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CLUE Week 4 Lauren Graham

SURPRISE MOCK “TEST”I’m calling this a test only because you would have had the same access to information (besides this CLUE session and the exam review) as you would for the upcoming test.

TASTE1. How many different types of taste are there?

a. 7b. 4c. 5d. 5 (maybe 6 if we include Fatty need more research)

2. Explain the difficulty with the localization of the different types of taste on the tongue. What is occasionally incorrectly taught in elementary schools? Why this wrong, and what is correct?

3. Name the three different types papillae and where they are located.

4. What two factors effect taste sensitivity, and are more frequently found in “supertasters”?

5. How do each of these factors/traits work to differentiate “supertaster” from non-supertasters (regular people) and non-tasters?

Page 2: Surprise Mock

CLUE Week 4 Lauren Graham

6. What were the three conditions in the taste study that was explained in class with genetically engineered rats?




7. What idea did this study reinforce for how signals are sent via the taste system?

OLFACTION (SMELL)8. Where in the brain does the input from the sensory receptor cells in the nose get sent to?

a. The thalamus like all the other sensesb. The hippocampusc. The amygdalad. The VTA

9. What are the two sites of neurogenesis in the body?a. Hippocampus; receptor cells in the earb. Olfactory Bulb; Hippocampusc. Olfactory epithelium; Hippocampusd. Hippocampus; Corpus callosum

10. On average, how many different types of olfactory receptor cells are there in the nose?

11. What about the process of smell allows for such a large variety (10,000 or possibly 1 trillion) of distinct types of smells to be detected? Why does this work in such to produce such a variety?

a. Give specific answers, not just a description of the nature of the olfactory system.

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CLUE Week 4 Lauren Graham

12. What is the name of the area in the nose where the olfactory receptor cells are located?

13. Describe the phenomenological findings (the behaviors in the rats and their offspring) in the study that has to do with fear conditioning to specific smells. Talk about each generation and what the presence of the specific smell has to do with their reaction to the foot shock.F0 who got the initial fear conditioningF1 the male offspring of the F0 F2 the male offspring of F1

14. What were the biological differences in the rat that experienced the fear conditioning (F0), and the offspring generations (F1 and F2) when compared to “wild-type” controls?

15. What does VNO stand for?a. Vote Now, Obama b. Volumetric Neutralizer Organc. Vomeronasal Organd. Very Nimble Ostridgee. Vomeronasal Organist

16. Where is the VNO in humans and is it still functional?

17. Do pheromones (chemicals that are secreted from animals that effect other animals’ social behavior) have any effect on humans? Explain.

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CLUE Week 4 Lauren Graham

VISION18. What are the two types of receptor cells found in the visual system, and what in the environment

are they both activated by?

19. What is the difference in the functionality of the two types of receptor cells in the visual system?

20. What is counterintuitive about how the receptor cells are organized in the visual system?

21. What is the order of activation of each of the cell types in the visual system?


22. What are the three colors that are central to the tri-chromatic theory?

23. What are the three different types of cone cells and what wavelengths (colors) do they correspond to?

24. In opponent process theory, what are the three pairs of “opponents” that are the basis of this theory?

25. For an on-center bipolar cell, glutamate elicits a(n)a. Excitatory responseb. Inhibitory responsec. Multipolar responsed. Unitary response

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CLUE Week 4 Lauren Graham

26. Which types of cell(s) produce graded responses as opposed to action potentials?a. Ganglion cells and bipolar cellsb. Biopolar cells and photo receptor cellsc. Photoreceptor cells and ganglion cellsd. Only photoreceptor cells

27. Why are on-center ganglion cells and off-center ganglion cells called “on-center” and “off-center”?

28. Fill in the blanks. The “” represent the words, “projects to”

Optic nerve _______________ Optic Tract _________ ____________ Extra Striate cortex

29. What happens to about half of the visual signal in each eye as it passes through the optic chiasm?

30. Describe why simple cells only respond to lines of light in certain orientations.

31. What do the areas V5 and V4 in the visual cortex do?

32. What is the name of the idea that explains why our eyes exaggerate contrast against the lines that we see?

Page 6: Surprise Mock

CLUE Week 4 Lauren Graham