Page 1: T3CON11: Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Nico de Haën, Steffen Müller

Image by Diego FL (burtonez)

Page 2: T3CON11: Lazy Development using the Extension Builder


About us

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Nico de Haën Steffen Müller


Software Developer/gebrüderheitz Gbr

Extension Builder Project Leader

Extension Builder Project Member

Page 3: T3CON11: Lazy Development using the Extension Builder


Are you...

✗ developing TYPO3 extensions?

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ developing Extbase/Fluid extensions?

✗ developing FLOW3/Fluid packages?

✗ using git/svn?

✗ facing continuously changing requirements?

✗ practicing Domain Driven Design?

✗ using the Extension Builder?

✗ using the Editing Mode (aka Roundtrip)?

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Domain Driven Design

✗ Domain: What's your Business about

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Context: Understanding the Domain

✗ Domain Model: Describing the Domain

✗ Communication: Ubiquitous Language

✗ Evolution: Iterative Process

✗ Building Blocks: Entities, Aggregate, Value Objects, ...

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What does the Extension Builder do?

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Configuring Extension Properties

✗ Creating FE Plugins and BE Modules

✗ Modeling the Domain

✗ Remodeling the Domain

✗ Creating Source Code

✗ Working for you hard, while you are lazy

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GUI Overview

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Extension ModelerExtension Properties

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Extension Properties

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Name, Description, ...✗ Category, Version, ...✗ Author

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Extension Properties

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Frontend Plugins✗ Backend Modules

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Modeling your Domain

Basic Functions of Modeler:

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Create Domain Objects

✗ Configure Domain Object Settings

✗ Add Properties to Domain Object

✗ Add Relations from a Domain Object to another

✗ Configure Relations

✗ Add Controller Actions

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

The Modeler

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Blog Model

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Domain Object settings

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Controller Actions

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Model Properties

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Author Model

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Relation: Blog - Author

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Configure Relation

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Post Model

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Properties

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Relation: Blog - Post

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Tag Model

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Relation Post - Tag

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Comment Model

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Add Relation Post - Comment

Modeling your Domain

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

A good reason to ask your boss for a bigger screen!

Modeling your Domain

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What has been built?

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Result 1:

Directories and files created

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What has been built?

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Result 2: Records in the Backend

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What has been built?

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Result 3:

Editing records

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What has been built?

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Result 4:

Frontend Output

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That's it

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder



That's it

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Communication problems...

Why to change the model?

#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Edit Mode

The Business Model changes...

Remember the tree swing comic?

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If the model changes...

Rename Domain Objects

Add Domain Objects

Change relations

Rename properties

Add or remove properties

You have to:

#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Edit Mode

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Classes/Controller/ BlogController .phpClasses/Domain/Model/ Blog.php

Classes/Domain/Repository/ BlogRepository.php

Resources/Private/Templates/Blog/ Show.html

Resources/Private/Templates/Blog/ List .html

Resources/Private/Partials/Blog/ Properties.html

Resources/Private/Partials/Blog/ FormElements.html

Resources/Private/Languages/ locallang_db.xml

Configuration/TCA/ Blog.php



Domain Logic




#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

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#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Class Parser

Roundtrip Service

Code Generator

Edit Mode

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/** * Returns the name * @return string $name */public function getName() {

if (strpos('­',$this­>name)){return str_replace('­',' ',$this­>name);

} else {return $this­>name;


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­/** * Returns the title * @return string title */public function getTitle() {

if (strpos('­',$this­>title)){return str_replace('­',' ',$this­>title);

} else {return $this­>title;


#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Edit Mode

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Classes: Controller: merge Domain: Model: merge Repository: merge

Configuration: TCA: merge TypoScript: keep

Resources: Private: Language: locallang.xml: merge Templates: keep Layouts: skip

ext_localconf.php: merge ext_tables.php: merge ext_tables.sql: merge


#T3CON11 Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

Configure overwrite settings in:

Edit Mode

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✗ Configuration

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Mapping

✗ Does NOT support the traditional CSV lists like in ancient times (and will never)

✗ Inheritence

✗ General TCA limitations

✗ ...

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Current 2.x branch

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Configure (Non-) Cacheable Controller Actions

✗ Configure Switchable Controller Actions

✗ Mapping to existing tables

✗ Services

✗ Content Elements

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Future 3.x branch

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Extend existing models in the modeler

✗ Make all TCA options configurable

✗ Import models from other extensions

✗ Import models from other formats (XLS, RDF etc.)

✗ Generate FLOW3 packages

✗ Complete new GUI (ExtJS, Oryx)

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Why use the Extension Builder?

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

✗ Be lazy! Don't repeat yourself

✗ Supports Domain Driven Design

✗ Adapt your model anytime

✗ Cleaner code (CGL)

✗ Modeler visualizes models and relations

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Want to join the project?

✗ Download and use the Extension Builder:

✗ Give Feedback

✗ Report bugs

✗ Sponsoring? Talk to us!

✗ Join the project team at Forge:

Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

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Lazy Development using the Extension Builder

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Thank you

Nico de HaënMail: [email protected]

Twitter: @t3ndh


Steffen MüllerMail: [email protected]

Twitter: @t3node


Lazy Development using the Extension Builder