

The blue treasure of our ancestors

By Cristina Quisbert Quispe

In the ancient times there was

neither Sun nor Moon

and people lived …

in the darkness(ch’amakpacha)

…but one day our Tata Inti (Sun)

rose on Sun Island in Titicaca Lake

And from the sacred rock

emerged Manco Capac

and Mama Ocllocreating

the Inca Empire

Later, their descendants

built a two level stone Palace in the south

of the Island.

It was the Pilkokaina Palace which was a

temporal house of the main Inca.

Bordering the mountain first and then walking across its

approximately nine kilometers…

Incas built Chinkana or Laberynth. A complex group of rooms connected by many trapezoidal

doors and small corridors.

In the middle of Chinkana, Incas had a natural fountain which was used

to make water rituals

Past and present always join.

Going up or down the

different ways

one may find a lot of


such as…

This old catlike pottery found in the depths of

the Sun Island.

Mountains and water are the owners of a lot of secrets left by the ancient cultures born here.

This is a sacred place for indigenous peoples.

¡Help us to protect it!