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Sequential model of development. Requirements Gathering, Analysis, Design, Build, Test, Deployment and Maintenance


Rational Unified Process iterative, focuses on mitigating the risks early. Consists of four major steps: Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition. Three major roles: roles, work products and tasks


Iterative methodology. Usually implemented using Scrum. Has three roles: Product Owner, Team and Scrum Master

Scrum is iterative framework for developing products which focuses on:

Individuals and interactions

Working software from the current Sprint

Customer Collaboration

Response to change

Scrum Elements – Artifacts –

Product Backlog - consists of requirement items in order of priority

Sprint Backlog – Requirements items for the current sprint that will be developed in the current iteration

Scrum has five meeting types:

Sprint Planning – Product owner and team agree for which items from Product Backlog will be included for development in the current sprint

Daily Scrum – Daily meeting about status on where we are on sprint backlog. Its among the scrum team members.

Sprint Review Meeting – The team demos a potentially shippable product increment to product owner and other stake holders,

Sprint Retrospective Meeting – to retrospect how the team worked in the last iteration or sprint and take away points for improvements. Feedback for each member and processes used.

Backlog Grooming/Refinement meeting – Look back into the product backlog to decide items/requirements for next few sprints.
