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Taenia SaginataUsman Ayub

Department Medical Lab Technology

Page 2: Taenia saginata

oKingdom AnimaliaoPhylum PlatyhelmintheseoClass CestodaoOrder CyclophyllideaoFamily TaeniidaeoGenus TaeniaoSpecies T.Saginata

Scientific Classification

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o Taenia saginata commonly known as the beef tape worm

o It is intestinal parasite of cattle and humano Causing taeniasis in humano Cattle are the intermediate hosto Humans are definitive host

General characteristic

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o Adult worms live in small intestine of their definitive host

o Larval stage found in intermediate host tissue

o Eggs are diagnostic stage


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o Larvae cysticerci are approximately 7.5-10mm wide

o Adults, length of ~5 meter, consisting of 1000 proglottids

o It body is flattend dorso ventrally and segmentedo It is entirely covered by a tegumento Consist three portion scolex,neck and strobilao The scolex has four suckers but no hookso The scolex is approximately 2mm in diameter


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o The rest of body proper is called strobilao The chain of numerous body segment called

proglottidso T.saginata have no digestive

system,mouth,anus or digestive tracto It take nutrients from the host through it

tegumentso They have completely male and female

reproductive system

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o T.Saginata are cosmopolitans

Geographic Distribution

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o The disease is common in Africa,and some of Eastern Europe,the philippines,and latin America

o Found any where where beef is eateno The total global infection is estimated to be

between 40 and 60 billion


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Life cycle

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o T.saginata infection is asymptomatico In high infection results weight losso Dizziness,Abdominal pain,diarrhoeao Headaches, nausea o Constipation, loss of appetiteo Chronic indigestion


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o Microscopy. Proglottids or eggs can diagnosed in feces

o The eggs of T.saginata and T.solium are similar the ELISAs(enzyme linked immunosorbent assays) and PCR can be used to differentiate

o When cysts presents in brain CT scan(computed tomography) are used

o X-ray may usedo Serologic testso Ziehal-Neelsen stain can be used

Diagnostic Tests

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o It take about 5 to 12 weeks to mature in the human intestine

Incubation period

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o In humans it is ingestion of under cooked beef containing the larval stage


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o Taenasisis is easily treated with praziquantel (5-10 mg/kg single dose)

o Niclosamide(adults and children over 6 year,2g single dose)

o Albendazole is also highly effective for treatment of cattle infection


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o The best way to prevent taeniasis is to make sure meat is cooked thoroughly

o Freezing to -5℃ for 4 dayso -15℃ for 3 dayso -24℃ for 1 day to kill larvae as will


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