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SWPS NewsSWPS News 4 November 20164 November 2016

Head’s News The final ISI Regulation Compliance Inspection Report of Sir William Perkins’s

School undertaken between 27 and 28 September 2016 has now been received by the School and passed to the Independent Schools Council, the Department for Education and Ofsted. The report seeks to make a judgement as to whether an Independent Schools Standard has been ‘met’

or ‘not met.’ No grade descriptors such as excellent or good

are used in this kind of inspection. In order to arrive at a judgement, the Inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined sample pieces of students’ work. They also had

discussions with staff, the Senior Leadership Team and the Chair of Governors. They observed co-curricular activities, attended assembly and registration. They visited the Medical Room and reviewed our provision for PSHCE and SEN. In addition, the Inspectors looked closely at the responses of the parents’ and pupils’ questionnaires. Finally the School policies and regulatory documentation including

safeguarding were examined. I am delighted to say that Sir William Perkins’s School successfully met all of the required standards; no further action is required as a result of this inspection. You can find a link to this report here for your perusal.

I am very grateful to all the staff, governors, parents and, of course, the students who contributed to the successful outcome of this inspection.

C Muller


CALLING PARENTS WHO WORK IN THE CITY OF LONDON: Would you be willing to sponsor a Networking Event at your place of work for Alumnae and current SWPS parents? Our

inaugural event, which was held at Schroders earlier this year, and sponsored by two former pupils was a resounding success! Girls from the fields of Law, Finance, Business, Medicine and Engineering to name but a few, and at varying stages in their careers, joined us after work to network over drinks and nibbles and to listen to our inspirational speaker, Bonita Norris. If you have some meeting space that isn’t

used in the evenings, we would be delighted if you’d consider partnering with us and would love to hear from you. Please contact Mrs Sam Kassir by emailing [email protected] for further information.

Entrance Examination for Year 7 Entry in September 2017/Deferred Year 9 in 2019 The deadline for applications for next year has now passed,

however if you have a younger daughter and this date has crept up on you, or you know someone in that position, please do contact the Admissions Department to discuss a late application!

SCHOOL SECURITY Please may we remind parents/guardians of some school security arrangements in place which are necessary for the

protection of all students on our site.

No student is allowed to give anyone the gate or door security codes: they can only be known by the current students on roll and current staff.

All external visitors (which includes parents/carers, other family members, ex-students) need to sign in at reception when visiting the School: students are not allowed to let visitors into the School buildings via the student entrance or any other door.

All external visitors must wear a visitor’s badge and be accompanied by a member of staff (or pairs of specifically chosen students on Parent Information Mornings), at all times, when they have been taken beyond reception into the School.

All of the above also applies after hours when you are collecting your daughter or if you have been asked to help at any school event.

Please be aware that it is the professional duty of any member of staff to challenge anyone not adhering to any of above. This may seem harsh (especially if it’s an ex-

student!) but these rules are necessary when working with young people for safeguarding and child protection.

Thank you in advance for supporting us in this area.

FOSWPS Quiz Night 2016 The annual quiz night is always a popular event, with a Dining Hall full of teams ready

to show off their vast knowledge on an a r r ay o f

subjects. This year’s winners were Fahrenheit, who also

won last year, and therefore get to retain their title. With excellent food and a convivial

atmosphere, a great night was had by all.

S Hallsworth


Just a reminder to all parents that the School now has a one

way system.

Please always turn right on driving into the school and continue around the back of the School to exit, even if parked in the visitor bays. We wish to avoid altercations such as the photograph above. School Business Director

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Visit to Poland During half term, 26 students from Years 11, 12 and 13 went to Poland, where they visited the beautiful city of

Krakow, heard Mirostana Gruszczynska describe how she and her family hid a Jewish girl for the duration of the war and visited Auschwitz – Birkenau. Whilst many aspects of this trip were very moving and sombre, we also had fun

visiting the Salt Mines and taking a horse and carriage ride through

the illuminated old town of

Krakow. The students were a credit to themselves and the School.

H O’Connor

Masterclasses 2016

We welcomed

30 Year 5 children from local schools

to spend a half day with us this week, participating in our Maths and English Masterclasses. Visitors from Halstead, St Charles Borromeo, Staines Prep and Ravenscote Schools enjoyed the challenging tasks set

by our teachers – learning Shakespearean insults (which went down very well!) and emulating the binary system within computers – we were impressed by how happily they rose to the tasks! As you can see from the photos, we also

saw the teachers showing them how it should be done (do they look as if they

were concentrating hard?! They were!) Thanks to our wonderful English and Maths departments.

S Hallsworth

Careers Talk by Former SWPS Pupil We were very

pleased this week to have a former SWPS

pupil, Farrah Godwin, come in to school and give an inspiring talk to the Art Students about her journey to her current role as

Head of Design of non-clothing at River Island.

L Haley

Cambridge Greek Play On the first Saturday of

half term the Classics

department took 52 people, mostly pupils but some parents, to see the Cambridge Greek Play. This runs only every three years, and is always brilliant and completely sold out. The girls had some free time to explore Cambridge and get inspired for university choice, then saw

two plays performed in their original Greek, with surtitles, and an introduction from Professor Tim Whitmarsh. Antigone, Greek Tragedy, and Lysistrata, Greek Comedy, are both highly relevant to our current exam syllabuses. The

performances were fabulous and we all left the theatre and Cambridge feeling inspired.

I Peel

Art Trip to Florence In the first week of half-term the Art Department ran a five-

day trip to Florence. We had a brilliant time! We visited the

Angel Academy of Art (an Italian art school where students learn traditional Renaissance painting techniques), the Uffizi Gallery (which contains the world’s best collection of Renaissance painting),

the Accademia (which contains Michelangelo’s famous statue of David), and a contemporary art gallery in Prato. We also climbed to the top of the Duomo’s dome, strolled along the Arno by the Ponte Vecchio,

and spent a day in the beautiful

medieval city of Siena. I Russell

Year 11 Lunches with the Head M r M u l l e r continues to

hold his weekly lunches with small groups of Year 11s to offer advice

and counsel about their

u p c o m i n g transition to Further Education. Although it is only the first term of the year, decisions about A Levels and their next steps are only just around the corner for Year 11!

Good Luck Ludo! Our chef de partie, Ludo Solano-Serena, has reached the finals of

‘Harrisons School Chef of the Year’ which will take place next Thursday at their headquarters in Oxfordshire. Ludo will have the opportunity to really stretch himself to show his culinary skills and creativity in making a three

course meal for a primary aged pupil using British seasonal fare and promoting a balanced healthy plate. Going by the dishes he makes us daily we’re not surprised he’s a finalist and

we wish him the best of luck next week! A Revell

Trick or Treat! The Halloween inspired mufti was a huge success

raising over 700 food items for local food banks- this will make such a difference to these amazing charities!

We were blown away by all the creativity that the girls and teachers put into their costumes.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone for their generous donations and to everyone that made this event possible.

H Potter, H Johnson, S Parkin, F Clare & S Aduakwa (S6)

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Sport News Netball—Year 10 Surrey Qualifier The SWPS Under 15 team faced a tough draw in

the Surrey Qualifier. 5 strong teams awaited us at a windy and cold Kingston Grammar School

and the 6 minute each way format made it difficult to correct any damage done in the early part of the game. Tormead were our first challengers. A change in our line up just before the whistle unsettled our team and led to a slow

start but after the first turnover, SWPS quickly got into their stride. Tormead struggled to break through our rock solid defence and SWPS won by a comfortable 4 goal margin. Our next opponents were Cranleigh in a match where the SWPS team produced brilliance at times. Saffy played out of

her skin to take Cranleigh’s WA out of the game. Roxy’s goal

scoring prowess meant that she scored a goal from way outside the circle when it was actually meant to be a pass. The dedication from the team drove the girls on to a comfortable win by 5 goals. Emmanuel offered up the next challenge. Another win was in

their sights. Josie and Millie grew some amazing arms resulting in some awesome turnovers and clearer attack with solid defence meant we won this game by 4. Howard School were our penultimate contenders confusing our team slightly in the first few minutes, which resulted in

us being level, SWPS soon found their stride and managed a

win by 8 goals. Our last game to St Cats started explosively and SWPS had little left. Our attack looked really busy, space seemed to vanish from the court and St Cats ball down to the their goal seemed to go much quicker than ours. We put up a valiant

fight but lost by 5 goals. Well done to the whole team though for securing your place in the next round of the County tournament and coming 2nd in the group; roll on March! Team comprised of Mille Turner, Roxy Mather, Ellie Moss, Josie Cox, Saffy Hodge, Sikemi Adetola, Rebecca Sproston and Emma Falkentoft-Hansen. Year 11 Surrey Qualifier Congratulations to the U16 girls who played some truly outstanding netball to secure their place in the next round. SWPS were immensely proud to have 4 independent umpires

come over and tell our coaches what a talented team we have so well done to all of you for showing the school in its best light.

Our first match against Claremont highlighted each individual player’s qualities and enabled them to link this

together to play some wonderful netball. Every player added something special to this game and the 12 goal win showcased this. Wimbledon brought a stronger side to compete with SWPS but that didn’t faze us, we managed to perform some lovely feeds into the D, show great fight for the ball and enable

Amy and Roma to perform some fabulous interceptions. The girls demonstrated 12 minutes of pure want to win, resulting in a 3 goal win against a very tough and well drilled side.

Our next contenders were so scared of our slick play that they didn’t show up to court so we won by just being organised and taking to court with no opposition. A lesson in

‘Winning the Game before you take the court’ if I ever saw one!

St Cats were always going to be our toughest opponents and their 5 strong coaching team on the sideline made more noise than all of our Under 15’s put together. SWPS took an

early lead managing to create some lovely space down the court and demonstrate some great teamwork allowing

everyone to contribute to the game. After taking an early lead St Cats managed to come back and take a draw, which is a shame as it didn’t reflect our want for the win. Well done girls, you made a cold windy Thursday brighter by playing some beautiful netball that was admired by many.

Team comprised of Emma Southern, Jo Hatfield, Ella Ayoade, Amy Longster, Roma Longster, Sophia Grewal, Pippa Brown, Lia Anderson, Izzie Arnold.

J Turner

Congratulations to

Mary O’Donnell

who has been selected to the U13 Middlesex JAC squad; we wish her all the best for a s u c c e s s f u l

s e a s o n w i t h Middlesex!

R England

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Tenors and basses wanted! On Saturday 11 March the Chamber Choir accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra will be singing Mozart’s ‘Requiem’.

We particularly need tenors and basses to join us. If you have choral experience and would like to sing with us please contact me. The choir will rehearse with the Chamber Orchestra from 2pm-5pm on Sunday 22 January and Sunday 5 March 2017 and during the afternoon on the day of the concert itself. We will be using the New Novello Choral Edition edited by Duncan Druce.

T Scrutton ([email protected])

DofE News It was lovely to meet two former SWPS students

recently when they collected their Gold Duke of

Edinburgh Award Certificate. Emily Cunningham and

Katrina Sen attended a Gold Award Presentation at St James’s Palace. They were fortunate enough to meet

the Founder and Patron of the Award, HRH Duke of Edinburgh so it was certainly a day to remember. The Gold Award requires a huge amount of commitment and determination to complete so Congratulations to them both for their

outstanding achievement.

L Raven

Year 7 Globe Theatre Trip 2016 On Tuesday, Year 7

visited the Globe T h e a t r e o n L o n d o n ’ s Southbank for a fun afternoon of all t h i n g s S h a k e s p e a r i a n .

Students learnt all about the history of

this wonderful theatre, were able to dress up in costumes from recent productions of The Bard’s plays, and even had the opportunity to stand on the stage and deliver a line from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’! They then took part in an

enthralling workshop which brought the play to life and enabled a deeper understanding of Shakespeare’s language and characters.

R Lawrence

South Africa Sports Tour 2016 44 students enjoyed

an eye-opening and thought provoking

tour of South Africa over half-term. The students played hockey and netball and also rowed. The

diversity of the country was evident from the start with the first netball matches being played in a rural township, quickly making

the SWPS girls aware of the economic divide of South Africa. The netball and hockey games

were of a high standard, but the

SWPS teams rose to the challenge winning more games than they lost. The results of the

matches were eagerly followed at home on twitter, as were the numerous successes at the rowing regattas. Apart

from participating in a lot of sport, the SWPS students were able to get a good idea of the cultural and political background to the country with a trip to Robben Island, and an African drumming evening. Tourist sight-

seeing, including the obligatory trip up

Table Mountain, and also a visit to a Game Reserve to see the ‘big 5’ in their relatively natural habitat. Other animal visits and encounters

included a boat trip to a seal colony, a penguin colony, stroking a cheetah at the Cheetah Sanctuary, and a very up close and

personal experience with elephants. The students gained an insight into life in South Africa through their very educational

tour of Langa Township i n C ape T o w n , c o m p e t i n g a n d socialising with their fellow competitors, as well as seeing the beauty and diversity of

the country on the many road trips.

R England
