
    Soccer Coaching Packs

    5 ready made coaching sessions

  • SmartSessionsReady made soccer coaching plans

    Between the linesThis session is designed to improve playing between the

    lines. This means getting players and passes into the

    spaces created by the opponent’s chosen formation.

    What you tell your players the session is about

    What to think about

    1. Improving awareness of space.

    2. Improving forward passing.

    3. Improving attacking play.

    Warm up Session Developments Game Warm down

    10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 5 mins


    The session




    Activity Kit Outcome

    Session planner

    You can cause real problems for the opposition by

    placing players between the lines of the opponent’s

    midfield and defence. The defenders will not know

    whether to come forward and mark the players

    which can leave a forward free to receive a pass.

    And the opponent’s midfielders will not want to drop

    deep as this will leave your midfielders free.

    Players that play in these zones are often the most

    exciting players to watch (Rooney, Joe Cole, Messi


    Where it fits

    Soccer coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

    Players make forward passes through the space between the cones

    Playing through opponents

    Playing through the opponents to score a goal

    Better game awareness of the lines in the opponents formation

    Gentle jogging and stretching exercises

    Individual skills: Passing and receiving,

    movements off the ball, communication,

    dribbling, shooting

    Team skills: Team work, communication,

    combination play, group attacking and defending

    #40 gates pairs

    Balls, cones

    Goals, balls, cones

    Goals, balls, cones



  • direction of run pass



    Three teams of three players.

    One team work as the neutrals with one player on

    each end line and one in the middle.

    The aim of this game is to combine with your team

    mates and the neutral player in order to get the ball

    from one end to the other.

    • 50 x 30 yard area.

    What you get your players to do

    What to call out


    the lines

    The shaded areas show the spaces between the lines in a 4-4-2 formation.

    The white team pass the ball from one end to the other to score a goal.

    Game situation

    Play a normal game.

    Encourage players in possession to make forward


    Encourage players not in possession to play on the

    half-turn with open shoulders, this will enable them

    to see space on the pitch.


    Now play a small-sided game where each team

    has three attackers and three defenders.

    When the defenders are in possession, one of

    their team’s attackers must pull into the free zone

    in order to receive a pass beyond the opponent’s

    attackers but in front of its defence.

    Now the player is free to turn and attack to score.

    • “Open your shoulders and look for space”

    • “Try to pass forward”

    • “Try to move behind the opponents”

    The white defenders pass between the lines to a white attacker who turns to dribble forward.

  • SmartSessionsReady made soccer coaching plans

    The switch gameThe “switch game” has a number of small-sided games

    crammed into one simple pitch.

    This type of multi-pitch allows the maximum playing

    time for your players and lets you develop their range of

    skills, techniques and tactics.

    What you tell your players the session is about

    What to think about

    1. Improving game awareness.

    2. Applying simple game tactics.

    3. Mental development through coping with different


    Warm up Session Developments Game Warm down

    10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 5 mins


    The session




    Activity Kit Outcome

    Session planner

    Each side of the pitch has a target requiring teams

    to find a different way of scoring. This forces the

    teams to employ different tactics:

    • The two mini goals will force players to switch play in order to find the free goal to score.

    • The end zone forces the teams to dribble the ball forwards.

    • The passing targets force the team to play out of defence and pass forwards.

    • The big goal combines the dribbling, passing forward and switching play with shooting skills.

    Where it fits

    Soccer coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

    Footwork exercises to improve speed and movement

    Each game is played for 3 minutes with a 1 minute break.The players are now aware of the game and the rules

    On the coach’s call of switch, games become random as the team’s change their targets

    Normal game

    Gentle jogging and stretching exercises

    Individual skills: Game awareness, passing,

    dribbling, shooting, communication, movement

    skills, defending, control

    Team skills: Communication, co-operation / team

    work, defending, attacking

    #25 continuous ladders

    Balls and cones, goal, mini goals, poles / mannequins

    Balls and cones, goal, mini goals, poles / mannequins

    Balls and cones and goals



  • 2 goals

    1 goal passing targets

    end zone

    whites attack passing targets greys attack 1 goal

    whites attack end zone greys attack 2 goals


    The teams play 4, 3-minute games with a 1 minute

    break in between.

    In each game the teams are attacking and

    defending different targets, requiring different

    methods of scoring. The teams have to employ a

    new tactic in each game to be successful.

    The goalkeeper is used in each game. If a team is

    defending the big goal, then the goalkeeper plays

    for this team. However, if no team is attacking the

    big goal, then the goalkeeper plays as a neutral

    player and gives the team in possession a one

    player advantage.

    • 30 by 30 yard area.

    • If you don’t have mannequins or access to 3 goals, mark them out with cones or kit bags


    What you get your players to do

    What to call out

    The switch game

    The initial set up of the 30 by 30 yard pitch with targets.

    The grey team attack the big goal while the white team attack the passing targets.

    On your call of “switch”, the teams rotate left, the grey team now attack the two mini goals and the white team attack the end zone.

    Game situation

    Play a normal game. The tactics learnt in the switch

    game should be applied in the normal game.


    Rather than playing for a set amount of time you

    can call “switch” at any point in the game. The

    teams must quickly switch the game they were

    playing and rotate to defend the scoring line to

    their left.

    • “How can you score?”

    • “Switch”

    • “React to the next game”

  • SmartSessionsReady made soccer coaching plans

    The target man“Target man” is the term used to describe a centre

    forward who is able to hold the ball under pressure and

    then pass back to supporting players. This session

    includes three simple practices to develop target players.

    What you tell your players the session is about

    What to think about

    1. Developing the use of a target man.

    2. Bringing team mates into the game.

    3. Making forward runs and passes into the final

    third of the pitch.

    Warm up Session Developments Game Warm down

    10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 5 mins

    Warm up

    The session



    Warm down

    Activity Kit Outcome

    Session planner

    In every game, your team will spend a period of time

    under pressure and defending their goal. Therefore,

    when the ball is cleared it’s important that you have

    forwards that can hold on to the ball, allowing team

    mates to get up the pitch.

    Where it fits

    Soccer coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

    Players pass and go to another ball. From The Ultimate Warm-Ups Manual, exercise 73

    The target man holds up play in order to set up the midfielder for a shot at goal

    The players are making forward passes and runs to support the target man

    The target man holds off the defender and brings the midfielder into the game

    Gentle jogging and stretching exercises

    Individual skills: Passing, control, turning,

    shooting, strength to hold off the defender

    Team skills: Communication, combination play


    Balls, cones, goals

    Balls, cones, goals

    Balls, cones, goals



  • direction of run pass shot



    The players make a forward pass into the target

    man who must hold the ball, wait for the players to

    make a supporting run and then lay the ball off for

    the player to shoot at goal.

    The target man must ensure he follows in the shots

    for any rebounds off the goalkeeper.

    • Create a 60 yards by 40 yards area with a goal at either end.

    • Split the playing area into three zones by creating end zones 15 yards from both goals.

    What you get your players to do

    What to call out

    The targetman

    Game situation

    While still playing a small-sided game, place a

    defender in each end zone.

    The target man must hold off the defender and

    keep the ball until a midfielder runs into the end

    zone to make a 2v1 situation.

    Finally, play a normal game.


    In a small-sided game, each team nominates a

    target man that goes inside the opponents’ end

    zone. The remaining players play an even numbers

    game in the central zone.

    The aim of this game is for players to make a

    forward pass into the target man and then run into

    the end zone to receive a lay off and shoot at goal.

    Defenders can track back with the midfielder to try

    and block the shot.

    • “Show yourself as a target”

    • “Hold the ball and wait for support”

    • “Bring team mates into the game”

    The midfielders must pass to the target man and run into the end zone to receive a pass and shoot at goal.

    The target men now have defenders marking them. Can they still hold on to the ball? Can a midfielder make a forward run and create a 2v1?

    After receiving a pass, the target man must set up the supporting midfielder for a shot at goal.

  • SmartSessionsReady made soccer coaching plans

    Squeeze and stretch

    What you tell your players the session is about

    What to think about

    1. Regaining possession to counter attack.

    2. Passing into the space behind the defence.

    3. Developing the forward’s role in the team.

    Warm up Session Developments Game Warm down

    10 mins 10 mins 20 mins 15 mins 5 mins

    Warm up

    The session



    Warm down

    Activity Kit Outcome

    Session planner

    • Do your players recognise the opportunity to exploit the space behind the defence after

    regaining possession?

    • Can the players look to play the ball into this space?

    • If not, can they pass to the forwards? Can a midfielder look to make a supporting run behind

    the defence?

    • Ensure the goalkeeper has a realistic starting position.

    Where it fits

    Soccer coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

    Players are passing the ball at top speed. From The Ultimate Football Warm-Ups Manual, exercise 90

    The midfielders pass into the space behind the defence for the forward to run on to

    Regaining the ball and passing early into the space behind the defence, or into the forward’s feet

    On regaining possession, quicker passes are played into the forwards

    Gentle jogging and stretching exercises

    Individual skills: Defending skills, passing,

    movement off the ball, shooting, hold up play

    Team skills: Defending as a team,

    communication, movement off the ball,

    combination play in attack


    Balls, cones, goal and poles or mannequins

    Balls, cones, a goal and poles or mannequins

    Balls, cones and a goal


    Defenders often squeeze high up the pitch when their

    team is attacking. If your players can stop an attack, they

    have the opportunity to capitalise on the space behind

    the opposition defence. The key is in the quality of the

    forward pass and movement from your attackers to

    break the offside trap.


  • direction of run passrun with ball shot



    30 yards



    30 yards

    1 2



    Have your defenders, or mannequins, 35 yards to

    40 yards from goal.

    The server passes the ball into the midfielder, who

    must take a quick touch to receive and then play

    a pass behind the defence (mannequin) for the

    forward to run on to.

    Forwards must ensure they disguise their runs and

    stay onside in order to get in behind the defence

    and score.

    Create a 60 yards 40 yards playing area.

    What you get your players to do

    What to call out

    Squeeze and stretch

    Game situation

    Play a normal game with the following rule. On

    regaining possession, players must immediately

    look to pass to one of their forwards – whether in

    the space behind the defence, or into the forward’s



    • Include a 25 yards by 30 yards grid within the larger playing area for the development.

    • Develop these skills in a small-sided game starting in the smaller playing area.

    • The white team attempt to keep possession in the small area (second picture right).

    • If the grey team win possession it looks to play a quick pass beyond the opposition defence for

    their forward to run on to and shoot.

    • Develop further by instructing the forward to receive the ball to feet, forcing a midfielder to

    make run behind the defence to add a new

    attacking option (third picture right).

    • “React to winning possession”

    • “Look to pass into the space behind the defence”

    • “Look to run into the space behind the defence”

    The grey team dispossesses the white team and play their forward behind the defence.

    The grey team now plays into the forward’s feet and a midfielder runs in behind to receive a pass and score.

    The midfielder plays a quick pass behind the defence for the forward to run on to and score.

  • SmartSessionsReady made soccer coaching plans

    Three zone attack

    What you tell your players the session is about

    What to think about

    1. Improving team attacking

    2. Gaining half a yard to shoot at goal.

    3. Dribbling into the final third of the pitch.

    4. Making forward runs off the ball.

    Warm up Session Developments Game Warm down

    10 mins 15 mins 15 mins 15 mins 5 mins

    Warm up

    The session



    Warm down

    Activity Kit Outcome

    Session planner

    The three games look to improve the team’s variety

    of attacks.

    • Game 1 improves the players’ ability to find half a yard and shoot from the edge of the penalty

    area. It also improves other players’ reactions to

    attacking or defending a rebound.

    • Game 2 allows players the chance to show disguise by pretending to shoot, and then use

    skill to beat a defender and dribble into the

    penalty area to score.

    • Game 3 develops the attack as players find space to shoot or dribble. Now they pass the

    ball and look to make forward runs beyond the

    defence to receive a return pass and shoot.

    Where it fits

    Soccer coaching plans you can take straight on to the field

    Individual skills: Shooting, passing, dribbling,

    running off the ball, clever play

    Team skills: Combination play, movement off

    the ball, communication


    Balls, cones, bibs and two goals Balls, cones, bibs and two goals Balls, cones, bibs and two goals n/a

    This session improves your team’s attacking play

    through a series of small-sided games. These take place

    on a pitch divided into three playing zones, allowing you

    to set different conditions for the players to create goal

    scoring chances.

    Improved movement skills and speed changes. From The Ultimate Football Warm-Ups Manual, exercise 87 Players are now shooting at every opportunity and reacting to rebounds Players are dribbling and beating defenders to score Players are now passing to the forward and making supporting runs to score Gentle jogging and stretching exercises


  • player movement pass

    run with ball shot



    This game is played in the central zone. Players

    must pass quickly or use skill to gain half a yard

    before shooting.

    The range of shots will be from between 18

    yards and 36 yards, so players will be working on

    shooting from distance.

    When a shot is on target, one defender and one

    attacker may run into the end zone to deal with


    Create a 54 yards by 30 yards playing area, divided

    into three 18 yards by 30 yards zones. Have a

    goal at either end with goalkeepers. Divide outfield

    players into 5v5.

    What you get your players to do

    What to call out

    Three zone attack

    Game situation

    Remove the defender and place a forward in each

    end zone. Players can now shoot from the central

    zone, show disguise and dribble, or pass to the

    forward and make a supporting run to receive a

    return pass in order to shoot.


    Progress the game by placing a defender in each

    team’s end zone. Players can now shoot from the

    central zone or dribble into the end zone to create

    a 1v1 with the defender.

    This game will provide the attacker with the option

    of pretending to shoot before showing disguise

    and dribbling into the end zone to score.

    • “Be clever with your movement.”

    • “Find a half yard and shoot.”

    • “Pass quickly to disorganise the defence.”

    Players can either shoot or dribble out of the central zone for a 1v1 with the defender in the end zone.

    Passes are made to the target forward, who looks for a support player. This forward runner receives a pass and shoots.

    Players look to create space for a shot from the central zone. An attacker and defender can enter the end zones to contest rebounds.