  • Aquarius Horoscope for September 2010

    By Susan Miller

    For years, rogue planets have caused you almost continual financial distress, but those days are nearly over.

    The horoscope wheel is turning again, but this time to help you. You've met so many challenges over the

    years that you can truly say you've paid your dues.

    This month, more than any in recent memory, will help you gain the faith that life can be more enjoyable,

    and much easier to manage. As an objective, rational, and skeptical soul you probably are thinking, "Really?

    Who says so?" I do, dear Aquarius. Let me show you what I am looking at this month, and I will let you be

    the judge.

    First, as you begin September, it certainly won't have the look and feel of a winning month. Mercury will still

    be retrograde, a holdover from last month, and delays and postponements will be the order of the day until

    Mercury turns direct September 12. It will be hard to get any agreement to stick, which is why I don't want

    you to sign any agreements or even to give your verbal answer on important questions just yet. When you

    sign a paper with Mercury retrograde, you only have to renegotiate the deal again later. Do yourself a favor

    and wait until after Mercury resumes forward motion September 12.

    This time Mercury will retrograde in your solar eighth house of other people's money, so you may be

    anxiously awaiting checks that are running late, or seeing errors in your bank or credit card statements. This

    is certainly not the kind of opening to a month that inspires faith in the future. Still, once Mercury goes

    direct, you will get paid, errors will be resolved, and other glitches will start to fade from view. You won't be

    feeling so tense, and you will be able to focus your attention on other parts of life, although I will admit

    money will form a strong background to the theme of the month.

    Your eighth house, a focal point during much of September, does NOT rule salary and earned income.

    Instead, it rules commissions, royalties, cash advances, taxes, bonuses, prize winnings, court settlements,

    and insurance payouts. It also rules inheritances, scholarships and financial aid, and venture capital. It

    covers divorce settlements and child support payments, credit cards and business lines of credit, and

    unemployment insurance and severance. You get the idea - this house rules money that tends to come in

    one chunk, not as regular paycheck or salary.

    Any one of these areas would be good ones for you to focus on, for you'd likely get the answer you want. If

    you need to have a meeting, make a presentation, or fill out an application to get the funds you need, do so

    during the week of September 13-18 for best luck.

  • If you had hoped to take a little time off, if only to visit your kind aunt or loving grandmother, or to stay

    with a friend abroad, you can safely go out of town sometime in the first two weeks of September. With

    Mercury still retrograde in early September, you won't miss anything - just the opposite. By being away you

    will likely avoid problems! No one will be able to find you! (When your cell phone rings from your frantic

    team back home, just scream, "I can't hear you! The coverage is terrible here!" even if you aren't on a

    mountaintop but in downtown Los Angeles.)

    The new moon, September 8, will help you with these eighth house financial matters. Until now, many of the

    new moons and full moons that lit your eighth house in 2008 and 2009 that were designed to help you were

    tainted by Saturn's presence in this same house. Saturn severely limited your ability to get the financial

    backing you needed, and, if you are in sales, kept your commissions low. Unless you were born with a trust

    fund, it was probably a constant battle for you to keep your ledgers in the black.

    Saturn was trying to teach you how to get by with less. Saturn also wanted to show you how important it

    was to put contingency plans in place to deal with the vicissitudes of life. That lesson got old quickly as

    Saturn kept pounding his messages to you - it must have felt like he was hitting your head with a bat.

    Honestly, though, you have learned a lot about sophisticated money management. There are some jams you

    simply won't allow yourself to fall into any more. You now know how to sidestep many of life's financial

    surprises, and you are in greater control of your future than you ever have been before. Saturn left your

    financial house last July, so you really do have a better outlook.

    Then why, you might ask, is money still so tight, and why do you go up and down so much with money? You

    still have Uranus in your second house, which rules earned income, and having the planet of volatility in

    your house of earnings is not exactly a comforting place to host Uranus. However, you've hosted this planet

    since 2003 here, and he is set to finally leave this house in March 2011. Glory be, Saturn's gone, and you

    are getting done with Uranus, too! Keep that thought in mind! I always think of Uranus as the planet of

    alternating current - on, off, on, off - and that pretty much describes your financial experiences over the

    past seven years, doesn't it?

    The reason things got much harder since November 2008 is that suddenly you were battling both Saturn

    and Uranus at the same time, as those planets began to have a fist fight with each other. You found

    yourself, an innocent bystander, standing in the middle of these two, and taking a lot of blows as a result.

    Saturn and Uranus finally stopped fighting on July 25, 2010. Mama Mia, you have been through the war!

    As you wait for all these planets to move on and finally behave, let's look at what the new moon September

    8 has to offer you. You can look over all your income and outgo to see if you are getting the best plan

    possible from any of your providers - from Internet and cable to cell phone and even credit card companies.

  • You can now schedule new business presentations too, confident that you will have a good chance to earn a

    generous commission, or at the very least be a hero for bringing in new business for your company.

    If you need a bank loan, financial aid from a college, or venture capital from an investor, this new moon will

    give you the right time to make application to get the kind of response you want. However, keep in mind

    that you won't be able to send in that application immediately, for you will first have to wait until Mercury

    regulates its orbit on September 12. Wait until Monday, September 13 to make your initiation. It looks like

    you can get the money you'll need, so your efforts will be rewarded. In the meantime, when you fill things

    out, make sure your math is correct. Errors are so easy to make this month.

    Income from side sources will improve now too, and that even includes company perks. So, for example, if

    you can't negotiate a raise, you might be able to get a free upgrade on health insurance, or the key to the

    executive gym. Both are worth solid cash if you had to put out the funds yourself. You may also want to talk

    to your banker about setting up a retirement savings account or to review the portfolio you have now to see

    if it is performing well enough. If you need a new mortgage or need to refinance your present mortgage,

    you can have that talk too, with the likelihood of better results than you received earlier this year. You can

    even use this new moon to negotiate a payment plan with the government or a creditor, if you owe taxes or


    With planets traveling in organization-minded Virgo, this would be a good time to change the way you

    prepare your receipts to do your year-end taxes. You can also design a place to put all of your product

    warranties, to help you put your finger on what you need the minute you need it.

    Action and energy-oriented Mars will brilliantly light your tenth house of career success from September 14

    to October 28, and you won't want to miss even one moment of Mars' powerful help! This is some of the

    most exciting news I have for you this month! Finally, the opportunities you needed to make a name for

    yourself will surface. You'll need to be alert and ready to compete for them.

    From then on, your professional life will get so busy so fast that you won't have time for romance, vacation,

    friends, or much else, and rightly so! Keep your eyes on the road, and your hands on the steering wheel,

    dear Aquarius, because you've waited for two years for this type of career advantage. Now that this golden

    period is starting up, don't let it slip by! If you do take a vacation - which looks very likely - be sure to be

    back by the time Mars enters Scorpio on September 14.

    What makes this tour of Mars so special - your first since October 2008 - is that this time, on the same day

    Mars makes his ascent to the very top of your chart on September 14, Pluto also turns direct. Wow!

    Pluto is the natural ruler of your solar tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame, but has been

    retrograde since early April. Powerhouse planets like Pluto regularly retrograde for about five-and-a-half

  • months at a time, and for you this has meant that no matter how hard you tried to get ahead, you were

    probably frustrated in that your progress was slow. That was because you didn't have the support of the

    planet that is, so to speak, the locomotive engine running that house, Pluto! Now Pluto will go into overdrive

    for you, and you will have all the way until next April to make your mark!

    When any planet turns from retrograde to direct, it's wise to watch what happens that day very carefully for

    news - in this case, very good news about your career. Just keep your cell phone powered up on the day of

    Pluto's direct motion, September 14 plus or minus two days.

    There is more! Venus and Mars love to be together, but rarely can be, as they have to do their separate

    assignments in other areas of your chart. Venus and Mars go together like salt and pepper, in a way almost

    no other heavenly bodies do, except for the Sun and moon.

    When Venus and Mars are together they are quite effective, because they form a very special yin-yang kind

    of energy. In your case, Venus and Mars will do all they can to showcase your good work and create lots of

    praise and a lively buzz about you! Finally, after so long, you are about to get the attention you deserve. On

    October 3, Venus and Mars will meet in conjunction, so there may be exciting publicity coming your way

    then. As you go through the month, though, Venus and Mars will be close enough to start people raving

    about you. This should be quite a delicious time for your career. Dear Aquarius, life can't always be this way,

    so try to make the most of it!

    This will be a very up and down month for news about money, as planets are being as contrary as a little

    toddler, one moment good as gold, the next acting completely chaotic and on a rampage. Outstanding days

    stand right next to days that could only be called horrors. Let me give you an example.

    Here is the day I have been bursting at the seams to tell you about, a four star day just filled with near-

    miraculous news about your salary or other income - Saturday, September 18. You may feel this aspect as

    much as one or two days earlier. On this day, your ruling planet, Uranus, will link with Jupiter, the giver of

    gifts and luck, in your second house of earned income! Wow!

    You should be getting some sort of check you never expected. If you are artistic, you may get a huge

    creative gig that will make you quite a tidy sum of money. If you are not creative, you will still get news that

    your income is about to rise. What makes this so exciting on September 18 - this news seems to take you

    by surprise, and you will enjoy the work you do. While this day will be special for everyone of every sign,

    you will enjoy it more because Uranus is your ruler.

    Now I need to tell you about another day, this time, one that's not due to be so nice.

  • On September 21, the Sun and Uranus will have a major confrontation at 180 degrees. This will bring a very

    adverse surprise, so an expense, loss, or other untoward news could come out of the blue to rock you.

    Again, your ruler is involved here, so brace for something financial to come up to jolt you. A partner

    (indicated by the involvement of the Sun) seems to be the source of the difficulty.

    Here is something to keep in mind. Uranus has been touring your house of earned income since 2003. For

    all those years, you've had nothing but surprises when it comes to money. You're probably sick of it.

    Sometimes having Uranus in this house works to your favor, as it will on September 18, but other times it

    works against you, like on September 21.

    Fortunately, this will be the last opposition of the Sun to Uranus that you will ever experience in your house

    of earned income during your lifetime.

    Uranus will leave this house in early March 2011 and because Uranus has an orbit of 84 years around the

    Sun, he won't be back any time soon. Once that happens, dear Aquarius, you can wear the T-shirt that says,

    "Uranus Came, but I Conquered." You can look up at the sky and defiantly shake your fist, because this will

    be your last stand - and you will win these challenges.

    At the full moon, September 23, you will have reason to travel again, but this time, you will go a short

    distance, and more likely for business. This trip seems arduous, mainly because you will have a goal to

    complete when you get there. Expect long hours of talks or hours of research in between negotiations

    (probably with the help of people back in the office).

    Mercury won't be retrograde by the time you get to this full moon September 23 (Mercury will regulate its

    orbit September 12), so you will be able to sign off on an agreement. The problem is, getting to accord will

    be a long and sweaty process, as there seem to be points you and your intended partner won't agree on

    easily. The funny thing is, money seems NOT to be the bone of contention, so isn't that weird. It's

    something else, so don't let them think it's all about money because it NOT!

    The month ends on September 30 with the meeting of the Sun (fire) and Saturn (ice). This is a day when

    most people will be walking around like zombies, tired and in need of sleep. Most people will be sensitive to

    criticism, so finesse your words to sound gentler and more caring. A long distance business trip is likely to

    be even harder than the one you may take over the full moon. Do yourself a favor and schedule any trip you

    were going to take on or about September 30 for either earlier in the month, or later.

    The one outstanding element you will have going for you at this time is that Venus and Mars will be very

    close by this point, a little over one degree apart, so should you be making a presentation (whether or not

    you go out of town), the person you are presenting to will like you, and your awesome reputation will

  • precede you. If you sign with Saturn conjunct the Sun, you will have an agreement for a very long time, so

    make sure you like it! There'll be no getting out!

    Romantically, your best time will be when Venus tours Libra from September 1-8. Mars will still be in Libra

    then too, so if you can travel with your sweetheart, do! It will fan the fires of love into a raging bonfire.

    I particularly love Saturday, September 4, when Venus will receive a shimmering beam from Neptune,

    setting the stage for an ultra-romantic evening. Go to a restaurant with flowers, candlelight, and plenty of

    privacy. It's sure to be special, and with the moon in Cancer, the food should be delicious, too.

    Your fifth house of love is ruled by Mercury, so with Mercury retrograde from September 1-12, you may

    need to go back to talk about an old grievance with a sweetheart to find a new solution. The topic will be

    money, but by now I am sure you are not surprised to hear this.

    The weekend of September 18-19 should be amazingly special, and with the moon in Aquarius, you will get

    everything just so. I love this weekend! You may have friends join you on this weekend, as Uranus will

    conjunct Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, and Jupiter happens to rule your solar eleventh house of

    friendship. This is a weekend when dreams come true, so be sure to do something special on this weekend.

    If you are in an established relationship, you may have problems with your partner on September 21 and

    30, or the whole week that links those two dates. When I described those dates earlier, I put the aspects in

    business terms, but you could interpret those talks in more romantic terms as well. Let's hope things do not

    work out that way, but if they do, you can fix this by talking things out and taking a methodical approach.

    Your most romantic dates will be September 1, 2, 4 (beautiful), 5-6, 10, 18 (gold star), and 19.


    As an Aquarius, you are not prone to enjoy working with money, budgets, and ledgers. Chances are, you'd

    much rather spend your time thinking up new concepts and ideas or working on your computer or other

    electronic high tech devices, and spend less time with a bookkeeper or accountant. Still, this month you'll

    have to do a certain amount of financial analysis because several planets, plus the new and full moons, will

    almost force you to do so.

    The new moon will appear on September 8, but with Mercury retrograde until September 12, take a few

    days to research and mull over your moves. By September 14 you could be ready to initiate your financial

    changes and actions.

  • Your ruler, Uranus, will argue with the mighty Sun on September 21, so avoid that day for making any sort

    of moves that even vaguely involve money. This day is due to be troublesome for most, and even disastrous

    for some. Just in case, lie low and wait for better days.

    Your skyrocketing career progress will be one of the most gratifying and exciting features of the month.

    Once Mars enters your house of fame and honors on September 14 to stay through October 28, you will see

    how prized your services have become to your industry. What's more, Venus will team up with Mars, and

    both will shimmer at the very pinnacle of your chart in September's second half. Together these two planets

    will create the best kind of buzz about you among VIPs. If looking for a job, you may have several

    companies vying for your services.

    Also, Pluto, the ruler of your house of fame and honors, has been retrograde (weak) for the past five

    months. You will see a big push forward after Pluto turns direct September 14. It's a wow of a time, so go

    out there and see what the world has to offer, dear Aquarius!

    You may have a chance to travel for your work within five days of the full moon, September 23. Although

    it's clear you'll be working hard because you'll have a precise work-related goal to complete, you'll love this

    trip, ranging from the luxury accommodations and pretty setting to the friendly people you will meet.

    Unusual events will take place, but this time, they will work to your favor.

    It might not be best to travel over September 30, however, when Saturn will conjoin the Sun. This day

    would bring long hours of work, little positive feedback, and maybe even a disappointment or delay. You'll

    have to keep your health strong, too, because this could turn out to be a draining day. You may be fending

    for yourself, or you may find that a competitor will aggressively try to steal a piece of your market pie. Be

    smart - travel a week earlier when your energy will be high and conditions will be better for success.

    Romantically, if single, relationships may have gone haywire while Mercury retrograded, a condition that

    started August 20 and will continue until September 12. After that, all your romantic alliances will go

    smoother. You seem to be in a highly affectionate mood however, all month - go with it!

    One of your sweetest romantic date nights, if you are dating, will be September 4, when Venus in made-for-

    Aquarius Libra will send a kiss to glamorous Neptune.

    If you are married or in a serious committed partnership, your best days will center near September 18. If

    you are to have differences, they will come on your weakest days, September 21 or 30. Traveling together

    could be fun, but for best results, keep the trip simple and close to home.

    Dates to Note

  • Your credit, loans, taxes, and other financial obligations will be under the microscope after the new moon

    September 8. Unlike the past few years where finding a solution was hard, now it will be a whole other ball

    game. The difference? Saturn is now gone!

    Personal income may rise very suddenly near the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces - September

    18. Watch that date plus or minus 2 days. Wow! Try to develop options!

    Your career will light up magnificently now that Mars is brightening your professional career sector for the

    first time in 2 years, from September 14 through October 28. Strike now!

    With Mars so close to Venus by month's end, the buzz about you in your company and / or industry will

    grow very brightly. VIPs adore you.

    The full moon period, September 23, will be perfect for taking a short trip. You may also hand in a written

    document that you've worked hard to perfect.

    However, September 30 will not be the day to travel, especially not long distances. Avoid having an

    interview on a college campus, too.

    You seem very wrapped up in career and issues of money to actually take time to relax and enjoy love -

    October will be a better month for love and socializing. The full moon, September 23, however, may bring a

    fun interlude in another city, for travel could bring romantic fun.

    Mercury retrograde may have you thinking about a past partner in the first week-and-a-half of the month,

    and you might try again to make a relationship work. Mars, the planet of charisma, will help you increase

    your allure.

    Best days for a date: September 1, 2, 4 (beautiful), 5-6, 10, 18 (gold star), 19.