
Suzhou Industrial Park No2.High School Sun Bingfang

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•BEA Confidential. | 4

What gifts will you give to your grandchildren in the future?

•BEA Confidential. | 5

Learning goals

By the end of this lesson, we will be able to

1.realize the importance of sustainable development;

2. know about the advantages of some alternative energy sources;

3. write an article to raise people’s awareness of establishing a better future.

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Para 1-2 ______________ to the problem and its_________

Para 3-5 __________ why people are pushing for the use

of alternative energy source

Para 6-9 Some ___________ of the alternative energy

Para 10 Tentative _________ being taken around the world

Introduction solution



Read for structure

What is the problem in the next several decades?

increasing population

This should set alarm bells ringing, since the bare fact is that in order for everyone to survive, serious adjustments need to be made.

Read for comparison

problem disadvantages

past developmentpollute the environment

waste natural resources

What’s wrong with the past development?



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a simple idea?

This is a simple idea, but one that is hard to put into practice.

make something become action

problem disadvantages solution advantages

past development


wastesustainable development




Read for comparison

Why are many people pushing for the use of alternative energy sources?

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problem disadvantagesconventional energy

(coal, gas, oil)be used up

contribute to pollution

Read for comparison problem


problem disadvantages solution advantages

conventional energy

be used up




not run out

not pollute

Read for comparison solution

solar energywind power hydroelectricity

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What can alternative energy sources

be used for?

providing heat, light, hot water and electricity

pumping water, making flour from grain

Many countries have taken tentative steps to use alternative energy

sources.Purposes of introducing these programs :

make sure

1: help end the systematic destruction of the environment.

2: see alternative energy promoted around the world.

What can we students do to support sustainable development?

What will you do to support sustainable

development in Taicang ?


has set alarm bells ringing

Haze (雾霾 ) in Beijing __________ ___________ (敲响了警钟 ), since the bare fact is that __________________.

This should set alarm bells ringing, since the bare fact is that in order for everyone to survive, serious adjustments need to be made.

Read for application

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This is a simple idea, but one that is hard to put into practice.

We should put the idea of ________________ into practice.

Protecting the environment is a simple idea, but ___________.

The Republic of Maldives

new-energy vehicles

is pushing for the use of new-energy vehicles

The government _______________________________________

Why are many people pushing for the use of alternative energy sources?

problems disadvantages solutions advantages

past development


sustainable development


waste… create..


conventional energy

use up… alternative energy

not run out

pollute… not pollute


[ 写作要求 ]

1. 用约 60 个单词写出文章概要。

2. 谈谈你的想法,内容包括:

作为一名高中生,你将做什么来支持可持续发展( 如 宣传、学习科技……),给太仓的明天送上一份礼物。

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Read for writing

set alarm bells ringing;

put … into practice;

push for

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Abandon habits like wasting;

Back every proposal to protect environment;

Call on everyone around to apply alternative energy sources .

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