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    f 10:02am_

    Chronology of EventsSeptember 11 , 2001

    A A L 1 1 , B767, BOS..LAX lost rad ar an d communica t ion by ZBWAAL 7 7 , B757, IAD..LAX, ZID lost radar vicinity York KYUAL175, B767, los t radar South of K ings ton ,Exp los ion at Pentagon1 st impact World Trade CenterDAL1989, B767, BOS-LAX Divert to CLE due to bomb threatDAL1989, reported out of FL220 landing CLE as a precaution, NOT A HIJACKUAL93, B757, EWR..SFO bomb aboard, 40 miles SE PIT headed eastbound spotted by aVFR at 075A GL reports a HIJACK/Bomb threat - u nkno wn call-sign typeA EA reprts t h a t a fas t moving twin from Pougipsee towar ds world trade centerTWA315 refused to go to PIT diverting to IAD, altitude 160Lost radar with UAL93 south Johnstown, PA2Dd impact World Trade CenterCLE APSS evacua ted bomb threatT W A 3 1 5 d i v e r t i n g to ORP

    _ _ ATC Zero AEA, national hoicT"\9 on d o w n w i n d at CLE

    Receiving 911 calls from UAL93 40 SE Johnston, PA and black smokeT W A3 1 5 responding to clearancesFast-moving AJC 60 NW DC southeastbound headed towards DCUAL93 is down, conf i r med by C130 after site, in mounta ins SE Johnstown Somerset, PAZOB bomb threat , ev acu a t ing th e bui ld ingAircraft 160 east of Nantu cke t wes tbound high rate of speed headed toward BOSN84048 depar ted from Orange co unty, NY wi t hou t author iza t ionAPI a i r bor ne (Fl)Z NY r epor t s s t e r i l i z i n g domest ic ai rspaceZOB repor ts iw o m o r e


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    /022am J] 023am






    H053\ 2s10541055


    Chronology of EventsSeptember 11, 2001DAL1989 on ground CLEWestbound a i r c r a f t i s coas t guard f ro m N a n t u c k e tA ir Force f ighters tryi ng to ID a i rc ra f t we st o f N a n tu c k e tDC/NY area smal l airports closedUAL93 down 3959N/07846W (reported by mil i ta ry) (NE of Camp David)Essent ial controllers ordered to stay on d u ty (non-essent ia l released)NY/DC area VFR airports (NOTAM'd c losed)ZD C Reports loss of r a d a r with MEP411 ( Mi d We s t Express MD80) over BUCKO, W VMEP411on final to CMH (original MWE-DCA) - landed without incidentUn co n f i r m e d report - DAL1989 f laps up at CLERegions advised not to release essential personnelM e d - e v a c s out of N Y author izedControllers e n d i n g shif ts at ZB W not to be releasedDAL1989 parked in secure area/no one exited a/c yet (pilot says he is not being hijacked)N4 (US attorney general) over Toledo refuses to land (wants to cont inue to ADW)AAL77 holding in m iddle ZKC's airspace (later unconf i rmed and wrong info)Prel iminary report of fire at Ca m p Da v i d _ _ _C a m p D a v i d (conf l ic t ing reports) A/C northeast on f i re , bu t Ca m p Da v i d OKN 2 enroute to pick up AAT-1 at MSYPossible crash site in vic in i ty of York, KYpossible AAL 77N2 to be released from D CACLE has two unident i f i ed A/C ci rc l ing in ups ta te NY a t FL350ZBW ATC zero (evacuat ing bui ld ing)A GL ch e ck i n g on AAL77AWP/500 c o n f i rm s no controllers to be releasedZB W e v a c u a te d when CG f l ight reported h e a d i n g t o w a rd BO S (w i l l tr y to get control lersba ck in bu i l d i n g )AEA to re lease controllers with r e l a t i v e s who work a t World Trade Center

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    Chronology of EventsSeptember 11 , 2001N4 inbound to DCA (ETA 1200) should be clearedZO B local police reports A /C circling ZOBwill release personnel if neededA W P reques ted how m a n y a/c i nbound to LAX areaA EA confi rms U S inbounds diverted to Canada

    AAL77 suspected down near Ashland KYZE D does no t know about crash in Ashland areaNTSB told ORD controllers not to return to faci l i tyFAA counte rmanded NTSB orderN4 reportedly diverted to Richm ond; m i l i ta ry advi sed tha t they need to work with AT Cto release m ed evac aircraft in NY/DC areaFBI on site in LAX ATCT observingMilitary scrambled fighters to a/c circling ZO BAttempting to get General Cavanaugh (FAA head of security) from Puerto Rico back toU SANE requested SCATANADAL1898 confi rmed by security HIJACK at CLE ATC - com m unicat ion with pilot doesno t confirmReconfirm ground stop exceptions include m jJJtary/USCG/m edivac/Iaw enforcementUSCG out of Norfolk reports receivin g distress calls from three aircraft (U A 947/COA57/Air Canada 065)DAL1989 still not suspected to be hijack; taxiing to terminalT W A 3 1 5 on ground at RD UAAL77 according to ZIDno wreckage reported on ground near Ashlan dBill Peacock/Ruth Marlin/Bob Toblin (Nancy Shel ton/Benny Lee McGlamery /DougMurphy al l at MSY but not coming on N2) to return from MSY on FAA LR31COA57 (B777) in Moncton (Canada) ACC's airspace, inboun d to E W RFighter escorts with N4 going into DCAJFK: three alleged Middle Eastern persons refuse to debark from UAL23 at Gate 2,Terminal 7U AL 947/ACA65 no infoN W A 5 1 from Frankfort , G e r m a n y C a n a d a will not allow to land in Canadianairspaceoriginally inbound fo r DTW

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    Chronology of EventsSeptember 11, 2001

    1131 S o u t h w e s t o f N a s h v i l l e: G3 w i th Secretary of the N av y r e qu e s t s permi ss ion to land-referred to ATCSCC1132 Army 60180 (PAT 108) enroute from S an J u a n , PR to We s t Pa l m B e ac h , FL t h e n toAD W ( w i t h FAA head of Secur i ty Ge n e r a l C av an au gh )1133 Lt . Col . Mark Buckne l l , J-5 ( N M C C ) , w i l l work mil i tary restrictions to MED -EVACaircraft in N Y / N J area1 134 UAL947 o v e r B AN K S ( F i x in the o c e an ) h e ad i n g to w ar d G a nd e r , Nova Scot ia (workedby Gander ACC)

    Life Par t s ( Me d i v ac ) fl i gh t s w i l l b e c o o r d i na te d w i th Mi l i t a r y case-by-case1 144 N W A 5 1 on ground in Canada1145 Somecontrollers working some of the cris is a ircraft are t r au mat i z e d andneed re l ieved1 J 4 ( > A)1 three a/c t h a t USCG reported hea r ing d i s tress ca l l s a re accounted fo r ( a l l O K )147 Some contro l l e rs in NYarea are re fus ing to report to work (to be ordered to work )1152 COA57 es t . 60 W a t 15152 a n d N o c o n f i r mat i o n on UAL947 from M o n c t o n Proposa lo n l y1 155 N 4 i n b o u n d to DCA;1156 F1 6 in te rcepted N22CJ in truder a/c 3 5 N M w e s t of PITI157 Canada no w re fus ing to a l l o w any a/c to land in Canadian airspace (ATCSCC wi l l try tot u r n a/c ar o u n d)I I58 N M C C s t i l l d e t e r m i n i n g t h a t medevacs . USCG. a n d l a w enforcement t o b e r e l ea sed

    NMCC phone #s: | [f e AF CC:|-)1201 Monte Be lg e r contac t ing NAVC an ad a ( Mr. C r e i gh to n ) r e gar d i n g ab i l i ty of C an ada tor ec e i v e d i v e r t a/c)1204 N M C C and AF/CC confirms med-evacs released a t TEB1205 Asst Dir /FBI: F B I reques t ing r e l ea se o f R o ss 72 , Cessna Ci ta t ion , (Ike N a k a m o t o ) fromMa n as s as to H i l t o n H ead th e n b ac k w i t h FBI director1206 N i n e a i rcra f t over ocean ic a i rspace i n b o u n d to U S OK to d iv er t to Canada (conf i rmedb e tw e e n M o n te B e l ge r a nd M r . Cre igh ton)120? AAT, e t a l , to go from tow er to wes t s ide of f ie ld b y Ai r C ar go ( Ge n e r a l Av i a t i o n Corp)

    . . . - " to be picked up by N21212 . | ' S a t phone atAEA incase commercia l phones los t

    / . ]2]S AGL reports UAL809 (B767) onground at Rockford (UPS area) po t e n t i a l bomb threat^ : , ; : : 1214 AGL repor ts D A L 1 8 8 9 i s d e p l a n i n g o n g r o u n d ; F B I to search a /c

    Closed by1 'statute PAT108-with FAAhead of Secu r i t y to be i n DC a t 17:30 EDT

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    Chronology of EventsSeptember 11,20011216 ZBW back in operation w i t h skeleton crew1222 ATCSCC i s mov ing ATSC into larger room to work on releases of a/c1223 State Police w a n t s to land at TEB1224 N2 taxiing out at DCA (ETA; 1:30 CDT)1227 COA 57 landed in Gander; seven a/c still airborne over oceanic airspace inbound to USdiverting to C a n a d a ; UAL 947 re turned to Europe1228 Several tho usand casualties in NY

    N2 took of f from DC AStatus update: (T203^(some speculation) Sirkorsky helicopter N601S from Poughkeepsie (#1 to hitWTC)at abouTthat time, a primary target, perhaps UAL 175AAJL11 (2 1 a/c at WTCh i t south tow er)UAL 175 (3 rd a/c to hit WTC)A A L77 (B757) (h it Pentagon)UAL93 (B767) (crashed in PA, west of Camp David )1240 Unident i f ied M D 88 over Elkens, WV (possible scram ble by mil i tary) or may be w orked

    byZOB1245 M ilitary intercep ted aircraft an d IDed it as military1247 ZNY:N911LV(0476);N116MB(0474);N109UP: Medivacs from ABE to NYC1248 CINCPAC w a n t s to divert 17 fl ights i nbound lo H ON1253 No n u m b e r yet avai lable for FAA relocation si te1255 TE B wi l l be emergency ops center; Floyd Bennet Field (law enforcement ops center)1256 ATCSCC/ATCSCC working with NOR AD for releasesT257 ) SCATANA not in effect; need to reassess capabilities-1d"1258 N206NE (0365) helicopter out of Stewart to TEB1302 Contract Tow er evac uations being coordinated in AEA an d AWP1303 Locking NYC down . . .mos t roads closed...1304 USAF/CC at Pentagon ready to help. Col Atkins working.1305 j AEA-500 advised that AAL ] 1 voice tapes on intranet w eb site; wil l be taken off and nomore data put on web si tes1319 Al l re leases cur rent ly requi red lo go t hrough N O R A D ; t r y i ng to implem ent sys t em w i t hbank of codes fo r me diva c releases

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    Chronology of EventsSeptember 11 , 20011320 KAL085 flight inbound to LAX reports being hijacked through ARIN C (confirming with

    AWP) ZLA reports K A L I (B747-400) inbound to LAX successfully landed at SFO anhour agomaybe same a/c1323 KAL017 to LAX (ZOA never worked); t rying to confirm; ATCSCC confirms KAL017diverted Vancouver;

    />324) AAL11 data removed from in t ranet1328 Al l data to be placed on AAT-20 intranet1328 NY Governor in helicopter N8076 (code 5601) from1329 KAL085 confirms with ZAN they are not being hijacked1335 Not a good system to work individual releases1336 State police reported helicopter over nuclear power plant Wilkes B arre1339 P A T I O S now du e at 3:50pm1340 AW P reports five aircraft refuse to divert; will advise Admiral Blair1341 Colonel Atkins advises Allen tow n evacs to contact HQ's phone #1342 Alas ka region reports unidentif ied aircraft circling AN C an d nu me rou s a i rcraft c i rc l ingover ANC who are short on fuel1343 N2 ETE - 0:45 minutes out on ASD -1353 AEA will use bank of codes for ABE (0420-0431) and for N90 (5603-5611) and willcontac t AF/CC relocated at Boil ing j |>1357 B747, reported by citizens, flying up Hudson (citizen report); F15s refueling over LongIsland will take look; later reported that a/c was probably refueler1358 AF1 still displayed on TSD; may hav e been removed for securi ty reasons1432 Ross 72 released'438 Advisory 41 issued Requests to use NAS will be auth orize d for military, lawenforcement , life guard an d m ed evac flights, (need actual words from Advisory 41)1507 KAL085 reported on the ground at Whitehorse, Canada1504 N2 (2556) airborne due 1630 at D C A1517 AW P reports confirmed bomb found in parking lo t #2 a t LAX; LAX ATCT evacuat ing1522 Individual call signs/beacon codes s t j l l required fo r ind iv idual releases1523 FB I r epor t s USA irways squawking 7700 from M a d r i d1526 AW P reports addi t ional explos ive devise in ol d LAX te rminal

    9/11 Closec by Statut e9/11 Agency Intern alMatters
