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Kelly SwinneyProfessor KrumingENG240March 28, 2013

Early days•Born in Los Angeles – lived his entire life in Southern California and went to school in Orange County public schools•Bachelor’s degree in English from UC Irvine in 1976•In 1992 received Distinguished Alumnus award

A Mystery Writer whose novels deal with A Mystery Writer whose novels deal with crime, life and death in sunny, Southern crime, life and death in sunny, Southern


• Grew up in the suburbs. Family trips to church, Little League, bodysurfing and family outings

• Father loved to tell stories. Mother read to him all the time• His favorite book as a child was Shag-Last of the Plains Buffalo

• Fondness for reptiles: likes their silence/symmetry/how they propel themselves; how they are misunderstood and hated as well as their association with evil-all makes them fascinating

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Personal…•First wife, Catherine died in 1992 from cancer at age 34•Remarried Rita, who had a son (Tyler, now age 22)•When Jeff was 44 years old, he and Rita had a son, Tommy (now age 15)•Well known in Laguna Beach area as living in the stilt house high up on Laguna Canyon Road•Rented a studio to work in. Later decided that wasn’t working so ended up moving to Fallbrook

(in 2000) after several visits with friends. Said he now has “elbow room” and enjoys being away from the tourist area he used to live in.

Writing Career…•Began writing in 1978 as a cub reporter with The Newport Ensign and Daily Pilot newspapers•Won three Orange County Press Club awards for his articles•“Tucked away” stories and information he would use in his first book, Laguna Heat (1985) –

wrote in the evenings and weekends while working as a journalist; novel later made into an HBO movie. Made the best seller list in 1986.

Spare time…•Likes to spend time with family; attend children’s sports; snorkeling; diving; travelling; hiking; bird-hunting; fly-fishing for trout; exercising his dogs•Loves tennis, rock hounding and the outdoors; escapes to the desert in the spring and the fall – to hike the country and not answer telephones

Community involvement…•When asked if he participated in any community groups, he said not right now, but he felt that he participated in some way by giving his readers a “slice of life” through is writing.

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In an interview, his son told a reporter his dad was “real strict and can be crabby.”Admitted that, “When the writing is going well, it shows in everything I do. When it is going poorly, that shows, too. The worst time is always between books, when I’m trying to start.”

T. Jefferson Parker-•“I was born old and I’m getting younger. I am much more able to enjoy myself now than when I was 25. The world is a much more interesting place to me now.”

Daily Schedule: Up at 6 a.m.; starts writing by 6:30. Writes hard until 8:00 a.m. Takes a short break then writes till noon. Eats lunch with his wife, then goes back to write until 5:00 p.m.

Goal: Write 5 pages a day, 25 a week. If he has written an extra page that day-he’ll reward himself with a tennis game at 1:30. Not that disciplined, just “stupidly obsessive.” Wants to deliver a book to his publisher every September. He takes the fall to revise and come up with an idea and plot for his next novel. Usually published in April and takes a few days off to tour.

Astrological sign of Capricorn

When it comes to professionalism and traditional values, Capricorn wins hands-down. This practical sign loves to tackle life in the most conventional of ways, leaving no stone unturned. Considered the most serious-minded of the signs, the Capricorn possesses an independence that allows for considerable progress both personally and on the job.

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T. Jefferson Parker…first novel…This was a real labor of love. Five full drafts, five years of writing part-time while I did my newspaper job. Like a lot of young writers I was trying to copy my heroes. I ended up with a draft of bad Chandler, a draft of bad Hemingway, a draft of bad Tom McGuane, a draft of bad Garcia-Marquez.

So finally I sat down and wrote another draft in pure Jeff Parker. I remember struggling over that first sentence for hours. It finally came: "A perfect morning in a city of perfect mornings; an artist would have worked, a god would have rested." I was proud of that sentence. A little purple for a mystery, but so what? It's a young man's book and young men's books can be good things. It still holds up, I think, the story is strong.

Slick and elegant. —Los Angeles Times

A dandy detective yarn...the author has a flair for intricate plotting, swift pacing, and well-drawn characters that jump off the page.

—Dallas Morning News


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(1991) (1993)

Washington Post reviewer, Carolyn See called The Triggerman’s Dance (1996) a masterpiece.

Where Serpent’s Lie (1998) and The Blue Hour (1999) appeared five weeks on the L.A. best seller list




Red Light (2000) and Silent Joe (2001) made the best seller list

Silent Joe (2001) won the Mystery Writer’s of America Edgar Award for Best Novel and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Best Mystery/Thriller (2000)


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Cold Pursuit (2003) – Judged Novel of the Year by the Southern California Bookseller’s Association

California Girl (2004) – Won his 2nd Best Novel Edgar award

(2002) (2003) (2004) (2006) (2007)

(2009) (2011) (2010) (2008)

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Influence on SocietyWriters can illuminate readers – make them face things that are going on such as the drugs, money and the border issues.

Newer Marketing Ideas-You Tube video and musical scores


Last six novels surround the illegal gun trade along the U.S. Mexico border.

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A Detailed Researcher…•In researching his book, Black Water, the prime suspect gets shot in the head and the memory portion of his brain is destroyed. He no longer has an “emotional rudder” to guide his thoughts and actions.

•For his research, Jeff attended a symposium where he learned about a chemical called luciferase which allows fireflies to produce light. It also allows scientists to see how your cells

are responding to therapy.

“To the adult in me, this firefly idea seemed absolutely ingenious. Who'd even think of trying that. But to the boy in me—who captured fireflies on Grandma Mae's farm in Ohio and bottled them to make lanterns, (bio-lanterns?) it seemed like an obvious application.”

T. Jefferson Parker…I became interested in the brain and how it functions when my mother and my wife were both diagnosed with brain tumors just a few years apart. As I watched my two very loved ones go through the biological degeneration and the trauma of medical treatment for these cancers, I saw the powers of their beautiful minds become confused, diffused, weakened, and finally, lost.

“Science and stories have one big thing in common, they're both about people.”

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Jeff Parker connects with his fans through his website newsletter-Facebook

• Some of his books are under option by Hollywood. Look for future movies!• Jeff schedules many appearances through the local area. His website currently has his calendar from March


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Credit: Marion Ettlinger

High aspirations of a mother…Question: “What does the “T” stand for?”Answer: “Not a thing. No, really. Nada. Zip. My mom always explained it by saying she thought the T. would look good on the President’s door.”

What’s your advice to aspiring novelists?Write and write and read and read. Fill your mind with good stuff and set your standards high. Work very hard on that first book or story. Don’t be in a hurry to publish it. Enjoy yourself. That’s what it’s all about.

To Jeff Parker, writing is not a hobby. He found time to write his first novel while working full time and it took tearing up four manuscripts before the final one was completed. Writing takes discipline and tenacious commitment.
