

Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………….......2

Chapter 2 Internet Marketing………………………………………….3

Chapter 3 Search Engine Optimization………………………………..4

3.1 On page Optimization…………………………………….5

3.2 Off Page Optimization…………………………………….6

Chapter 4 Search Engine Marketing…………………………………..7

4.1 Pay Per Click………………………………………………8

4.2 Cost per Impression………………………………………..9

Chapter 5 Social Media Optimization………………………………….10

Chapter 6 SEO Process……………………………………………….

Chapter 7 Benefit and Scope of SEO……………………………………

7.1 Benefit of SEO………………………………………………

7.2 Scope of SEO………………………………………………..

7.3 Conclusion…………………………………………………..


Internet Marketing

Online advertising, also called Internet advertising, uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing

messages to consumers. It includes email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing,

many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. Like other

advertising media, online advertising frequently involves both a publisher, who integrates

advertisements into its online content, and an advertiser, who provides the advertisements to be

displayed on the publisher's content. Other potential participants include advertising agencies who help

generate and place the ad copy, an ad server who technologically delivers the ad and tracks statistics,

and advertising affiliates who do independent promotional work for the advertiser.

Online advertising is a large business and is growing rapidly. In 2011, Internet advertising revenues in

the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television

In 2012, Internet advertising revenues in the United States totaled $36.57 billion, a 15.2% increase over

the $31.74 billion in revenues in 2011. Online advertising is widely used across virtually all industry


Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in

a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked

on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more

visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may target different kinds of search,

including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-

specific vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the

actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by

their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated

coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing

activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is

another SEO tactic.

The plural of the abbreviation SEO can also refer to "search engine optimizers," those who provide SEO


On Page Optimization

There are following things we have to cover in On Page Optimization.

W3c Validation

We have to follow the W3C validation standards.

Content comes first

A website with brilliant content can do great with or without SEO, a website with bad content will not

survive with or without SEO, a website with good content can become even better with SEO!

So, what is considered good content?

Original Content (articles, text, images, videos, presentations, infographics, comments etc.) – No copies

or re-writes of existing articles

Content published on your website first – Even if it’s your own content, if you have already published it

on another website then it’s not good for your site.

Content that includes text as well – Try to have text to accompany your non-text content. For example if

you post videos on your website try to add a text description as well. If you add images try to describe in

words what the image is all about.

Content that is useful – Don’t publish content for the sake of publishing. Before hitting the publish

button make sure that what goes live adds value to your website.

Content that is well researched – Users don’t want to read quickly prepared posts and neither does

search engines. If you are writing about a certain topic or answering a question make sure that what you

write is justified and covers both sites of a story. Long articles are proven to rank better than short


Posting frequency – 2 things are important when it comes to posting frequency. First is to have fresh

content on your website and second to establish a publishing strategy and stick to it.

Page titles, description and formatting

This is SEO 101 but very important as well. When search engines are reading your pages among the

things they check includes the page title, the description of the page, the major headings and images.

They do so because they need to understand what the page is all about and then based on other factors

as well (off page SEO, domain authority, competition etc.), they will place your page in a position in their


Page titles – Each page must have a unique title that will help both search engines and users understand

what the page is about. A page with title “On Page SEO Tips” is better than a page with title


Descriptions – The page description is what the searcher will see in the search engine results page. So it

has to be descriptive, up to 150 characters and unique for each page. It’s your opportunity to advertise

your page and convince the searcher to click your link and visit your website rather than selecting one of

the other links.

Formatting – A page needs to be properly formatted. Think of it like a report which needs to have a

heading (h1) and sub headings (h2). Important parts of the report are highlighted

withbold, underline or italics.

Do not just throw text on the page but make sure that it is readable as well. Besides the formatting

practices explained above you also need to use a good size font (at least 12px) and split the text into

small paragraphs (max 4-5 lines).

Images – Images are important but these should not increase the loading time of the website. Best

practices for using images:

1) Use original images. If you need to use an existing image from the web you need to reference the


2) Optimise the size of the images – the smaller the size (in bytes) of the image the better. Use yahoo

smush it to reduce the size of an image without sacrificing the quality.

3) Use ALT tag to describe the image – This helps search engines understand what the image is about.

4) Use descriptive filenames – Don’t just name your image ‘image1.jpg’ but try to use descriptive

filenames, for example ‘Man doing push-ups’.

URL Structure

The URL structure is an important part of on-page SEO. Whenever I talk about URL structure, I prefer to

split it into 4 major parts:

Permanent links – Permanent links are the URL’s of each page. Good URLs should be less than 255

characters and use hyphens to ‘-‘separate the different parts.

For example a good URL is:

User Sitemap – One of your options in the main menu should be the User Sitemap. This is an html file

that represents the structure of your website.

Internal linking

Linking to pages within your website is very important for SEO because:

1) It’s like building your own web: If you watch the nice tutorial by Google on how search works, you will

see that the first step a search engine spider will do is follow the links they find. So when they arrive at

your page, if you don’t have any other links within the text they will read your page and go but if you

have links pointing to other pages within your website they will take those into account as well.

2) It’s a way to let search engines know about your other pages: As explained above when search

engines find a page with links, they will go and read those pages as well so you can use this technique to

tell search engines about pages of your website they have not yet discovered.

3) It’s a way to tell search engines which are your most important pages: Every website has some pages

that are more important than others. Internal linking is one of the ways to pin-point the most important

pages by sending them more internal links.

4) It’s a way to increase time on site – A user that is reading your post is more likely to click on a link to

read more about a certain subject and thus increase both the time spend on your website and the

number of pages per visit.

Best practices for internal linking:

1) Don’t use keywords only for your internal links

2) Add internal links when they are useful for your reader

3) No more than 7-8 internal links per page (this is my opinion and not based on any research or studies)

4) If applicable you can also use ‘related posts’ at the end of each post for internal linking

Speed and authorship

Last but not least, 2 SEO techniques that are becoming more and more important especially after the

release of penguin 2.0 (or 4.0 as some people like to say it): Speed and authorship.


Google is investing a huge amount of money to make the web faster. In every Google I/O someone will

talk about the importance of speed and their desire to include the fastest websites in their index. In

order to ‘force’ web site owners to take speed into account they have officially added speed as one of

the ranking factors.

So, we know for sure that web site speed does matter when it comes to SEO and ranking. As a

webmaster your job is to make sure that your website loads as fast as possible by taking into

account Google’s recommendations.

Google authorship

Google is preparing for the next generation of Search and their effort is to rank higher webpages written

by people who have authority on the particular subject. One of the ways to establish authority is by

correlating the content you publish on the web with your Google+ profile. Then depending on how

many followers you have and who follows you, your ranking may change.

Google authorship is still at its early stages but it’s gaining ground fast so you have to create a Google+

profile and bind the profile with your content.

HTML Sitemap & XML Sitemap

A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a

document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on

a Web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. There are two popular versions of a site map. An

XML Sitemap is a structured format that a user doesn't need to see, but it tells the search engine about

the pages in your site, their relative importance to each other, and how often they are updated. HTML

sitemaps are designed for the user to help them find content on the page, and don't need to include

each and every subpage. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site.

Off Page Optimization

Search Engine Submission

Submit your website to the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alexa,

Alltheweb, Lycos, Excite, etc., to get listed for free.

Directory Submission

Many people may say that directory submission is dead. As far as I'm concerned it is still alive. It is

purely based on how effectively we are selecting those directories and how efficiently we are

choosing the category for submission. Of course, I agree that it gives quite delayed results, but it is

worth doing it. Submit your websites to the topmost quality directories like DMOZ, Yahoo Directory,

ZoomInfo, One Mission, Pegasus, etc. Nowadays many web directories may offer paid listings but

don't go for it.

Forum Submission

Create a forum/online discussion board of your own and start a discussion or share topics with your

friends. You can also post/reply to a thread in other service-related pre-existing forums that allow

links in your signature which can be crawled by the search engines.

Blog Submission

This is one of the most powerful ways to promote your company/website online. Write a blog of your

own for your company/website and include lots of unique content. Be precise in what you're trying to

convey for the users in your blog entry and promote your blog in blog directories and blog search

engines. You can also promote your blog/website by posting comments in other service-related

blogs which allow links in the comments section that are crawlable by the search engines (these

blogs are commonly identified as Do-Follow Blogs). If you're not very good at writing content for blog

posts, hire a guest blogger for your blog and ask him/her to write precise and unique content so that

your blog can gain more credit from a search engine point of view.

Press Release Submissions

If you are a business/service provider then go for PR submission in popular PR websites like

1888pressrelease, Open PR, PR Leap, etc. This will help you to publish your site in Google News.

Classified Submissions

Do some classifieds submissions to advertise your products for free. Try Craigslist and other major

classifieds sites like Kugli, Myspace, iMadespace, Vivastreet, etc.

Article Submission

Write articles of your own and submit them to popular article sites like Ezine, Go Articles, Now

Public, Buzzle, etc. This will help you to attain some deep links for your website (though it's usually a

slower process).

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is yet another powerful way of promoting your website, but nowadays most

people are spamming social bookmarking sites without knowing how to use them. Since content in

these websites update frequently, search engines like these types of sites and often visit them (this

is commonly termed as Tagsonomy & Folksonomy in Web 2.0). Do some social bookmarking in

popular bookmarking sites like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Propeller, etc. You should be very

careful while doing this and you must properly handle the tags which are very essential to broadcast

your news on a wide area network. This may increase your website traffic based on how effectively

you have participated.

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion

of websites by increasing their visibility insearch engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and

advertising. SEM may use search engine optimization (SEO), that adjusts or rewrites website content to

achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages or use pay per click listings.

Comparison with SEO

SEM is the wider discipline that incorporates SEO. SEM includes both paid search results (using tools like

Google Adwords or Bing Ads, formerly known as Microsoft adCenter) and organic search results (SEO).

SEM uses paid advertising with Adwords or Bing Ads, pay per click (particularly beneficial for local

providers as it enables potential consumers to contact a company directly with one click), article

submissions, advertising and making sure SEO has been done. A keyword analysis is performed for both

SEO and SEM, but not necessarily at the same time. SEM and SEO both need to be monitored and

updated frequently to reflect evolving best practices.

In some contexts, the term SEM is used exclusively to mean pay per click advertising, particularly in the

commercial advertising and marketing communities which have a vested interest in this narrow

definition. Such usage excludes the wider search marketing community that is engaged in other forms of

SEM such as search engine optimization and search retargeting.

Another part of SEM is social media marketing (SMM). SMM is a type of marketing that involves

exploiting social media to influence consumers that one company’s products and/or services are

valuable. Some of the latest theoretical advances include search engine marketing management

(SEMM). SEMM relates to activities including SEO but focuses on return on investment (ROI)

management instead of relevant traffic building (as is the case of mainstream SEO). SEMM also

integrates organic SEO, trying to achieve top ranking without using paid means to achieve it, and pay per

click SEO. For example some of the attention is placed on the web page layout design and how content

and information is displayed to the website visitor.

Pay Per Click

Pay per click (PPC) (also called cost per click) is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to

websites, in which advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked. It is

defined simply as “the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked.”

With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market.

Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC "display"

advertisements, also known as "banner" ads, are shown on web sites or search engine results with

related content that have agreed to show ads.

In contrast to the generalized portal, which seeks to drive a high volume of traffic to one site, PPC

implements the so-called affiliate model, which provides purchase opportunities wherever people may

be surfing. It does this by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to

affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-

for-performance model: If an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant.

Variations include banner exchange, pay-per-click, and revenue sharing programs.

Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an

advertiser's keyword list, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are

called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to, above, or beneath organic results on

search engine results pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site.

The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and others have

implemented automated systems to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt web


Cost of Impression

Cost per impression, often abbreviated CPI, is a term used in online advertising and marketing related

to web traffic. It refers to the cost of internet marketing or email advertising campaigns where

advertisers pay each time an ad is displayed. Specifically, it is the cost or expense incurred for marketing

potential customers who view the advertisement(s).

Cost per impression, along with cost per click and cost per order, is used to assess the cost effectiveness

and profitability of online advertising. CPI is the closest online advertising strategy to those offered in

other media such as television or print, which sell advertising based on estimated viewership or

readership. CPI provides a comparable measure to contrast internet advertising with other media.

An impression is the display of an ad to a user while viewing a web page. A single web page may contain

multiple ads. In such cases, a single pageview would result in one impression for each ad displayed. In

order to count the impressions served as accurately as possible and prevent fraud, an ad server may

exclude certain non-qualifying activities such as page-refreshes or other user actions from counting as

impressions. When advertising rates are described as CPM or CPI, this is the amount paid for every

thousand qualifying impressions served at cost.

Social Media Optimization

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media


Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and

encourages readers to share it with their social networks. The resulting electronic word of mouth

(eWoM) refers to any statement consumers share via the Internet (e.g., web sites, social networks,

instant messages, news feeds) about an event, product, service, brand or company. When the

underlying message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come

from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself, this form of marketing

results in ‘earned media’ rather than ‘paid media’.

Social networking websites allow individuals to interact with one another and build relationships. When

companies join the social channels, consumers can interact with them and they can communicate with

consumers directly. That interaction feels more personal to users than traditional methods of strictly

outbound marketing & advertising.

Social networking sites and blogs allow individual followers to “retweet” or “repost” comments made by

the product being promoted. By repeating the message, all of the users connections are able to see the

message, therefore reaching more people. Social networking sites act as word of mouth. Because the

information about the product is being put out there and is getting repeated, more traffic is brought to

the product/company.


Twitter allows companies to promote their products on an individual level. The use of a product can be

explained in short messages that followers are more likely to read. These messages appear on

followers’ home pages. Messages can link to the product’s website, Facebook profile, photos, videos,

etc. This link provides followers the opportunity to spend more time interacting with the product online.

This interaction can create a loyal connection between product and individual and can also lead to larger

advertising opportunities. Twitter promotes a product in real-time and brings customers in.


Facebook profiles are far more detailed than Twitter accounts. They allow a product to provide videos,

photos, and longer descriptions. Videos can show when a product can be used as well as how to use it.

These also can include testimonials as other followers can comment on the product pages for others to

see. Facebook can link back to the product’s Twitter page as well as send out event reminders. Facebook

promotes a product in real-time and brings customers in.

As marketers see more value in social media marketing, advertisers continue to increase sequential ad

spend in social by 25%. Strategies to extend the reach with Sponsored Stories and acquire new fans with

Facebook ads contribute to an uptick in spending across the site. The study attributes 84% of

"engagement" or clicks to Likes that link back to Facebook advertising. Today, brands increase fan

counts on average of 9% monthly, increasing their fan base by two-times the amount annually.


Foursquare is a location based social networking website, where users can check into locations via their

smartphones. Foursquare allows businesses to create a page or create a new/claim an existing venue. A

good marketing strategy for businesses to increase footfall or retain loyal customers includes offering

incentives such as discounts or free food/beverages for people checking into their location or special

privileges for the mayor of that location.


Google+, in addition to providing the profiles and features of Facebook, is also able to integrate with

the Google search engine. Other Google products are also integrated, such as Google

Adwords and Google Maps. With the development of Google Personalized Search and other location-

based search services, Google+ allows for targeted advertising methods, navigation services, and other

forms of location-based marketing and promotion.


Instagram is a free photo and video-sharing program and social network that was launched in October

2010. The service enables users to take a photo or video, apply a digital filter to it, and then share it with

other Instagram users they are connected to on the social network as well as on a variety of social

networking services. Instagram debuted as a photo sharing network but implemented support for video

on June 2013. As of June 2013, Instagram had 130 million monthly active users.


Everyday there are more reasons for companies to use blogging platforms for their social media

repertoire. Platforms like LinkedIn creates an environment for companies and clients to connect

online. Companies that recognize the need for information, originality, and accessibility employ blogs to

make their products popular and unique, and ultimately reach out to consumers who are privy to social


Blogs allow a product or company to provide longer descriptions of products or services. The longer

description can include reasoning and uses. It can also include testimonials and can link to and from

Facebook, Twitter and many social network and blog pages. Blogs can be updated frequently and are

promotional techniques for keeping customers. Other promotional uses are acquiring followers and

subscribers and direct them to your social network pages.

In a similar fashion, online communities benefit businesses because the online communities enable the

businesses to reach the clients of other businesses using the platform. These online environments can

be accessed by virtually anyone; therefore consumers are invited to be a part of the creative process. To

allow firms to measure their standing in the corporate world, Glassdoor is a site where employees can

place evaluations of their companies.

Some businesses opt out of integrating social media platforms into their traditional marketing regimen

because their employees dislike such isolated online environments. There are also specific corporate

standards that apply when interacting online. Other corporations fear that the general public have too

much power over how their marketing is perceived, due to the accessibility of Internet-retrieved

information. To ensure having the advantage in a business-consumer relationship, businesses have to be

aware of four key assets that consumers maintain: information, involvement, community, and control.


LinkedIn, a professional business-related networking site, allows companies to create professional

profiles for themselves as well as their business to network and meet others. Through the use of

widgets, members can promote their various social networking activities, such as Twitter stream or blog

entries of their product pages, onto their LinkedIn profile page. LinkedIn provides its members the

opportunity to generate sales leads and business partners. Members can use “Company Pages” similar

to Facebook pages to create an area that will allow business owners to promote their products or

services and be able to interact with their customers. Due to spread of spam mail sent to job seeker,

leading companies prefer to use LinkedIn for employee's recruitment instead using different job portals.

Additionally, companies have voiced a preference for the amount of information that can be gleaned

from LinkedIn profile, versus a limited email.


Yelp consists of a comprehensive online index of business profiles. Businesses are searchable by

location, similar to Yellow Pages. The website is operational in seven different countries, including

the United States and Canada. Business account holders are allowed to create, share, and edit business

profiles. They may post information such as the business location, contact information, pictures, and

service information. The website further allows individuals to write, post reviews about businesses and

rate them on a five-point scale. Messaging and talk features are further made available for general

members of the website, serving to guide thoughts and opinions.


YouTube is another popular avenue; advertisements are done in a way to suit the target audience. The

type of language used in the commercials and the ideas used to promote the product reflect the

audience's style and taste.

Also, the ads on this platform are usually in sync with the content of the video requested, this is another

advantage YouTube brings for advertisers. Certain ads are presented with certain videos since the

content is relevant. Promotional opportunities such as sponsoring a video is also possible on YouTube,

“for example, a user who searches for a YouTube video on dog training may be presented with a

sponsored video from a dog toy company in results along with other videos.”Youtube also enable

publishers to earn money through Youtube Partner Program.

Delicious & Digg

Delicious and Digg are also popular social marketing sites used insocial media promotion. They are

heavily used by the social media marketers to promote their websites due to their ability to share links.

SEO Process

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Process Before beginning a search engine

optimization (SEO) project, it is important to understand the process involved in an effective SEO campaign. To that end, we break the process down into the five steps shown below and describe the activities involved in each of these steps. One word on search engine optimization in general first, though. SEO does not start and finish with these steps and the initial work that we do. In order to have ongoing success, it is important to continually monitor results and build meaningful content into the site. I read recently this idea perfectly described by John Tawadros in a newsletter dated May 3, 2007, "it [search engine optimization] is inherently iterative. In short, it is a process, not a project."

1. Keyword Research 2. Reporting & Goal Setting 3. Page Optimization and Content Development 4. Link Building

5. Follow Up Reporting and Analysis

1. Keyword Research

Keyword phrase research involves identifying a group of keyword phrases that will be used in optimization. This step is critical and requires a considerable amount of time to find a good set of phrases that offer a balanced combination of two important factors: high usage by searchers and relatively low competition within the search engines. Determining the most used phrase that contains your targeted keyword(s) is relatively easy. Online tools allow you to enter a particular keyword or words and will return all the ways in which that word(s) was used by searchers in the last month and in what volume. However, the most used phrase(s) is also likely the one with the greatest competition within the search results and may, therefore, not be where you would want to devote your optimization efforts. A more effective approach is to find a set of phrases (10 is a nice round number) that are heavily used by searchers but somewhat less competitive in terms of the total number of search results. For example, assume you own a business that leases apartments in a particular metropolitan area, "Big City." Your apartments are only located in one metro area, so you are not going to select general terms such as "apartments;" you are only interested in those searchers seeking an apartment in your city. The logical place to start is with the name of your city and the word "apartments." You may find that the most used phrase is "big city apartments." However, when you do sample searches in Google and Yahoo for that phrase you realize that the competition for that phrase is steep. If you go back to your findings from the keyword tool, you might find that a phrase such as "apartments in big city" is still heavily used by searchers but is far less competitive. Those phrases are the ones you will then target in the next step, site optimization.

2. Reporting & Goal Setting

After establishing your list of targeted keyword phrases, it is important to understand what the subject site's starting position is within the search engines. Doing so ensures that you know the specific areas that need work and provides a baseline against which to gauge the subsequent campaign's success. Access to site traffic information is very important. These statistics show how searchers are finding and interacting with the subject site, e.g., which search engines, what keyword phrases are being used, bounce rates, most popular content, etc. Understanding the site's traffic level and the source of its referrals can also be a critical tool in making other online marketing decisions - which paid directory links/listings to continue and which to abandon for more effective options. After developing a complete picture of the site's starting position, goals are set for the SEO plan. These goals are measureable (one big advantage of SEO over other advertising options) and tied to the specific business objectives of the site. In the ongoing progress of reporting and follow up, progress towards the plan's goals are analyzed and reported. Adjustments to the SEO plan can be made according to the the findings of these progress reports.

3. Page Optimization and Content Development

Page optimization and content development are critical to search engine success. Content is king in search engine optimization. The search engines love text; high volume, high-quality content related to your business will serve you in a couple of important ways.

First, a site loaded with high-quality content of interest to site users will give them a reason to stay and a reason to come back. After all, the reason they came to your site was to find information. Second, you will receive the added benefit of serving up exactly what the search engines want - content. Search engines will have more information to store about your business and products; that information will translate directly into the ranking they give your site for related keyword phrases. For more information on content development and specific ideas about ways to expand your site's content, read our newsletter article, Content is King. In addition to content development, other important optimization tactics include:

• Page Titles - Make sure that your site's page titles say something other than just your company name or "welcome." Ideally, they need to lead off with your targeted phrase for that page and then follow with your company name.

• Text-Based Navigation - Search engines cannot read images. If your site's navigation system is done with images (most are), you will need a text-based navigation system that the search engines can follow to ensure that all the important service and product-related sub-pages of your site are indexed by the search engines.

• Prominence of Targeted Keyword Phrases - It is not enough to have your keyword phrase(s) somewhere on the web page, the placement and prominence given to them also affects your search engine placement. For example, leading off the site's first paragraph with your keyword phrase gives it more weight than burying it half way down the page in the middle of a paragraph. Also, using larger font sizes and bolding the text can emphasize its importance and positively effect the page's ranking for that phrase.

• Site Map - Developing a site map that includes a well-organized list of links to all the important pages of your site and includes a text link to the site map on your home page is the ideal way to make sure that all the site's pages are indexed by the search engines when they visit the subject site.

• ALT and META data - These are tags not seen by the site's users; they are embedded in the site's html code. ALT tags refer to the text that describes an image -- words that you see pop up as you mouse over some images. In optimizing your company's name, an ALT tag placed behind the image of your company's logo is ideal. Meta tags (there are both description tags as well as keyword tags) are lines of code included in the uppermost section of your site's code. They communicate the page's subject matter and relevancy to the search engines. Further, the short description of your site included in some search results is pulled from the meta description tag of the home page and should, therefore, be used to the site's advantage.

• Clean up the Code - Navigation rollover scripts, other JavaScript-based code, and all CSS scripts should be taken out of the code of each page and put into external files to which each page of the site is referenced. Doing this has several advantages, but one of the most compelling is that your site's keywords and content all move up, up, up in the code, communicating their importance to the search engines and boosting your site's relevancy ratings. In other words, this can boost your search engine rankings by improving the code to text ratio of the page. This is a simple and relatively inexpensive thing to do, depending on the total number of pages in your site.

4. Link Building

Maximize Quality Link Popularity - Link Popularity is the term given to the number of other sites linking to yours. You can check your link popularity with the free tool available on this site (it also allows you to

Compare your link popularity to up to two competitors): Make a list of related businesses with whom you have a relationship, as well as professional organizations, vendors or suppliers that may agree to place a link to your site on theirs. Email your contact in those organizations requesting the link. Each new link to your site increases the likelihood of both the search engines' spiders running across your site as well as searchers looking for services or products like yours. A word of caution: free for all links sites and other low quality sites of that nature are of no use and can, in fact, detract from your progress with penalties from the search engines. Do not waste your time on such sites; stick to respectable, high quality sites in related businesses or industries. Please see the following related articles for more information on link building and SEO. • What is Dandelion Marketing?

• Add Social Media Icons to Your Site's Content

• How to Build Your Site's Link Popularity

• Online Press Releases

5. Follow Up Reporting and Analysis

The same reporting done in the initial phase of the campaign is done again at regular intervals, post-optimization. Rankings, site traffic and other key metrics can then be compared to pre-optimization levels, giving measurable results to the SEO campaign. The specific metrics used in an SEO plan will depend on the goals of that site.

Benefit of SEO

Cost Effective Ways To Advertise

SEO doesn’t have to be massively expensive. Yes, you’ll have to make a decent investment if you want

an expert professional, but they can make you much more money than you’ll part with. If you’re worried

about the cash side of things, consider pay on results SEO. This way, you quite literally have nothing to


Manage Your Online Reputation

Whether or not you’re aware of it, conversations are probably already happening online about your

business. When you launch an SEO campaign, you’re ensuring that people find your official information

when they search for you, and don’t just get lost in a sea of reviews.

Reach New Markets

You might be operating from London, but there’s no reason why you can’t sell to people in Australia.

You just need to reach them. With SEO, this becomes a valid possibility. In many ways, online marketing

is entirely transforming the world of business.

Improve Your Website’s Usability

Internet users are notoriously impatient, and if your website doesn’t offer them a high quality

experience, they’ll be off to your competitors. When you’re working with a professional SEO

practitioner, they’ll be able to advise you on how to make your site as accessible as possible.

Build Trust

People trust Google. If your website is appearing on the first page of a search, they’re likely to trust you

also. In the days of e-commerce, this is absolutely essential. You could be just about anyone, so you

need to take every opportunity to prove how trustworthy you are.

Increase Traffic To Your Website

Having a website is pretty pointless if you aren’t driving traffic to it. If people can’t see what you’re

selling, they quite simply can’t buy it or even enquire about it. A good website is a wise investment, but

only if you’re going to promote it. SEO is one of the most effective ways to do this.

Stop your Competitors Beating You

If your competitors aren’t already using SEO as part of their marketing mix, you can safely assume that

they soon will be. And when they do, they’ll be taking customers from directly under your nose. Make

sure that you get in there first and get the top search engine results for yourself!

Access To Customer Data

When you start an SEO campaign, you’ll have access to all kinds of wonderful data that can really drive

your business forward. You’ll find out what your customers are searching for online, and this could be

the inspiration for new product lines. This sort of data is invaluable to your business, and could give you

the competitive edge you need.

Results Are Permanent

When you use a traditional form of advertising such as space in newspapers, the results will only last for

a short period of time. But when you use SEO, you’ll continue to appear in the search results for long

after you’ve finished your campaign. Of course, it’s wise to make your campaigns an ongoing

commitment if you want to keep seeing the best results possible, but you won’t lose your rankings

overnight if you don’t.

Scope of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is new yet effective name in marketing now days. Digital marketing is the way of marketing products

and services on electronic devices such as computers, tablets, televisions, smart phones and game consoles.

Internet marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are very important elements of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing is the activity of promoting, advertising and selling products and services using digital distribution

channels. Increasing popularity of internet and online activities has prompted many professionals and business

owners all over the world to tap down the optimum potentials of digital media. Every organization is seeking new

innovations, applications and solutions to promote their products and services in the digital sphere. Bundled software

products, applications and digital marketing solutions are being offered by various software/IT companies now days.

Components of Digital Marketing

Internet Marketing


Smart phones/Mobiles/Tablets

Game Consoles

Internet Marketing is further classified in following types of activities.



E-Mail Marketing

Display Advertising

Social Media Marketing

RSS Feeds and Newsletters

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Create Demand – Reach the target audience more efficiently.

Drive Engagement – Create exciting, consistent, connected web experiences.

Monetizing – Enriching experience through e-commerce and advertising revenues

Build Reports – Implement solutions that help monitor, measure, analyze and organize reports.

Scope of Digital Marketing

Millions of users are connecting day by day with the digital space. It seems that there is huge scope of digital

marketing in software/IT industry due to increasing demand of products and services related to digital space. Some of

the world’s leading software/IT companies are now providing solutions related to digital marketing.

Every industry whether it is healthcare, telecom, banking or manufacturing seeks digital marketing solutions so that

they can promote their products and services through a cost effective media. Internet Marketing is the best and most

cost effective way of advertising and promoting products and services in digital media.

Digital Marketing in Banking Industry – Banking industry adopting web based and mobile applications all over the

world. Consumers want all kind banking solutions and support services on their finger tips and all web based

applications needs promotion, positioning and branding.

Digital Marketing in Healthcare Industry – Web based applications and solutions make healthcare services more

effective and cost savvy. From appointment booking to treatment and consultation patients and their caretakers want

everything to be online and hassle free. Here digital marketing play important role for promoting web based products

and services.

Digital Marketing in Telecom Industry – Digital marketing solutions help Network Operators in providing user

engagement model. Marketers face the challenge of creating a successful strategy to build more targeted audiences.

Digital marketing model not only provide a way of promoting products and services but also provide rich user

experience, engagement and hassle free support services. IPTV and streaming media are the biggest


Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is a widely used tool by many companies today. It is the

process of using specially designed techniques to improve the visibility of a certain website in the most

popular search engines. By analyzing the most frequently used keywords; SEO specialists are able to

conduct a strategy that will increase the recognition of a web page. A very important component is the

design of the website - the more work is put into it, the more likely it is that it would be successful. The

content is also important, for it must be correct, with provided sources and without any misleading

information. These are all crucial components of a successful business advertising today, in a society

that demands more information, delivered in a fast and efficient way.

Nowadays, there are plenty of options to increase the SEO of a website, thanks to the unlimited

opportunities Internet provides. The easiest way is to submit the web address to Yahoo and Google and

for a designated fee they will redirect traffic towards that certain website. The good thing is that there

are more options besides these two brand names that can help increase the SEO. There are many

companies who offer this type of services but it is important to know that the provider is reliable and

the invested funds are used the right way. Do a thorough research on the company chosen and read the

customer reviews, for they will show how well the job is usually done.

SEO is not only about writing and using back linking, it is also about advertizing the website in any way

possible. The best way to do that usually is to mention the page anywhere possible - while posting in

blogs or forums, or social network websites. Another great way is to use the most commonly searched

words and phrases and put them in the content of the page, in order for it to appear during the

consumer's inquiry. Using a link to the web page as a signature can also increase the traffic towards that

website and improve the results of the SEO. Another effective way is to include tags as well, especially if

the information provided in the content is relevant and useful to a wide variety of users. This type of

connection between the search engines and the SEO strategies is vital, for even the most professionally

created page is not guaranteed to succeed without proper marketing.