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General English & Communication English Literature

Sociology Paper – I Sociology Paper – II

Political Science Paper – I Political Science Paper – II

Principles of Psychology Paper I Psychology Paper II

Law of Contract Special Contract

Law of Tort including MV Accident and

Consumer Protection Laws

Legal History



Sociology Paper - III Sociology Paper IV (Women & Society)

Criminal Psychology Political Science Paper III

Law of Crimes – I (Indian Penal Code

Sec. 1-298)

Company Law

Law of Crimes – II (Indian Penal Code

Sec. 299 onwards)

Constitutional Law Paper – I

Legal Theory

Constitutional Law Paper – II

Family Law - I Family Law - II

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Economics Paper I

Economics Paper II

Administrative Law

Human Rights Law & Practice

Public International Law Humanitarian Law

Taxation Laws Property Law

Labour & Industrial Law -I Labour & Industrial Law -II

Legal Language Interpretation of Statutes



Civil Procedure Code &

Limitation Act

Environmental Law

Public Interest Lawyering

Insurance Law

Law of Evidence Medical Law

Principles of Banking Law &

Negotiable Instruments

Land Laws

Criminal Procedure Code

Intellectual Property Rights

Rehabilitation of Criminals and

Juveniles in Society and Law

Media & Law

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Drafting Pleading &


Advanced Drafting

Moot Courts & Internship - I

Moot Courts & Internship - II

Forensic Science & Crime

Detection Methods

Alternate Dispute Resolutions


Cyber Law Professional Ethics & Professional

Accounting System

Seminar & Project Work Paper – I*

Seminar& Project Work Paper –


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IL-101 General English & Communication

ILBA - 102 Sociology Paper – I

ILBA - 103 Political Science Paper – I

ILBA - 104 Principles of Psychology Paper I

IL - 105 Law of Contract

IL 106 Law of Tort including MV Accident and

Consumer Protection Laws

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IL -101 General English & Communication:

Unit-l: Comprehension and Composition

a. Reading Comprehension of General and Legal Texts

b. Paragraph & Précis Writing

c. Drafting of Reports

d. Petition Writing

Unit-II: Language, Communication and Law

a. Meaning and Communication Approaches

b. Types, Directions and Challenges

c. Formal & Informal Communication

d. Barriers to Communication

e. Culture and Language Sensitivity

f. Non-verbal Communication: Importance, Types (Paralanguage, Body Language, Proximity


g. Legal Maxims

Unit-III: Legal Communication

a. Legal Communication

b. Mooting

c. Reading and Analysis of Writings by Eminent Jurists (Cases, Petitions and Judgements)

Unit-IV: Literature and Law

Play ‘Justice’ by John Galsworthy (Justice was a 1910 crime play by the British writer John

Galsworthy) and Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw

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Suggested Reading:

David Gill and Bridget Adams. ABC of Communication Studies, published by Nelson

Thorns, 1998.

John Snape and Gary Watt How to Moot: A Student Guide to Mooting, Oxford, 2013.

Karl Erik Rosengren Communication: An Introduction, SAGE Publication.

Mia B. Ingels Legal English Communication Skills, ACCO, 2006.

Rupert Haigh Legal English Fourth Edition, Routledge, 2015.

William Robert McKay and Helen E. Charlton Legal English Pearson/Longman,


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ILBA – 102 : Sociology Paper – I

Unit-I Introduction to Sociology

The Nature of Sociology; The meaning of Sociology: relation of Sociology with other social-

science-Psychology, History and Political Science and Relevance of sociology in the study of


Unit-II Basic Concepts

(a) Society, community, institution. Association, Social groups, social structure, states and

Role, norms and values. (b) Social structure, status and Role of Meaning of social

stratification and agencies.

Unit-III The individual and Society

Meaning of Society, culture and Socialization- Relation between individual; and society

socialization meaning & agencies society control: meaning of social control, forms and

agency for social controls. Social stratification: Meaning and bases of social stratification.

Unit-IV Sociology of crime and Deviance and social change

Crime Meaning and Causes: Relationship between sociology and criminology, (Meaning and

causes difference), crime and Deviance. Social change: meaning of social change, Factors of

social change and law as an instrument of social change.

Suggested Readings:-

1. Giddiness Anthony 2001, sociology, Blackwell Publishers.

2. Ahuja, Ram: Criminology, Jaipur: Rawat Publication, 2000.

3. Sutherland, Edwin: Principals of criminology, Bombay: The time of India press, 1965.

4. Pranjape, N.V: Criminology and Penology, Allahabad: control law Publications, 1999.

5. Bose, N.k. 1967 : Culture and society in India (Bombay: Asia Publishing House.)

6. Bose, N.K. 1975 : Structure of Hindu Society,(New Delhi)

7. Dube, S.C. 1990 : Society in India (New Delhi: National book trust)

8. Dube, S.C. 1995 : Indian Village (London : Rutledge)

9. Lannoy, Richard, 1971: The Speaking Tree : A Study of Indian Society and culture (Delhi

: Oxford University Press)

10. Sachdeva and Bhushan : An Introduction to Sociology

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ILBA - 103 :Political Science Paper – I

Unit-I Introduction to Political Science

Political science: Origin, Definition, Nature and Scope; Relationship of Political Science with

Law, History, Sociology and Economies; Growth of Political Science; Modern Political

Science: Nature and Scope

Unit-II Concepts

The State: Meaning and its essential elements; Theories regarding origin of state: Divine

origin theory and Evolutionary Theory; Social contract Theory; Political System: Meaning,

characteristics and Functions: sovereignty: Definition, Meaning and Characteristics, Kinds;

Austin and Pluralistic concept of Sovereignty; Law and Rights: Meaning, Importance, Kinds;

Liberty and equality: Meaning, Importance, Kinds.

Unit-III Government:

Classification of Governments; democracy and Dictatorship; Unitary and Federal;

Parliamentary and Presidential; Organs of the Government – Legislature, Executive &

Judiciary, Doctrine of Separation of Powers and Independence of Judiciary Montesquieu’

Contribution to the theory of separation of powers; Merits and demerits of separation of

powers; Conception of Representation, Public Opinion and Political participation.

Unit-IV Major Political Theories Liberalism:

Classical and Contemporary;

Principles of Liberalism and Principles of Marxism

Suggested Readings:

1. Bhatnagar, S: Political Theory, An Introduction

2. Gajendargadkar, P.B.: Law Liberty and Social Justice

3. Joad, C.E.M: Introduction to Modern Political Theory

4. Kapoor, A.D: Principles of Political Science.

5. Rathore, L.S. and Haqqi, S.A.H : Political Theory and Organization

6. Verma S.P. : Modern Political Theory

7. AsirvathamAddi : Political Theory ( New Delhi, S. Chand & Co. 1988)

8. Gauba, O.P., : An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan, New Delhi 2005

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9. Heywood, Andrew: Politics, Palgrave, New York, 2002. Semester –1st Law of Torts,

including The Motor Vehicles Act& The Consumer Protection Act

10 Johari, J.C. (2009). Principles of Modern Political Science, 12th Edition, Sterling

Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi.

11 Rathore, L.S. and Haqqie S.A.H. (2011). Principles of Political Theory and

Organization, National Law School of India University, Bar Council of India Trust, Eastern

Book Company, Lucknow

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ILBA - 104 : Principles of Psychology Paper - I

Unit-1 Definition and scope of psychology :

Methods; Experimental observation, interview, questionnaire and case study.

Biological Bases of Behavior: The nervous system: The Neuron, The Neuron,

The Central Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System, Hormones and glands.


1. Sensory Perceptual Processes: Visual, auditory and other senses: Structure and functions:

2. Attention processes: Nature, Factor and Types, Perceptual organization: Determinants of

Perception; Form, Space and depth perception.

3. Learning: Classical and operant conditioning; Basic processes: Extinction Spontaneous

Recovery, Generalization and Discrimination, reinforcement, Transfer of training, Factors

affecting learning.


1. Memories and Forgetting: Encoding, storage, retrieval processes: sensory, short- term

and long term memories: Forgetting: Decay Interference, retrieval failure.

2. Motivation and Emotion: Indicators of motivation: Biogenic and sociogenic motives,

Intrinsic- Extrinsic frame work; Conflict and frustration. The need hierarchy model. Emotion:

Nature, Type Theories of Emotions: James- Lange, Cannon- Bard, Physiological correlates


1. Intelligence: Nature, Two factor and Multifactor theories, Genetic and environmental

influences, Measurement of intelligence.

2. Personality: Nature, Types and trait approaches, Biological and socio- cultural

determinates: assessment of personality.

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Suggested Readings:

1. Baron, R.A. (1995) Psychology: The essential science New York: All in & Bacon.

2. Morgan, C.T. & King A.R. Introduction to Psychology.

3. Zimliardo, P.G. & Weber, A.L.(19970. Psychology New York.

4. Introduction of General Psychology D. N. Srivastava.

5. P. S. Baron &D. Byrne, 7th edition. Social Psychology Understanding Human Interaction.

6. Henderson, H.C. An Introduction to social psychology Wiley eastern new Delhi

7. Mc David, J.W. &Harari, H. Social Psychology Individuals, groups, societies, UBS

Publishers and Distributors, Sahara, Delhi, Indian edition, 1986.

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IL –105 Law of Contract

Unit – I General Features and Nature of Contractual Obligations:

Freedom of Contract. Standard and printed forms of contract-their nature and unilateral

character Essential elements of valid contract; Proposal, Acceptance, Communication and

Revocation thereof Means of Communication: Postal, Telephonic and Telex, E-mail

Communication Section (2); Offer and invitation to offer, Kinds of offer; General, Specific,

Cross, Standing offer, capacity to contract.

Unit – II

Consent, Free consent, elements vitiating free consent, (section 15–18);

Nature of contract when consent is not free (section 19)

Unit – III

Consideration (Section 2(d), 23, 24, 25);

Void Agreements- Agreement in restraint of marriage (Section 26), Agreement in restraint of

trade with exceptions (Section 27), Agreement in restraint of legal Proceedings with

exceptions (Section 28),

Uncertain Agreements (Section 29), Wagering Agreements – Definition and essentials –

Exceptions (Section 30),

Contingent Contracts (Section 31-36)

Performance of Contract (Sections 37-61)

Unit – IV

When time is essence of contract; Contracts which need not be performed – notation,

rescission and alteration of contract, remission of performance (Sections 62 – 67)

Quasi Contracts: Of certain relations resembling those created by Contract (Section 68-72)

Breach of Contract and Remedies for Breach of Contract;

Anticipatory Breach and Consequences of Breach (Sections 73-75)

Suggested Readings:

1. Mulla D: Indian Contract Act.

2. AvtarSingh : Law of Contract

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3. Pollock &Mulla : Indian contract and Specific Relief Act

4. Anson A.g. : Law of Contract

5. Avtar Singh: Mercantile Law.

6. R.K. Bangia : Contract – I

7. N.D. Kapoor, Law of Contract

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IL -106 Law of Tort including MV Accident and Consumer

Protection Laws

Unit – I :

Nature and Definition of Torts,

General Defences, Volenti non fit Injuria, Inevitable Accident, Act of God, Statutory

Authority, Defence of Necessity,

Vicarious Liability including Liability of the State,


Unit – II :

Trespass to person and property,

Liability for Mis-statements,


Negligence including contributory & Composite Negligence,

Strict Liability including Absolute Liability.

Unit – III : The Consumer Protection Act, 1986

Chapter –I: (Section -2)

Chapter-II: Consumer Protection Councils

Chapter-III: Consumer Disputer Redressal Agencies.

Unit-IV: The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988

Chapter –I: section-2

Chapter-XI: Insurance of Motor Vehicles against Third Party Risks

Chapter-XII: Claims Tribunals

Chapter-XIII: Offences, Penalties & Procedure

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Suggested Readings:

1. R.K Bangia; Law of Torts

2. RatanLal; Law of Torts

3. Winfield ; Law of Torts 4. B.K. Aggarwal; Consumer Protection Act, 1986

5. Salmond and Henston; Law of Torts

6. Ratan Lal and DhirajLal ; Law of Torts

7. Avtar Singh; Law of Torts

8. UpendraBaxi and Thomas Paul (ed). ; Mass Disaster and Multi- national Liability.

9. Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Bare Act.

10. Motor Vehicles Act, 1988: Bare Act.

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IL - 107 English Literature

ILBA – 108 Sociology Paper – II

ILBA – 109 Political Science Paper – II

ILBA – 110 Psychology Paper II

IL – 111 Special Contract

IL - 112 Legal History

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IL – 107 : English Paper II


The students will be required to write:

a) Case comment

b) Article/Editing of Law Journals


1. Active and Passive voice

2. Idioms and Phrases.

3. Prefixes and suffixes.

4. Translation from Gujarati to English.

5. Formation of words.

Unit-III Essay writing on topics of contemporary legal relevance like

1. Environmental Law.

2. Cyber crime/ Law

3. Right to Information.

4. Indian Judiciary

5. Women Empowerment.

6. Consumer Protection

7. Panchayti Raj.

8. The changing Scenario of India Bureaucracy.

9. Democracy.

10. Socialism and secularism.


Legal Terms - Meaning and Usage Plaint, Written Statement, Plaintiff, Defense, Petition,

Appeal, Magistrate, Judge Court, Tribunal, Divorce, Judicial Separation, Litigation, Public,

Private, Legal, Illegal, Monogamy, Bigamy, Polygamy, Will Deed, Agency, Agreement, Bail,

Bailable, NonBailable, Bailment, Minor, Misstatement, Pledge.

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Suggested Reading:

1. FitiKides, T,J.: Common Mistakes in English

2. John B.Saunders: Words and Phrases Legally Defined, Vols. I to V.

3. Martin Hewing: Advanced English Grammar, Cambridge University Press

4. Grammar builder- A.Amin, R. Eravelly, F.J. Ibrahim(in IV Vol,) Cambridge University


5. English Idioms-Jennifer Seidl, W. McMordie, Oxford University Press

6. English Vocabulary in Use- Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell, Cambridge University


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ILBA – 108 : Sociology Paper – II

Unit-I: Kinship, Family and Marriage

a. Descent: Patrilineal and Matrilineal, Comparative study of Northern and Southern Kinship

b. Concepts: Principles of Kinship, Consanguinity, Filiations, Incest Taboo and Affinity

c. Forms of Marriage; Monogamy/Polygamy; Endogamy/Exogamy; Sororate/Levirate

d. Forms of Family: Joint and Nuclear family

Unit-II: Religion

a. Sacred and Profane

b. Rites and Rituals

c. Communalism and Fundamentalism

d. Secularism

Unit-III: Social Stratification

a. Caste: Features, Mobility, Dominant Caste

b. Class and status: Marx and Weber

c. Gender: Equality, Neutrality and Third gender

Unit IV: Marginalised Groups and Deviants

a. Theories: Positivist Approach, Labelling Theory, Functionalist Theory, Subculture Theory

b. Social Problems and Social Legislation: Women and Children

c. Sexual Violence against Women & Children: Myths and Realities

d. Marginalised Groups: Differently abled.

Suggested Readings:

1. Ahuja, Ram 1999, Society in India: Concepts , Theories and Recent Trends, Rawat

Publication, Jaipur

2. A.R.Radcliffe-Brown, and Daryll Forde, “ Introduction” in Radcliffe-Brown and

Daryll Forde (eds.), African Systems of Kinship and Marriage, London: Oxford

University Press, (pp 1-39), 1950

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3. A. M. Shah, “Changes in the Indian Family: An Examination of Some Assumptions”,

in A.M. Shah, The Family in India: Critical Essays, pp. 52-63(Orient Longman,1998.

4. E. Durkhiem, Elementary Forms of Religious Life. A New Translation by Carol

Cosman, OUP: Oxford, (pp 25-46; 87-100 and 153-182), 2001

5. A. Van Gennep, The Rites of Passage, Routeledge and Kegan Paul: London,

(Introduction, pp 1-14; 65-70; 74-77; 85-90; 101-107; 116-128; 130-135 and 141-

165), 1960

6. Das, Veena (ed), 2006: Oxford Handbook of Indian Sociology: Oxford University


7. T.N.Madan, Modern Myths, Locked Minds: Secularism and Fundamentalism in India,

Delhi: Oxford University Press, (pp.1‐38), 1997

8. M.N.Srinivas, Caste: It’s Twentieth Century, New Delhi: Avtar Viking Penguin,1996

9. Ibid 1995: Social Change in Moderrn India, Orient Blackswan. Hyderabad

10. Ibid

11. Gupta, “Hierarchy and Difference”, in Dipankar Gupta (ed.), Social Stratification,

Del hi: Oxford University Press, (pp 1‐21), 1991

12. Ibid 2013: Revolutions from the Above, Rupa Publication, New Delhi

13. Ibid 2000: Culture, Space and Nation –State : Sage, Newdelhi

14. A. Beteille, Caste, Class and Power, Oxford University Press, 1971, (Chapter.1)

15. Mandelbaum, David: 1972 : Society in India I & II: Change & Continuity: Continuity

& Change, Popular Prakashan , Mumbai

16. Rao, C N Shankar 2004: Sociology of Indian Society: S. Chand Publishing, New


17. S. Jackson and S. Scott (eds.), 2002, Gender: A Sociological Reader, London:

Routledge, Introduction, (pp 1-26)

18. Singh, Yogendra 1996: Modernisation of Indian Tradition, Rawat, Jaipur

19. Ibid 2007: Social Change in India : Crises & Resilience, HarAnand Publication, New


20. Sharma, K, L 1997, Social Stratification: Issues and Themes, Sage, NewDelhi

21. Katherine Williams, Text Book on Criminology, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt.

Ltd., (pp. 142-167, 197-259 and 343- 369), 1997

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ILBA – 109 : Political Science Paper – II: International

Relations and Organisation

Unit I – Introduction to International Relations

a) Political Science and International Relations

b) International Politics and Organisation (power, diplomacy, United Nations, arms

control, terrorism, developmental politics, civil society)

c) International Law

d) Geo Politics

e) Peaceful settlement of international disputes

f) State Responsibility

Unit-II: Key Concepts in International Relations

a) Power, Elements of National Power: Population, Geography, Resources, Economy,

Technology and Military

b) Limitations on National Power: International morality, Public Opinion and

International Law

c) Balance of Power

d) United Nations institutions and law making

Unit-III: United Nations and International Relations

a. Diplomacy: Old World and New World, Legal conflicts.

b. UN Principal Organs: General Assembly, Security Council and International Court of


c. Peaceful Settlement of Disputes: Negotiations, Mediation, Conciliation, Arbitration

and Judicial Settlement

d. Collective Security Mechanism

Unit-IV: Critical Global Concerns

a. Cold War: Causes, Phases and Case Studies (Korean Crisis, Vietnam Crisis, Cuban

Crisis and Gulf War)

b. Post Cold War: Iraq War, US Hegemony, Rise of Japan and China

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c. Alliances: NATO and Non-Aligned Movement.

d. Supra-National Organizations: EU, OAS, AU and ASEAN, SAARC, BRIC

e. International Terrorism: Reasons for Emergence (Issues of Resources, Territorial

Claims, Culture and Religion), Forms and Combating Terrorism

Suggested Readings:

1.Peu Ghosh, International Relations, Prentice Hall of India, 2009

2. RumkiBasu, The United Nation: Structure and Function of an International Organisation,

South Asia Books, 2008

3.Moore and Pubantz, The New United Nations, Pearson Education, 2008

4. Chandra Prakash, and Prem Arora, International Relations, Cosmos Bookhive, 1986

5. E. H.Carr, International Relations between Two World Wars 1919-1939, Macmillan, 2004

6. Shakti Mukherjee, and Indrani Mukherjee, International Relations, World Press Pvt. Ltd.,


7. Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, Revised,

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005

8. J.G. Starke, An Introduction to International Law, Butterworths, 1993 (Revised)

9. Joshua S. Goldstein, International Relations, Pearson Education, 2013

10. J.N. Dixit, India’s Foreign Policy and its Neighbours, Gyan Books, 2001

11. Peter Calvocoressi, World Politics:1945-2000, Pearson Education, 2013

12. Gabriel Almond, Dalton et al., Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Pearson,

New Delhi, 2013

13. Pushpesh Pant, International Relations in the 21st Century, New Delhi: Tata McGrawHill

Education Private Limited,2011

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ILBA – 110 : Psychology Paper II


1. Nature and scope of Social Psychology

2. Methods of Social Psychology: Field observation, Experimental, Sociometric, method,

cross- cultural Approach.

3. Attitudes: Nature and functions of attitude, Formation, change and Measurement of



1 Prejudice: Nature and component of Prejudice, Acquisition of Prejudice, reduction of


2 Groups and Leadership: Group Structure, Group dynamics, Function and Types.

Leadership, Definition and Functions, Trait and Situational approaches to leadership.

Conformity and Obedience.


1. Communication: communication models, verbal and non- verbal communication, barriers

in communication, interpersonal attraction and its determinants.

2. Aggression: Determinate of Aggression; Prevention and control of Aggression.


1. Pro- social Behavior: cooperation help and altruism; Bystander effect. Theoretical

explanation for prosaically behavior; social cultural and Environmental influences on

Personality and social Behavior.

2. Correlation: the concept of correlation Linear &non linear correlation, Pearson’s product

moment Correlation.

Suggested Readings:

1. Linder son, H.C. an introduction to social Psychology Wiley eastern. New Delhi.

2. Coleman, J.C. (1998) Abnormal Psychology and modern life. Bombay Taraporavala

(Latest Edition)

3. Shanmugan, T. E. Abnormal Psychology Tata McGraw New Delhi (Latest Edition)

4. Season, I.G. and season, B.K. (1980). Organizational Development London: Prentice Hall.

French, W.L. &Bell, CH. Jr. (1980). Organization Development: London: Prentice hall.

5. Margulies, N, &Raia, A.P. (1975). Organization Development: values, process and

technology. New Delhi: Tata McGraw hill.

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6. Pareek, u, & Rao, T.V. (1986). Designing and Managing Human Resources system. New

Delhi Oxford.

7. Arnold, H.J. & Feldman D.C. (1986) Organization Behavior New York: McGraw hill.

8. Davis, K. (1978) Human Behavior works New Delhi: Tata McGraw hill.

9. Sharma, R.A. (1982). Organizations Theory and Behavior New Delhi: Tata McGraw hill.

10. Wove, R. & Dryden, w. (1996). Handbook of counseling Psychology, New Delhi: sage.

11. Kovchin, S.J. (1986). Modern clinical Psychology. Principles of Intervention in the clinic

and community. Delhi: CBS Publishers.

12. Kendall. P.C., & Norton- ford, J.A. (1982). Clinical Psychology. New York: John Wiley.

13. Davison, G.C.; &heale, J.M. (1982). Abnormal Psychology An experimental clinical

approach. New York: John Wiley.

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IL – 111 : Special Contract

Unit-I: Indemnity, Guarantee and Agency

a. Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee

b. Right and Duties of Indemnifier and Discharge

c. Rights and Duties of Bailor/Bailee, Lien, etc

d. Definitions of Agent and Principal, Creation of Agency and its Termination

Unit-II: The Partnership Act, 1932

a. Nature of Partnership Firm

b. Rights /Duties of Partners inter se

c. Incoming and Outgoing Partners, Position of Minor

d. Dissolution and Consequences

Unit-III : The Sale of Goods Act, 1940

a. Definitions, Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sale

b. Conditions and Warranties

c. Passing of Property

d. Rights of Unpaid Seller an

Unit – IV Specific Relief –

Meaning and General Principles; Recovery of Possession of Immovable Property (Ss. 5 and

6), Recovery of Possession of Movable Property (Ss. 7 and 8),

Contracts Which can be specifically enforced (Ss. 10 to 13), Contracts which cannot be

specifically enforced (Sec. 14),

Discretion of the Court (Sec. 20), Rectification of Instruments (Sec. 26), Rescission of

Contracts (Ss. 27 to 30), Cancellation of Instruments (Ss. 31 to 33),

Declaratory Decrees (Ss. 34 and 35), Preventive Relief /Injunctions (Ss. 36 to 42)

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Suggested Readings:

1. Mulla, D.F : Indian Contract Act.

2. Bangia, R.K. : Indian contract Act-II.

3. AvtarSingh : Law of Contract

4. Pollock and Mulla : Indian contract and Specific Relief Act

5. Anson : Law of Contract

6. R.K. Bangia : The Specific Relief Act ,R.M.M. Dias: Jurisprudence d Remedies for Breach

of Contract

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IL – 112 : Legal History

Unit I: Early Developments (1600- 1836)

a. Charters of the East India Company: 1600, 1661, 1726 and 1753

b. Settlements: Surat, Madras, Bombay and Calcutta

c. Courts: Mayor’s Court of 1726 and Supreme Court of 1774

d. Statutes: Regulating Act, 1773; Pitts India Act, 1784; The Act of Settlement 1781

e. Conflict: Raja Nanad Kumar, Kamaluddin, Patna Case, and Cossijurah

f. Warren Hastings: Judicial Plans of 1772, 1774 and 1780

g. Lord Cornwallis: Judicial Plans of 1787, 1790 and 1793

h. Lord William Bentinck (With special focus on Appraisal of Criminal law)

Unit II: Evolution of Law and Legal Institutions

a. Development of Personal Laws

b. Development of Law in Presidency Towns

c. Development of Civil law in Mufassil: Special Emphasis on Justice, Equity and Good


d. Codification of Laws: Charter of 1833, The First Law Commission, the Charter of 1853,

The Second Law Commission

e. Establishment of High Courts, 1861

f. Privy Council and Federal Court: Appeals and working of Privy Council, Appraisal of

Privy Council, Features of Federal Court

g. Evaluation: Special Reference to Racial Discrimination, Merit and Demerits

Unit III: Legal Profession and Education

a. Early Developments though Major’s Court, Supreme Court, Company’s Adalat, High

Court, Legal Practitioners Act of 1879, The Chamier and Indian Bar Committer of 1951

b. The Advocates Act of 1961: Provisions and Disciplinary powers

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c. Law Reporting: Theory of Precedents, Features of Law reporting from 1773 to 1950

d. Legal Education: History and Basic Aims of Legal Education

Unit IV: Constitutional History

a. The Indian Councils Act, 1861

b. The Indian Councils Act, 1892

c. The Indian Councils Act, 1909

d. The Government of India Act 1919

e. The Government of India Act, 1935

Suggested Reading :

D.D.Basu: Introduction to the Constitution of India G.N.Singh: Landmark in Indian Constitutional & National Development

V.D.Kulshreshtha’s Landmarks in Indian Legal & Constitutional History,Eastern Book Co.

J.N.Pandey : Constitutional Law of India

Keith :Constitutional History in India

M.P.Jain: Indian Constitutional Law

M.V .Pylee : Constitutional History of India

Shiva Rao: Framing of the Constitution of India (Vols.1-4)

V.N.Shukla : Constitution of India Eastern Book
