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Symantec at Cornell

Lee BrinkCIT Systems and Operations

[email protected]

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Agenda History SAV versions Cornell Customizations Common Problems Recommended Upgrade Procedure Technical Support The Future of Symantec at Cornell

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Common Abbreviations/Terms SAV – Symantec Antivirus SCF – Symantec Client Firewall SCS – Symantec Client Security

Combination of first two products Platinum Support – Symantec provided support

for all licensed products

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History of Symantec at Cornell Prior to 1997: Disinfectant for Mac and F-Prot

for DOS 1997 – Keith Boncek arranges volume

purchase of Symantec Licenses 1998 – CIT Software Acquisition Program takes

over management of bulk purchase 1999 – Campus Store takes over management

of bulk purchase

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History of Symantec at Cornell 2000 – CIT funds campus wide license. 10,000

staff & faculty licenses with student usage free One year license given to us with purchase of one

year maintenance agreement Additional year paid for in advance

2003 – CIT negotiates 3 year license and includes SCF (Now known as SCS)

2007 – License up for renewal

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Symantec Licensing Terms Staff, and faculty may install the SCS client on

any office or home machine Students may install the SCS client on their

personal machine Students and employees leaving Cornell must

uninstall software

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Symantec Licensing Terms Departments may install the Symantec

server/Administrative tools on as many machines as they like

Standalone client for Windows Server OS not covered in current license

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The Symantec “Mindset” Symantec develops SAV/SCS for the Corporate

(AKA Managed) environment LiveUpdate only updates definitions and rule

sets Labor intensive to update standalone clients

Difficult to customize client for standalone operation

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SAV/SCS Current Version 10.1/3.1 MR5

Point Patch 1 released 11/07/2006 Maintenance Patch 1 released sometime after

Patches focus on managed client issues Install patches in order of release Supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista,

Mac OS 10.3+

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64 bit SAV Used for 64 bit Windows XP installations No firewall Included in departmental distribution Standalone installer not published to avoid user

confusion 64 bit Vista client recently released

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Vista Support 32 bit version of SAV available for download No firewall currently available Current rumor is full Vista support with 10.2, at

the end of June

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SAV for the Macintosh Current Version: 10.1.1 Works on 10.3 and later, Intel/Mac also Quick Menu & AutoProtect control not installed

Moved to separate installer Available at CIT Antivirus Page

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Where is SAV/SCS Available? Standalone clients available via:

Bear Access CIT Antivirus page Full distribution

Distribution page linked off above page Note: Must be in appropriate permit to download Updated on regular basis Current version only

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Bear Access Changes to SAV/SCS SAV config changes

LiveUpdate runs from 10am-12pm every day Eudora .mbx files are excluded

Firewall modifications P-Rules added for most common applications used

on Cornell campus (Eg: CUTV)

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SAV/SCS Limitations OS and applications must be up to date for best

effectiveness Good at detecting known viruses; no protection

on suspected bad behavior Works well in a layered security model Current trojans and viruses will disable SAV


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Common Problems Subscription Expired

Mixed Corporate Edition with Personal Edition Must uninstall & delete anything remotely Symantec

Managed client is not talking to server Insure that firewall has rule allowing server to

initiate connection Windows file sharing is used to transfer “push”

updates. Firewall has to be open port 445

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Common Problems SAV/SCS not updating definitions or rules

Machine infected? Experience has shown multiple causes beyond

above, all stubborn Usually ends up being a uninstall, SAV registry

cleaning, and reinstall SAV is deleting email

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Symantec AV and Email Affects POP users only Entire mailboxes get removed when a single

email has a virus Workaround for Eudora: Exclude .mbx files Workaround for Thunderbird: Exclude profile in

D&S\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles

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“Upgrading” SAV/SCS Experience has shown that relying on

Symantec installer to upgrade is dangerous Safest course for clients:

Uninstall Reboot Delete all Symantec directories Reinstall

Note: Firewall rules will survive an uninstall Follow Symantec clean up doc for details

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“Upgrading” SAV/SCS Safest course for upgrading server

Install latest version on new machine Join new install to group as a child server Promote new install to parent Remove old server from group Uninstall, delete, reinstall new version on old server

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Virus Breaches SAV - Recourse? Current viruses excel at hiding against SAV &

other antivirus/anti-spyware software If malware gets past defenses, little recourse

but to reformat & reinstall Removal sometimes cripples machine Antivirus software poor at removing latest malware


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New Virus? Report Procedure IT Security Office handles contacting Symantec

in reporting potential new viruses Must meet following criteria:

Significant impact on campus Not covered in Symantec index of threats covered

by current virus definitions Other tools unable to identify malware as a known


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Technical Support for SAV/SCS Client Support

Front line: CIT Contact Center Referred to back-line when unable to answer If problem can't be resolved over the phone, the

user can bring in machine on case by case basis

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Technical Support for SAV/SCS Department Support

Try net-admin mailing list Emergency or above doesn't help, contact Lee

Brink for Platinum Support Before call is made to Symantec be sure that:

A phone is near console of affected machine You are at the current version and patch level

Departments may also buy their own contract

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The Future of Symantec @ CU Cost of campus license has skyrockted Switching vendors an option, but

Large cost in switching campus Benefits must outweigh current costs Would require major effort at significant expense

All options being weighed by IT Security Office

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Your Thoughts Symantec not meeting your needs? CIT distribution and support need change? Time to consider switching to another vendor?

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