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    Rate-optimal Tests for Jumps in Diusion Processes

    Taesuk Leea and Werner PlobergerbaDepartment of Economics, University of Auckland

    bDepartment of Economics, Washington University in St. Louis

    January 2011


    Suppose one has given a sample of high-frequency intra-day discrete observations of a

    continuous-time random process (e.g. stock market data) and wants to test for the presence

    of jumps. We show that the power of any test of this hypothesis depends on the frequency

    of observation. In particular, we show that if the process is observed at intervals of length

    1=n and the instantaneous volatility of the process is given by t, at best one can detect

    jumps of height no smaller than tp

    2log(n)=n. We construct a test which achieves this

    rate in the case for diusion-type processes.

    Keywords : High Frequency Data, Jump, Likelihood Test.

    0 Further author information:

    Taesuk Lee: Lecturer, E-mail: [email protected]

    Werner Ploberger: Thomas H. Eliot Distinguished Professor, E-mail: [email protected]


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    1 Introduction

    Continuous diusion models have provided a simple, exible, and powerful tool to analyze eco-

    nomic and nancial data since the time before high frequency data become available. Because

    data are only observed at discrete times, we do not have full information on the trajectory of the

    process. Therefore we may have modeling errors due to the discreteness of the observations, butthis problem can be signicantly mitigated with high frequency data which is now available with

    technological progress.

    High frequency data, however, generate their own challenges: We are not sure that the data

    generating process is continuous; there may be jumps. Since continuous diusion models do not

    capture jumps, researchers must know whether the data contain jumps or not. Furthermore, many

    datasets (such as when returns are measured over short intervals - say 1 to 5 minutes) contain

    some contamination commonly called "market microstructure noise". Our aim in this paper is to

    propose an optimal test for the null hypothesis of continuous diusion models against an alterna-

    tive hypothesis of jump diusion models while allowing for the presence of market microstructure

    noise in the data. Though several tests (Barndor-Nielsen and Shephard (2006), hereafter BNS,

    Ait-Sahalia and Jacod (2009), hereafter AJ and Lee and Mykland (2008). hereafter LM) were

    already introduced, their power properties were not explicitly considered. In this paper, we de-

    rive a rate-optimal test valid under fairly general assumptions about the data generating process.

    Furthermore we compare power of our test and that of other competing tests.

    2 Local Power Bound

    As the null, we consider the usual (i.e., purely continuous) diusion model:

    dXt = tdt + tdWt, (1)

    where W = (Wt : t 2 [0; 1)) is a Wiener process and t and t are non-anticipating randomprocesses fullling the usual requirements of Ito-calculus. Later on we will impose additional

    assumptions on and:(For example, we will assume them to be smooth to a certain extent, so

    that the processXt specied in equation(1) has certain "nice" properties.)


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    As the alternative, we want to consider jumps present in the diusion model :

    dXt = tdt + tdWt+ Jtdt,

    whereJt is a non-zero random variable whose absolute value species the jump size and t is a

    counting process governing whether there is a jump or not at time t.

    The problem, however, is that in empirical practice, we cannot observe the entire process.

    Instead, it is observed only at discrete times t = i=n; where n is a positive integer denoting the

    "sample size" and

    0 i n:

    The rst test for this testing problem - and still the "gold standard" for all tests was developed

    by Barndor-Nielsen and Shephard (2002). Since the problem of detecting jumps is of enormous

    practical importance, further research has occurred in this eld. An alternative test was developed

    by Ait-Sahalia and Jacod (2009), and an informal "testing procedure" was provided by Lee and

    Mykland (2008).

    To the best of our knowledge, none of these contributions, however, discussed power of the

    tests. In this paper, we establish the following two results.

    1. Clearly, when n, the number of observations increases, we should expect our test to have

    "better" power. In particular, we want to consider the power against local alternatives for the

    jumping processes. So we consider for eachn the alternative

    J(n)t =cn

    where we assume that cn is a sequence converging to zero, and assume the process t remains

    (uniformly) bounded. (So we assume there is only a maximum number of jumps). Let" >0 be

    arbitrary. Then we show that - even if we know that t = - it is impossible to construct tests

    that have nontrivial power against alternatives with

    cn= p2(1 ")log npn (2)2. As a second result, we analyze a class of tests very similar to Lee and Mykland (2008) so

    that (even in the general case)

    cn= t

    p2(1 + ")log np

    n :


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    the power of the test converges to one. So in a certain way, our tests attain the "optimal rate".

    The main dierence of our tests to the ones in Lee and Mykland (2008) is a dierent construction

    of the estimator for the volatility. We only use information from narrow time intervals, which

    might be useful when the volatility varies a lot.

    This is an advantage over the classical BNS or AJ tests: their local alternatives shrink with

    the ordern1=4 (or - in the case of AJ - with the order ofn1=2+1=p, wherep is a positive number

    determining the test statistic. Moreover, our test is able to deal with simple mis-specication due

    to microstructure).

    Let us rst deal with our rst assertion. Let assume we even deal with the simplest case,

    namelyt = 0and t = 1, so our underlying processXt is a Wiener process. Then let us assume

    that - under the alternative - we only have one jump, and the time of the jump is distributed

    uniformly in the interval[0; 1] :We rst will show that even under this rather ideal conditions we

    will be unable to construct tests with nontrivial power if the cn are following (2).

    Theorem 1 We want to test the null of Xt being a Wiener process Wt ,of known variance,

    against the alternative of

    Xt = Wt+ cnIf tg ;

    whereis an independent random variable following an uniform distribution. Suppose we observe

    the processXt only at the time points0; 1=n; 2=n; :::1: Supposecn follows (2) (or is smaller then

    this bound). Then it is impossible to construct nontrivial tests.

    Proof. We did assume the variance of the Wiener process W to be known. Without loss

    of generality, we can assume this variance to be 1. Let Pn be the probability measure of

    (X0; X1=n; X2=n;:::;X1) under the null, and Qn be the measure under the alternative. Let the

    zi be dened as


    Xi=n X(i1)=np


    Then we can easily see that the zi are i.i.d. standard normal, and that


    = 1





    n)zi 12



    Since each of theziis standard normal, the expectation of each exp


    n)zi 12(cnp





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    Since we are interested in small" >0 (the smaller we choose ", the bigger are our jumps), we

    can maintain the assumption that

    " 0;

    2 "2(1 ") < 1:

    Our assumption (3), namely that " 2:

    So the limit of the Fn lies between1 and2:Hence we can nd constants , with

    2< < < 1:

    So that for all but nitely many n;

    < Fn< : (15)

    Without loss of generality we can assume that (15) holds for all n. Let us now analyze the

    integrand in (10):1 exp(y) y

    y yFn exp

    (log y)


    4(1 ")log n


    The rst factor,

    (y) =1 exp(y) y


    is easily seen to be uniformly bounded for all nonnegative real y . So there exists an M that

    j(y)j M

    for all nonnegativey: Using the power series representation for exp(), one can easily see that(:)is an analytic function for all y and

    (0) = 0:

    Since any analytic function has derivatives bounded on any compact set, we may conclude that

    for0 y 1;j(y)j Cy


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    for some universal constantC: The third factor is easily seen to have absolute value smaller than


    Let us now distinguish two cases: For y 1,

    1 exp(y) yy

    yFn exp( (log y)2

    4(1 ")log n) Cy1+:

    Since > 2, Z 10

    1 exp(y) yy

    yFn exp( (log y)2

    4(1 ")log n)dy (17)

    CZ 10

    y1+dy= C 1

    2 + :

    Fory 1;

    1 exp(y) yy yFn exp (log y)24(1 ")log n My

    and since < 1; Z11

    1 exp(y) yy

    yFn exp

    (log y)


    4(1 ")log n





    ydy= M 11 +


    Hence we may conclude thatZ10

    1 exp(y) yy

    yFn exp

    (log y)


    4(1 ")log n


    remains uniformly bounded in n. Therefore for alls;



    1exp(y)yy y

    Fn exp( (log y)24(1")logn)dy

    p2(1 ")log np


    4(1") s "


    = 0:

    Now we can combine this result with (13) and (9) and conclude that



    1exp(y)y y

    Fn exp( (log y)24(1")logn)dyp2(1 ")log np2n "


    4(1") s "


    = 1:


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    We can now use this limit to characterizeSn dened in (8):




    1s Cn

    np2(1 ")log np2n "


    4(1") s "


    o (18)= lim


    n(2")2=4(1") ns "


    oCn= 1:

    Since the Cn were dened as

    Cn= n (2")2

    4(1") s(2")2(1") exp

    (log s)


    4(1 ")log n


    we can easily see that the denominator of the expression in (18) converges to one. But this implies



    Sn= 1;

    which is exactly (6), the result we wanted to prove. Hence the Laplace transforms





    of the density ratios converge to exp(s); which is the Laplace transform of a measure concen-trated in1.

    We therefore have shown that the density ratios


    converge in distribution to a constant, namely 1 (Theorem 2, p. 431, Feller (1971)). Therefore

    they converge in probability to this constant, too. Hence for an arbitrary >0;


    dQndPn 1> ! 0:

    Now letAnbe a sequence of events. Then we have

    (1 )Pn(An) Pn




    < Qn(An)

    < (1 + )Pn(An) + PndQndPn 1> :

    Since was arbitrary, we can conclude that

    Pn(An) Qn(An) ! 0:


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    SinceAn is an arbitrary sequence of events, we can conclude that the total variation between Pn

    andQn converges to zero, hence for all measurable functions'n with0 'n 1we haveZ 'ndPn

    Z 'ndQn! 0:

    But this is exactly what we wanted to show: For every sequence of tests, the power under the

    null (Pn) is the same as under the alternative (Qn).

    Now we want to present a test statistic, for which we will show that the local power of the

    test statistic attains this bound. The preceding result indicates that for xedcn our best statistic

    is an exponential sum of the zi. We should, however, keep in mind that our zi are increments

    over shorter and shorter time intervals. In order to consider relevant alternatives, we might be

    interested in alternatives wherecnp

    nbecomes "large". In this case, the test statistic gives more

    and more increasing inuence to bigger values. Continuing with this line of reasoning, it maybe a good idea to look mainly at the "largest" absolute values of the increments of Xt: The

    standard theory of diusion processes guarantees that, when divided by t, these increments

    are approximately normal. Next, because we do not knowt, we have to estimate it. Ast is

    time-varying, a moving average of the squares of the increments seems to be a natural candidate

    estimator. This leads us to propose the following test statistic: Dene (for an arbitraryn) the

    returnri = ri;n by

    ri = ri;n =

    Xi=n X(i1)=n

    Then choose an integer ` (the "length of the window") and reject the null whenever

    n= supi

    r2i(r2i1+ r

    2i2+ ::r


    is "too large". This is quite analogous to the test statistics of Lee and Mykland (2008): We

    standardize the returns by an estimator for 2 (t; Xt). We use the usual quadratic estimator

    instead of the bipower estimator. One might argue that jumps could unduly aect the properties

    of our estimator. We think, however, that the much simpler form is justied, essentially in part

    for the following two reasons:


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    1. We assume that the jumps are separated events:Beforethe rst jump occurs, our estimator

    for2 (t; Xt)is not inuenced by it.

    2. We only use a window of length ` to estimate 2 (t; Xt). So a jump will only inuence a

    small number of estimated values of2 (t; Xt). Our test would get only distorted if we had

    two (or more) jumps within an interval of length `=n, an event whose probability we assume

    converges to zero.

    The main reason, however, for using this specic estimator is convenience. Specically, only

    Lemma 6 is essential to prove the rate-optimality of our proposed test. We think analogous results

    will hold for more general classes of estimators.

    3 Critical Values and Local Power of Our Test

    Letzi; i= 1; : : ;nbe a sequence of independent, identically distributed standard normal random

    variables. Assume that for each n we have given an ` = `(n), and let us denote by Fi thealgebra generated byzi; zi1; ::Then let us dene

    wi =`

    Xj=1 z2ij;

    b2i =wi=`and

    i = z2i =b2i :

    For the computation of the critical values the following lemma is very helpful.

    Lemma 2 Suppose that

    `=o (n) ;

    but also

    ` 2log n:


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    Equation (21) is an immediate consequence of Lemma 6, which shows that


    infb2i M(")2 =Kn nPb2i M(")2 =Kn! 0:To prove that (22) is valid, rst observe that

    E[Ifi Kng jFi1] = 2qKnb2i 1:Ifb2i > M(")2 =Kn , we can use inequality (30) to conclude that



    qKnb2i 1 2(1 + ")2 exp Knb2i =2 =q2Knb2i

    Hence ( n

    Xj=`+1log E[Ifi Kng jFi1] c(1 + ")3



    b2i > M(")

    2 =Kn


    2(1 + ")2nX


    expKnb2i =2 =q2Knb2i c(1 + ")3) \ infb2i > M(")2 =Kn

    Since we already know that P

    infb2i > M(")2 =Kn! 1, it is sucient to show thatP



    expKnb2i =2 =q2Knb2i c (1 + ")

    )#! 1 (23)

    Let us now introduce the term Yj by

    Yj = 2expKnb2i =2 =q2Knb2i

    Then we can easily see that (23) is fullled if


    Yj! c (24)

    in probability. By our denition ofKn, EYj = c=n. Moreover, we know that

    b2i is distributed

    according to a scaled2

    distribution with` degrees of freedom. Hence it is an elementary exerciseto show that E Y2j =O(1=n

    2), and that Yj andYk are independent if

    jj kj > ` + 1:


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    As`=n ! 0, we can easily see that the variance of PYj converges to zero. This establishes (20).Now it is rather easy to establish the claim stated in our lemma: We have to show that



    Ifi Kng#

    ! exp(c)

    Using (20), it is sucient to show



    Ifi Kng#

    ! exp(c)



    Ifi Kng

    E(Ifi Kng jFi1)jFi1

    = 1:

    A straightforward argument, perfectly analogous to the optional sampling theorem, yields

    E2666664E"YiIfi Kng#Y

    iE[(Ifi Kng jFi1]

    3777775 = 1: (25)

    According to the denition of ;

    (1 + ")2X


    Yj logYi

    E[Ifi Kng jFi1] (1 ")2X


    Yj (26)



    E[Ifi Kng jFi1] c(1 + ")3 (27)

    Moreover, (20) implies that PhnP

    j=`+1 Yj =Pn

    j=`+1 Yj

    oi! 1. Therefore Pj=`+1 Yj! c as

    well. Hence it can be seen that (27) and (26) allow us to deduce from (25) that

    exp((1 + ")2c) liminfEYi

    Ifi Kng

    limsup E

    YiIfi Kng exp((1 ")2c):

    Now one can easily see that (20) allows us to replace withnin the preceding inequalities, which

    proves our lemma.

    So far, we have computed the distribution of our test statistic for a very specic case, namely

    whent= 0andt = 1. We now have to show that the general case given by (1)can be reduced


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    Another alternative test has recently been proposed by Ait-Sahalia and Jacod. This test

    is based on the pth power variation of the process Xt and it compares the estimates of thisvariation for dierent time scales.

    Denition 5 AJ test statistic(Ait-Sahalia and Jacod (2009))1

    bp;kAJ = kp=21 bS(p; k; ) =qbVp;k wherep >3; k 2;bS(p; k; ) =bB (p; k) =bB (p; ) ,bB (p; k)t = n=kX


    jrt+ikjp and

    bVp;k is the variance ofbS(p; k; ) under the null.The behavior of both sets of test statistics under our alternatives can easily be analyzed. We

    just add a specic jump to one of returns. One can easily see that if the jump is ofo(n1=4),

    the dierence between the BNS test statistic under the null and the alternative converges to 0.

    Hence their test will be much less powerful against the alternatives we consider. The same is true

    for AJ tests: After some calculations, we can see that the corresponding bound is o



    Despite the fact that both tests have "low" power against "our" alternatives, it should be noted

    that there are situations where the BNS and AJ tests have large advantages over our test. For

    instance, the relevant alternative could be the occurrence of many jumps in the sample. Assume

    there is not only one jump, but many. So let us assume that we haveL jumps of size J (rather

    evenly distributed), and let us assume that the number of intervals between successive jumps is

    always greater than 1. Then it is easily seen from the denition of BNS statistics that the tests

    are consistent (i.e., its power converges to 1) if

    pnLJ2 ! 1:

    1 ForbVp;k; they suggest two estimators:bVcp;k= nM(p;k) bA(2p;n)tbA(p;n)2t ;eVcp;k= nM(p;k) eA( pp+1 ;2p+2;n)teA( pp+1 ;p+1;n)2t whereM(p; k) = 1m2p

    kp2 (1 + k)m2p+ k

    p2 (k 1)m2p 2kp=21mk;p;

    mp= E(jZ1jp) = 1=22p=2 p+12 ;mk;p= EhjZ1jp Z1+ pk 1Z2pi,

    Ziiid N(0; 1) ;bA (p;n)t = 1p=2nmp Pi=1 jniXjp 1 fjniXj $n g, $ 2 (0; 1=2) ;eA (r;q;n)t = 1qr=2nmqr Pi=1qj=1 ni+j1Xr ;niX= XinX(i1)n


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    An analogous result holds for AJ tests. These results are easily explainable by taking into account

    that both test statistics are constructed from sums: The contributions of several small jumps can

    cumulate, whereas our test does not allow for this. So one should employ their tests not as

    tests against the alternative of the occurrence of a single jump, but as tests against Levy-type

    alternatives. It might be worthwhile to investigate their power of the test against alternatives of

    this specic type.

    5 Simulations

    First, we consider a very simple ideal process for returns:

    ri=n =

    Z i=n



    dpt =

    Z i=n




    Z i=n



    Jdt with2 = 0:513 (Model 1)

    Second, the stochastic volatility model of Barndor-Nielsen, Hansen, Lunde, and Shephard

    (2008) is considered.

    ri=T =

    Z i=T(i1)=T


    Z i=T(i1)=T

    tdt +

    Z i=T(i1)=T

    tdWt+ Jd (t) , (Model 2)

    log i=T

    log (i1)=T = Z


    (i1)=T(0+ 1t) dt;

    i=T (i1)=T =Z i=T(i1)=T

    tdt + dBt; and

    Corr (dWt; dBt) = :

    We set = 0:03; 1= 0:125; = 0:025; = 0:3 and 0 = 21

    2 :

    Third, we considered the stochastic volatility model devised by Barndor-Nielsen and Shep-

    hard (2002).


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    dp (t) = (s) W(ds) + Jd (t) with (Model 3)

    2 (t) =Xk


    2k(t) =

    Z t


    k 2k(s) k ds + Z t


    !kk(s) dBk(s) ;

    k = pk0;X

    pk = 1:

    For the one factor model, we set 0 = 0:513; 1 = 1:44; p1 = 1; and!21 = 2:1. For the two

    factor model, we set 0 = 0:509; 1 = 0:0429; 2 = 3:74; p1 = 0:218; p2 = 1 p1. We consider(!21; !

    22) = (0:0169; 5:2978) :

    We track the performance of four test statistics : Lee-Ploberger (LP), Barndor-Nielsen &

    Shephard(BNS), Ait-Sahalia & Jacod(AJ), and Lee-Mykland (LM). We assume J

    N(0; 2c


    consider three cases for jump sizes : no jump(2c = 0), 20% jump(2c = 0:20(s)), and2log (n) =n

    jump(2c = 2log (n) =n 0(s)). We impose one jump at a random time. The sample sizes con-sidered are 72, 288, 1440, 2880, 8640; these sample sizes correspond to sampling interval lengths

    of 20 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, and 10 seconds, respectively, over a 24-hour

    trading day. We repeat this simulation 5,000 times. Table 1 - 6 show the results of small simula-

    tion experiments varying the size of jumps. In those tables, we compare the empirical rejection

    probabilities of various tests with the 5% level of signicance.

    Let us consider rejection probabilities under the null, no-jump case. In many cases, our tests

    have quite precise sizes even with 5-minute data, although our tests over-reject under the null

    if the volatility process moves too sharply and/or the volatility process stays around zero level

    for a long time (Table 3, 4). In those cases, we could reduce the degree of those size distortions

    by changing averaging windows for instantaneous volatility. Our tests assume some continuity

    of volatility process within the averaging window. If the volatility process moves too sharply,

    then our assumptions may not be fullled in a nite sample even though the underlying process

    is continuous. To achieve more robust size properties in nite samples, we will consider data-

    adaptive rules for averaging window.

    Next, we consider the power of the test. Our tests have better power than other tests after


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    controlling for size distortions. In our simulations, we consider one jump and check whether tests

    detect the jump or not. In that set-up, the LM tests show a large size distortion even with 10-

    second data, so their power is signicantly reduced by the size adjustment. Although our tests

    sometimes over-reject the null, our tests have the best or comparable power in many cases if we

    adjust the critical values to remove size distortions. In particular, in many cases our tests have

    a non-trivial power even with jump the order of which is log (n) =n; where n is the sample size,

    whereas the BNS and AJ tests have trivial power in that case. The LM tests also have a non-

    trivial power but their sizes are not as reliable as ours and their averaging window requirement

    is more restrictive than ours.


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    A Normal and 2 distributions for small and large values

    It is well known that for the standard distribution function (x)


    (1 (x))p

    2x exp


    = 1

    or equivalently


    (log(2 (x) 1)) p2x exp x2=2 =2 = 1we can dene M(")as the smallest value so that for all

    x > M(") (28)


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    (1 ") p2x exp x2=2 (1 (x)) (1 + ") : (29)


    2 (1 + ")2 (log(2 (x) 1))p

    2x exp

    x2=2 2 (1 ")2 (30)

    Lemma 6 So let us now choose an arbitrary" >0, and let`,n, wi be the integers dened in the

    main section of the paper. If

    ` 2log n


    K! 1;


    pn= P

    wi `M(")2 =K





    Proof. Sincewi is distributed according to a 2distribution with` degrees of freedom, we have

    pn= 1


    Z `M(")2=(K)0

    x`=21 exp(x=2) dx:

    Sinceexp(x=2) 1, we have withC=


    Kpn 1




    and therefore

    logpn log(`=2) log(`=2) + `2

    log C+ `=2log `:

    The well known formula of Stirling implies that for` ! 1 (withm =`=2 1)

    log(`=2) n

    m log(m) m + logp


    ! 0:


    logpn f(`=2)log ` m (log(m)g + (m + `2

    log C) + O(log `)

    One can easily see that f(`=2) log ` m (log(m)g = (`=2) log(`=m)+ O(log m). So the terms linearin ` dominate the right hand side of the inequality, Moreover, as M(") is xed and K! 1,


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    n= (")n

    oi> 1 ";

    too. Hence it is sucient to show that for all " >0 the dierence between converges to zero. For

    showing this, let us rst observe that


    2i=n) s


    (s2i1+ s2i2+ ::s






    2i2+ ::





    For analyzing the dierence of the left and right side of the above inequality and one, it is sucient

    to consider


    log( 2(ik)=n2i=n


    :Now observe that log(2i=n) log(2(ik)=n) =


    (ik)=n Ctdt + DtdV(2)t . Fori <



    (ik)=n Ctdt

    kM=n:Moreover, we have due to Lemma 7


    "(Z i=n(ik)=n



    log n


    )# 1


    and hence


    "( sup


    Z i=n(ik)=n


    > 2pM`r

    log n


    )# `

    n! 0:

    Hence we can conclude that

    P"(supk` log(2(ik)=n


    )> 4p

    M`rlog n

    n )#! 0:Since

    sup s2i

    (s2i1+ s2i2+ ::s


    =O(log n);

    we can conclude that the dierence between

    sup s2i

    (s2i1+ s2i2+ ::s







    2i2+ ::



    converges to zero.

    It now remains to show that the dierencesri;n (i1)=nsi;n27

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    remain small. Now observe thatri;n (i1)=nsi;n =Z i=n(i1)=n

    tdt + tdWt (i1)=ndWt


    Z i=n(i1)=n



    Z i=n(i1)=n

    t (i1)=n


    max jtj 1n+ Z i=n(i1)=n u (i1)=n dWu :

    For the analysis of Z i=n(i1)=n

    u (i1)=n


    we will apply Lemma 7. Since u is a diusion process, where drift and diusion coecients were

    assumed to be bounded, we can conclude that for all >0 there exists a Mso that

    Phnfor alli and (i 1)=n u i=n u (i1)=n Mju (i 1)=nj1=2oi! 1:Hence


    "(Z i=n(i1)=n

    u (i1)=n

    2du 2Mn2+

    )#! 1:

    To apply Lemma 7, however, we need to guarantee an uniform bound on the integralRi=n(i1)=n

    u (i1)

    This can easily be achieved by using a stopping time.

    We stop the process at time S, where

    i=n S (i 1)=n;

    if for the rst time Z S(i1)=n

    u (i1)=n

    2du= 2Mn2+;

    otherwise we set

    S= 1:

    Obviously the denition ofMguarantees that

    P(S= 1) 1 "

    Hence if we dene

    u =


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    B.1 Tables and Figures

    Following tables summarize rejection probabilities under 5% size.


    72 3.04 3.74 11.14 8.26 6.42 3.24 3.70 48.64 17.72 48.64

    288 4.82 4.56 8.40 6.98 6.18 3.84 3.68 43.38 28.52 66.40

    1440 4.76 4.90 5.84 5.30 5.16 4.28 4.30 28.76 39.44 85.96

    2880 5.06 5.64 6.02 5.56 5.30 5.10 4.74 22.82 45.60 92.62

    8640 5.12 5.18 4.92 4.64 4.58 5.06 4.68 16.46 52.90 96.54


    72 33.24 25.44 32.74 28.50 26.36 6.78 9.98 68.32 49.60 68.32

    288 59.32 52.58 48.90 46.96 46.06 20.46 36.26 78.62 72.92 87.60

    1440 78.80 75.92 65.28 64.56 64.44 34.76 68.26 86.66 88.94 97.74

    2880 84.38 81.54 71.26 70.94 70.84 39.62 76.96 88.94 92.32 98.84

    8640 90.88 88.78 78.36 78.14 78.08 43.32 85.62 93.12 96.12 99.78


    72 22.22 16.44 24.82 20.92 18.58 5.36 7.70 62.32 39.28 62.32

    288 25.84 19.14 18.62 16.72 15.68 8.22 12.68 60.38 49.24 76.54

    1440 26.80 20.52 12.60 11.64 11.36 9.14 13.76 49.96 57.78 90.68

    2880 27.26 21.76 11.30 10.66 10.40 9.52 14.38 46.98 62.76 94.80

    8640 27.74 21.94 7.74 7.44 7.32 9.02 13.40 41.70 67.12 97.58

    Model1-1 : Pure Diffusion W/O JUMP


    Model1-2 : Pure Diffusion W 20% JUMP


    Model1-3 : Pure Diffusion W LN(2N)/N JUMP


    Table 1: Simulated rejection probability of Model 1 : Pure Diusion


    72 3.42 3.76 10.58 8.22 6.38 2.92 3.34 47.24 18.12 47.24

    288 4.58 4.02 7.72 6.56 5.84 3.62 3.80 42.98 28.44 65.58

    1440 4.30 4.96 6.00 5.52 5.22 4.30 4.50 27.86 38.76 86.52

    2880 4.72 4.70 5.86 5.46 5.28 4.14 4.30 23.40 45.06 93.20

    8640 5.14 5.58 5.26 5.08 4.98 4.96 5.06 16.10 54.20 96.82


    72 5.82 5.30 12.26 9.70 8.12 2.66 3.52 49.62 21.24 49.62

    288 13.30 9.98 12.72 11.08 10.40 4.40 7.62 50.60 37.44 70.30

    1440 32.14 26.40 18.64 17.84 17.52 11.08 19.92 52.08 59.58 91.36

    2880 42.44 36.76 22.52 21.78 21.60 15.68 28.50 58.36 69.46 96.06

    8640 59.94 54.92 32.36 31.96 31.84 23.24 44.96 68.44 83.22 98.98


    72 4.12 4.16 10.84 8.48 6.82 2.72 3.24 48.02 19.22 48.02

    288 4.90 4.28 8.20 6.76 6.02 3.66 3.98 43.50 29.04 65.94

    1440 4.64 5.14 6.10 5.58 5.32 4.38 4.66 28.34 39.20 86.60

    2880 5.00 4.92 5.98 5.52 5.34 4.18 4.42 23.82 45.48 93.22

    8640 5.42 5.82 5.42 5.26 5.12 5.04 5.20 16.70 54.54 96.90

    Mode 2-1 : log SV-Diffusion W/O JUMP


    Mode 2-2 : log SV-Diffusion W 20% JUMP


    Mode 2-3 : log SV-Diffusion W LN(2N)/N JUMP


    Table 2: Simulated rejection probability of Model 2 : log SV model


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    Jump/MeanVol Meaning 4LN 2LN LIN Ratio ADJ QV BIP SQRT 4LN 2LN

    0.000 No Jump 33.04 21.40 10.60 8.64 8.56 4.20 5.46 72.92 66.40 84.30

    0.022 LN(2N)/N 45.64 34.08 17.90 15.78 15.60 4.84 7.08 78.14 72.70 87.56

    0.107 63.70 53.90 40.92 38.26 38.14 9.84 17.54 86.44 83.42 91.22

    0.192 71.38 63.24 51.54 49.28 49.18 13.52 24.26 88.88 86.04 94.06

    0.277 76.02 69.10 57.94 56.16 56.02 15.78 29.72 90.94 88.42 94.82

    0.362 78.16 72.14 62.18 60.48 60.40 16.92 31.76 91.64 89.64 95.16

    0.447 20% 80.36 73.80 64.60 63.08 63.04 18.66 34.96 92.96 90.74 95.72

    Size Distortion 28.04 1 6.40 5.60 3.64 3.56 -0.80 0.46 67.92 6 1.40 7 9.30

    Size Adjusted Power


    0.000 No Jump 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

    0.005 LN(2N)/N 17.60 17.68 12.30 12.14 12.04 5.64 6.62 10.22 11.30 8.26

    0.093 35.66 37.50 35.32 34.62 34.58 10.64 17.08 18.52 22.02 11.92

    0.182 43.34 46.84 45.94 45.64 45.62 14.32 23.80 20.96 24.64 14.76

    0.270 47.98 52.70 52.34 52.52 52.46 16.58 29.26 23.02 27.02 15.52

    0.359 50.12 55.74 56.58 56.84 56.84 17.72 31.30 23.72 28.24 15.86

    0.447 20% 52.32 57.40 59.00 59.44 59.48 19.46 34.50 25.04 29.34 16.42


    Table 5: Simulated rejection probability of Model 3-1 (1 Factor CIR SV model) with 5minfrequency

    Jump/MeanVol Meaning 4LN 2LN LIN Ratio ADJ QV BIP SQRT 4LN 2LN

    0.000 No Jump 19.94 9.12 10.48 8.74 8.56 4.54 5.54 65.28 57.40 78.50

    0.022 LN(2N)/N 33.32 21.58 16.62 13.96 13.80 5.44 7.16 73.60 67.20 83.22

    0.107 58.20 47.60 39.22 36.68 36.58 10.50 18.76 84.02 80.34 90.36

    0.192 66.96 58.80 50.24 48.08 48.04 13.08 25.62 88.14 85.10 92.68

    0.277 72.10 63.94 55.48 53.66 53.54 16.04 29.64 89.34 86.56 93.72

    0.362 74.82 67.16 60.60 58.54 58.52 17.58 33.54 90.18 87.68 94.26

    0.447 20% 77.40 71.36 63.86 62.14 62.10 17.90 34.94 91.38 89.44 95.04

    Size Distortion 14.94 4.12 5.48 3.74 3.56 -0.46 0.54 60.28 5 2.40 7 3.50

    Size Adjusted Power


    0.000 No Jump 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

    0.005 LN(2N)/N 18.38 17.46 11.14 10.22 10.24 5.90 6.62 13.32 14.80 9.72

    0.093 43.26 43.48 33.74 32.94 33.02 10.96 18.22 23.74 27.94 16.86

    0.182 52.02 54.68 44.76 44.34 44.48 13.54 25.08 27.86 32.70 19.18

    0.270 57.16 59.82 50.00 49.92 49.98 16.50 29.10 29.06 34.16 20.22

    0.359 59.88 63.04 55.12 54.80 54.96 18.04 33.00 29.90 35.28 20.76

    0.447 20% 62.46 67.24 58.38 58.40 58.54 18.36 34.40 31.10 37.04 21.54


    Table 6: Simulated rejection probability of Model 3-2 (2 Factor CIR SV model) with 5min



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    Figure 1: A time path of pure diusion model under the null

    Figure 2: A time path of 1 factor CIR SV model under the null


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