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Synopsis for the book: Economic Satyagraha

Page 2: Synopsis - I-optic  · Web viewIn Gandhi's words: 163. In Gandhi's words: 163. Non violence is not for cowards! 164. Modern day Satyagraha followers believe in: 164. Heraldry 166

• What is the book about ? back cover...

If we include humans and our social activities as being an integral part of nature then we are committing suicide when we destroy nature, condone social injustice, poverty, hunger and war.

Rob Grosche dared to dream of a movement that could one-day end hunger, stop wars and deliver "heaven on earth". He then "walked the talk" and researched the most dogged issues that threaten not only humanity, but all life on earth. He tested his assumptions and fine-tuned an ideology which can unite people of good-will all around the world into an inspiring world-wide vision he named:-

Economic Satyagraha

If Americas Emerson & Thoreau's "Civil disobedience" writings gave rise to Ghandi's Satyagraha movement and if we acknowledge that Satyagraha was an extraordinarily successful strategy to defeat the British Raj in India and if we include Martin Luther King's non violent civil rights movement as another Satyagraha victory that liberated Americas blacks from the depravities of race segregation, then the modern day Economic & Environmental Satyagraha movement could have the power to topple the dominance of the G8 and curtail war mongering and corporate profiteering world wide.

Rob's book describes the discovery of a plant wide secret force, which rules our planet. This force has killed and is still killing people by the millions and its ferocity is steadily growing stronger. This secret force has continually kept much of humanity in poverty and misery for the last millennia.

Those who know the secret, profit and worship at its golden altars, those who are ignorant about it, swell the multitudes of the wage slaves, the working poor, "the hungry, desperate huddled masse yearning to break free". Economic Satyagraha and its tools like PSP (people sharing power) can turn humanities dream- of heaven on earth, into a not too distant reality.

Economic Satyagraha is an inspirational book. Can you afford not to read it?


We rarely examine cause and effects of our economically driven society and understand even

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less about natural justice or simple compassion for human sufferings.

We are in the middle of a monumental struggle of competing ideologies and social technologies, which find their victims mostly in the informal sector of poor economies.

This book examines these issues and confronts the reader’s economic Disneyland lifestyle and carefree consumeristic ignorance. It offer the reader a clear choice between two believe systems.

One system is the U$ greed based dollar system. It is based on a semi religious believe in the might of the U$ dollar. But, when this system is examinedexamined, it is a “Man of Straw” system. There is no gold or anything else that is tangibly underwriting this belieff system. It is so strong that it kills tens of thousand’s every day. The carnage os this system is measured in environmental degradation gender related disenfranchisement, medically preventable deaths, and endemic hunger deaths.

On the The other system is based around “Ghandi’s economic Satyagraha” which places natural justice at the centre of our simple daily actions. Satyagraha is not a proven tool for lasting social change. Far from being ineffective, it is a strategic tool, which can be used in conflict, and has the potential to be wielded like a weapon. The potential power of Satyagraha- when combined with modern technologies is so great, that it can easily change history, avoid wars, end hunger and usher in a lasting period of peace.

The two choices, which we have to take personally on a daily basis, are as clear as choosing between life and death itself.

Economic Satyagraha was written like a classic discovery book. A protagonist- Rob -, is your typical Mr average middle class. He has lived a sheltered life in the west. But his peace of mind is slowly undone as he begins to travel. These travels lead him to conclude that most of our planet’s most profound problems can be reduced to the same causes. He examines these causes and builds a new world-view, which is an entirely based on extending every human the same rights and privileges. Namely natural justice! Then he re-discovers Satyagraha and re-developes it into a tool for social change. The power of one !

• What material does it cover? Economic Satyagraha covers, history. Natural justice, economic ideologies, monopolies, world trade, Grameen bank, Power sharing and piece building issue. It also examines the mechanics which drive war and our misguided understanding of democracy. It shows where we, as individuals, need to concentrate our efforts – if we want to live in a better world.

• What will its main argument be? The main arguments will be the rigorous application of natural justice and economic Satyagraha to minimise poverty, hunger and wars. It shows that the elimination of poverty and wars is not the domain of governments, but that the power to change our world, lies mostly with committed environmentalists, consumers and social rights activists. The range of people, this book appeals to, is huge. Their numbers are measured by the tens of millions. They are in fact the largest – world-wide organisation the world has ever seen.

• Why is this book necessary?

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The book attempts to tie together the worlds largest group of mostly invisible activists- who number in the hundreds of millions- though a rediscovered ideology and methodologies which have existed since the daw of time.

There exists a lack of understanding between poverty, power, war and consumer behaviour. Especially when it comes to our personal involvement. We are fed entertainment news, trivia, deliberate misinformation and standards of acceptable greed, war and consumer behaviour.

But do we ever stop and consider our actions in a wider context? Are our actions ethically justifiable or are we just silent profiteers?

Political persuasions, the UN, and NGO’s wave struggled with issues which have their origin in the careless spending of our consumer dollars- which pay for an invisible, defacto borderless greed based commercial government. It is high time, that we realise who we vote for when we cast our $ ballot.

• How is the book original? The topics covered in economic Satyagraha are usually considered in isolation. Their treatment is either childishly naive or academically narrow minded. But in truth, the issue of hunger and killings through economic genocide, has no place in academia. It is foremost an issue of natural justice and hands-on action.

Can the author promote this book after it is published.I have a persuasive personality and am a good interpersonal communicator. This is a result of a lifetime spen td, dealing with people’s problems and finding technical solutions which satisfy their needs. I am able to reduce technically complex issues and reduce then into logical-hard- to refute arguments. I work best – improvising speeches, which are backed up by a scant framework of written materials, in front of small gatherings. This is a legacy of having tough taught applied physics for a number of years. I get a buzz out of exciting people about otherwise dry issues.

I can hold an argument and interject false argument skilfully- to move discussions in the right direction. I also learn exponentially from verbal defeats and use these experiences to strengthen and focus my next debate.

I can contribute to debates both orally and in writing, as a communicator, rather then as a technical expert. But most of all- I am a natural systems analyst who can find, articulate and communicate solutions, to seemingly dogged problems.

• Provisional word length 110000 words

• Figures, tables and illustrations about 75 illustrations

• Provisional manuscript submission date August/September 2007

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Market • For whom is the book intended? Economic Satyagraha was written to shake-up academia, political and environmental activists, but it also appeals to Joe at Jane-Blog- the often politically disinterested, satisfied consumer majority. The range of people, this book appeals to, is simply huge. Their small organisations number in the tens of millions, each ranging from a few to many thousands of members, bringing the total number of potential readers into the 100’s of millions.. In fact they are the largest – mostly invisible, world-wide organisation the world has ever seen. Economic Satyagraha- simply describes a philosophy that appeals to billions around the world.Books dealing with just one topic covered by economic Satyagraha, the elimination of poverty, for example, “A framework for understanding poverty” – by Ruby Payne, have runs of 800,000 and rate 292 / 2.5Million on Amazon. Even misguided books like, "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond, still rate 264 on Amazon, years after they are first published.

• What level is it aimed at (undergraduates/postgraduates/academics & researchers/activists & policy-makers, general readers)? It is always assumed that the audience is politically active or at the very least has a social / economic conscience. Economic academia- will most likely either be offended or laugh it off, as badly researched nonsense. In truth, both the general public and academia will be challenged. I have however taken care to address academia directly when they are the source of misinformation. Economic Satyagraha, is a little like an annoying radio-disk jockey, annoying to the point of wanting to throw a brick through their window- but also captivating enough to not turn the radio off- or in this case ignore the book.

• Will the book be a main text, supplementary reading, a research monograph or aimed at the general book trade? The issues raised in Satyagraha are wide ranging and hold some interest for almost every thinking person.

• Where will the main market be? I would think that air-port book shops which offer a political or social range of books would be ideal- along the lines of “Guns and Germs”.

• What existing books compete with this one? Jeffrey Sachs “End of Poverty” , Yanus “Grameen- banker of the poor”, “Guns and Germs”, Environmental concerns. UN- topics, War and Peace etc…, "Why corporations rule the world" etc...

• How will this book differ from the competition? It tries to entertain, inform and ties into current issues at a very deep, emotional level. It pushes a purely humanist agenda and exposed the before mentioned books and authors to the scrutiny of logic and natural justice. The people who have already red it, are either irritated or inspired by it. But they rarely ignore it .

Marketing These kinds of books find their readers in highly mobile demographics. Airports, Non-fiction history-politics, Amazon- placements-hard and software versions. An innovative production mix can get the sales volume to larger numbers.

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Author Information • Name Rob Grosche

• Address 476 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750, Australia

• Current position Director I-optic, technology company &optician company .

• CV German born 1957, optician, educator, private technology researcher, systems analyst-computing and naturally gifted general system analyst, photographer. No political allegiance.

• Possible referees Like most social activists, Rob has for most of his life, worked and contributed to the cause quietly in the background. This is however a strength, rather then a weakness. True intellectuals examine issues – without being actually involved in the issue. This point becomes clearer, when examining an economist like Sachs, who is a renowned expert economist- but totally blinkered to the illogical arguments he uses in his attempt to end poverty. Or even the discovery that stomach ulcers can be treated with simple anti-bionics- was a revolutionary discovery that came from an outsider. Before this discovery, surgical intervention and the very least painful tests were the norm. This simple discovery put and end to the mass misery caused by stomach ulcers and also shut-down, a very lucrative medical and pharmaceutical income stream.

So, if you are looking for a referee who can vouch for my integrity and the integrity of my arguments, then you will find non.

I have passed the early book to NGO aid agencies for comment and was most encouraged by them. But most importantly, I received valuable criticism from insiders that ranged from communists to capitalists, from Tibetan monks to Christian nuns, from rich and poor, from the powerful and the dispossessed, from business leaders to wage slaves. It is the task of intellectuals to see the truth – wherever it is found and however uncomfortable it may be.

• Title Economic Satyagraha

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• Table of contentsPreface..............................................................................................................................................4

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My story............................................................................................................................................6The silent social contract between an individual and the state.......................................................14The source of all power & justifictification for governements !....................................................15Who has the right to live on our Planet ?........................................................................................17Who has an Economic Right to Life?.............................................................................................17The law of wealth-..........................................................................................................................20“Those who have the wealth make the law! “................................................................................20The Law of rent..............................................................................................................................20What about religion ?......................................................................................................................24What is natural logic and where do I get some ?............................................................................32Powerless .......................................................................................................................................41The French connection...................................................................................................................41French revolutionary power felt today...........................................................................................42The break-up of the 3rd estate........................................................................................................43Divide and conquer the working classes........................................................................................44How are we ever going to live in peace?........................................................................................44Overpowering odds.........................................................................................................................46The raw power of the out-of-fashion city state...............................................................................47Rebuild and reunite the 3rd estate through tax reforms..................................................................48A glimpse of an enlightened future................................................................................................48Defend and deliver without violence..............................................................................................48Why can't we find a way to live in peace ?....................................................................................49 Separation of church – state – and commerce...............................................................................50Power, poverty peace, politics and you!.........................................................................................52Human formulas.............................................................................................................................52The accusations…...........................................................................................................................59The link between banking, wealth production & War!..................................................................64A Holocaust Memorial reads..........................................................................................................71Waking-up!.....................................................................................................................................71 Gender inequality...........................................................................................................................74Why should we care?......................................................................................................................74Satyagraha.......................................................................................................................................76Environment...................................................................................................................................76Local small-town economic lies.....................................................................................................77Local wealth ...................................................................................................................................78Imagine local manufacturing..........................................................................................................79Can't change ?.................................................................................................................................79Local power economics..................................................................................................................79The Law of Rent!............................................................................................................................80Who gains from Free Trade?..........................................................................................................82Personal responsibility....................................................................................................................82Can a local community have an independent economy? ...............................................................83Who is earning honest money ?......................................................................................................84Who will throw the first stone?......................................................................................................85Modern Satyagaha..........................................................................................................................85Islam’s Jihad of love and compasion..............................................................................................87How not to change the world!........................................................................................................95THE PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF NATIONAL SOCIALISM ..............................................102Programme of the NSDAP, 24 February 1920 ............................................................................103Fascism and mass guilt ................................................................................................................110Single person leadership ..............................................................................................................113

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Abandon tribal models..................................................................................................................114Dictators for time..........................................................................................................................114We need better skilled leaders not TV performers.......................................................................114The trouble with single person leadership....................................................................................115East Timor....................................................................................................................................115Power not shared...........................................................................................................................116Are we a living democracy or plutocracy disguised as democracy ?...........................................117Economic depravation spells doom for Democracy ....................................................................117Why do we have to undergo this trial ?........................................................................................118Our Achilles heals.........................................................................................................................119Plunder by trade............................................................................................................................120Terrorism......................................................................................................................................121Environmental vandalism.............................................................................................................122Misinformation.............................................................................................................................123What role does the Media play?...................................................................................................123Dangerous history lessons ...........................................................................................................125Political parties fail us…..............................................................................................................126Single person leadership...............................................................................................................127Power politics...............................................................................................................................128Humanist point of view................................................................................................................130Do we have any values at all ?......................................................................................................130Ideologies and illusions ...............................................................................................................132The way we view credit................................................................................................................133Sex, fun and frivolities..................................................................................................................135Poverty solutions are tough through the history of human settlements........................................140Yunus economics..........................................................................................................................143Sachs and the wholly "invisible hand". .......................................................................................146Can poverty and Wealth live side-by-side?.................................................................................147Pull yourself up by your bootstraps?............................................................................................151Population power..........................................................................................................................152The Early History of Slums..........................................................................................................154Liberal and Conservative ideologies. Modern day slavers..........................................................157Satyagraha.....................................................................................................................................163In Gandhi's words:........................................................................................................................163In Gandhi's words:........................................................................................................................163Non violence is not for cowards!..................................................................................................164Modern day Satyagraha followers believe in:..............................................................................164Heraldry........................................................................................................................................166Roland ..........................................................................................................................................166A White Feather............................................................................................................................166The tear or rains drop....................................................................................................................167The PSP logo ...............................................................................................................................167The spinning wheel ......................................................................................................................168PSP – the end of power politics as we know it.. Or The Power sharing oxymoron....................172How is poverty and credit connected and do we share guilt?.......................................................172plunder by trade” locks the world into violence and war.............................................................173Race and colonialism....................................................................................................................175Economic tree-trade - colonialisms by another name...................................................................176Power corrupts..............................................................................................................................184The evil heart of POWER.............................................................................................................184PSP. People Sharing Power = Peace Security Prosperity.............................................................185

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Simply unbelievable ! ..................................................................................................................185It could have happened anywhere.................................................................................................189A pivotal encounter.......................................................................................................................189US confederacy, the losers point of view.....................................................................................189The beginnings of PSP- a personal perspective............................................................................190PSP introduction...........................................................................................................................191PSP and the U$.............................................................................................................................192Quick PSP overview.....................................................................................................................195People Sharing Power...................................................................................................................196The PSP constitution ...................................................................................................................197Change to the constitution............................................................................................................198Public approaches.........................................................................................................................198Length of office terms..................................................................................................................199Dismissals.....................................................................................................................................199Suspicious death or incapacitation of PSP officials.....................................................................199Electioneering rules......................................................................................................................199Financial rewards..........................................................................................................................200Blocking of PSP’s effectiveness rules..........................................................................................200Voting rules..................................................................................................................................200

Minority justice or combatant forces rules.............................................................................................200

• Supporting material (sample chapters, lecture notes, journal articles) attached title page and below

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