

Shining the sun, the pinwheels represent bright futures for our children and out community.

We want all children to live in stable, loving, nurturing

environments—at home, at school, at church and in the community.


Fr. Peadar Cronin, SS.CC. Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC. Fr. Donal McCarthy, SS.CC Fr. Bill Moore, SS.CC. Fr. John Roche, SS.CC. Fr. Jeremy Sabugo, SS.CC.


Al Austin .................... x.178 [email protected] Marv Estey .............. [email protected] Jose Guadamuz ....... x.110 [email protected] Mario Lopez .......... x.110 [email protected] Amante Pulido ... x.172 [email protected]


Pastor............................. Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. [email protected] ....................................... x. 114 Associate Pastor ......... Fr. Jeremy Sabugo, SS.CC. [email protected] ................................. x. 118 Secretary ............................ Deborah Lamborghini [email protected] ................................. x. 110 Director of Administration ..................... Pat Joyce [email protected] ........................................... x. 112

Director of Pastoral Ministry .......Charlie Martinez [email protected] .................................... x. 140

Director of Music ......................... Trevor Thomson [email protected] ..................................... x. 135

Bereavement & Marriage .................. Brenda Luna [email protected] .................................... x. 137

Staff Accountant ............................ Salah Bahouth [email protected] ...................................... x. 198

Administrative Assistant ................. Michele Cote [email protected] ................................... x. 199

Volunteer Coordinator ...................... Lani Galvan [email protected] ......................................... x. 111

Communications Coordinator ...... Gabby Pedrego [email protected] ................................... x. 136

Catechetical Programs Coord. ....... Melanie Bailey [email protected] .................................. x. 232

Youth & Confirmation Coord. ....... Candice Brown [email protected] .................................. x. 234

Rel. ED. Admin. Assistant ......... Erika Montenegro [email protected] ........................................ x. 280

Youth Min. Admin. Assistant ......... Jamie Alarcon [email protected] ...................................... x. 220

Receptionist ...................................... Maria Triska [email protected] ........................... x. 110 Marriage Annulments ..... MaryAnn Brewer-Nolan ............................................................... (626)484-1355

St. Vincent de Paul Society.......................... x. 138 Holy Name of Mary School 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Principal ...................................... Debbie Marquez [email protected] ............................... x. 226 Phone: (909) 542-0449

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday at 5:00 Pm, and 1st Saturday at 8:30 am. Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:30 pm (español) & 5:00 pm

DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Friday 8:30 am (English)

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:30 pm (English)


EARLY MORNING ADORATION Weekday Mornings 6:00 am—8:30 am (Sign-up sheet in the narthex of the church)

LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday-Saturday after Adoration Exposition

MISAS Y SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL Domingo 12:30 pm y Cada Miercoles a las 6:30 pm El Primer Miercoles hay Misa y la Uncion de los Enfermos. el Segundo Miercoles hay un Servicio de comunion. El tercer miercoleS hay misa y confesiones. El Cuarto miercoles hay Servicio de Comunion el Quinto miercoles hay servicio de comunion

THE PARISH 724 E. Bonita Avenue • San Dimas, CA. 91773 Phone (909) 599-1243 Fax (909) 599-4230

Office Hours Sunday…………...9:00 am—2:30 pm Monday-Friday ….9:00 am—7:00 pm Saturday…………9:00 am—12:00 pm

Gathered with Mary as one family in the Eucharist,

We are called to live the love of Jesus. Holy Name of Mary Mission Statement


Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse

God of endless love, ever caring, ever strong,

always present, always just: You gave your only Son

to save us by the blood of his cross.

Gentle Jesus, shepherd of peace, join to your own suffering

the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit

by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

Hear our cries as we agonize

over the harm done to our brothers and sisters.

Breathe wisdom into our prayers, soothe restless hearts with hope, steady shaken spirits with faith: Show us the way to justice and wholeness, enlightened by truth

and enfolded in your mercy.

Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people’s wounds

and transform our brokenness. Grant us courage and wisdom,

humility and grace, so that we may act with justice

and find peace in you. We ask this through Christ, our

Lord. Amen.

Our dear sisters and brothers, Holy Name of Mary Church is committed to the Gospel message in our efforts to protect our children from child sexual abuse. "The disciples approached Jesus and said, 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, 'Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me' " (Mt 18: 1–5). Through our parish’s safe environment programs, policies, and procedures covering training, background checks, and safe environ-ment training and education, we receive our children and young people in Jesus' name. We pledge to protect their innocence by being the ears, eyes, and voices of children, young people, and vulnerable adults to prevent abuse and harm in our church, schools, homes, and communities. These efforts have evolved and expanded since 2002, when the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops adopted the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Using the charter as a foundation, the archdiocese and our parish community is ever diligent in striving to go beyond the charter in our efforts to find new and

better ways to protect our most precious gift: our children.

Thank you for your continued support of our efforts and let us together continue being vigilant in the protection of our children. Peace and Good, Safeguard the Children Committee



8:30 AM S Lolita Tuliao, joan p. taylor, deacon Eliseo Gutierrez,

5:00 pm D

David alcala, int. mary and walter allsop, robert Krause, hector Laurent, joseph marquez, anita platania, Salvatore vasta, int. lisa elder, romeo de la Victoria, Michael franks


8:00 Am D Laura olagues, int. Jordan wahl, int. Arturo sanchez, virgil oriente

10:00 Am S Pete Kuzmickas, lois lynch, june Snodgrass, robert holzner, int. dan johnson

12:30 pm D Estela perez, alex Gonzalez, ednar campos, Phyllis and james speace, int. marina pardo, int. juan manuel masquera

5:00 pm S Jesus roberto de villa, int. henry solis, joe morales, Maritza partida, anibal ferreras, carmen rivera guzman, Beatrice Dolores delgado


8:30 Am WM Anita platania, Salvatore vasta, benedict boiser, Pablo agron, dado Lumiqued, int. ernest jabra


8:30 am D Int. ernest jabra, Jorge Gonzalez, frank r. ramos


8:30 am S Jeff de leon, int. fr. Michael barry,, int. laura mcgallian, Beatrice escandon, maria Isabel ariles, marlene nuss, int. ernest Jabara

6:30 pm D


8:30 AM S

Lolita tuliao, peter marquez, int. Daniel Figueroa, int. Margie lemaster, int. Hispanic mothers, int. ernest jabara, nabil and sally rahib, catalina villar, lina Garcia


8:30 AM S Cela cruz, cherrylyn Harrell, int. ernest jabara, pat welish, Margie lemaster, josefina y Lillian bustamontez, jesus morell


SUN. 8:00 AM—S, 10:00 AM—D, 12:30 PM—CP, 5:00 PM—C,

PRESIDER KEY* C=peadar Cronin D=Rich Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore R=John Roche S=Jeremy Sabugo CP=Comboni Priest

Virginia Gaeta, Vanessa Sena, Tina Galindo, Maria de la Luz Holguin, Debbie McCune, Gina Galindo, Najla Mvalley, John Veloz, Robert Coppack, Maite Ramirez, Raja Bahouth, Karim Gedeon, Samuel Bush, Dey Hersh, Joseline Nucum, Carol Piper, Kay Smith, Mary McKeon, James Gilman, Carol Gilman, Dyani Davis, Rudolf Kraus, Esther Mendoza, Vanessa Padilla, Ray Novuh i r o , I sabe l Me l son , Sharon Vidaure, Lucille Dennis, Andy Reaza, Jerry Razo, Richard Valdez, Gloria Luna, Danny Santiago, Hector Medina.

Prayer is the best gift of love you can give anyone you love.

- St. Teresa of Kolkata

WEEKLY READINGS Week of May 6, 2018:

Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4 [cf. 2b]/1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16/Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Jn 15:26--16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [7c]/Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14/Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 18:1-8/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/Jn 16:16-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [8a]/Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10 [8a]/Jn 16:23b-28



Connie Arias

FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP: Thank you for your generosity to

Holy Name of Mary Parish

April 28 & 29, 2018

Weekly Fiscal Year-to-date

YTD vs. Last Year

Offertory at Masses

$22,187 +$46,904 +3.1%

Online Giving $4,047

Total Offertory $26,234 $1,566,165

GIFT ANNUITIES Enjoy A Guaranteed Payment Rate For Life! Have you considered establishing a charitable gift annuity as a way to make a gift to your parish, school or favorite charity? Many people do not consider this option, but you might be surprised at how well this type of gift may fit your life. By establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity, you can help your parish, school or other charity while still receiving a benefit for yourself and/or your spouse for the remainder of your lives. Interest rates on CDs and other fixed-income investments have declined over the years. Individu-als are in search of ways to maintain cash flow, seek the security of guaranteed payments, save on taxes, and most importantly, help the organizations that have meant so much to them throughout the course of their lives. Charitable gift annuities are offered in four different categories: Single-Life Annuity – An annuity payment to only one person for his

or her lifetime.

Spousal Joint-Life Annuity – An annuity payment to married cou-ples. (At the death of the first annuitant, the remaining spouse is paid the full annuity payment during his or her lifetime.)

Two-Life Annuity – An annuity payment to one person and then transfers to the second person upon the death of the first person.

Deferred Gift Annuity – An annuity payment that can be deferred to a future date. (Date must be at least one year after the original contribution.)

With the establishment of a charitable gift annuity you can choose to receive your payments quarterly, semi-annually or annually. If you are interested in finding out more about charitable gift annuities or other charitable ways to benefit your parish, school or favorite charity, you can contact: Pat Joyce, Director of Administration, Holy Name of Mary

Parish 909-599-1243 x 112 or [email protected]

CARDINAL MCINTYRE FUND FOR CHARITY Special Collection on May 5 & 6 Since 1951, the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity has provided hope for those in crisis situations through-out the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. All contributions go directly toward emergency needs for children, adults, and families in Santa Barba-ra, Ventura, and Los Angeles Coun-ties by providing a one-time emer-gency help for Food, Utilities, Trans-portation, Medical, Housing or Fu-neral Expenses. By participating, you are helping to serve “the neediest of those in need” — children, families and individuals throughout the Arch-diocese of Los Angeles for whom no other resources exist. Thank you for your generosity.

KEEP US POSTED Please keep your parish office informed of any changes to your household information including:

Changes to email or phone contact information

Offertory envelope preferences

Other changes or parish registration information

Adult children moving out on their own

To inform of us of any changes just send a quick email to [email protected] Or call 909-599-1243 or stop by the parish office.




Another successful, safe and fun filled Holy Name of Mary Family Festival for the records. We were blessed with great weather and the food and entertainment were amazing, but above all, the feeling of Family and togetherness was definitely the theme throughout the whole weekend. The net proceeds of our event will go to benefit our school and our parish.

On behalf of our Parish, HNM School and our CORE TEAM Committee, we thank you for all your support, collaboration and enthusiasm in helping us make our event a memorable one.

“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college

degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.... You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need

a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Together in Prayer, Rita, Martha, Lynne, Maurice and Tony

2018 HNM Family Festival CORE Team


Car Raffle Winner: ARMANDO GARCIA from Pomona Seller of winning ticket is: JOSE PORRAS

WE PRAY HARD & PLAY HARD! May 6, 2018 7

More photos available on our website!


May 15, 2018 Tuesday Field Trip: Museum of Tolerance Leaving HNM 6:45 am, returns at 1:00 pm. $35.00 per person

(Bus and Admission)

***Limited Tickets!***

QUEEN OF PEACE ROSARY Group Healing Mass Schedule 2150 DAMIEN AVENUE IN LA VERNE. May 10, 2018 Praise and Worship ST. DAMIEN’S FEAST DAY

THE BOOK OF REVELATION Thursdays at 9:30 am and 7:00 PM in the Damien Room This study invites the modern reader to revisit a volatile period of history through apocalyptic, symbolic writ-ing. Enter into the struggle between good and evil, hear the call to con-version and experience God's ulti-mate triumph. Revelation's apocalyp-tic imagery, symbolic colors and num-bers are explored. The evils of the Roman Empire during a specific peri-od of time persecution are behind much of the apocalyptic imagery. It contains letters to seven churches of Asia Minor (modern Turkey), which urge faithfulness to Christ. Powerful visions of God and the victorious lamb in heaven are unveiled as God and the lamb achieve the ultimate and absolute victory over evil, culmi-nating in a new heaven and a new earth with a new Jerusalem as home to God's holy people. For more infor-mation, please call Charlie Martinez at 909-599-1243 ext. 140


Your willingness to serve as an Eucharistic Minis-ter, reflects not only response to your Baptismal call to serve the people of God, but a commit-ment to Christ as you share in the preaching, teaching and leading aspects of the church. You offer the Eucharist, recognize the Body of Christ in those to whom you offer Eucharist and ulti-mately you act as the Body of Christ by fully participating in the life of the parish and the wider community.

Be a part of the upcoming training! The classes will be held on 3 consecutive Thursday Evenings: May 24th, and May 31st in Room 201 from 7-9 PM, and Thursday Evening, June 7th, in the Church from 7-9PM. Please plan on ttending all 3 sessions. They can call Jan Martindale, at 909-296-5635, or Joan Chung at 909-599-9707 if you have any questions or would like to know more about the Ministry. We would love for you to join this Ministry. You do not need to call us, just join us on May 24th.

YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU! Help enhance the sights and sounds of our liturgical experience at mass by joining the Audio-Visual Ministry. If you’re not intimidated by technology and are willing to use your skills and time to serve, message me at [email protected]. Watch for the training date and time to be an-nounced in the upcoming weeks.


We are studying and discussing the Women of the Bible: 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups by, Jean E. Syswerda We meet the 1st Wednesday of every month in the

Day Chapel. Join us Wednesday June 6th, 2018 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm To be put on our email reminder list please email us at [email protected]

HNM MARRIAGE MINISTRY Are you Married, Engaged or in a serious relationship? Join us for Marriage Mondays and grow in your marriage guided by your faith. Dates: Monday May 14, 2018 Come join us for the End of the Year Pot Luck. Bring a salad, or dessert to share Location: Sacred Hearts Hall Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Cost is free. Free Childcare available at 6:45 pm For Inquires contact: Marty Birgen 909-599-7662


OUR LADY OF FATIMA The 2018 Feast of Our Lady of Fatima will be celebrated at HNM on May 13, 2018 at the 5 PM Mass. There will be a procession in the courtyard after mass. This beautiful image given by Sister Lucia to Fr. Flavian will be with us as we cele-brate the 101th anniversary of the apparition the Blessed Virgin Mary to the 3 children (Lucia, Jacinta, & Francisco). There will be a reception in the Hall after the procession. To honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Our Lady Of Fatima Marian Prayer Group (which was started by Fr. Flavian) invites everyone to a morning prayer of rosary and consecration after the 8:30 AM mass and anointing of

COFFEE & DONUTS FELLOWSHIP Hosted By: No Barriers to Christ—Outreach Ministry Acknowledging that God created us all in His image, each one of us rare and special and wonderfully unique. Then He sent His son to teach us to care for and love one another as we love ourselves. This is a minis-try for our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender brothers and sisters, their family and friends. Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in Room 206-207

Every week a different ministry hosts Coffee & Donuts Fellowship. Come meet them as you

enjoy a delicious donut & coffee.

SAVE THE DATE! After nearly 10 years of working in the parish office, Deborah Lambor-ghini our Parish Secretary will be leaving Holy Name of Mary and Southern California. Along with her husband Rob, they are planning a new chapter of their lives in Texas. Join us on Tuesday, May 29th at 8:30 am for a Special Mass and Recognition.

May 6, 2018 9


GRIEF COMPANION CORNER Helping Yourself Heal When Your Spouse Dies “The experience of grief is powerful. So, too, is your ability to help yourself heal. In doing the work of grieving, you are moving toward a renewed sense of meaning and purpose in your life.” Few events in life are as painful as the death of your spouse. You may be un-certain you will survive this overwhelm-ing loss. At times, you may be uncertain you even have the energy or desire to try to heal. You are beginning a jour-ney that is often frightening, over-whelming and sometimes lonely. This article provides practical suggestions to help you move toward healing in your personal grief experience. Recognize your grief is unique- Your grief is unique because no one else had the same relationship you had with your spouse. Your experience will also be influenced by the circumstances surrounding the death, other losses you have experienced, your emotional support system and your cultural and religious background. As a result, you will grieve in your own special way. Don’t try to compare your experience with that of others or to adopt as-sumptions about just how long your grief should last. Consider taking a “one-day-at-a-time” approach that allows you to grieve at your own pace. Talk out your thought and feelings Express your grief openly.-When you share your grief outside yourself, healing occurs. Allow yourself to talk about the circumstances of the death, your feelings of loss and loneliness, and the spe-cial things you miss about your spouse. Talk about the type of person your husband or wife was, activities that you enjoyed together, and memories that bring both laughter and tears. Whatever you do, don’t ignore your grief. You have been wounded by this loss, and your wound needs to be attended to. Allow yourself to speak from your heart, not just your head. Doing so doesn’t mean you are losing control, or going “crazy.” It is a nor-mal part of your grief journey. More on this subject in next weeks bulletin…

MAGNIFICAT San Gabriel Valley Magnificat is hosting a prayer brunch with guest speak-er Yolanda Marie Bernadette Rodriguez, on Saturday, May 12, 2018, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Registration @ 9:30) at San Dimas Canyon Golf Course, 2100 Terrebonne Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773, (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE) Magnificat is a ministry whose objective is to help fos-ter growth in holiness and to live out the mystery of Mary's visit to Elizabeth in our lives. Registration fee: $28 per person by May 5th, $32 af-ter. Registration forms will be in the entrance and office of the church. For more information, contact Clara Luera at (626) 963-5532.



Ministry of Moms Sharing is a special ministry that was formed by our own beloved Sister Philomena Cassidy in 1999. This month, in honor of Moth-er's Day we reflect on the women who have contributed to MOMS through the years and those who are currently involved in the ministry. We will meet for the last time this school year on Wednesday, May 16th at 9:30 in rooms 204 and 205. Babysitting is provided. Feel free to join us or email us at [email protected] Mission: As sisters in Christ we are called to prayerfully support our roles as women and mothers of faith. We do this guided by the love of Jesus Christ and his mother, Mary, through discussion, personal reflec-tion, prayer and sharing.

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Nuestra parroquia del Santo nombre de María está comprometida al mensaje evangélico en nuestros esfuerzos por proteger a nuestros hijos del abuso sexual de los niños. "Los discípulos se acercaron a Jesús y dijeron: ¿quién es el más grande en el Reino de los cielos?" Él llamó a un niño, lo colocó en medio de ellos, y dijo: ' Amén, te digo, a menos que te vuelvas y seas como niños, no entrarás en el Reino de los cielos. Quien se humille como este niño es el más grande en el Reino de los cielos. Y quien reciba a un niño como este en mi nombre me recibe ' ' (Mt 18:1 – 5). A través de los programas y procedimientos de ambiente seguro de nuestra parroquia que cubren la capacitación, los controles de antece-dentes y la capacitación y educación para el medio ambiente seguro, recibimos a nuestros niños y jóvenes en el nombre de Jesús. Nos com-prometemos a proteger su inocencia al ser oídos, ojos y voces de ni-ños, jóvenes y adultos vulnerables para prevenir el abuso y el daño en nuestra iglesia, escuelas, hogares y comunidades. Estos esfuerzos han evolucionado y ampliado desde 2002, cuando la Conferencia de obispos católicos de los Estados Unidos aprobó la carta para la protección de niños y jóvenes. Usando la carta como fundamento, la Arquidiócesis y nuestra comunidad parroquial es siempre diligente en esforzarse por ir más allá de la carta en nuestros esfuerzos para encontrar nuevas y mejores maneras de proteger nuestro regalo más preciado: nuestros hijos. Gracias por su apoyo continuo a nuestros esfuerzos. Paz y Bien, Comité de Safeguard the Children

¿SABÍA USTED? La Arquidiócesis sigue ayudando a sobrevivientes de abuso sexual y a sus familias Durante el mes de la Prevención Nacional del Abuso de Niños, la Arquidiócesis quiere reiter-ar que sigue comprometida a ayudar a los sobrevivientes y a sus familias a sanar y encontrar la paz. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce, es una víctima de abuso sexual por un empleado de la Iglesia o un vol-untario, comuníquese para ayuda y apoyo con la Coordinadora de Asis-tencia a las Víctimas, de la Ar-quidiócesis, al (213) 637-7650 o

Una Oración de Sanación Espíritu Santo,

consolador de corazones, cura las heridas de tus hijos

e hijas y devuelve la integridad a lo que ha sido quebrantado.

Concédenos el valor y

la sabiduría, la humildad y la gracia, para actuar con justicia. Sopla tu sabiduría u la gracia, para actuar con

justicia. Que todos los que han sido

heridos por el abuso encuentren paz y justicia. Te lo pedimos por Cristo,

nuestro Señor. Amén.

¿CÓMO APUNTAR INTENCIONES PARA LA SANTA MISA? Para solicitar una Intención de Misa aquí en Holy Name of Mary, visite la oficina parroquial. Se les pide que aparten la misa no mas tardar de dos semanas antes para asegurar que su intención salga en el boletín y sea mencionada en la Santa Misa. El costo por la intención es una donación.



THURSDAY may 10 FRIDAY may 11 SATURDAY may 12

SUNDAY may 13

DID YOU KNOW? The Archdiocese continues helping

survivors of sexual abuse and their families During National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Archdiocese wants to reiterate that it remains committed to helping survivors and their families heal and find peace. If you, or someone you know, is a victim of sexual abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, please contact the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator at (213) 637-7650 or for help and support.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE For Holy Name of Mary’s Upcoming Events, Sacrament Information, Photo Albums, Previous Bulletins and more, please visit

6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH

8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH

9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel

6:00 PM 1st Communion Rehearsal CHURCH

6:00 PM Miracle Monday Rosary Chapel

7:30 PM AA Weekly Meeting Faculty Room

7:00 PM Span. Beautiful Hope Discussion Series Chapel

7:00 PM Beautiful Hope Discussion Series Damien Room

7:00 PM Vessels of Mary practice HALL

6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH

8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH

9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel

10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry FF 206

10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group Chapel

7:00 PM Life Teen: Life Nights HALL

6:00 PM 1st Communion Rehearsal CHURCH

5:30 PM Choir Practice Music Office

6:00 PM Lectores (Ensayo) OLG

7:00 PM Vessels of Mary practice FF 203

7:00 PM Choir Practice Music Office

7:00 PM Spanish Adult Faith Formation

School Library

7:15 PM St Vincent de Paul meeting

Damien Room

7:15 PM Mens Shield Meeting FF 204

7:15 PM Knights of Columbus Officer Meeting FF 205

6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH

8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH

9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel

6:00 PM Daisy Meeting FF 201

6:30 PM Spanish Mass CHURCH

6:30 PM Boy Scout TLC Meeting OLG

7:00 PM Spanish Choir Practice CHURCH

7:00 PM RCIA Weekly meeting Damien Room

7:00 PM Maravillas Coordination Meeting FF 203

7:00 PM Centering Prayer Meeting Workroom

7:15 PM Stars and Stripes Monthly Meeting FF 205

7:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Meeting HALL

6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH

8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH

9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel

9:30 AM Morning Bible Study Damien Room

9:30 AM Morning Bible Study OLG

9:15 AM Student lector practice CHURCH

10:30 AM 1st Grade Mass practice CHURCH

2:00 PM 1st Grade Mass Practice CHURCH

6:15 PM Girl Scout Troop 4374 FF 207

6:30 PM Evening Bible Study Damien Room

7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry OLG

6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH

8:30 AM Daily Mass CHURCH

9:00 AM Rosary Group Chapel

7:00 PM Maravillas Renunion of Prayer Group Chapel

7:00 PM Maravillas Renunion of Prayer Group FF 203-205

7:00 PM Cursillos School of Leaders FF 207

6:00 AM Adoration CHURCH

9:30 AM First Communion Mass CHURCH

12:00 PM First Communion Mass CHURCH

2:30 PM First Communion Mass CHURCH

3:30 PM Reconciliation CHURCH

5:00 PM Mass CHURCH

8:00 AM Mass CHURCH

10:00 AM Mass CHURCH

12:30 PM Spanish Mass CHURCH

6:15 PM Our Lady of Fatima Reception HALL

3:00 PM Life Teen Music Rehearsal CHURCH

5:00 PM Mass CHURCH
