Download pdf - Ta training march 2015


STAAR TestTraining overview:

March 30 - 31

Presented by:

Debra McClure

Thursday, March 26, 2015






Policy and Procedure Highlights

Materials Security

2015 Security Supplement

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Policy and Procedure Highlights

Secure Storage Areas

• On the day of testing, the test administrator is expected to keep test materials in locked storage or maintain possession of test materials until testing is over and test materials have been returning to the Campus Testing Coordinator.

2015 Security Supplement

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Materials Control Form

2015 Security Supplement

Since this is documentation indicating that a test administrator has taken possession of test booklets, any additions or deletions that occur once testing has begun should be initialized by the test administrator.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Returning Materials after Testing

2015 Security Supplement

Upon completion of the test, the test administrator then returns the test materials to the Campus Testing Coordinator.

They both review the materials again to ensure that all materials are being returned.

At this time, the test administrator will also verify that:•The correct number of answer documents have been returned.•The seating chart has been filled in correctly:

• Both sides – including students PEIMS #s and Test Booklet #s.

• Start and Stop Times have been recorded.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Secure Storage on Test Days

Once test booklets & answer documents have been checked out to a test administrator on the designated test day, that test administrator then becomes responsible to ensure that the test materials are kept secure.

2015 Security Supplement

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Secure Storage on Test DaysThis means that when the books are not in use for testing, the test booklets must either be placed in locked storage within the classroom or the test administrator must maintain personal possession of them.

Locking the classroom door is not sufficient to meet the security requirements because so many of the WFISD personnel have the ability to enter locked classrooms through the use of master keys.

Hiding them underneath the desk or in a filing cabinet drawer is also not sufficient.

2015 Security Supplement

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Accounting for All Answer Documents

To ensure that ALL Answer Documents have been returned after testing, the test administrator should:

Make sure that ALL students assigned to his/her group have been listed on the seating chart (even those who are absent; make sure to indicate the absence)

Ensure that there is one answer document for each student on the seating chart.

2015 Security Supplement

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Policy and Procedure Highlights

STAAR Test Session Time Limits

Test administrators must use a clock or timer.

Test administrators must communicate (orally or in writing) the amount of time left during the test time period in one-hour intervals.

Students must record all responses by the end of the test session time period.

Start and stop times must be recorded on the seating chart. (including lunch)

2015 Security Supplement

Policy and Procedure Highlights STAAR Test Session Time Limits

• Breaks are allowed during the administration of STAAR assessments.

2015 Security Supplement

Time Clock Cannot Be Stopped

Time Clock Can Be Stopped & Restarted

• Water Breaks• Snack Breaks• Bathroom Breaks• Short Physical or

Mental Breaks

• Lunch• Emergencies• Movement of students

from one room to another

• Medical Breaks


March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials

Allowable procedures and materials are available to any student who regularly benefits from their use during instruction.

Students cannot be required to use these procedures/materials during testing.

Test administrators must be informed of the availability of allowable procedures and materials for the appropriate students.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials Allowable procedures and materials are not considered accommodations, hence are not recorded on the answer document.

Documentation is not required beyond what is necessary for planning on testing day.

The Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials document is located in the following places:

• 2015 District and Campus Coordinator Manual• District and Campus Coordinator Manual Resources

webpage• STAAR Test Administrator Manuals • Accommodation Resources webpage

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials

1.Signing test administration directions

2.Translating directions into the native language of an English language learner

3.Allowing a student to read test aloud to self

4.Reading aloud or signing personal narrative, expository, literary, or persuasive writing prompt

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials

5. Making assistive tools available

• scratch paper (in testing tub) • color overlays (need to request)• highlighters (in testing tub)• colored pencils or crayons (need to request)• blank place markers (in testing tub)• magnifying devices (student will have)

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials

7. Giving permission for students to use tools to minimize distractions (e.g., stress ball)

8. Allowing individual and small group administrations

9. Gently reminding students to stay on task

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Preparing for Test Administrations

Make sure that you have been issued a Test Administrators Manual for the correct test(s) and grade level(s)Read your test administrator manual. Make note of any questions that you may have and ask your CTC prior to test day.Review the plan for testing on your campus Review information concerning student accommodations and be prepared to provide those to students on test days

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Preparing for Test Administrations

If your room is going to be used on the day of testing, be sure that you have removed all teaching/instructional materials from your walls that might aide a student on test day.Make sure that you have not covered or blocked the window in your classroom door. The CTC and campus principal need to have the ability to peek into classrooms as they conduct their active monitoring.Rooms will be checked after school today and again Friday, March 27.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Preparing for Test Administrations

Make sure you have enough chairs, desks, and/or tables in your classroom for the number of students who will be testing in there.If students will be sitting close together, you may need to make and/or borrow dividers to ensure that students look only at their own test booklet and materials. Make sure all of your students know where they will be testing on Monday, March 30th.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Preparing for Test Administrations

If you will be providing restroom breaks to the test administrators, make sure that you sign in and out on the seating charts each time you provide a breakIf you have been assigned to hall duty or restroom monitor, be sure that you understand what the expectation is for you on the day of the test.Be sure that you know the lunch plan for use on test days.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Preparing for Test Administrations

Be prepared to read the test administration directions verbatim on the day of the test.Snacks and water will be in your testing rooms on the day of the test.Make sure you know the procedures to be used on the day of testing for checking materials out from your Campus Testing Coordinator.Be Flexible!

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

STAARAdministration Directions

Read through the directions pages several times PRIOR to the day of testing.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

TEA may be conducting on-site visits to districts and campuses again this year!

TEA uses independent test monitors. The monitors will show up unannounced. If we are administering state testing in strict

accordance with the manuals then we have nothing to worry about from state monitors.

The state monitors will only be one more person monitoring your testing room. Your testing room will be monitored by your principal, your CTC, and a central office testing monitor even if the state monitors do not visit WFISD.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Writing TestREMINDERS On the Writing Test, the test administrator

may NOT: Elaborate on the prompt Give students an opening and/or closing

sentence Give students an outline for organizing

their compositions Give students information about how to

develop their ideas Translate the prompt into another

language Dictionaries will be delivered to the testing

rooms the day prior

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

STAAR Written Composition

“Only at the request of a student may the writing prompt be read aloud.”

You may only read it to that student.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

STAAR Writing Answer Documents

The example below illustrates a graphic that would be found at the top of a prompt page in a student test booklet.

Also illustrated is an example of the corresponding symbol on the student answer document. This addition was made available during the 2013 assessment year with the intent of making it much easier for TAs to monitor the writing test.

Morning of the TEST Pick-Up Materials

Pick-Up Materials from Counselor’s Office between 7:70 and 8:10.

All Materials should be picked up from the testing office NO LATER

THAN __8:10 am__ Make sure you have been issued the

correct tests for each student in your testing group.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Morning of the TEST Teachers need to be in testing rooms by

8:15 am. All restroom and hall monitors need to be in

their locations by 8:10 am to assist students with locating their testing rooms.

Students will report directly to their testing rooms when released from cafeteria.

Students should something to read after the test. If a student brought lunch from home, make sure that he/she takes it with him/her.

Morning of the TEST Begin Testing

Testing should begin no sooner than ___9:00am___.

This will allow for late arrivals to make it to their testing rooms.

Take attendance on form provided immediately and post outside your door.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Testing Guidelines If a student has a defective test

booklet, ask a hall monitor to notify the testing coordinators.

Do not allow students to bubble ANYTHING on the front of the answer document. The student identification information

will either be pre-coded or there will be a student label.

We will have bubbled the info for anyone without a label.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Testing Guidelines Students MAY use blank scratch

paper (it will need to be destroyed after testing-turn in with materials)

All books and backpacks must be at the front (or back) of the room.

Test administrators are not allowed to answer any question relating to the content of the test itself.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Testing Guidelines Those giving a break must

sign the seating chart and put time in and time out.

Test administrators cannot leave the testing room unless a trained substitute test administrator is present. Breaks should be kept brief. (no more than 10 minutes)

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Testing Guidelines Reinforcing, reviewing, and/or distributing testing

strategies during an assessment is strictly prohibited.

You cannot require students to use any particular test taking strategy.

Students must be allowed to work at their own pace. Students MUST be reminded of the time remaining in the testing session (see the NEW Time Limit Policy)

A student wishing to use the rest room must leave the room one student at a time – make sure a hall monitor sees them leave your room. The four-hour time limit does NOT stop while they are in the rest room. They must have the appropriate pass.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Administering the TestMATERIALS Materials

# 2 pencils Student test booklets

Oral Administration Administrators will need an extra student book to use when administering test)

Student Answer Documents “Do Not Disturb” Sign State Tests & Telecommunication Devices Sign Seating Charts Cell Phone Oath Sheet Test Administration Manual for the appropriate

grade level

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administrator Responsibilities

Test Administration Directions: Use the listing provided to ensure you are

reading the correct script/directions: STAAR 4th Writing – Day 1: page 45 STAAR 4th Writing – Day 2: page 53 STAAR A 4th Writing: page 97 STAAR 5th Reading: page 61 STAAR A 5th Reading: page 117

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administration

Guide to Test Administrator Directions: This section is a MUST READ!!!

Each TA manual contains a four-page set of instructions that specifically explains how to read the scripts/directions, as well as additional information as to how the ‘call out’ boxes are used.

Every Test Administrator MUST read these four pages prior to giving a test.

Re-read the ‘Guide to Test Administrator Directions’ before each administration!

Pages 41-44 in the Test Administrator Manual

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administration Appendix A: Completing Student Identification

Information For ALL WFISD Campuses: TAs need to IGNORE this

section! The CTC will be responsible for hand-gridding answer


Appendix B: TA Instructions for Oral Administrations Examples Included for Test Administrators Reminds staff that Form ‘01’ should be used for

STAAR Oral Admin. &

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administrator Responsibilities

CELL PHONES -- The use of cell phones or other two-way

communication devices is prohibited during testing for students and test administrators.

Cell phones can…. disrupt the testing environment, be used to cheat by obtaining unauthorized

assistance on test content by students, and can be used to image secure tests and compromise the

confidentiality of the test with their camera feature by students and teachers.

Have all students sign Cell Phone Oath Sheet. Collect all cell phones and label with student’s name. Keep in a secure location.

Hall monitors should not have their cell phones or ipads on testing days as they monitor.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administrator Responsibilities– Seating Charts Seating Charts are required for all test

administrations – complete front & back Start / Stop times are REQUIRED (STAAR

requirement) Names of Students (first & last) Students location within the testing room Name & Date of the test being administered. Room # Name of Test Administrator Student’s PEIMS ID # -- not the local school ID Student’s Test Booklet # Signature & time in/out of trained staff giving

breaks for the Test Administrator if he/she leaves the testing room.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administrator Responsibilities

Actively Monitor Students during testing CONFIRMS: That students are working ONLY in

the subject-area test being administered that day.

That students do not have access to non-allowed materials such as cell phones and/or personal electronic devices.

That students are not communicating with each other in any way.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administrator Responsibilities

Actively Monitor Students during testing Test Monitors should be actively watching

students walking around the classroom periodically Alert

Test Monitors should NOT be Checking email Writing lesson plans Chatting with a colleague Reading etc

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administrator Responsibilities

Administer the test within the guidelines set in the Administrator’s Manual. Review the Proper Test Procedures

listed in the manual – pages 30-34 in the Test Administrator Manual

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Test Administrator Responsibilities

Return Materials Promptly Account for ALL test Booklets Account for ALL Answer Documents Did you mark the score codes & test

taken info fields? Return the test materials to the CTC

immediately!! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER keep test

materials over night!


Students must remain seated during testing and are not allowed to talk while other students are testing and have test booklets.

Students may only read while test materials are still in the testing room.

Once test materials are returned, students may only read, color, or complete word puzzles.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


All STAAR tests are timed. The only exception are for students that are eligible for extended time within the same school day. We will use the posters

provided by the assessment office to record our time.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Testing Reminders

If students ask for help or clarification, you say, “I can’t answer that for

you; just do the best you can.”

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


The Special Ed Teachers, 504 Coordinator, and LPAC Committee have provided the Campus Coordinator with copies of any special accommodations that the student is able to use.

These are listed on the STAAR Roster for each student.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


Supplemental Aides (SA) will be clearly labeled with the student’s names. If a student doesn’t have a

supplemental aide that you think they should have – check with testing coordinator before making any changes to what is written on the grouping pages.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


If you have questions about any of the accommodations that are listed on the roster or that you receive with your testing materials, please notify the testing coordinator immediately.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Other Important Information

Lunch Refer to the revised lunch schedule. All test administrators will eat lunch

with the students in his/her testing group in their testing room.

Make sure testing materials are secure and escort students to cafeteria. Students will receive a disposable tray

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Oral Administration


Form 1 (and 2, 3, & 4) for Oral Administration Multiple forms of STAAR tests are a result of

embedded field test items in the operational tests.

The only difference between different forms is the field test items & the order in which items appear.

For ORAL administrations, the Test Administrator and the student(s) MUST have the same form test.

For STAAR testing, other forms of a test may be used as long as the TA and student(s) have the same FORM.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Oral Administration

Available for STAAR Can be administered on the math,

science, or reading tests – see specific instructions for each content area

Is NOT allowed for the writing test

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Oral Administration

For the reading test, only the questions and answers may be read orally. Students must first read the

passage independently without any assistance.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Oral Administration

The questions and answer choices can be read to the students.

Don’t forget to sign the bottom box on your administrator’s oath after testing has been completed.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

STUDENT MATERIALS: Form 01 tests booklet Appropriate answer sheet for

students Pencils Allowable Testing Materials such as

Scratch paper Graph paper Highlighters etc

Oral Administration

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

TEST ADMINISTRATOR MATERIALS: Form 01 test booklet to read from Test Administrator Manual

Oral Administration

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Is an online accommodated version of STAAR. This assessment will provide embedded supports designed to help students with disabilities access the content being assessed.


March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

A test session must be started before students in the test session can be logged in and begin taking a test online.

The CTC will start the test session from her office.


March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Testing Administrator will log students into their computers using the username and test code provided in the student authorization page.

A security warning message concerning Java may pop-up, click YES, ALLOW or DON’T BLOCK button to enable Java for TestNav


March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Instructions relating to an oral administration also applies to Pop-Ups and Rollovers for STAAR-A.


March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


When a student has finished testing and raises his hand, the test administrator should go to the student’s desk to collect the materials.

The test administrator should “inspect” the student’s answer document before collecting the student’s materials.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


If you notice that a student’s multiple-choice answers and/or composition are not recorded on the answer document, say to the student, “You have not recorded your work on the answer document. Please go back and fill in your answers now.”

This is also the last time to have students erase stray marks and darken answer choices if needed.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


Once a student’s testing materials have been turned in, that student may read quietly at his/her desk.”

Once testing is over, the test administrator must return all test materials to the campus coordinator. Have a hall monitor stay with your students while you return your materials.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


The student may SIT quietly and read a book at his/her desk.

There should be absolutely NO talking while other students are still testing.

Students cannot get up and walk around as long as other students are still testing.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


When EVERYONE in a room has finished testing…. Students may READ a book. Color, word search, or draw.

Students should NOT: Work on the computer. Play games. Watch TV, videos, or listen to music.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Score Codes Make sure that you have marked

the appropriate: Score codes Form #

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Day 1 -- Return ALL testing materials to the CTC’s office. Place the answer sheets inside the

test books. Put the books in alphabetical order.

Complete your seating charts. Be sure the Material Control Form is

initialed, verifying that you returned the secure material listed.


March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Day 2 --Return ALL testing materials to CTC’s Office. Tests should be in numerical order. Answer sheets should be in

alphabetical order. Complete your seating charts. If you performed an oral

administration – you will need to sign the bottom box of your oath.

Be sure the Material Control Form is initialed, verifying that you returned the secure material listed.


March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Return of Materials Return your seating chart.

Make sure to fill out the seating chart completely. It has 2-sides.

Make sure that you have marked the appropriate: Form # Score codes

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Return of Materials Leave no tests unaccounted for. Collect all scratch paper &

resource materials that a student wrote on and return with your materials. It will be shredded.

Sign tests back in.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District

Make Up Testing If a student begins testing and is

unable to continue, he is not eligible to have a makeup test.

We will handle “make-up testing” on an individual basis if we have students absent.

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


Answer Documents

March 2015Wichita Falls Independent School District


Read the manualsPlan Ahead!
