
Louisiana Law ReviewVolume 6 | Number 1December 1944

Table of Contents: Table of Cases

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Repository CitationTable of Contents: Table of Cases, 6 La. L. Rev. (1944)Available at:


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.

ART. NO. i

2672 ..............................2692 ..............................2695 ..............................2699 ..............................2746-2750 .........................2872 ..............................2985 ..............................2985-3034 .........................2986 ..............................2987 ..............................


2991 .............................. 5962995-2997 ......................... 5963021 .......................... 548, 5973026 .............................. 5903506 .............................. 7313507 .............................. 7313509 .............................. 7323519 ................. 218, 632, 637, 6403544 .............................. 252



3609 .............................. 731Aarnes v. Aarnes ................. 294Adams Hats, Inc., Waldhauser v.

593, 625Aetna Life Ins. Co., City of Gretnav ......................... 6 24, 632

Airey v. Tugwell .................. 76Albert Weiblen Marble and Gran-

ite Co., Inc., Doll v ......... 592, 596Alberts, State v ................... 669Alberty v. Federal Trade Commis-

sion ............................ 432Alford, State v ................ 185, 192Algoma Lumber Co., Federal Trade

Commission v ................... 431Allen, State v ..................... 203Allen, Taylor v ................ 270, 483Almquist v. Shenandoah Nurseries 89Alston v. Southern Production

C o . ... ......................... 585Alwes, Wilson Sporting Goods Co.v ................................ 216

Ambler Realty Co., Village of Eu-clid v ................. 503, 504, 507

Amerada Petroleum Corp. v. Mur-phy ............................ 227

Amerada Petroleum Corp. v. Reese 228Amerada Petroleum Corp. v. State

Mineral Board .................. 701American Employers' Ins. Co.,Mc-

Henry v ..................... 205, 260American Medicinal Products, Inc.

v. Federal Trade Commission... 441American Mut. Liability Ins. Co.,Jones v .......................... 730

Anderson, State v .............. 187, 660Angelette v. Hardie ............... 214Angers, Succession of ............. 229Arcadia Bonded Warehouse Co.,

Inc. v. National Union Fire Ins.C o . ............................. 615

Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Co. v.Parker Oil Co ................... 256


Army & Navy Trading Co., Feder-al Trade Commission v .......... 436

Arnold v. Solvay Process Co ...... 610Aronberg v. Federal Trade Com-

m ission ........................ 443Aschenbach, Sullivan Mining Co.v . .............................. 96

Atherton v. Atherton .............. 291Atkins v. Smith ........... 219, 580, 642Aucoin, State v ................ 698, 701Baker, Jaco v ..................... 425Baker v. W ilder ................... 222Bakery & Pastry Drivers v. Wohl 397Barber, Succession of ............. 234Barbin, Roccaforte v .............. 624Barnette, West Virginia State

Board of Education v ............ 400Barrett, State v ................... 458Barton, State v .................... 666Bates v. Blitz .................. 212, 254Baynard, State ex rel. Parish of

Plaquemines v ................. 214Beam v. Karaim .................. 425Beamish, State v .................. 640Bender v. Pfaff ................... 690Bendernagel v. Foret .............. 574Bendix, W hite v .................. 573Benton Announcements, Inc. v.

Federal Trade Commission ..... 431Bernard, State v .................. 181Bernstein v. Commercial National

Bank ........................... 423Berot v. Porte .................... 284Berryhill, State v ................. 278Bertrand, Succession of ........... 108Bethlehem Supply Co. v. Pan-

Southern Petroleum Corp ....... 582Bienvenu, State v ......... 658, 671, 719Billington, Sims v ................. 107Bischoff, State v ................... 726Bisso, Succession of ............... 249Bjorkgren v. Bjorkgren ........... 238Black v. Black .................... 241

1946] xxvii


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.

ART. NO. PAGEBlackwell, Security Sales Com-

pany v . ........................ 733

Blaize v. Hayes ................ 216, 220Blaize, Slater v .................... 221Blitz, Bates v .................. 212, 254Board of Commissioners for At-

chafalaya Basin Levee Dist. v.Sperling ........................ 258

Board of Commissioners for Pla-quemines Parish East Bank

Levee District, L. P. DavisConstruction Co. v ............ 595

Board of Com'rs of Port of NewOrleans, Hartwig Mo ss Ins.

Agency, Ltd. v ................ 544Board of Commissioners of Red

River, Atchafalaya and BayouBoeuf Levee Dist., Haas v ...... 639

Board of Wardens of the Port ofPhiladelphia, Cooley v ........... 35

Bockensette v. Federal Trade Com-m ission ......................... 449

Bogdanoff, People v ............... 82Bologna Brothers v. Stephens ..... 253Borns, Leveque v .................. 472Bothick, Succession of ............ 107Boudreaux, Brown v ........... 635, 637Boutte, State v .................... 199Bowles, Davies Warehouse Co. v. 395Briere, Laplace v .................. 569Brocato. State v ................... 182Brockner, State v .............. 639, 641Erodes, State v ................. 696Brossier, Sequin c ................. 134Broussard, White v ................ 240Brown v. Boudreaux .......... 635, 637Brown, State v ................. 277, 278Brunetto, State v .................. 460Bruno v. Mauro ................... 245Buchanan v. Warley .......... 499, 500Buisson v. Huard ................. 285Bujol v. Missouri Pacific Railroad

C o . ............................. 629Bull, Calder v ..................... 299Bultman Mortuary Service, Inc.

v. City of New Orleans ......... 505Bunte Bros. v. Federal Trade

Commission .................... 450Burgan v. Burgan ............. 469, 570Burk v. Livingston Parish Police

Jury ........................... 543Burka, Womack v ................. 641Burks, State v ..................... 301Burnside, Succession of ........... 576Burris, State v ................. 177, 195Bush, W alsh v ..................... 623Bussa, Fidelity & Deposit Co. of

Maryland v ...................... 637Butterfield v. Forrester ........... 126Byrnes, Succession of ............. 575


Caballero, Hammonds v ........... 568Cadro v. Plaquemines Gazette ..... 418

Calder v. Bull .................... 299

Caldwell v. Cline .................. 723Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Inc. v. Fed-

eral Trade Commission ......... 448

California, Hooper v ............... 25Campbell v. Nichols ............... 733Campbell, Union Sulphur Co. v.

581, 628Cannella v. Gulf Refining Co. of

L a . ............................. 96Capaci, State v .................... 80Carbon Water Co. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 443Carlson, State v ................... 458Carmody v. Land .............. 637, 639Carolina Freight Carriers Corp.,

United States v .................. 390Carpenter v. E. I. Du Pont de

Nemours and Co ................ 609Carter, State v ................. 656, 664Carter, Sugar Field Oil Co., Inc.

v .................... 631, 636, 683Cass v. New Orleans Times ...... 423Cassagne v. Cassagne ............. 636Cassanova v. Paramount-Richards

Theatres, Inc .................... 211Cassidy v. Joseph ................. 248Castille v. Gallagher .............. 633Chanet, State v .................... 721Charles of the Ritz Distributors

Corp. v. Federal Trade Commis-sion .................... 434, 445, 448

Charles, State v ................... 694Chase National Bank, Indianapo-

lis v . ........................... 388Checker Cab Co., Vitale v ........ 208Cheever v. W ilson ................ 291Childs v. New Orleans City R.R. 139City of Gretna v. Aetna Life Ins.

Co . ......................... 624, 632City of Gretna v. Gulf Distilling

Corp . ........................... 636City of Gretna v. St. Paul Fire

and Marine Ins. Co ............ 624City of Jeannette, Douglas v ...... 399City of Lake Charles, State ex rel.

Holcombe v ..................... 511City of New Orleans, Bultman

Mortuary Service, Inc. v ........ 505City of New Orleans v. Westwego

Canal and Terminal Co., Inc.............................. 632, 639

City of Shreveport v. Dickason... 507City of Shreveport v. Kahn ....... 625Clark v. Clark .................. 568Clay, State ex rel. Fitzmaurce v. 509Cline, Caldwell v .................. 723

Xxviii Vol. VI


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.


Clover, Clayton & Company, Ltd.v. H ughes ...................... 86

Coca-Cola Co. v. Wirthman DrugCo . ............................. 447

Cockrell v. Moran Corp. of theSouth .......................... 220

Comision Reguladora Del Mercadode Henequen, Isaac v ........... 219

Commercial National Bank, Bern-stein v . ........................ 423

Commissioner of Internal Revenuev. Harm on ...................... 108

Compasi v. Mutual Benefit Health& Accident Ass'n ............... 617

Congregation of Sisters of St. Jo-seph v. Glassell ................. 574

Connolly, Louisiana State Bar As-sociation v ................ 677, 680

Consolidated Underwriters, Daviesv . .............................. 729

Continental Land & Fur Co. v.LaCoste ........................ 238

Continental Land & Fur Co., San-ders de Hart v ................ 238

Converse v. Victor and Prevost,Inc . ............................ 589

Conway v. Imperial Life Ins. Co. 619Cooley v. Board of Wardens of

the Port of Philadelphia ........ 35Correjolles, Succession of ......... 577Corsey, Succession of ............. 270Cote, Ex Parte .................... 427Couret v. Couret .................. 220Craighead, Steat v ................ 188Creech v. Errington .............. 575Cropper, State v .................. 695Crowley v. Groonell ............... 425Cusachs v. Cusachs ............... 220D'Amico, Phillips v ................ 479Davies v. Consolidated Underwrit-

ers ............................. 729Davies v. Mann ................... 134Davies Warehouse Co. v. Bowles.. 395Davis, State v ..................... 716Davis v. W atts ................... 472L. P. Davis Construction Co. v.

Board of Commissioners forPlaquemines Parish East BankLevee District ................. 595

Dean, State v ...................... 654Deese, Jones v .................... 260DeLaureal v. Roquet's Succession 576Delgado, Weingart v ............ 253Delia, State v ..................... 684De Loach, Succession of .......... 238Charles Dennery, Inc., Kientz v... 208Desha, Pryor v .................... 235Dickason, City of Shreveport v... 507Dickson & Denny, First National

Bank Building Co., Ltd .......... 630


Doll v. Albert Weiblen Marble andGranite Co., Inc ............. 592, 596

D oll v. D oll ....................... 579

Doucet v. Texas Co ........... 212, 228

Douglas v. City of Jeanette ...... 399J. C. Dowd & Co., Florence Manu-

facturing Co. v ............... 444Dowling, State v ................ 255Dreaux, State v ................... 198Drews, Pennington v .............. 721Dugas v. Powell .......... 573, 635, 639Duncan v. Pedare ................ 730E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and

Co., Carpenter v ............... 609E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Co.,

Thornton v ................... 412Dupuis, Rudman v ............. 582, 595Dupuy v. Tedora .................. 286Duraso, State v ................... 658Dutton Motors, Martin v .......... 587Earl, Lucas v ................... 103Edenborn, Succession of .......... 627Educators Ass'n, Inc. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 438Edwards, Gravity Drainage Dist.

N o. 2. v ......................... 625Edwards v. Hester ................ 216Edwards v. Royal Indemnity Co.. 729Elam v. Shushan .................. 250Elder & Walters Equipment Co.,

Inc., Graziani v ................. 628Ellis, State v ...................... 644El Moro Cigar Co. v. Federal

Trade Commission ........... 436English, Nixon v .................. 641Errington, Creech v ............... 575Erwin, State v .................... 699Escat, Interdiction of ......... 640, 643Esparros v. Vicknair .............. 263Establissments Rigaud, Inc. v.

Federal Trade Commission ..... 437Ex Parte Cote .................... 427Fajoni v. Frierson ................ 254Farley, Succession of ............. 237Fazzio, State v .................... 463Federal Land Bank v. John D.

Nix, Enterpriser ................ 509Federal Trade Commission, Alber-

ty v . ........................... 432Federal Trade Commission v. Al-

goma Lumber Co ................ 431Federal Trade Commission, Am-

erican Medicinal Products, Inc.V ................................. 441

Federal Trade Commission v.Army & Navy Trading Co ...... 436

Federal Trade Commission, Aron-berg v ........................... 443

Federal Trade Commission, Ben-ton Announcements, Inc. v ...... 431

±946] xxix


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.


Federal Trade Commsision, Bock-ensette v..................... 449

Federal Trade Commission, BunteB ros. v . ........................ 450

Federal Trade Commission, Dr.W. B. Caldwell, Inc. v ........... 448

Federal Trade Commission, Car-bon W ater Co. v ................ 443

Federal Trade Commission,Charles of the Ritz DistributorsCorp. v ............... 434, 445, 448

Federal Trade Commission, Edu-cators Ass'n, Inc. v ............. 438

Federal Trade Commission, ElMoro Cigar Co. v ................ 436

Federal Trade Commission, Estab-lissments Rigaud, Inc. v ......... 437

Federal Trade Commission, FloretSales Co. v ................... 431

Federal Trade Commission, FordMotor Co. v.................. 430

Federal Trade Commission, JohnJ. Fulton Co. v ................ 442

Federal Trade Commission, Gen-eral Motor Co. v ................ 430

Federal Trade Commission, Gim-bel Brothers, Inc. v ........... 432

Federal Trade Commission, GrandRapids Furniture Co., Inc. v... 438

Federal Trade Commission v.G ratz ........................... 432

Federal Trade Commission, Herz-feld v . .......................... 440

Federal Trade Commission, Inter-national Art. Co. v .............. 451

Federal Trade Commission, Inter-national Parts Corp. v .......... 453

Federal Trade Commission, JustinHynes & Co. v .................. 443

Federal Trade Commission v. R.F. Keppel & Brother ........... 450

Federal Trade Commission, Kid-der Oil Co. v ................. 434, 435

Federal Trade Commission v. Kles-ner ............ ............. 448

Federal Trade Commission, Lanev . ............ 439

Federal Trade Commission, Man-cher v ........................... 439

Federal Trade Commission, More-trench v . ....................... 452

Federal Trade Commission, E. B.Muller & Co. v .................. 452

Federal Trade Commission v. Non-Plate Engraving Co., Inc ....... 431

Federal Trade Commission, Pep)oys-Manny, Moe, and Jack,Inc. v ........................... 449

Federal Trade Commission, PhilipR. Park, Inc. v .................. 443

ART. NO. PAGEFederal Trade Commission, Se-

borne Company v .............. 441Federal Trade Commission, Stan-

ton v .................... 446, 449Federal Trade Commission, Tho-

mas Quilt Factory v ............. 451Feibleman, Gilliland v ............. 283Fenton v. Thorley & Company,

L td . ............................ 85Fernandez v. Wiener .......... 685, 688Fidelity & Casualty Co., Glover v. 97Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Mary-

land v. Bussa .................. 637Finlay, Langley v ................ 607Finley v. Louisiana Central Lbr.

C o . ............................. 261First National Bank Building Co.,

Ltd. v. Dickson & Denny ....... 630First Nat. Life Ins. Co., Senselyv. 218Fischer v. Wells Fargo & Co. Ex-

press ........................... 254Flannagan v. Nicholson Publish-

ing Co . ......................... 419Fletcher, Rylands v ............... 601Fleytas v. Pontchartrain Railroad

C o . ............................. 134Florence Manufacturing Co. v. J.

C. Dowd & Co ................... 444Floret Sales Co. v. Federal Trade

Commission .................... 431Flournoy v. Wiener ............... 688Ford Motor Co. v. Federal Trade

Commission .................... 430Foret, Bendernagel v ............ 574Forrester, Butterfield v ............ 126Fox, Gorieb v................... 503Francks, Victory Sparkler & Spe-

cialty Co. v ...................... 95Frederico Macaroni Manufactur-

ing Co. v. Great Western FireIns. Co .......................... 622

Freeman, Sargent v ............... 227Friedman-Harry Marks Clothing

Co., National Labor RelationsBoard v . ....................... 30

Frierson, Fajoni v ................. 254Fuller, Tillery v ............... 238, 574John J. Fulton Co. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 442Futral, Standard Oil Co. of La. v. 223Galiano v. Monteleone ............ 472Gallagher, Castille v .............. 633Gast v. Gast ...................... 594Gaudin, Pool v .................... 626Gehlbach, State v .............. 183, 276Gendusa, State v ............... 278, 645General Film Co. of Missouri v.

General Film Co. of Maine ..... 113General Motor Co. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 430

XXX [Vol. VI


References In italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.


Genna, State v .................... 696Gerald v. Standard Oil Co. of La.

209, 219Gerstner v. Stringer .............. 243Gifford Hill & Co., Oil Field Sup-

ply & Scrap Material Co. v..... 225Gillett Brothers, Lichtenstein

Brothers & Co. v ................. 622Gilliland v. Feibleman ............ 283Gimbel Brothers, Inc. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 432Given, State v ..................... 454Glassell, Congregation of Sisters

of St. Joseph v .................. 574Glassell-Taylor, Murtishaw v ...... 248Glover v. Fidelity & Casuality Co. 97Glover v. Town of Ponchatoula... 256Gobitis, Minersville School Dis-

trict v . ....................... 400Goree v. Midstates Oil Corp ....... 256Gorieb v. Fox ..................... 503Gournay, Rock Island, A. & L. R.

Co. v ......................... 245, 247Grace, Police Jury of Parish of

Jefferson Davis v ................ 560Grace, Trinchard v ................ 569Grand Rapids Furniture Co., Inc.

v. Federal Trade Commission... 438Gratz, Federal Trade Commission

v .. .............................. 432Gravier, Succession of ............ 271Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 2 v.

Edwards ....................... 625Graziani v. Elder & Walters Equip-

m ent Co., Inc .................... 628Great Western Fire Ins. Co., Fred-

erico Macaroni ManufacturingCo. v . .......................... 622

Greene v. Lane ................... 427Gretna, City of v. Aetna Life Ins.

Co ........................ 624, 632Gretna, City of v. Gulf Distilling

C orp . ........................... 636Gretna, City of v. St. Paul Fire

and Marine Ins. Co ............. 624Groonell, Crowley v ............... 425Gros, State v .............. 185, 193, 195Gross v. Teche Lines, Inc ......... 603Guidry v. Guidry .................. 571Gulf Distilling Corp., City of

Gretna v ......................... 636Gulf Refining Co. of La., Cannellav .. .............................. 96

Gulf Refining Co. v. Orr .......... 580Gulf Refining Co., Watkins v. 583, 602Guillory, Rock Island, A. & L. R.

Co. v........ ; ................. 247Haas v. Board of Commissioners

of Red River, Atchafalaya andBayou Boeuf Levee Dist ........ 639


Haas, Veltin v .................... 580Haddad, M. H. Nahigian, Inc. v.. 262Haddock v. Haddock .......... 290, 470Hagan, State v .................... 458Hammett v. Sprowl ............... 589Hammonds v. Caballero ........... 568Haney v. Trost ................... 284Hanszen, Lebleu v ................. 262Hardie, Angelette v ............... 214Hardy, State ex rel. Pleasant v... 512Hardy v. Union Producing Co.... 584Harmon, Commissioner of Inter-

nal Revenue v ................... 108Harmon & Stringfellow v. Lagarde 262Harper, State v ................... 175Harris Lbr. & Towing Corp., State

ex rel. Dendinger, Inc. v ........ 248Harris, Palmer v .................. 437Harris, State ex rel. Dickason v. 510Harrison, Provost v ............... 257Harrison, State ex rel. Manhein v. 508Hartwig Moss Ins. Agency, Ltd. v.

Board of Com'rs of Port of NewOrleans ........................ 544

Harvey v. Riedlinger .............. 248Harvey, Watson v ................. 220Hayes, Blaize v ................ 216, 220Hayne, Mulhern v ................. 222Heller, Humphreys v .............. 425Hebert, State v .................... 190Henry v. Reid .................... 301Herbert, State v .................. 17Herzfeld v. Federal Trade Com-

m ission ........................ 440Hester, Edwards v ................ 216Hibernia Bank & Trust Co., In

re .......................... 631, 638H ill, State v ....................... 84Hodges, Nickerson v .............. 605Hollandsworth, Howze v .......... 641Holman, Mitich v ................. 213Holmes, Lewis v ............... 477, 605Hood v. Southern Production Co.

583, 584Hooper v. California .............. 25Houck, State v .................... 457Houston E. & W. Texas Ry. v.

United States .................. 451Houston, Railroad Co. v .......... 135Howard v. Rowan ................ 730Howze v. Hollandsworth .......... 641Huard, Buisson v ................... 285Hughes, Clover, Clayton & Com-

pany, Ltd. v ..................... 86Humphreys v. Heller ............. 425Hunnewell, Irwin v ................ 612Hunt Oil Co., Treat v ............. 582Hunt, People ex rel. Todak v..... 82Hymel, Scacciaferro v ............. 571Iennusa v. Rosato ................ 579

1946] xxxi


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.


Illinois, Wabash, St. Louis &Pacific R. R ..................... 45

Imperial Life Ins. Co., Conway v. 619

Indianapolis v. Chase NationalBank ......................... 388

In re Hibernia Bank & Trust Co.631, 638

In re Longdo ..................... 427In re R eed ........................ 676In re R oy ......................... 221In re Sherill ................. 215, 570Interdiction of Escat ........ 640, 643International Art Co. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 451International Parts Corporation v.

Federal Trade Commission ..... 453International Shoe Co. v. State.. 726Irwin v. Hunnewell ............... 612Isaac v. Comision Reguladora Del

Mercado de Henequen .......... 219Iseringhausen, State v.... 185, 189, 191Israel, Louisiana Highway Com-

m ission v . ...................... 255Jackson v. New Orleans Board of

Trade, Ltd . ..................... 588Jackson v. State Farm Mutual,

Automobile Ins. Co ............. 729Jaco v. Baker ..................... 425Jagneaux, State ex rel. Jagneaux

v . .............................. 217James, State v..................... 697Jeansonne, State ex rel. Riddle v. 221Jefferson Parish Developers, Inc.,

Yuges Realty v .................. 258Jefferson Parish School Board,

State ex rel. Rathe v ............ 542Johnson, State ex rel. Divens v.

571, 634, 638Johnston, State v ......... P95, 645, 646Jones v. American Mut. Liability

Ins. Co .......................... 730Jones v. Deese .................... 260Jones, Railroad Co. v ............. 135Jones v. Shehee-Ford Wagon and

Harness Co., Inc ................ 729Jones, State ex rel. Pierre v ...... 299Jones, Thompson v ................ 215Jones, W ooten v ................... 254Jordan v. Smith .................. 578Joseph, Cassidy v ................. 248Junca, Laine v .................... 608Jung, Saueressig v ................. 427Justin Hynes & Co. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 443Kahle, Sklar v .................. 228Rahn, City of Shreveport v ...... 625Kaplan, Romer v .................. 427Karaim, Beam v ................... 425Kelley, Moffitt v ................... 692Kemp v. Stanley .................. 183


Kennard v. Palmer ................ 427Kenner v. Miller .................. 283R. F. Keppel & Brother, Federal

Trade Commission v ............ 450Kidder Oil Co. v. Federal Trade

Commission ................. 434, 435Kientz v. Charles Dennery, Inc... 208Klesner, Federal Trade Commis-

sion v . ......................... 448Knott, United States v ......... 620, 621Lacosst, Succession of ............ 271LaCoste, Continental Land & Fur

Co. v . .......................... 238Lacoume, Succession of ........... 230Lafourche Basin Levee Dist.,

Westwego Canal and TerminalC o. v . .......................... 565

Lagarde, Harmon & Stringfellowv . .............................. 262

Laine v. Junca .................... 608La Nasa Bakery, Zeller v ......... 509Lanata, Succession of .......... 109, 229Land, Carmody v .............. 637, 639Lane v. Federal Trade Commis-

sion ............................ 439Lane, Greene v .................. 427Lange v. Richoux ................. 270Langley v. Finlay ................. 607Laplace v. Briere ................. 569Lasseigne v. Lasseigne ............ 236Lassere, Third District Land Co.,

L td. v . ......................... 257LeBlanc v. Trahan ................ 634Leche, Louisiana State Bar Asso-

ciation v ..................... 680Lebleu v. Hanszen ................ 262Ledoux, McBride v ................ 285Le Doux, Vincent v: ............... 472Lee Moor Contracting Co., Stev-

enson v . ........................ 92Lescale v. Joseph Schwartz Co... 420Leveque v. Borns ................. 472Levy, Succession of ............... 576Lewis v. Holmes ............... 477, 605Lewis, Succession of .............. 106Lichtenstein Brothers & Co. v.

Gillett Brothers ................ 622Liebmann, New State Ice Co. v... 149Lisso's Succession, Wolfson v. 579, 598Liverpool & London Globe Ins.

Co., Ltd., Pizzolato v ............ 616Livingston Parish Police Jury,

Burke v . ....................... 543Lob, Robin v ...................... 236Locarno, Succession of ............ 577Lombardo, Succession of ...... 230, 231Long Island Machinery and Equip-

ment Co., Inc., Schultz v ........ 728Longdo, In re ..................... 427

xxxii [Vol. VI


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.


Louisiana Central Lbr. Co., Fin-ley v . .......................... 261

Louisiana Central Lbr. Co., Woo-ley v . .......................... 259

Louisiana Highway Commission v.Israel .......................... 255

Louisiana Highway Commission v.Paciera ........................ 255

Louisiana State Bar Associationv. Connolly ................. 677, 680

Louisiana State Bar Associationv. Leche ....................... 680

Louisiana State Bar Associationv. Steiner ................... 222, 675

Louisiana Weekly Publishing Co.,Naihaus v .................... 418

Louis Werner Saw Mill Co. v.W hite .......................... 251

Lowden, Reid v ................. 590Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods

Co. v. Tangipahoa Parish SchoolBoard ....................... 547, 597

Lucas v. Earl ..................... 103J. B. Luke's Sons, Picou v ....... 209Lumley v. Wagner ............. 722, 725Lynch, Sodekson v ................ 715McBride v. Ledoux ................ 285McDonald, State v ................. 672McDonell, State v ................. 711McHenry v. American Employers'

Ins. Co ................... 205, 260McHugh, Commissioner of Conser-

vation v. Placid Oil Co ......... 586McIntosh, State v ................. 695Charles J. McLaughlin, Spector

Motor Service, Inc. v ............ 409McMillan, State v ................. 242McNabb v. United States .......... 411McShane, State ex. rel. National

Oil Works of Louisiana v ....... 507Maddox, Tresca v ................. 424Madison, Marbury v ............. 389Maestri, Tortorich v ............... 474Magee v. Yazoo & Mississippi

Valley R. P ................... 605Maggio v. Papa ................... 259Malone, Packard Florida Motors

Co. v . ....... 4 ................ 731Mammoth Oil Co. v. United States 447Mancher v. Federal Trade Com-

mission ...................... 439Mann, Davies v ................... 134Marbury v. Madison ............... 389Marks, Succession .................. 576Marsh v. State of Alabama ........ 707Martin v. Dutton Motors .......... 587Martin, Secretary of State, State

ex rel. Land v ................... 638Martin v. Struthers ............... 709Matheny v. Matheny .............. 242


Mauro, Bruno v ................... 245

Maxwell v. Maxwell ............... 101Meraux, Perez v ................... 676Mercer v. Tremont & Gulf Rail-

way Co .......................... 302M esser, State v .................... 698Messina v. Owens ................. 558Meteye v. Times Democrat Pub-

lishing Co ....................... 420Miami Corporation v. State ....... 699Midstates Oil Corp., Goree v ...... 256M ielly v. Soule .................... 282Miller, Kenner v ................... 283Miller v. Miller ................ 572, 634Minersville School District v. Go-

bitis ............................ 400Minor v. Young ............... 270, 484Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.,

B ujol v .......................... 629Missouri Pacific Ry., Rapides Cen-

tral R y. v ....................... 638Mistich v. Holman ................ 213Mitchiner, State ex rel. Kava-naugh v ................... 177, 184

Mockosher, State v ................ 198Moffitt v. Kelley .................. 692Mongogna v. O'Dwyer ............ 287Monongahela West Penn Public

Service Co. v. State Board RoadCommission of West Virginia... 152

Monteleone, Galiano v ............. 472Moran Corp. of the South, Cock-

rell v ............................ 220Moreau, O'Meallie v ............ 477, 605Moretrench v. Federal Trade Com-

m ission ......................... 452Morgan, State v ............ 17, 189, 464Mudd v. Mudd .................... 568Mulhern v. Hayne ................ 222E. B. Muller & Co. v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 452Zfumphrey, New Orleans Checker

Cabs, Inc. v ..................... 112Murdock v. Pennsylvania ......... 708Murphy, Amerada Petroleum Corp.v . ............................... 227

Murtishaw v. Glassell-Taylor ...... 248Mutual Benefit Health & Accident

Ass'n, Campasi v ................ 617M. H. Nahigian, Inc. v. Haddad.. 262Naihaus v. Louisiana Weekly Pub-

lishing Company ............... 418National Labor Relations Board

v. Friedman-Harry Marks Cloth-ing Co ......................... 30

National Labor Relations Boardv. Jones & Laughlin Steel Com-pany ........................... 29

National Labor Relations Board,Polish National Alliance of the

1946] Xxxiii


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.


United States of North Ameri-ca v ............................. 31

National Union Fire Ins. Co., Ar-cadia Bonded Warehouse Co.,Inc. v ............................ 615

Nelson, State v ................ 454, 459New Orleans Board of Trade, Ltd.,

Jackson v ..................... 588New Orleans Checker Cabs, Inc.

v. Mumphrey .................... 112New Orleans, City of v. Westwe-

go Canal and Terminal Co., Inc.632, 639

New Orleans City R.R., Childs v. 139New Orleans Times, Cass v ....... 423New State Ice Co. v. Liebmann.. 149Nichols, Campbell .v ............. 733Nicholson Publishing Co., Flanna-

gan v ............................ 419Nickerson v. Hodges .............. 605John D. Nix, Enterpriser, Federal

Land Bank v .................... 509Nixon v. English .................. 641Nomey, State v .................... 197Non-Plate Engraving Co., Inc.,

Federal Trade Commission v.... 431North Central Texas Oil Co., Inc.,

Placid Oil Co. v ............. 585, 625North Carolina, Williams v. 290, 469Nys, Yackel v ..................... 425Oakes v. Walther ................. 284O'Dwyer, Mongogna v ............. 287Oil Field Supply & Scrap Material

Co. v. Gifford Hill & Co ......... 225Oklahoma, Skinner v .............. 398Oliver, State v ..................... 183O'Meallie v. Moreau ........... 477, 605O'Neal, Porter v ................... 215Orr, Gulf Refining Co. v ........... 580Outdoor Electric Advertising, Inc.

v. Saurage ..................... 635Owens, Messina v ................. 558Paciera, Louisiana Highway Com-

m ission v ........................ 255Packard Florida Motors Co. v.

Malone ...................... 731Palmer v. Harris .................. 437Palmer, Kennard v ................ 427Pan American Production Co.,

Veeder v . ....................... 225Pan-Southern Petroleum Corp.,

Bethlehem Supply Co. v ......... 582Papa, Maggio v ................... 259Paramount-Richards Theatres,

Inc., Cassanova v ................ 211Parish of Lafourche v. Parish of

Jefferson ....................... 547Parker Oil Co., Arkansas-Louisi-

ana Gas Co. v ................... 256Parten v. W ebb ................... 227


Patterson, State v ................. 696Paul v. Virginia ............. 24, 32, 44

Pedare, Duncan v ................. 730Pelah, Smith v ..................... 426Pennington v. Drews ............ 721Pennsylvania, Murdock v ......... 708People v. Bogdanoff ............... 82People ex rel. Todak v. Hunt ..... 82Pep Boys-Manny, Moe, and Jack,

Inc. v. Federal Trade Commis-sion ............................ 449

Perez v. Meraux .................. 676Perkins, State v ................... 714Perot v. Police Jury of Natchi-

toches Parish ................... 552Pete, State v .............. 174, 178, 653Peters v. United States ex rel.

K elley .......................... 428Pfaff, Bender v .................... 690Philip R. Park, Incorporated v.

Federal Trade Commission ...... 443Phillips v. D'Amico ............... 479Picou v. J. B. Luke's Sons ........ 209Pierre v. State of Louisiana... 186, 660Papitone, Succession of ........... 232Pizatti, Succession of ............. 106Pizzolato v. Liverpool & London

Globe Ins. Co., Ltd .............. 616Placid Oil Co., McHugh, Commis-

sioner of Conservation v ........ 586Placid Oil Co. v. North Central

Texas Oil Co., Inc ............ 585, 625Plaquemines Gazette, Cadro v..... 418Poe v. Seaborn .................... 105Police Jury of Natchitoches Par-

ish, Perot v ..................... 552Police Jury of Parish of Jefferson

Davis v. Grace .................. 560Police Jury of Vermilion Parish,

Town of Abbeville v ............ 628Polish National Alliance of the

United States of North Americav. National Labor RelationsB oard .......................... 31

Pollock v. Williams ............... 397Pontchartrain Railroad Co., Fley-

tas v ............................ 134Pool v. Gaudin .................... 626Poole, State v ..................... 455Porte, Berot v ..................... 284Porter v. O'Neal .................. 215Posey, State v ..................... 276Powell, Dugas v ........... 573, 635, 639Price, S. P. Weaver Lbr. & Supply

Co. v ............................ 249Price v. United States ............. 297Progressive National Farm Loan

Associations, Stafford's Estatev . ........................... 612, 627

Provost v. Harrison ............... 257

xxxiv [Vol. VI


References in italics are discussed; references in plain type are cited.


Pryor v. Desha .................... 235Pullman Palace Car Co., Williamsv . ............................. 136

Quinlan, State ex rel. Kreher v... 514Railroad Co. v. Houston .......... 135Railroad Co. v. Jones ............. 135Rapides Central Ry. v. Missouri

Pacific Ry ...................... 638Recorder of Mortgages for Parish

of Orleans, State ex rel. Dan-ziger v . ........................ 681

R eed, In re ....................... 676Reed, State v .................. 663, 694Reese, Amerada Petroleum Corp.v . . ............................ 228

Reid, Henry v ..................... 301Reid v. Lowden ................... 590Reuter v. Reuter's Succession 591, 595Richards, State v ................. 182Richoux, Lange v ................. 270Ridgway, State v .................. 697Riedlinger, Harvey v .............. 248Roberson, State v .................. 664Robin v. Lob ...................... 236Roccaforte v. Barbin .............. 624Rock Island, A. & L. R. Co. v.

Gournay .................... 245, 247Rock Island, A. & L. R. Co. v.

G uillory ........................ 247Romer v. Kaplan ................. 427Roquet's Succession, DeLaureal v. 576Rosato, Iennusa v ................. 579Rouseo, Zibilich v ................. 254Rowan, Howard v ................. 730R oy, In re ........................ 221R oy, State v ....................... 82Royal Indemnity Co., Edwards v. 729Rudman v. Dupuis ............ 582, 595Russo v. Russo ................... 260Rutledge's Administrator, Succes-

sion of Dodson v ................ 578Rylands v. Fletcher ............... 601Saenger Theatres, Inc., Vogel v.

475, 604St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,

City of Gretna v ................ 624Sample v. Whitaker .............. 581Sanders de Hart v. Continental

Land & Fur Co .................. 238Sargent v. Freeman ............... 227Sartor, Young v ................... 582Saueressig v. Jung ................ 427Saurage, Outdoor Electric Adver-

tising, Inc. v ..................... 635Savoy, State v ................. 192, 642Scacciaferro v. Hymel ............ 571Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United

States .......................... 31Schimpf, State v .................. 180Schimpf v. Thomas ............... 181


Schultz v. Long Island Machineryand Equipment Co., Inc ......... 728

Joseph Schwartz Co., Lescale v... 420Seaborn, Poe v .................... 105Seborne Company v. Federal

Trade Commission ............. 441Security Sales Company v. Black-

w ell ............................ 733Senseley v. First Nat. Life Ins.

C o . ............................. 218Sequin c. Brossier ................. 134Shehee-Ford Wagon and Harness

Co., Inc., Jones v ................ 729Shenandoah Nurseries, Almquist v. 89Sherill, In re .................. 215, 570Shotts, State v .................... 649Shreveport, City of v. Dickason... 507Shreveport, City of v. Kahn ...... 625Shushan, Elam v .................. 250Simo, Succession of ............... 230Sims v. Billington ................. 107Skinner v. Oklahoma ............. 398Sklar v. Kahle .................... 228Slagle v. Slagle ................... 244Slater v. Blaize ................... 221Slater, State ex rel. Jones v ...... 220Smith, Atkins v ........... 219, 580, 642Smith, Jordan v ................... 578Sm ith v. Pelah .................... 426Smith, State v ............. 277, 648, 649Snowden, State v .................. 458Sodekson v. Lynch ................ 715Soileau, State v ................... 456Solis, Succession of ................ 106Solvay Process Co., Arnold v ...... 610Soule, M ielly v .................... 282South-Eastern Underwriters Asso-

ciation, United States v.24-46, 386, 388

Southern Production Co., Alston v. 585Southern Production Co., Hood v.

583, 584Spector Motor Service, Inc. v.

Charles J. McLaughlin .......... 409Sperling, Board of Commissioners

for Atchafalaya Basin LeveeD ist. v . ......................... 258

Springer, State v .................. 659Sprowl, Hammet v .............. 589Stafford's Estate v. Progressive

National Farm Loan Associa-tions ........................ 612, 627

Standard Oil Co. of La. v. Futral. 223Standard Oil Co. of La., Gerald v.

209, 219

-Stanford, State v ............... 175, 188Stanley, Kemp v .................. 183Stanley, Town of Sulphur v ....... 674Stanton v. Federal Trade Commis-

sion ......................... 446, 449State ex rel. Bayer v. White ....... 638

1946] xxxv


References In Italics are discussed; references In plain type are cited.


State ex rel. Danziger v. Recorderof Mortgages for Parish of Or-leans ........................... 681

State ex rel. Dendinger, Inc. v.Harris Lbr. & Towing Corp..... 248

State ex rel. Dickason v. Harris 510State ex rel. Divens v. Johnson

571, 634, 638State ex rel. Fitzmaurice v. Clay 509State ex rel. Holcombe v. City of

Lake Charles ................... 511State ex rel. Jagneaux v. Jagneaux 217State ex rel. Jones v. Slater ...... 220State ex rel. Kavanaugh v. Mitch-

iner ......................... 177, 184State ex rel. Kreher v. Quinlan... 514State ex rel. Land v. Martin, Sec-retary of State .................. 638

State ex rel. Manhein v. Harrison 508State ex rel. National Oil Works

of Louisiana v. McShane ........ 507State ex rel. Parish of Plaque-

mines v. Baynard ............... 214State ex rel. Pierre v. Jones ........ 099State ex rcl. Pleasant v. Hardy... 512State ex rel. Rathe v. Jefferson

Parish School Board ............ 542State ex rel. Riddle v. Jeansonne 221State ex rel. Steen v. Wade ....... 638State v. Alberts ................... 669State v. Alford ................ 185, 192State v. Allen ..................... 203State v. Anderson ............. 187, 660State v. Aucoin ................ 698, 701State v. Barrett ................... 458State v. Barton ................... 666State v. Beamish .................. 640State v. Bernard .................. 181State v. Berryhill ................. 278State v. Bienvenu ......... 658, 671, 719State v. Bischoff .................. 276State v. Boutte ................... 199State v. Brocato .................. 182State v. Brockner ............. 639, 641State v. Erodes ................... 696State v. Brown ................ 277, 278State v. Brunetto ................. 460State v. Burks .................... 301SLate v. Burris ................ 177, 195State v. Capaci ................... 80State v. Carlson .................. 458State v. Carter ................ 656, 664State v. Chanet ................... 721State v. Charles ................... 694State v. Craighead ................ 188State v. Cropper .................. 695State v. Davis .................... 716State v. Dean ..................... 654Stae v. D elia ...................... 674State v. Dorsey ................... 661


State v. Dowling .................. 255State v. Dreaux ................. 198State v. Duraso ................... 658State v. Ellis ..................... 644State v. Erwin .................... 699State Farm Mutual Automobile

Ins. Co., Jackson v .............. 729State v. Fazzio .................... 463State v. Gehlbach .............. 183, 276State v. Gendusa .............. 278, 645State v. Genna .................... 696State v. Given .................... 454State v. Gros .............. 185, 193, 195State v. Hagan .................... 458State v. Harper ................... 175State v. Hebert ................... 190State v. Herbert .................. 17State v. H ill ....................... 84State v. Houck .................... 457State, International Shoe Co. v... 726State v. Iseringhausen .... 185,189, 191State v. James .................... 697State v. Johnston .......... 295, 645, 646State v. McDonald ................ 672State v. McDonell .................. 711State v. McIntosh ................. 695State v. McMillan ................. 242State v. Messer ................... 698State, Miami Corporation v ....... 699State Mineral Board, Amerada

Petroleum Corp. v ............... 701State v. Mockosher ............... 198State v. Morgan ............ 17, 189, 464State v. Nelson ................ 454, 459State v. Nomey ................... 197State of Alabama, Marsh v ........ 707State of Louisiana v. Savoy ....... 642State of Texas, Tucker v .......... 707State v. Oliver .................... 183State v. Patterson ................ 696State v. Perkins .................. 714State v. Pete .............. 174, 178, 653State, Pierre v ................. 186, 660State v. Poole ..................... 455State v. Posey .................... 276State v. Reed .................. 663, 694State v. Richards ................. 182State v. Ridgway ................. 697State Road Commission of West

Virginia, Monongahela WestPenn Public Service Co. v ....... 152

State v. Roberson ................. 664State v. Roy ...................... 82State v. Savoy .................... 192State v. Schimpf .................. 180State v. Shotts .................... 649State v. Smith ............ 277, 648, 649State v. Snowden ................. 458State v. Soileau ................... 456State v. Springer ................. 659

xxxvi [Vol. VI


References in Italics are discussed: references In plain type are cited.


State v. Stanford .............. 175, 188State v. Stell ...................... 652State v. Sterling ............... 196, 199State v. Stockett .................. 453State v. Texas Co ................ 226State v. Theard ........... 275, 280, 651State v. Toney .................... 191State v. Towns ................... 188State v. Tucker ................... 194State v. Varnada .............. 464, 655State v. Verdin ................... 189State v. W alker ................... 176

State v. W ard ..................... 654State v. Washington ........... 664, 668State v. W est .................. 194, 196State v. W hite .................. 80, 672State v. Young .................... 654State v. Younger .................. 633Steiner, Louisiana State Bar As-

sociation v ................ 222, 675Stell, State v ...................... 652Stephens, Bologna Brothers v..... 253Sterling, State v ............... 196, 199Stevenson v. Lee Moor Contract-

ing Co . ......................... 92Stockett, State v .................. 453Stringer, Gerstner v ............... 243Struthers, Martin v ................ 709Succession of Angers ............. 229Succession of Berber .............. 234Succession of Bertrand ........... 108Succession of Bisso ............... 249Succession of Bothick ............. 107Succession of Burnside ........... 576Succession of Byrnes ............. 575Succession of Correjolles ......... 577Succession of Corsey .............. 270Succession of De Loach .......... 238Succession of Dodson v. Rutledge's

Administrator .................. 578Succession of Edenborn ........... 627Succession of Farley .............. 287Succession of Gravier ............. 271Succession of Lacosst ............. 271Succession of Lacoume ........... 230Succession of Lanata .......... 109, 229Succession of Levy ................ 576Succession of Lewis .............. 106Succession of Locarno ............ 577Succession of Lombardo ....... 230, 231Succession of Marks .............. 576Succession of Pipitone ............ 232Succession of Pizatti .............. 106Succession of Simo ................ 230Succession of Solis ................ 106Succession of Turgeau ............ 101Succession of Webre .............. 107Succession of Weil ................ 238Succession of Wiener ............. 687Sugar Field Oil Co., Inc. v. Car-ter ..................... 631, 636, 683


Sullivan Mining Co. v. Aschenbach 96Surety Credit Company v. Tieman 75Swift & Company, United States v. 387Tangipahoa Parish School Board,

Lowe & Campbell Athletic GoodsCo. v . .. ................... 547, 597

Taylor v. Allen ................ 270, 483Teche Lines, Inc., Gross v ......... 603Tedora, Dupuy v .................. 286Terry v. Womack ............. 632, 640Texas Co., Doucet v ............ 212, 228Texas Co., State v ................ 226Texas Co., Transcontinental Pe-

troleum Corp. v ................. 705Thames and Mersey Marine Ins.

Co. v. United States ............ 27Theard, State v ........... 275, 280, 651Third District Land Co., Ltd. v.

Lassere ........................ 257Thomas Quilt Factory v. Federal

Trade Commission .............. 451Thomas, Schimpf v ................ 181Thompson v. Jones ................ 215Thompson v. Thompson ........... 572Clara Thompson, Tutrix v. Vestal

Lumber & Manufacturing Com-pany ........................... 413

Thompson v. Vestal Lumber &Mfg. Co ...................... 482

Thorley & Company, Ltd., Fentonv . .............................. 85

Tieman, Surety Credit Company v. 75Tillery v. Fuller ............... 238, 574Times Democrat Publishing Co.,

M eteye v . ...................... 420Toney, State v ..................... 191Thornton v. E. I. Dupont de Ne-

hours & Company ........... 412, 610Tortorich v. Maestri .............. 474Town of Abbeville v. Police Jury

of Vermilion Parish ............. 628Town of Ponchatoula, Glover v... 256Town of Sulphur v. Stanley ...... 674Towns, State v .................... 188Trahan, LeBlanc v ................ 634Transcontinental Petroleum Corp.

v. Texas Co ..................... 705Treat v. Hunt Oil Co .............. 582Tremont & Gulf Railway Co., Mer-

cer v......................... 802Tresca v. Maddox ........ ..... 424Trinchard v. Grace ............... 569Trost, Haney v .................... 284Tucker, State v .................... 194Tucker v. State of Texas ......... 107Tugwell, Airey v .................. 76Turgeau, Succession of ............ 101Tyler v. United States ............ 687Union Producing Co., Hardy v.... 584Union Sulphur Co. v. Campbell 581, 628United States v. Carolina Freight

Carriers Corp ................. 390

1946] xxxvii


References in italics are discussed: references in plain type are cited.


United States ex rel. Kelley, Pe-ters v . .......................... 428

United States, Houston E. & W.Texas Ry. v ..................... 451

United States v. Knott ........ 620, 621United States, McNabb v .......... 411United States, Mammoth Oil Co.

v ............................. 447United States, Price v ............. 297United States, Schechter Poultry

Corp. v .......................... 31United States v. South-Eastern

Underwriters Association24-46, 386, 388

United States v. Swift & Company 387United States, Thames and Mersey

Marine Ins. Co. v ................ 27United States, Tyler v ............. 687United States, Vaccaro v .......... 106United States v. Waddil, Hiland

and Flinn, Inc ................... 621Vaccaro v. United States .......... 106Varnada, State v ............... 464, 655Varnado, Womack v ............... 287Veeder v. Pan American Produc-

tion Co . ........................ 225A. Veeder Company Incorporated

v. Pan American Production Co. 225Veltin v. Haas .................... 580Verdin, State v .................... 189Vestal Lumber & Mfg. Co., Clara

Thompson, Tutrix v ............. 413Vestal Lumber & Mfg. Co., Thomp-

son v . .......................... 482Vicknair, Esparros v .............. 263Victor and Prevost, Inc., Con-

verse v . ........................ 589Victory Sparkler & Specialty Co.

v. Francks ..................... 95Village of Euclid v. Ambler Real-

ty Co ................. 503, 504, 507Vincent v. Le Doux ............... 472Virginia, Paul v ........... 24, 32, 44Vitale v. Checker Cab Co .......... 208Vogel v. Saenger Theatres, Inc. 475, 604Voorhies v. Voorhies .............. 294Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific R. R.

v. Illinois ...................... 45Waddil, Hiland and Flinn, Inc.,

United States v .................. 621Wade, State ex rel. Steen v... 638Wagner, Lumley v ............. 722, 725Waldhauser v. Adams Hats, Inc.

593, 625W alker, State v ................... 176W alsh v. Bush .................... 623Walther, Oakes v .................. 284W ard, State v ..................... 654Warley, Buchanan v ........... 499, 500Washington, State v ........... 664, 668Watkins v. Gulf Refining Co. 583, 602


Watson v. Harvey ................ 220W atts, Davis v.................... 472S. P. Weaver Lbr. & Supply Co. v.

P rice ........................... 249Webb, Parten v .................... 227Webre, Succession of .............. 107Weil, Succession of ............... 238Weingart v. Delgado .............. 253Wells Fargo & Co. Express, Fisch-

er v . ........................... 254W est, State v .................. 194, 196West Virginia State Board of Ed-

ucation v. Barnette ............. 400Westwego Canal and Terminal

Co., Inc., City of New Orleansv ........................ 632, 639

Westwego Canal and Terminal Co.v. Lafourche Basin Levee Dist.. 565

Whitaker, Sample v ............... 581W hite v. Bendix ................... 573White v. Broussard ............... 240White, Louis Werner Saw Mill

Co. v . .......................... 251W hite, State v .................. 80, 672White, State ex rel. Bayer v..... 638Whitman v. Whitman ............ 236Wiener, Fernandez v .......... 685, 688Wiener, Flournoy v ................ 688Wiener, Succession of ............. 687W ilder, Baker v .................. 222Williams v, North Carolina... 290, 469Williams, Pollock v ............... 397Williams v. Pullman Palace Car

C o . ............................. 136Wilson, Cheever v ................. 291Wilson Sporting Goods Co. v.

Alw es .......................... 216W ilson v. W ilson ................. 241Wirthman Drug Co., Coca-Cola

Co. v......................... 447Wohl, Bakery & Pastry Drivers v. 397Wolfson v. Lisso's Succession 579, 598Womack v. Burka ................ 641Womack, Terry v .............. 632, 640Womack v. Varnado .............. 287Wooley v. Louisiana Central Lbr.

C o . ............................. 259Wooten v. Jones .................. 254Yackel v. Nys ..................... 425Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R. R.,

M agee v . ....................... 605Young, Minor v ................ 270, 484Young v. Sartor .................. 582Young, State v .................... 654Younger, State v .................. 633Yuges Realty v. Jefferson Parish

Developers, Inc ................ 258Zeller v. La Nasa Bakery ......... 509Zibilich v. Rouseo ................. 254Zinko v. Zinko ................ 244, 469

Xxxviii [Vol. VI






SEPTEMBER 6, 1887 -DECEMBER 19, 1945

President, Louisiana State Bar Association, 1942

President, Louisiana State Law Institute, 1942-1944

Founder and Past President, Fifteenth Judicial District

Bar Association

Past President, Lafayette Parish Bar Association

Member, Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State

University and A. & M. College, 1940-1944

Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Louisiana StateUniversity and A. & M. College, 1944-1945
