Page 1: Sustainability Report 2016 - Telenor Srbija Report... · 2017-06-01 · who were going from Serbia to other Telenor companies. In the third year, the relationship was evenly balanced,


Sustainability Report


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Only Connected Societies are Empowered Societies

For Telenor, 2016 was a very important year - we celebrated a decade of successful operation in Serbia. During those ten years, telco industry has changed immensely and now we are in full speed racing into a new digital era. What has remained as a constant fundament is our strong belief that connected socie-ties are empowered societies. We are committed to contribute to developing equal possibilities for everybody and, above all, reduce inequalities.

Through past decade, we have incorporated sustainability in all aspects of our business. And we have come a long way. Our values reflect on everything we do, at all times. It is about doing the business in the way that is not only right, but good – for us and the society.

On this journey we are not alone. We have the Government and our partners on board to ensure that we are on the right path and, with joint forces, to make even a stronger impact. So far, we have worked with around 300 partners and realized more than 200 projects.

One of our key partners is the community of deaf that counts more than 30,000 deaf and around 100,000 people with im-paired hearing. In 2016 we worked closely on a project Be part of good communication. We went one step further and provided connection with Telecentre service in all our shops in Serbia, as well as laptops and internet access to 2 student homes for deaf children in Belgrade and Subotica.

Another project that we are very proud of is Stop digital bullying that started back in 2012. Telenor Serbia in partnership with the Ministry of Education and UNICEF has implemented numerous initiatives to raise awareness on child online safety, with the latest example: Cyber Dictionary event with more than 4,000 children participating.

Telenor aims to share good practice and principles of responsible business with its suppliers. We cooperate with more than 5,000 partners

and suppliers. That means that more than 57,000 people in Serbia work in accordance with Telenor business governance principles.

For us, 2017 will also be an important year. We will celebrate 10th birthday of Telenor Foundation which was established with desire to help in finding solution for certain challenges that Serbian society is facing. We believe we have a successful decade behind us and we are excited about the times ahead. Running business in a responsible way, with respect for people, will remain are priority in the times of constant rapid change in the industry.


Ingeborg ØfsthusCEO of Telenor Serbia

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People – Our Leading Resource

People are at the heart of our business. Interconnected and directed to one another are, on one end our users to whom our products and services are intended, and on the other end are our employees as the creators of these products and the providers of these services.

Being aware that people are our leading resource, we are com-mitted to taking good care of them and providing them with a healthy and safe working environment that we improve from year to year. In such working environment our employees can develop all of their potentials, and the OHSAS 18001 standard which enables a more efficient system of occupational safety for the employees is implemented in a consistent manner. One of the best indicators of the realization of this goal is the fact that, for the third consecutive year, we have had zero occupational injuries. Since the beginning of our business operations, we are providing employment opportunities for young generations, and by recruiting an equal number of men and women, we strive for gender equality in practice too. We are striving to minimize negative impact of our operations on the environment and we are trying to convey our corporate culture and way of thinking to all our partners.

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Developing Talents – Investing in the Future

In order to provide them opportunities for professional development and for working as professionally as possible, Telenor is greatly focused on the development and improvement of knowledge and skills of its employees. In the course of 2016, we have put an emphasis on the use of new tools, online learning and use of Telenor Campus in the scope of our internally designed programs. We have also continued using traditional methods of mentoring, shadowing programs, rotations, 1 on 1 meetings, feedback and coaching. More than 110 trainings were organized for our employees, involving both professional know-how and skills and soft skills that improve effective cooperation.

Internship in Telenor – An Opportunity for Young People

For seven years now, by implementing the “Internship for Stu-dents” program, we are providing final year students or freshly graduated students the opportunity to gain their first practical experience in their respective areas of specialization, as well as to get familiar with Telenor’s corporate culture. Last year, this chance was granted to 32 students.

The representatives of our company participate in seminars, educational programs for youth, as well as in employment fairs. Furthermore, we connect with the relevant stakeholders, such as students’ organizations and we by joining their projects we contribute to having many generations of students mobilized and trained to successfully manage their careers in the future.

Aiming at having an even better cooperation in terms of pro-fessionally developing final year students through programs of

practical training in Telenor, mentoring programs and lectures by our company experts, Telenor signed, in 2016, a Memorandum of

As a pillar of the changes we are paying additional attention to leaders. In 2016 they were familiarized with the implementation methodology, tested the tools and got clear explanations for adoption and introduction of new working methods. A total of 167 leaders underwent the program focused on changing the way of thinking, while selected participants were assigned to the workshop for the further development of leadership skills.

At the beginning of the year, 123 top talents were identified and provided with the opportunity to showcase their potential on challenging and interesting projects, as well as to grow with the support of mentors and by attending trainings and other programs.

All activities were realized with the aim of creating a winning team, which will opt for the best way to respond to the digital needs of our customers.

110trainings for employees

167leaders in the program focused on changing the way of thinking

123top talents were identified and supported

Cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Economics of the Belgrade University.

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Talented Millennials from Serbia on Telenor’s Youth Forum

As Serbia’s representatives at the Telenor Youth Forum, Tamara Kojić and Jovana Daljević were given the opportunity to respond to the challenge of solving global problems by technology during a year, on a trip from Oslo to Bangkok, with 24 other social leaders from Asia and Europe.

Telenor’s Youth Form started during the Nobel Peace Prize Week in Oslo, in December 2016, when the young leaders attended the events honouring the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize – Co-lombian President Juan Manuel Santos – and worked as a team to address key social challenges. Their work continued in virtual teams that have been assigned a professional mentor, but also enjoyed a support of a design agency in creating solutions.

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Telenor Employees

A total of 1001 employees with employment contracts were en-gaged in Telenor at the end of 2016. For the purpose of engaging the workforce on the assignments where the number of workers varies depending on job requirements and work organization, Telenor has concluded contracts with HR agencies.

More than two third of the employees (68%) belong to the 21-40 age group. The average age of employees is 38.4 years.

Gender structure of employees

Age structure of employees

46%Male employees

54%Female employees

51-60 6141-5031-4021-30













In regards to the gender equality our company employs 46% of men and 54% of women. The proportion on managerial positions is 52% of men and 48% of women.

More than half of Telenor employees are highly educated.

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The Mobility Program – Working at Telenor Companies Worldwide

This program enables employees to expand their experience and gain new knowledge by working in other companies across Telenor Group. The program has two basic models: Expert Mobility and Development Mobility.

The goal of Expert Mobility is the standardization and introduction of best practices in all Telenor companies around the word and we achieve that by sending employees with a certain skillset from one company to another. This helps them gaining international experience

and developing their professional and leadership capabilities, while contributing to the equalization of working methods in all companies of the Telenor Group. This increases Telenor’s competencies on the market and enables a better approach to customers, as well as specialization of the employees at the same time.

The Mobility program in Telenor helps developing professional and leadership qualities of the employees with potential. Through that program they are trained to work on more complex and demanding tasks, which boosts their career development.

The “Mobility” program in Telenor Serbia exists since the first day of its establishing. For the first two years, the number of employees coming to Telenor Serbia was higher than the number of employees who were going from Serbia to other Telenor companies. In the third year, the relationship was evenly balanced, followed by a period in which more employees from Serbia went to other companies.

2016From Telenor Serbia to Telenor Group

From Telenor Group to Telenor Serbia

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Innovative Work Environment

In accordance with the industry in which we operate, that requires continuous innovation and adaptation to the contem-porary dynamics, contributing to the creativity of our employees encouraging them on cooperation, we strive to change their working environment.

This concept of redesigning the interior is further enhancing our open space concept, which is applied across Telenor Group, reflecting Telenor’s way of working. The work space becomes a

Changing the Corporate Culture

The results of the last EES (Employee Engagement Survey) have singled out two main themes, innovation and cooperation through leadership and tools in the service of innovation. Even 96 percent of our employees in Telenor are committed to delivering high quality products and services to our customers. Furthermore, more than 90% said they would recommend Telenor as a good place to work. Another piece of EES research makes us particularly proud - we are a company that motivates its employees to give more to the job than required. All this tells us that, although the adoption of the concept of “Customer in Focus” four years ago involved a major change of corporate culture, we are on the excellent course.

stimulating and inspiring environment, which reflects the values of our corporate culture, transparency, creativity and sharing of knowledge. As a final result, such an environment affects pos-itively the satisfaction of the employees with the physical work conditions and increases their productivity, but also that of the whole organization.

The daily routine of our employees and the atmosphere of the work environment are embellished by 200 works of 80 artists of contemporary Serbian art, belonging to the Telenor Collection. By supporting young authors, we have become an important partner in their promotion and contributing to their empowerment is yet another form of CSR, which we constantly strive for as a company.

fotografija će biti dostavljena

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Responsible in the Supply Chain

Telenor advocates for responsible and sustainable business in the entire supply chain, consisting of both domestic and foreign companies. Owing to our firmly established policy, we strive for developing in our partners the culture of occupational health and safety, respect of human and employee rights, business ethics and environmental awareness. In 2016 we had 445 agreements on responsible business signed, which shows that our partners and suppliers understand the importance of adhering to regula-tions and international standards defining business procedures. Moreover, Telenor controls and appraises its suppliers on a regular basis, by the means of inspections and annual questionnaires. In the previous year, licensed inspectors have performed 100 on-site controls of our partners and active contractors; no major non-compliance issues were identified.

In the course of 2016, we organized a capacity building workshop in the field of combatting corruption and of business ethics. Tel-enor has a zero tolerance policy on corruption and other forms of unethical behaviour and hence the focus of future trainings with suppliers will be on establishing and applying human rights protection procedures.

Committed to Respecting Human Rights

Telecommunication enables the exchange of ideas and access to information, but there are potential challenges in this area. For this reason, respect and constant improvement of human rights is an important part of our daily business operations. We are committed to respecting human rights, in the manner pre-scribed by the United Nations documents Guiding Principles on

Business and Human Rights and the Ten Principles of UN Global Compact. These principles, together with those laid down by Telenor’s internal acts – Code of Conduct, Policies, Supplier Con-duct Principles and Vision and Values – enable the entire Telenor Group, including Telenor Srbija, to have the same stand towards colleagues and customers. They also prescribe how we see our role in the societies we are doing business in. At Telenor, we pay particular attention to identifying challenges for human rights and seek ways to address them. At the core of these activities are the long-time perspective, constant improvements and dialogue of all relevant stakeholders and decision makers.

445agreements on responsible business

100on-site controls of our partners and active contractors

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Think Twice before You Post, Do Not Believe Everything That’s Written

“As a telecommunications company, we make it possible for millions of people to be connected and we feel the obligation to make our services safe, especially when it comes to children. Bearing in mind that our society is deep in the process of digitalization, we believe that children safety online is an important social topic, which requires dedication and a system approach.” Ingeborg Øfsthus, CEO of Telenor Serbia

Eager to educate our pupils to behave safely online, the Telenor Foundation organized back on the 15th of March 2017, an event called the Cyber Dictionary for 4000 primary school pupils. That musical and stage event was organized in partnership with Huawei and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Ministry of Interior and UNICEF.

The hosts of the program were the singer Sara Jovanović and actor Bojan Ivković. Many celebrities, well-known among young people from the world of music, television and sports participated,

including Ajs Nigrutin and the young YouTube stars Yasserstain, who introduced 5th and 6th grade pupils to the ABCs of online safety. Many celebrities, including Zoran Kesić, Marčelo, Leontina, as well as actors Aleksandar Radojičić and Nikola Rakočević, addressed the young participants with video messages, telling them it is important to remain careful when online and respect the rules.

“How to be Cool Online”

More than 600.000 likes and the votes of the jury in the Face-book contest for best photography on the topic “How to be Cool Online” have been decisive in the victory of Nevena Končar, from the village of Ribnik, near Trstenik. Miloš Tadić from Vrbas came second and the third prize was awarded to Emir Pećanin from Sjenica. In the eight weeks of the competition, almost 600 participants posted their photographs on the Facebook Page “Choose Your Words, Stop Hate Speech”. Their task was to promote in their pictures the positive sides of social networks, as well as responsible behaviour online.

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“According to unofficial estimates, Serbia is the home of about 100.000 deaf and impaired hearing persons. We believe that new technologies and digital solutions may greatly contribute to the quality of their lives. Therefore we have initiated a strategic initiative with the aim of facilitating access to digital communications to these people. We plan on continuing to support that community and be a genuine partner in its further development.” Milica Begenišić, Manager of the Telenor Foundation

Owing to the project “Be Part of Good Communication”, the children staying in the Home for Children and Youth with Hearing Impairments in Belgrade, as well as the children in the School Centre with Students’ Home “Dositej Obradović” in Subotica, received computers and internet access. They were thus provided with easier and faster Internet access, education, communication and the possibility to browse the web.

In the scope of our campaign of total social inclusion of deaf and impaired hearing persons in Serbia, we have supported the human-itarian action of the Blic Foundation, whose goal was to provide to all maternity wards in Serbia with devices for early detection of hearing loss in new-born babies. Telenor Foundation supported the humanitarian show program Teleton and early hearing screening devices were provided for three maternity wards in Serbia.

A campaign was also launched in order to raise the awareness about the challenges deaf people encounter in their everyday lives and access to the Telecentre, as the first online translation centre for sign language on the Balkans, was enabled in all Telenor stores across the country. Our employees have received a detail manual on how to communicate with deaf persons, in accordance with the guidelines of the City Organization of Deaf Persons. A special tariff plan was introduced, which includes sufficient data and text messages, adapted to the needs of that community.

A Unique Application – Talking Hands

In 2016, Telenor Foundation presented a unique application for getting acquainted with and understanding the Serbian and in-ternational sign language (IS) – “Talking Hands”. The application was created in the form of a dictionary of the essential terms, in order for everyone to be familiarized with sign language, but also to help in communication with international tourists. It is available in Serbian and English language and it also includes a quiz. The app is the result of the cooperation between the citizens’ associ-ation ALTHEA and the Telenor Foundation, while the project was supported by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Veterans Affairs and the City Organization of Deaf.

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Telenor Foundation Supports Youth with Developmental Difficulties

Unofficial estimates show less than 3% of persons with disabilities to be employed, including mainly persons with physical and sensory disability. The development of digital applications contributes considerably to extending the list of potential jobs where persons with developmental difficulties can work.

In the scope of the cooperation with the association for supporting people with developmental disabilities “Our House”, we have de-veloped a digital service for recognizing banknotes, which will help young people with intellectual disabilities engaged in the project “Meals on Wheels”. The project was created to help these young people get a job, which involves the daily delivery of hot meals to elderly, ill and bedridden persons that are unable to prepare food for themselves. There are currently 12 young people employed in the scope of that project, who deliver up to 80 hot meals per day and in the next two years another ten people will join them. The digital service enables them to recognize banknotes, which is often a problem for them, thus helping them in their daily routine.

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Girls in ICT Day

Supported by the Telenor Foundation and organized by the Asso-ciation of Business Women of Serbia and Telenor, the International Girls in ICT Day was celebrated with the goal of empowering girls when making their career choices to avoid succumbing to stere-otypes and to make decisions based on their personal interests and talents. Ingeborg Øfsthus, Telenor Srbija’s CEO, kicked off the round table on the topic of Inclusion of Girls in the World of ICT and Entrepreneurship, starting with prizes presented to the winners of the “Catch the Idea” competition. The girls in the contest posted videos on YouTube showcasing their skills in presenting ideas on how to make pocket money in creative ways. The first prize went to Vasilisa Vidaković, a seventh-grade student at the Sveti Sava primary school in Belgrade.

The Girls in ICT day also included visiting companies, and the contest finalists and fifteen eight-grade girls from the Radoje Domanović primary school had the opportunity to visit different divisions at Telenor and talk to women in executive positions.

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Fighting Cancer – 7th time at the Belgrade Marathon

More than 250 employees and family members made up Telenor’s team in the Fun Run on the Belgrade Marathon. Running shoulder to shoulder with the volunteers of the BELhospice centre, we have

helped the building of the day-care centre for cancer patients and the education of these patients and their families. The opening of that centre will significantly raise the quality of life of oncology patients, whose symptoms are impossible to control in home care conditions. As special support to the field teams of the BELhospice centre, telephones were donated, along with enough minutes and data, enabling better communication between the centre and the patients and their family members.

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“PhD Ilija Stojanović” Awards Extended for the 10th Consecutive Year

Graduates with outstanding academic record of the Telecom-munications Department, the authors of the best papers of the TELFOR 2016, as well as the authors of the best paper published in the international magazine, were extended the “PhD Ilija Sto-janović” Award. The best graduates for 2015/2016 are Bojana Ćurčić from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, Isidora Šašić from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and Jovana Stojković from the Faculty of Electronics in Niš. The Telenor Foundation has been traditionally extending this award for the 10th year in a row. Over the last decade, 25 students and 64 authors of research papers were awarded.

“This year is very important to us. We are celebrating two jubilees – Ten years of our business in Serbia and ten years since we have been extending this significant award. Professor Ilija Stojanović was the father of modern telecommunications in the former SFRY and Serbia and hence deserving for Telenor’s development. We want to invest in education and the development of young engineers and motivate them to continue their professional development in the field of telecommunications.” Nevena Stefanović, Chief Human Resources Officer of Telenor Serbia

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Charity Short Codes

By activating caharity short codes, we invest our technical, human and financial resources necessary for the functioning of the ser-vices and we also support actions of national importance. In such a way, we act as a bridge between humanitarian organizations, foundations and citizens’ associations that want to donate funds for humanitarian causes simply and quickly. In 2016 only a total of 63.480.600 RSD were collected in the scope of 32 activated charity short codes. The bulk of the campaigns were intended for raising additional funds for medical treatment of citizens, mainly youth and children in need of special treatments.

We also wish to single out the program of regular donations to UNICEF by text messages, raising funds for soup kitchens in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the support to the activities of the Blic Foundation and the Serbs for Serbs organization.

32charity short codes

63.480.600 RSD

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The 12HUB Gallery Accessible in Virtual Space

Young artists Ivana Ranisavljević and Aleksandra Kovačević marked the start of the new web platform called Gallery 12HUB with their performances in the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade. Owing to this platform, which was created in the cooperation with the Telenor Foundation, the performances were followed in real time by viewers around the globe, in addition to the guests in the In-stitute. The idea was to make a single place that will enable the transfer of information in real time, the creation of artistic works that will exist only online, promoting Serbian artists and creating a rich digital archive of the gallery.

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Cooperation of the Telenor Foundation and the HISPA Association in the Field of Mobile Healthcare

One in two Serbian men and women die of cardiac arrest or stroke and our country is on the top of the world list of the number of patients with cardiac problems.

HISPA, the first mobile application in the Serbian language in-tended for the education about cardiovascular diseases and the prevention thereof was presented at the International Congress of Cardiologists in Belgrade. With the help of a smartphone, the app allows the calculation of one’s individual cardiovascular risk and finds advice how to minimize the risk from cardiac arrest or stroke. With the help of the Telenor Foundation, the application was developed by the experts from the HISPA association, which includes 1200 doctors and medical personnel from across Serbia. The application if free, intended for doctors or patients, and it’s available both for Android and iOS, in Serbian and in English. “The new digital solutions make it possible to use to use our expertise

to help overcoming different social challenges. By supporting the development of the HISPA application, we want to contribute to the education about cardiovascular diseases, to boost prevention and take advantage of mobile technologies and digital solutions to make the life of patients easier.” Marija Vujanić, Communication and Sustainability Director of Telenor Serbia

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Protecting the environment is very high on our list of priorities, and Telenor is committed to this issue since its arrival in Serbia. Therefore, we operate in line with all the requirements of the ISO 14001 international standard. We want to set an example and raise awareness on the need to preserve nature and natural resources. Climate changes have an increasing impact on our lives, and that is why we at Telenor pay great attention to creating awareness among our employees, in order for them to have the right and sustainable attitude to the environment.

EMS – The Highest Environmental Standard

Telenor Srbija has successfully passed the audit for the new version of the ISO 14001:2015 standard pertaining to environment protec-tion, which was carried out by the independent auditing firm SGS. Every investment in the environment brings considerable benefits to the community and in passing the audit we have confirmed our commitment to protecting the environment on daily basis.

Our company has been continuously investing in and finding solutions in the field of waste management and recycling, en-

• The total consumption of energy in 2016 was 61.26 GWh, which is 8.5% more than in the previous year, resulting from the growth of the company.

• We have generated and recycled 10,37 tons of electronic and electric waste in 2016, which amounts to the total collected e-waste in the company.

• Relative to the previous year, we have cut on heating consumption by 31%.

• With the goal of reducing CO2 emissions, our greatest success was the reduction of the number of air travels relative to the previous year. Reduced air mileage was recorded for the first time in the last 5 years.

• For the first time in the last 5 years we have reduced fuel consumption for company cars, although the number of cars hasn’t been reduced.

ergy efficiency and CO2 reduction, as well as regarding the daily rationalization in the consumption of resources. The employees are actively involved in the recycling process since 2010 and the company also cares about the disposal and recycling of tele-communications equipment and electronic devices. Owing to the introduction of electronic invoices, in 2016 only we have managed to save more than one million and three hundred thousand sheets of paper and managed to use less cartridge.

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Telenor Wins the CSR Leader in Change Award

We are proud recipients of the “CSR Leader in Change 2016” award. The acknowledgement is extended by the US Chamber of Commerce for long-term commitment to the development of the Serbian society. Telenor received this award for its long-term contribution to the Serbian society, with its activities in the scope of the “Internet for All” strategic initiative and its effort to make the Internet a safer and more secure place.

Telenor Comes Second on the National List of Socially Responsible Companies

Corporate social responsibility has increasingly become the top factor of a company’s overall market value. For that purpose, indexes have been developed at the global and European level measuring the economic value of the company as per the criterion of social responsibility, among others. Serbia is the first country in the Western Balkans region that has a national CSR Index. This index is a tool that recognizes, rewards, and promotes good business practices in Serbia in accordance with the principles of sustainability. It was launched by the Responsible Business Forum and Smart kolektiv, with the support of USAID. Telenor finished second on the CSR Index list. Our company received the highest grades for its contribution to the development of the local community and corporate management, as well as in the field of environmental protection.

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an active participant in the dialogue

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Global Compact

Telenor ltd. is included in the global initiative for connecting socially responsible companies with UN agencies, businesses, governments and the civil society. That largest international vol-untary initiative, called UN Global Compact, was created in order to further the 10 universally accepted principles pertaining to the protection of human and labour rights, preserving the environment and combatting corruption. Telenor gives its contribution in order to raise the awareness across the globe about the 17 new global goals for sustainable development. Telenor has aligned its sus-tainability agenda with the UN Sustainability Development Goals, in particular Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities. The global goals (#Globalgoals) are a call for united action in order to put an end to global problems such as poverty and hunger, ensure quality education, improve health and quality of live and foster gender equality. Global goals strive to increase economic growth, develop innovation and infrastructure and take steps aimed at preserving the environment, reducing waste and preserve natural resources.

Responsible Business Forum

Telenor Srbija is member of the Responsible Business Forum, a network of leading companies that contribute to the devel-opment of the community, by encouraging the development of socially responsible business and establishing durable and stable socially responsible practices in the business sector. The Forum is a platform connecting business leaders with the representatives of other parts of society, encouraging inter-sectorial dialogue, cooperation and the exchange of good experiences in the process. The Forum also develops practical and sustainable solutions in all four fields that are the pillars of social corporate responsibility – the local community, the environment, work environment and the market.

Sustainability Report 201629

Page 30: Sustainability Report 2016 - Telenor Srbija Report... · 2017-06-01 · who were going from Serbia to other Telenor companies. In the third year, the relationship was evenly balanced,


The report presents social, environmental and commercially responsible projects by Telenor ltd. and the Telenor Foundation, realized in 2016.

The photographs included in this publication were taken in the course of actions involving Telenor ltd. or the Telenor Foundation, or were taken from Telenor’s archives or those of its partners.

For more detail about Telenor’s responsible business practice visit -responsibility/

Publisher Telenor Foundation

For the Publisher Marija Vujanić

Editorial Team Milica Begenišić Natalia Pribojan Jovana Zelić

Associates Sanja Rajačić Nataša Dimitrovska Kristina Mitrović Ninoslava Petrović Bojana Krstić Marković

Production Studio za interaktivni dizajn Fleka Design Studio za interaktivni dizajn Fleka

Serbian Language Editing

Tamara Bačković


EVENT Group Office

Text AdaptationMiša Stojiljković


Telenor Foundation

Omladinskih brigada 90

11070 Novi Beograd

[email protected]

telenor foundation

30 Sustainability Report 2016

Page 31: Sustainability Report 2016 - Telenor Srbija Report... · 2017-06-01 · who were going from Serbia to other Telenor companies. In the third year, the relationship was evenly balanced,
