  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing IBM Power Servers withIBM Systems Director 6.1

     November 21, 2008


  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    318001015.doc Page 2

  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1


    CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT OF PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL RESOURCES........................................6

    K EY FEAT!ES A"D #$"#EPTS...................................................................................................................................6

     Discovery................................................................................................................................................................7  AIX management tasks............................................................................................................................................8 IBM i management tasks.........................................................................................................................................8

    Too!ogy ma vie" o# $ysica! an% virt&a! reso&rces............................................................................................'

    %I"TS A"D TIPS...........................................................................................................................................................&

    HEALTH MONITORING..........................................................................................................................................11

    K EY FEAT!ES A"D #$"#EPTS..................................................................................................................................11

     Monitoring virt&a! servers....................................................................................................................................11 Monitoring (o"er server oerating systems........................................................................................................1)

    %I"TS A"D TIPS.........................................................................................................................................................1'



    K EY FEAT!ES A"D #$"#EPTS.................................................................................................................................1(

    %I"TS A"D TIPS.........................................................................................................................................................1(

    ENERGY MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................................................19

    K EY FEAT!ES A"D #$"#EPTS.................................................................................................................................1&



    APPENDI" $. RESOURCES............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ........... ...... ..

    IBM SYSTEMS DI!E#T$!  !ES$!#ES......................................................................................................................))IBM P$*E!  SYSTEMS MA"A+EME"T !ES$!#ES...................................................................................................))

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  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1


    IBM, Systems Director 6.1 is a -at/orm management so0tion that streamines the way -hysicaan virt0a systems are manage across a m0ti2system environment. IBM Systems Director

    everages in0stry stanars to s0--ort m0ti-e o-erating systems an virt0ai3ation

    technoogies across IBM an non2IBM -at/orms4 inc0ing Power Systems5 servers. Thro0gh

    a singe *e2ase 0ser inter/ace4 IBM Systems Director -rovies consistent views /orvis0ai3ing manage systems an etermining how these systems reate to one another whie

    ienti/ying their inivi0a stat0s.

    Management o/ Power Systems servers is sim-i/ie thro0gh the e7ce-tiona va0e o/ IBM

    Systems Director. The too manages the 0nerying harware4 o-erating systems4 an -at/orm

    managers4 s0ch as %arware Management #onsoe 8%M#9 an Integrate :irt0ai3ationManager 8I:M9. Key /eat0res that enae i/ecyce management inc0e iscovery4 heath an

    stat0s monitoring4 con/ig0ration4 0-ates4 an virt0ai3ation. It aso -rovies a *e!come (age

    s0mmary view that is s-eci/ic to Power Systems servers an /0nctions that are s-eci/ic to thePower -at/orm.

    Yo0 can 0se the Power Systems /eat0res within Systems Director to o the /oowing; Manage Power environments that inc0e P$*E!in07, o-erating systems an the /oowing;

    o Power Systems servers manage y the %arware Management #onsoe 8%M#9

    o Power Systems servers manage y the Integrate :irt0ai3ation Manager 8inc0ing

    P$*E! -rocessor2ase Bae#enter , servers9

    o A Power Systems server with a singe image

    o A P$*E! -rocessor2ase Bae#enter server 0ner the contro o/ a Bae#enter

    management mo0e

    Per/orm management tas?s on systems that are 0ner the contro o/ the %M# an I:M4inc0ing managing -ower4 creating virt0a servers4 eiting virt0a server reso0rces4 an

    reocating virt0a servers etween host systems

    :is0ai3e reationshi-s etween virt0a reso0rces an -hysica reso0rces

    Per/orm o-erating system s-eci/ic management tas?s that are avaiae /rom the IBM

    Systems Director #onsoe /or AI= an the IBM Systems Director "avigator /or IBM i

    #oect inventory o/ virt0a storage an associate storage -oos hoste y IBM i an 0se

     y cient Power ogica -artitions 8>PA!s9 an iS#SI2attache Inte, architect0re

    Bae#enter ae an System 75 servers4 -roviing int0itive viewing an management o/those hoste servers

    Systems Director 6.1 sim-i/ies IT management /or Power Systems 0sers in severa ?ey areas;

    #onsoiate management o/ -hysica an virt0a reso0rces

    %eath monitoring



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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    Energy management

    The /oowing sections etai how the Power Systems IT aministrator can everage SystemsDirector in these ?ey areas.

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    Conso*)&+te& ,+n+-e,ent o /0s)(+* +n& 2)%t'+* %eso'%(es

    IBM Systems Director 6.1 -rovies consoiate management o/ harware controe thro0ghthe %M# an I:M consoes an o/ the AI=4 >in074 an IBM i o-erating systems. This

    consoiate management environment aows /or sim-i/ication o/ tas?s inc0ing vis0ai3ation

    an heath monitoring o/ system reso0rces an 0-ates. sing IBM Systems Director4 yo0 can

     -erform a variety of management tasks on servers that are under the controlof HMC or IVM such as:

    Managing power on/o 

    Creating and editing resources of virtual servers (logical partitions

    !eocating virt0a servers etween host systems

    3e e+t'%es +n& (on(e/ts

    *hen yo0 0se Systems Director to manage Power servers4 a 0se/0 starting -oint is the Power

    Systems Management -age.

    F)-'%e 1 The Power Systems Management -age in IBM Systems Director 

    Yo0 can access this -age /rom the Manage ta o/ the main IBM Systems Director *ecome -age.In aition to the in? to the Power Systems Management -age4 this section inc0es in?s to

    gro0- views o/ a iscovere virt0a servers r0nning the AI=4 >in074 an IBM i o-eratingsystems.

    The Power Systems Management -age -rovies a consoiate stat0s iagram o/ a manage

    Power server reso0rces an a s0mmary o/ the manage reso0rces in the environment. Themanage reso0rces section inc0es a view o/ the tota n0mer o/ Power Systems reso0rces with

    corres-oning in?s to s-eci/ic views /or %M# an I:M manage systems4 -hysica servers

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    8cae $osts in Systems Director94 ogica -artitions y ty-e 8cae virt&a! servers in Systems

    Director94 an o-erating systems. For e7am-e4 the in? /or AI=@>in07 virt0a servers -rovies a

    view o/ the reso0rces e/ine /or -artitions r0nning an o-erating system an a--ications thein? /or AI= o-erating systems -rovies a view o/ the instae o-erating system instances

    themseves. The Power Systems Management -age aso inc0es in?s to common tas?s /or

    managing IBM Power servers s0ch as iscovering new reso0rces4 setting 0- monitors an

    threshos4 chec?ing /or an instaing 0-ates4 an creating new virt0a environments. Inaition4 yo0 can 0se the Bae#enter management o-tion on this -age to access tas?s s-eci/ic to

    P$*E! -rocessor2ase Bae#enter servers.


    Yo0 can iscover %M# an I:M manage systems4 as we as singe image systems4 0sing IBMSystems Director. Yo0 can -er/orm iscovery 0sing the host name or IP aress o/ a s-eci/ic

    %M# or I:M manage en-oint y seecting System Discovery 0ner Inventory in the

    navigation area. Yo0 have to re0est access to these en-oints4 which -rovies a0thentication /or 

    Systems Director to gain access to the system. A/ter yo0 have re0este access4 Systems Director a0tomaticay creates a etaie inventory o/ the %M# or I:M inc0ing the associate manage

     -hysica servers 8hosts94 ogica -artitions 8virt0a servers94 -hysica@virt0a is?4 -hysica@virt0a>A" aocations4 an o-erating systems.

    $nce iscovere4 manage -hysica servers an associate ogica -artitions 8i/ a--icae9 are

    avaiae thro0gh IBM Systems Director. In aition to the management tas?s yo0 can -er/orm

    on these reso0rces 0sing Systems Director4 yo0 can access management tas?s thro0gh thecontroing %M# an I:M thro0gh a !a&nc$+in+contet  mechanism. These tas?s are containe in

    the E7tene Management conte7t men0 /or a manage -hysica servers an ogica -artitions.

    Seecting a tas?4 s0ch as #reate >ogica Partition4 in the conte7t men0 /or a server manage yan %M# wi a0nch the tas? in a se-arate rowser winow4 witho0t the re0irement to re2

    a0thenticate to the associate %M# or I:M.

    F)-'%e :iew o/ the tas?s that are avaiae /rom the E7tene Management men0

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

     AIX management tasks

    Systems Director -rovies the aiity to a0nch an e7ec0te system aministrative tas?s 0sing theIBM Systems Director #onsoe /or AI=. The consoe /or AI= -rovies *e2ase management

    access to common systems aministration tas?s on the AI= o-erating system. This new

    management inter/ace aows aministrators to manage AI= 6.1 remotey thro0gh a rowser. TheIBM Systems Director #onsoe /or AI= -rovies access to common systems management toos

    s0ch as the Systems Management Inter/ace Too 8SMIT9. The consoe is inc0e as -art o/ AI=

    6.1Cno other -ro0cts are re0ire to 0se it other than a *e rowser.

     IBM i management tasks

    IBM Systems Director inc0es IBM i management ca-aiities /or managing IBM i

  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    Fie Systems >in?s to the most commony 0se Fie Systems tas?s4 integrate /iesystem4 IBM i "etServer4 "etwor? Fie System

    Internet #on/ig0rations Internet con/ig0ration tas?s4 %TTP Server4 igita certi/icates4 IBMIPP4 *e2ase he- server4 Internet Set0- wi3ar

    Topology map view of physical and virtual resources

    In aition to wor?ing with the tae views o/ reso0rces4 IBM Systems Director -rovies agra-hica to-oogy view that is 0se/0 /or vis0ai3ing the consoiate management environment.

    F)-'%e 5 To-oogy view o/ a system an its iscovere reso0rces

    The to-oogy view shows a gra-hica view o/ iscovere reso0rces an their reationshi-s aninc0es the aiity to ri own on -ro-erties an a0nch tas?s thro0gh a conte7t men0. Yo0 can

    switch to a to-oogy view /rom any o/ the gro0-s 0ner "avigate !eso0rces4 /or e7am-e %M#

    an Manage Systems. To o so4 seect one o/ the to-oogy -ers-ective views /rom the Actions

    ro-2own men0. In aition to viewing an navigating reso0rces4 yo0 can /iter4 search4 e7-ort4an -rint to-oogy ma-s.

    H)nts +n& t)/s

    *hen managing Power server environments 0sing IBM Systems Director4 it may e 0se/0

    to wor? /rom the Power Systems Management s0mmary -age. Yo0 can have this s0mmary

     -age inc0e in the ist o/ /irst -ages is-aye when yo0 start Systems Director y aing

    it to My Start0- Pages.

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    Be/ore yo0 can iscover %M# or I:M manage en-oints4 yo0 have to -er/orm some

    con/ig0ration ste-s so yo0 can access an r0n commans on them remotey. The accesscon/ig0ration instr0ctions4 inc0ing how to set the rate at which the %M# coects reso0rce

    0tii3ation ata4 are avaiae in #on/ig0ring Power Systems Pat/orm Managers.

    IBM Systems Director ienti/ies the %M# harware aong with the 0nerying o-erating

    systems so/tware. Both oects may a--ear sim0taneo0sy4 s0ch as in the A systems view4so 0sing the hierarchica views4 s0ch as %M# an manage systems4 wi avoi any

     -otentia con/0sion an ens0re that yo0 are viewing the correct %M# oect.

    Yo0 sho0 iscover an manage an %M# /rom ony one management server. Managing an

    %M# /rom m0ti-e management servers can ca0se -er/ormance -roems 0e to the

    amo0nt o/ memory that is re0ire.

    The #reate :irt0a Server *i3ar in IBM Systems Director ass0mes that the :irt0a I@$

    Server 8:I$S9 is instae as -art o/ an %M# manage environment.

    *hen creating a -artition with -hysica I@$4 0se the #reate >ogica Partition tas? that is

    avaiae thro0gh the E7tene Management conte7t men0 /or %M# manage systems.

    IBM Systems Director -rovies a /aciity to rename manage en-oints to s0--ort

    c0stomi3ae naming conventions. To set the naming stye /or -hysica servers so that they

    match the names -rovie thro0gh the %M#4 the a0to rename /eat0re can e isae. To o

    so4 seect Settings in the main e/t2han navigation area4 then A0to rename. To t0rn o// thea0to renaming o/ servers4 seect Servers4 then set !0n a/ter iscovery to "o.

    IBM Systems Director Server coects ogs an 0-ate /ies in @o-t which may cons0me a

    arge amo0nt o/ is? s-ace. Ens0re that there is eno0gh s-ace avaiae /or @o-t. *henneee4 0se the / 2m comman to chec? avaiae is? s-ace. For is? storage an reate

    harware re0irements see %arware re0irements /or r0nning IBM Systems Director

    Server .

    In orer to -er/orm -ower on@o// /0nctions /or I:M manage systems4 an aitiona -roce0re is re0ire to gain /0 access to the system. For /0 etais4 see #on/ig0ring

    creentias /or the FSP #IM Pro7y. 

    *hen managing P$*E! -rocessor2ase Bae#enter servers with I:M4 0se the I:M an

    Manage Power Systems Servers view /rom the Power Systems Management -age.

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    He+*t0 ,on)to%)n-

    IBM Systems Director contains a heath s0mmary view an stat0s monitors that trac?in/rastr0ct0re changes. The %eath S0mmary view ets yo0 see4 at a gance4 i/ any o/ yo0r

    systems have -roems an what their com-iance stat0s is. It aso -rovies a ashoar to view

    monitors /or im-ortant manage systems.

    F)-'%e 4 %eath S0mmary view in IBM Systems Director 

    For Power servers4 IBM Systems Director -rovies monitoring an management o/ stanaone

    system environments an virt0ai3e system environments manage y %M# or I:M.

    3e e+t'%es +n& (on(e/ts

     Monitoring virtual servers

    The Inventory o-tion in Systems Director -rovies an easy way to view -at/orm managersacross virt0a -at/orms 8inc0ing %M# an I:M94 their manage -hysica servers 8hosts9 an

    associate ogica -artitions 8virt0a servers9 with o-erating systems. Yo0 can aso view virt0a

    servers an hosts witho0t /itering y -at/orm manager. The Pat/orm Managers an Memersview -rovies etais s0ch as stat0s4 IP aress4 an escri-tions.

    318001015.doc Page 11

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    F)-'%e Pat/orm Managers an Memers view in IBM Systems Director 

    The :irt0a Servers an %osts view aso -rovies etais s0ch as stat0s4 IP aress4 an


    F)-'%e 6 :irt0a Servers an %osts view in IBM Systems Director 

    Yo0 can aso view #P 0tii3ation /or the host or virt0a server4 as we as the n0mer o/

     -rocessors an amo0nt o/ memory that is aocate to yo0r virt0a servers or hosts. Power server0sers sho0 aso a the o-tiona Entite Processing nits co0mn to the :irt0a Servers an

    %osts view4 as the -ercentage shown reay a--ies to the entite -rocessing 0nits 8/or e7am-e4

    yo0 can e7cee 1G in an 0nca--e -rocessor con/ig0ration.9

    I,/o%t+nt note  Sste, st+te )n I$M Sste,s D)%e(to% &oes not %e*e(t st+te &)s/*+e& )nHMC o% IVM

    IBM Systems Director oes not is-ay the same system state that the %arware Management

    #onsoe 8%M#9 or Integrate :irt0ai3ation Manager 8I:M9 is-ays. For e7am-e4 in "avigate

    !eso0rces yo0 may notice that the State co0mn /or a virt0a server 8ogica -artition9 is-ays

    -tarte% . %owever4 the same virt0a server in the %M# inter/ace is-ays rror . This is a ?nownimitation.

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    Yo0 can access the most c0rrent system state in/ormation y 0sing the instr0ctions in the

    /oowing tae;

    M+n+-e& sste, Inst%'(t)ons o% +((ess)n- &et+)*e& st+te )no%,+t)on

    Physica system or virt0a server

    8ogica -artition9 manage y%M#

    In "avigate !eso0rces4 right2cic? the system an seect

    E8ten&e& M+n+-e,ent P%o/e%t)es.

    :irt0a or -hysica server manage

     y I:M

    In "avigate !eso0rces4 right2cic? the system an seect

    E8ten&e& M+n+-e,ent P%o/e%t)es.

    I/ yo0 are 0nae to access the E7tene Managementmen04 yo0 can 0se the Avance System Management

    Inter/ace to view system state in/ormation.

    Note I/ the system is a Power Systems Bae#enter,server4 yo0 can 0se the Avance Management Mo0e to

    access system state in/ormation.

    Aso note that i/ the Access state on "avigate !eso0rces shows /nkno"n or ##!ine4 it is an

    inication that comm0nication etween the IBM Systems Director Server an the %M# or I:M

    has een ost.

     Monitoring Power server operating systems

    In aition to the common monitors -rovie with Systems Director4 yo0 can create aitiona

    monitor views /or the AI= 8inc0ing :I$S94 IBM i4 an >in07 o-erating systems.

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    F)-'%e 7 Monitor :iew in IBM Systems Director 

    *hen creating these o-erating systems monitors it is im-ortant to seect the agent that -rovies

    the esire in/ormation; Director Agent 8recommene9 or #IM agent. For more in/ormation4see #reating a monitor view.

    In aition4 IBM i 0sers can monitor message 0e0e events thro0gh Systems Director. For more

    in/ormation4 see Monitoring /or IBM i message 0e0e events.

    H)nts +n& t)/s

    Yo0 may have :irt0a I@$ Server ogica -artitions 8virt0a servers9 that are o//ine an yo0 may

    not want to see warnings on these reso0rces. I/ this is the case yo0 have the o-tion to ignorestat0s on these reso0rces in the Proems -age.

    F)-'%e : Proems -age in IBM Systems Director 

    To ignore stat0s /or -artic0ar reso0rces4 seect a reso0rce an cic? I-no%e& St+t's; Then4choose the sco-e o/ reso0rces to ignore. !ro"lems that are ignored are not displayedin the !ro"lems list until you choose to reactivate them#

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    I/ yo0 cic? I-no%e 8which is an avaiae o-tion a/ter a reso0rce is seecte94 yo0 see the/oowing;

    F)-'%e 9 The Ignore #on/irmation -age ets yo0 seect the sco-e o/ the reso0rces yo0 want to ignore

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1


    Systems Director o//ers a0tomation manager as a ase -0g2in that -er/orms actions ase onsystem events. A0tomation is a ?ey enaer o/ 0siness va0e in IT toay. It em-owers

    organi3ations y riving common tas?s an -rocesses with e7ce-tiona s-ee an acc0racy4 th0s

    /reeing reso0rces /or more com-e7 tas?s o/ higher 0siness -riority. F0rther4 in a moern

    virt0ai3e in/rastr0ct0re4 a0tomation can -ay a -ower/0 roe in ens0ring that yo0 get thehighest 0tii3ation /rom yo0r many assets. A0tomation manager s0--orts a0tomation in the

    /oowing ways;

    #reating event2a0tomation -ans that are 0se to a0tomate tas?s an other res-onses to

    sit0ations /rom virt0a an -hysica reso0rces4 s0ch as reocating a virt0a server ase oncritica harware aerts

    #reating an managing event /iters that aow the event a0tomation -ans to target s-eci/ic


    #reating an managing event actions that ienti/y tas?s or commans to r0n an

    noti/ications to sen

    Sche0ing o/ one2time or rec0rring tas?s

    #reating an managing comman e/initions that aow remote commans to e r0n 0sing

    s-eci/ic 0ser IDs on target systems

    Sim-i/ie inter/ace to trigger events a0tomaticay4 s0ch as e2mai noti/ication or tas?


     "ew commans /or managing event a0tomation -ans4 event actions4 event /iters an event


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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1


    -ate management ca-aiities he- to rive so/tware an /irmware com-iance an cross2system consistency. IBM Systems Director oes this y -roviing noti/ication o/ systems that are

    o0t2o/2ate ase on com-iance -oicies. Sim-i/ie tas?s are -rovie to ownoa an insta

    0-ates witho0t re-ac?aging or re0iring each ste- in the -rocess to e -er/orme se-aratey. In

    IBM Systems Director 6.14 0-ate tas?s are avaiae /or the %M#4 /irmware4 an the AI=4 IBMi4 an >in07 o-erating systems.

    3e e+t'%es +n& (on(e/ts

    To everage IBM Systems Director 0-ate management ca-aiities4 yo0 m0st /irst coect

    inventory on yo0r systems 0sing the :iew an #oect Inventory o-tion. Yo0 can aso view

    instae 0-ates an so/tware /or a -artic0ar system 0sing this o-tion. A/ter yo0 have coecteinventory4 0se the +etting Starte with -ates wi3ar to seect the systems /or which yo0 want

    to get 0-ates H these systems wi aso e monitore /or 0-ates on an ongoing asis.

    F)-'%e 1! The +etting Starte with -ates wi3ar

    The #hec? /or -ates tas? is aso avaiae as an action on any system seecte /rom the "avigate !eso0rces view. For Power servers it is recommene that yo0 chec? /or 0-ates in the

    conte7t o/ a -artic0ar system or systems an that yo0 sche0e the chec? /or 0-ates action to

    occ0r on a rec0rring asis to otain new 0-ates.

    A/ter chec?ing /or 0-ates yo0 may e noti/ie that a system is o0t o/ ate. The Insta *i3ar is

    re0ire to a--y neee 0-ates. Insta *i3ar tas?s may e sche0e to a--y to one or more

    systems. Sche0e 0-ates may inc0e the insta o/ a critica 0-ate4 a sche0e 0-ate o/IBM i or AI= systems to the atest PTF gro0- or /i7 eve4 or the 0-ate o/ an %M# /irmware


    H)nts +n& t)/s

    To show ony the 0-ates neee /or a -artic0ar system4 yo0 can right2cic? on the system

    an seect S0o< nee&e&. $r4 yo0 can seect S0o< nee&e& '/&+tes /rom the -ate

    Manager -age.

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

     "ote that /irmware 0-ates to IBM i systems are s0--orte in IBM Systems Director 6.1

    ony i/ they are %M# manage4 i/ the systems are P$*E!< an aove4 an i/ the system iscon/ig0re /or /irmware 0-ates thro0gh the %M#. I/ yo0r IBM i system is not con/ig0re

    to get /irmware 0-ates thro0gh the %M#4 see #hanging /irmware 0-ate -oicy 8%M# or

    $S so0rce9 /or instr0ctions on how to set this 0-.

    It is generay a goo -ractice to r0n tas?s that chec? /or an insta 0-ates 0ring non2-ea? ho0rs H this is -artic0ary tr0e /or tas?s that contain a arge n0mer o/ 0-ates s0ch as IBM

    i PTF gro0-s.

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    Ene%- ,+n+-e,ent

    IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager5 meas0res4 monitors an manages the energycom-onents 0it in to IBM systems4 enaing a cross2-at/orm management so0tion. Active

    Energy Manager e7tens the sco-e o/ energy management to inc0e /aciity -roviers4 th0s

    enaing a more com-ete view o/ energy cons0m-tion within the ata center. Active Energy

    Manager aows 0sers to set a -ower or tem-erat0re thresho an e noti/ie or a0tomaticayta?e an action when it is reache.

    3e e+t'%es +n& (on(e/ts

    Foowing are ?ey as-ects o/ Active Energy Manager /or Power server management;

    %ar4 so/t4 an gro0- energy ca-s can e set /or P$*E!6 -rocessor2ase servers;

    o %ar energy ca-s enae the /irmware to ens0re that the -ower eve is not


    o So/t energy ca-s enae yo0 to set the ca- ower to save more -ower.

    o +ro0- energy ca-s et yo0 assign an overa energy ca- to a gro0- o/ systems8s0ch as a rac?9. Active Energy Manager manages the energy ca-s o/ the

    inivi0a systems to meet the gro0- energy ca-.

    Static an ynamic energy savings moes can e set /or P$*E!6 -rocessor2ase


    o Static energy moe saves 0- to G o/ -ower.

    o For ynamic energy moe4 -ower cons0m-tion varies ase on server 0tii3ation.

    o In aition4 yo0 can choose to o-timi3e /or either more -ower savings or etter


    $ther notae /eat0res inc0e;

    o Yo0 can enter the atit0e o/ the atacenter4 an Active Energy Manager enaes

    P$*E!6 -rocessor2ase servers to etter o-timi3e their /an s-ees to save more


    o $er Power Systems servers can e monitore thro0gh the 0se o/ inteigent

     -ower istri0tion 0nits 8PDs9. Active Energy Manager can monitor the -owerat the o0tets an associate with a server.

    o A Active Energy Manager tas?s are avaiae thro0gh oth the IBM Systems

    Director *e2ase 0ser inter/ace or thro0gh the comman ine inter/ace.

    318001015.doc Page 19

  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1


    IBM Systems Director eivers -ower/04 centrai3e management o/ a com-e74 virt0ai3ein/rastr0ct0re. It inc0es asic4 everyay tas?s as we as avance tas?s. #onsoiate

    management4 virt0ai3ation vis0ai3ation an i/e cyce management4 heath monitoring an

    0-ates are o/ signi/icant ene/it to Power Systems management. *ith IBM Systems Director4

    yo0 can more easiy an e//icienty isoate an tro0eshoot -roems4 e-oy new services4vis0ai3e assets an reso0rces an otain a higher ret0rn on in/rastr0ct0re investment.

    318001015.doc Page 20

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    A//en&)8 A. Ne< te%,s o% Po

  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

    A//en&)8 $. Reso'%(es

    I$M Sste,s D)%e(to% %eso'%(es

    IBM Systems Director  8wesite9

    IBM Systems Director in/ormation center  8wesite9 IBM Systems Director Panning4 Instaation4 an #on/ig0ration +0ie /or AI= 8PDF9

    IBM Systems Director Panning4 Instaation4 an #on/ig0ration +0ie /or IBM i 8PDF9

    IBM Systems Director Panning4 Instaation4 an #on/ig0ration +0ie /or >in07 on Power

    Systems 8PDF9

    IBM Systems Director !ewi?i 8wesite9

    I$M Po

  • 8/17/2019 Systems Director for IBM POWER


    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1

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    Managing Power Servers with IBM Systems Director 6.1


    © IBM Corporation 2007IBM CorporationSyte! and "ec#no$ogy %ro&p'o&te 100So!er( )e* +or, 10589

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