstory of these characters portrays everyone who is not that one family member to be against them. This builds the emotional bond between the two characters and switches the audiences perspective to look in the same way and be against everyone else in the movie.

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There is one noticeable narrative I picked out of the film when watching it, that being a sequence of flash backs during the scene he’s searching the apartment where his daughter was taken. This shows to the audience even though we saw what happened before hand that the protagonist can assess a scene and understand what happened backed up with the use of flashbacks.
