Page 1: Summer/Autumn 2015 - BUCHINGER WILHELMI · Only if we do this can we let go and find our true selves. The reward for renounc - ing media is a wonderful sense of peace and serenity

NEWS from ÜbErliNgEN aNd marbEllaPages 2 and 3

modErN group fitNESSPage 4

mEdia faStiNg? YES, dEfiNitElY!Page 12

mEdical SciENtific coNcEptPage 6

coNgrESS: faStiNg 2.0Page 7

lu JoNg – tibEtaN hEaliNg YogaPage 5

JuNior activitY WEEkS – Not JuSt for YouNg pEoplE!Page 4

EvENtS 2015Page 12

NewsSummer / Autumn 2015

thErapEutic faStiNg · iNtEgrativE mEdiciNE · iNSpiratioN

Dear guests, patients and friends,



Zoe and

gerhard Zaiser

Zoe. The first child in the fifth genera-

tion of the Buchinger Wilhelmi family

has arrived. A sign, a symbol. Life goes

on. Our clinics are also in an ongoing

process of transformation, as are the

methods we offer our guests. We are

in constant flux.

In Überlingen, we will be redesigning

the garden between the Main Building

and Villa Larix. The interiors of Villa

Belgrano will also be completely refur-

bished after 20 years.

Our Spanish head chef Fernando

Sánchez has set up a cooking lab called

“Crea & Innova”, in which he creates

new healthy delicacies using scientific


Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo

has put together a team to scientifically

analyse the unbelievable wealth of

data amassed by both clinics on the

impact of fasting on the body and


Jutta Rohrer has put down her thoughts

on media fasting. And Malaga is be-

coming a centre for the arts with inter-

national standing.

In addition, you can find out what the

media have to say about us, all about

our Junior Activity Weeks in 2015 and

how some of our employees travel

to work every day.

You can look forward to this and

much more in the summer edition

of our NeWS!

enjoy the read – and don’t forget,

we are always there for you!

Page 2: Summer/Autumn 2015 - BUCHINGER WILHELMI · Only if we do this can we let go and find our true selves. The reward for renounc - ing media is a wonderful sense of peace and serenity

Our park is one of our major

assets. Many of our guests

appreciate the views from the

Main Building past lawns,

flowers and mature trees as

far as the lake. Nevertheless,

we are planning to redesign it

this year, starting in September.

On the one hand we plan to replace the

paths, which are currently exposed

concrete slabs from the 1960s, with

beige and ochre-coloured natural

granite slabs. We also intend to change

the layout by straightening out the foot-

paths and the paths on which the carts

drive and removing barriers like steps

and ledges.

The lawn between the Main Building

and Villa Bellevue/Villa Larix will be

terraced to make it more attractive for

our guests. We will create small, secluded

spots lined with hedges and flowers.

Benches will offer wonderful views of

the lake and the Alps. Fragrant flowers

and butterflies will make the scenery

even more en-

chanting. The

patio in front of

the Main Build-

ing, which is very

popular among

guests, will be

extended to twice

its size with a

fountain in the

enlarged section.

The whole area

will be designed

to encourage

guests to spend

time there read-

ing, chatting,


with other guests

or simply relaxing.

Throughout the grounds, various

smaller gardens are planned following

different themes that appeal to all the

senses: They will include a Kneipp gar-

den, a monastery garden, a medicinal

herb garden, a Mediterranean garden,

an oriental tea garden, etc. Dr. Bäumler

will provide his profound botanic exper-

tise in implementing these gardens,

with the support and advice of the inter-

nationally renowned landscape architect

Johann Senner from Überlingen.

We are also currently considering how

we can become involved in the pro-

gramme for the state horticultural show

in 2020, which will mainly take place at

the western end of Überlingen.

This year, Überlingen is celebrating its

60th anniversary as a Kneipp spa. To

mark this event, we have decided to in-

stall a Kneipp basin as well as a barefoot

path next to our swimming pool. In

doing so, we benefit from the advice of

Dr. Bäumler, who previously worked

at the Kneippianum in Bad Wörishofen.

Depending on the weather, we will have

to carry out these measures during the

clinic’s normal working hours. We con-

sider this to be within reason thanks to

state-of-the-art noise-reduced methods.

The work will also be carried out in


A model of the future garden is on dis-

play in the foyer. Why not take a “stroll”

through it and find your favourite spots.

Villa Belgrano

We are very proud of Villa Belgrano,

which opened in 1995. Our “5-star hotel”

with five junior suites has been awarded

several architectural prizes and is fully

booked practically all year round. But af-

ter 20 years, we feel it needs a change

and have decided to fully refurbish the


To this end, we have chosen Andre

Behncke from Munich as our architect,

whose references include famous hotel

projects such as elmau Castle, the Inter-

conti in Berchtesgaden and Düsseldorf,

and Waldhotel in Stuttgart. Work will be

carried out during the quieter time of

year in December and January.

We therefore do not expect it to disturb

the clinic’s routines.

The result will be an inspiring interior

design. The architect has deliberately

focused on creating a dialogue between

the architecture and the wonderful

scenery; the landscape architect and

the interior designer have met several

times. Featuring glass, wood, and

exclusively designed furniture, the

rooms will offer guests maximum free-

dom in arranging the furniture and

decor according to their own needs

and preferences.

Modernising our pool

Our third major project we will be to

modernise our swimming pool. Work

will also be carried out in December.

Some of you may have noticed that

several tiles have become loose. How-

ever, we have decided against repairing

these and will instead replace the entire

swimming pool with a new one made

of steel. This will presumably solve any

problems we have with tiles and water-

tightness for good.


early 2016: Garden, Villa Belgrano, pool since early 2015: Main Building renovated

It is 7 a.m., Fernando Sánchez,

head chef at Buchinger Wilhelmi

in Marbella, switches on the lights

in his office. From here, he over-

looks the kitchen, which is still

quiet. He loves to start his day like

this, welcoming the suppliers in

person to control the quality of the

produce, and getting his well-or-

chestrated kitchen team up and


His team has many years of shared

experience. When he started here,

Fernando first had to develop con-

cepts and establish working meth-

ods. He and his team then set in

motion a process that still follows

the same principles today: finding

and preparing recipes, refining

nuances of flavours, changing their

presentation, establishing criteria

to control working procedures,

checking and improving parameters

to measure the nutritional value.

The creation of an organic garden

was an important milestone for

the clinic, allowing it to provide for

itself in all seasons.

In June 2014, he started his project

“Crea & Innova – Creation & Innova-

tion”. From then on, his laboratory

kitchen was filled with pans and all

kinds of kitchen utensils, which

Fernando and his colleagues use

to test avant-garde cooking tech-

niques. each dish is tried and re-

hearsed to enhance it with new and

surprising aromas, textures and

visual features. Hours of work go

into developing each recipe to

satisfy his objective of combining

sensual pleasure in tradition and

nature, intellectual pleasure in

the avant-garde, and the pleasure

of healthy and environmentally

friendly nutrition.

Talking of pleasure, one aim of the

project is to develop new Buchinger

Wilhelmi desserts to surprise our

guests when they stay with us in


Crea & Innova: a gastronomical research lab

Fernando Sánchez is pursuing his dream

of balancing flavours with dietetics with

conviction and enthusiasm.fernando Sánchez harvests the fruits from

our organic garden, which are then carefully

prepared to produce new culinary creations.

rich in flavours, light, healthy and retaining

as much nutritional value as possible.

in december 2014, we fully refurbished the Standard and Standard

plus category rooms in the main building, putting the emphasis

on more convenience, functionality and a fresher overall look with

modern furnishings.

completely renovated bathrooms, new furniture, a lighter colour

scheme to provide a relaxed atmosphere and help our patients

recuperate, as well as large windows that let in more light are just

some of the features that will pleasantly surprise our guests who

stay in these rooms.

the patio outside the dining room has been enlarged and redesigned

to harmonise with our main building, while retaining mediterranean

stylistic elements like clean lines and the use of simple materials.

our patients can now enjoy their meals and the pleasant temperatures

in marbella in familiar but improved surroundings.

from the reception in the main building,

a corridor leads to villa maria, which has

been turned into a picture gallery to give

visitors an impression of the buchinger

Wilhelmi family and the two clinics.

architect andre behncke (right) has created and furnished a showroom on a 1: 1 scale

in a factory building. the views of the lake were achieved with photo wallpaper.

this allowed us to inspect the materials, furniture and the feel of the room at first hand.

the bathrooms will partly have glass walls.

the architect’s design shows a model of the terraced grounds sloping down to the south. on the left of the pool is the new kneipp basin with a barefoot path.

the enlarged patio of the main building can be seen extending as far as the therapy department.

Page 3: Summer/Autumn 2015 - BUCHINGER WILHELMI · Only if we do this can we let go and find our true selves. The reward for renounc - ing media is a wonderful sense of peace and serenity

One hot topic in our clinics

is the question whether we

should reduce our media con-

sumption while renouncing

solid food. Do modern, digital

and smart devices stop us

from “finding ourselves”,

preventing the actual process

of turning to our inner self?

A few weeks ago, I saw a guest sitting

alone at a table in the dining room and

playing with his mobile phone. I said

hallo and suggested he leave his phone

in his room during meals to enable him

to be more aware of and enjoy his lov-

ingly prepared meals. He told me he

felt lonely.

Spanish yoga master Ramiro Calle said

in an interview, “People today cannot

be alone in their own company for two


Can modern communication have an

influence on our inner balance and our

feeling of emotional harmony?

Might it prevent real and in-depth

communication between us humans?

The answer is most probably yes. For

example, children and adolescents who

receive medical treatment for media

addiction are often extremely lonely.

In social networks like Facebook, young

people mostly post pictures of them-

selves looking happy or laughing.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t always

reflect their true inner emotional state.

During therapeutic fasting, we not only

free ourselves of excess weight and

toxins that pollute our bodies. We are

also quasi “detoxifying” our soul. But

this is only possible if we are prepared

to look within ourselves and accept our-

selves as we really are. That also means

doing without the usual stimuli from

omnipresent communication media like

mobile phones, iPads, computers and

television, and to a lesser extent from

reading newspapers.

Only if we do this can we let go and find

our true selves. The reward for renounc-

ing media is a wonderful sense of peace

and serenity. In silence, we perceive our-

selves again as a physical and spiritual

entity and communicate with ourselves

and with our fellow beings not virtually,

but in reality.

Turning inwards

This also refines our senses. Colours,

sounds and smells become an intensive

experience. One woman who was fast-

ing once said to me, “I had the impres-

sion I could reach out and touch the

beauty of a flower.” Dr Otto Buchinger

wrote in his book “The Therapeutic

Fasting Cure” published in 1935, “A person

who fasts and who misses the opportu-

nity of healing themselves through

“metanoia”, i.e. turning to their inner

self, at a time when they are highly

responsive to external stimuli, is

po tentially depriving themselves of

the greatest opportunity in their life.”

Why should we not take advantage

of this possibility of comprehensive,

holistic healing?

Jutta rohrer

Group gymnastics sessions

have a long tradition at

Buchinger Wilhelmi. In addition

to our traditional A, B and C

ability groups, we have added

stretching, a workout for your

back, yoga and Tai Chi, and

most recently Zumba to the

range of courses.

Over the last two years, our sport &

fitness trainers have completed a

course and are now certified as “func-

tional trainers”. This gave us the idea

of adding functional training to our

fitness programme.

Functional training takes a “joint by

joint” approach to the body: When and

where do we need stability, and when

do we need mobility? Since the begin-

ning of this year, we have added Power

Balance with the Bosu ball, medicine

ball training with the Dynamax Ball,

Vinyasa Flow style power yoga and

above all fascial fitness with the

Blackroll to our weekly programme.

But what are these fascia that everyone

is talking about? Why are doctors and

sports scientists so interested in this

topic at the moment?

Fascia are everywhere in our body; they

surround the muscles, giving our body

support and stability. It is important

that we move, expand and stretch this

“fascinating” network of connecting

and supportive tissue in our body. But

we do most things sitting down in our

everyday lives. As we do not move our

bodies enough, we are slowly degenerat-

ing into “desk-users”. As a result, our

fascial tissue is losing its positive char-


NutritioN: During our Activity Weeks,

our guests do not fast according to the

Buchinger method, but enjoy a calorie-

reduced diet with our organic gourmet

cuisine. Participants get to prepare

some meals in the group to enable them

to learn how to make healthy dishes.

They try out recipes for delicious, freshly

made meals and prepare barbecues.

Or we organise a calorie rally for them.

Under the guidance of our experts,

participants learn the principles of

healthy wholefood nutrition to help

them maintain their desired weight in

the long term. The programme teaches

them everything they need to stay fit

and healthy.

fitNESS: We offer an extremely varied

sporting programme during the Junior

Activity Weeks with a different focus

every day: from water polo to beach

volleyball, from riverbed hikes to climb-

ing, from a hike in the mountains to

a chalet weekend in the Swiss Alps.

Participants can achieve their personal

goals more easily if they find exercising

fun, develop the necessary stamina

and learn efficient training methods.

In doing so, they get to discover the

wonderful nature around Lake Con-

stance and are motivated by the group.

Our experienced personal trainers have

put together a special programme for

the Junior Activity Weeks with varied

activities that build on each other.

hEalthY lifEStYlE: Time for a new,

healthy lifestyle. As well as nutrition

and fitness, participants learn how to

integrate their new experience into

their everyday lives. “How can I change

my behaviour to achieve my goals? What

do I need to be motivated to keep fit and

active at home?” In coaching sessions

and talks, our experienced doctor Mar-

tine van Houten teaches practical skills,

gives specific ideas and puts together

an individual fitness programme for

each participant. And there is still time

in between for days off, when partici-

pants can do what they want, take ad-

vantage of individual treatments, go

on excursions nearby, meet friends or

simply relax.

Junior Activity weeks – Not just for young people! Lu Jong – Tibetan healing yogaIn spring, we held four Lu Jong

workshops in our clinic.

They were generally very

well- received, both by our

patients and employees and

by therapists and doctors

in Marbella.

everyone had the opportunity

to experience the deep impact

of these exercises on their

physical and mental wellbeing.

At the end, the participants

were given a chart with thera-

peutic exercises, which they

can integrate into their daily


Lu Jong is a series of ancient Tibetan

healing exercises developed thousands

of years ago by monks in the Himalayas.

The therapeutic exercises are the result

of combining their knowledge of tradi-

tional Tibetan medicine with observa-

tions from nature. They are rooted in a

holistic approach according to which

our physical health is largely influenced

by our spiritual and mental state.

“Lu” means body and “Jong” means

movement or transition. Lu Jong has

a long tradition as a distinct spiritual

approach and differs from yoga and

Chinese Qi Gong and Tai Chi exercises.

It is the oldest Asian form of physical


Lu Jong causes all of the body’s chakras

to open up – not only the coarse, physical

chakras but also the more subtle ones.

This releases blockages that prevent

the free flow of energy in the body. The

method is based on the conviction that

a healthy body requires all physical and

subtle channels to function perfectly.

This is also important for those who

want to follow a spiritual path, as the

body is the vehicle to a higher spiritual


the following lu Jong exercises were

taught in the workshop:

• TheFiveElements

• Themobilityofthefivebodyparts

• Thefivevitalorgans

• Sixhealingexercisesforthebody

The exercises intensify our knowledge

of our own body and allow its natural

healing properties to unfold. Lu Jong

is an excellent technique to develop a

healthy body and a happy mind.

The venerable Tulku Lama Lobsang, a

high Buddhist master and outstanding,

honoured doctor in the tradition of

Tibetan medicine and astrology, has

spent many years examining the effect

of these exercises on the body and has

introduced them in the West.

Tulku Lama Lobsang is currently travel-

ling around the world to pass on his

knowledge of Tantric healing to his

students as the underlying principle of

Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan medicine

and astrology. Its greatest concern is

to reduce suffering in the world through

cultural exchange.

Marjolein Meulblock offered the

Lu Jong workshop in our clinic.

She received her training as a Lu Jong

teacher and educator from Tulku Lama


Media fasting? Yes, definitely!

For several years now, we have

offered a special programme

for young people in the summer.

Now renamed Junior Activity

Weeks, it gives young people

aged between 18 and 30 years

an insight into gaining a

healthy lifestyle: They can

enjoy sporting activities and

exercise in a group of people

the same age, learn about

a healthy food culture by

preparing meals together,

and benefit from the group

experience and helpful talks

with medical and psych-

ological experts.

New this year: Guests over

30 years of age can also take

part in certain activity days.

acteristics, causing adhesions in the

muscles that restrict us in our mobility,

often causing pain.

During fascial fitness with the

Blackroll and fascial stretching,

you learn simple techniques to loosen

and release muscle tension and

painful tissue adhesions yourself.

try it out for yourself and experience

the “fasci-nation” of fascial training!

Modern group fitness sessions – for the sake of your fascia!

training with a medicine ball – dynamic strength

and endurance training with the dynamax ball, the

modern version of the medicine ball.

bosu power balance – innovative balance training with guaranteed fun and efficiency.

fascial fitness with the blackroll – loosens your muscles

and releases tissue adhesions.

Page 4: Summer/Autumn 2015 - BUCHINGER WILHELMI · Only if we do this can we let go and find our true selves. The reward for renounc - ing media is a wonderful sense of peace and serenity


Help us to scientifically

document the positive effects

of Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting

and expand our range of


Dr. Otto Buchinger’s therapeutic fasting

method is known for its positive impact

on people’s health. To document this, we

intend to carry out a statistical analysis

of the parameters we usually record in

our patients’ files, but in an anonymised

form. At the beginning of your stay, we

will therefore ask you for your consent.

Please help us by taking part! The results

will allow us to further enhance the

Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting programme.

As a leading global institution for

medical fasting, Buchinger Wilhelmi

contributes to scientific studies to

explain the therapeutic effect of

fasting and a calorie-restricted diet

as a matter of course.

A working group dedicated to research

has now been set up specifically for this


Starting in autumn

this year

The team led by Dr. Wilhelmi de Toledo

is working on a new project to collect

scientific data. Together with the medi-

cal team from the clinics in Überlingen

and Marbella as well as Prof. Andreas

Michalsen, endowed professor of clini-

cal naturopathy at the Institute for

Social Medicine, epidemiology and

Health economics at Charité Berlin, it

will document the medical effectiveness

and safety of the Buchinger Wilhelmi

programme. In addition, the team aims

to investigate how guests and patients

perceive their stay and the programme

at Buchinger Wilhelmi on a psychologi-

cal and emotional level.

The data will be collected starting in

autumn this year. The documentation

will purely serve to support treatment

and will not influence our patients’ stay

in the clinic in any way. At the beginning

and end of their stay, patients will be

interviewed on behavioural and lifestyle

factors, their diagnosis and vital param-

eters as well as their medication. In this

respect there will be no change in the

procedure. We will try to encourage you

to observe your own behaviour by ask-

ing original questions on your mental

state every day.

Your body weight, blood pressure and

daily state of health will be determined

as usual and analysed in a separate file

in an anonymised form.

Furthermore, after your stay, you will

be sent a follow-up survey by e-mail.

All patients aged between 18 and 99

years can take part! As mentioned

above, we will ask you for your consent,

as is required for such “observation


Dear patients, if you are willing to make

a contribution to research and develop-

ment in the area of therapeutic fasting

and calorie-reduced diets, please take

part in this scientific study!

New project: Medical scientific concept

dr. françoise Wilhelmi de toledo, prof. dr. andreas michalsen, dr. Stefan drinda and scientific assistant

franziska grundler (right to left) analyse the vast amounts of data.

Intensified cooperation with the University of MalagaThree clinic employees were

invited as guest lecturers

to training events at the


As part of a Masters course for health

tourism experts, our head physician

Dr. José Manuel García-Verdugo held a

presentation entitled: “The medical

concept of Buchinger Wilhelmi – the

triad of fasting, integrative medicine

and inspiration” as an

example of a successful


In the same context, a

panel discussion took

place on the subject of

“Health and Medical

Tourism” with Claus

Rohrer (Managing Director of Buchinger

Wilhelmi Marbella), Dr. José Luque

(President of Malaga Medical Association)

and Prof. Ricardo Pagán (holder of the

chair for Tourism, Health and Wellbeing

in Malaga).

Although the clinic opened its doors as

a pioneer in this segment more than 40

years ago, health tourism has only

recently begun to attract more atten-

tion. The Costa del Sol fulfils important

prerequisites (e.g. in terms of climate,

reachability and infrastructure) to play

a more significant role worldwide in this

respect in future.

Our psychologist Gabriele Gross held a

one-week training course at the Faculty

of Psychology at the University of

Malaga together with Dr. Margarita

Ortíz-Tallo (Lecturer at the Faculty of

Psychology at the University of Malaga)

and Dr. Isabel Calvo (psychiatrist and

psychotherapist with a

focus on psychodrama

and systemic constella-

tions). This was an in-

troductory course in

group therapy tech-

niques entitled “From

Psychodrama to Sys-

temic Constellation”. The 41 participants

were mainly graduate psychologists as

well as doctors, nurses, social education

workers and life coaches.

All three employees emphasized the

very positive experience and valuable

exchange with the university.

Fastencoach in four languagesThe Buchinger Amplius Fastencoach

is now available in Überlingen and

Marbella in four languages!

The Fastencoach is an application

developed in-house and made available

to our guests on iPads. It comprises

short films and is designed as an

“edutainment” service to accompany

patients and guests during their stay.

entertaining chats and tutorials provide

daily information on what patients

can expect both physically and psycho-

logically or emotionally on that particular

day. The tutorials include information on

daily treatments, nutrition, weight loss,

breathing, Autogenic Training, medita-

tion and many other important topics.

We look forward to your feedback!

NEW coopEratioN

Buchinger wilhelmi

organic olive oil

The Buchinger Wilhelmi and Gil Luna

families are now producing organically

grown first press olive oil in a joint


Since 1954, three generations of

the Gil Luna family have devoted

themselves to making natural olive

oil using traditional methods. The

el Hornillo estate is situated near to

our clinic at the heart of the Sierra de

las Nieves nature reserve, and has

more than 6,000 olive trees, some of

which are hundreds of years old.

The family has always followed the

principle of ensuring consistently

high quality and exclusive distribution.

Two family histories that share the

same philosophy: environmental

protection and sustainability.

On Saturday 27 and Sunday

28 June 2015, the Medical

Association for Fasting and

Nutrition (ÄGHe e.V.) together

with Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic,

the Buchinger Foundation

and Kurpark-Klinik will be

holding a congress on the

topic of “Fasting 2.0”.

Renowned German fasting experts will

present the latest results of their

research. We will also be welcoming

American fasting researchers:

prof. valter longo, Professor of bioger-

ontology and cell biology at the Davis

School of Gerontology (University of

Southern California ) and Director of the

Longevity Institute in Los Angeles (USA)

on the topic of “ Fasting, Regeneration

and Longevity.”

prof. miriam bredella, Associate Profes-

sor at Harvard Medical School of Massa-

chusetts General Hospital

(USA) on “The effects of

caloric restriction on

body composition and


prof. Jay mitchell from the Genetics

and Complex Diseases department at

Harvard University School of Public

Health, Boston (USA) on the topic of

“Fasting to enhance surgery success.”

At the congress, the 3rd Maria Buchinger

Foundation Prize will be awarded to two

significant fasting doctors, Dr. Heinz

Fahrner and Dr. Hellmut Lützner, both

of whom held leading positions at

Buchinger Wilhelmi for many years.

They have dedicated their lives and

work to therapeutic fasting.

Dr. eva Lischka, President of ÄGHe e.V.,

will present interesting fasting histories

of patients, including Friedrich Klapdor,

who has already fasted 81 times at

Buchinger Wilhelmi. Prof. Andreas

Michalsen from Berlin, endowed profes-

sor for clinical naturopathy at Charité

Berlin, will give some updates on fasting

and nutritional medicine together with

Dr. Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo. In addi-

tion, Dr. Stefan Drinda and Dr. Walter

Kronsteiner will talk about “Fasting in

treating diabetes”.

Our patients and guests can also attend

the congress!

For more information, please contact

[email protected]

June 2015: “Fasting 2.0” Congress in Überlingen

dr. heinz fahrner and dr. hellmuth

lützner (seated, left and right),

who will be awarded the maria

buchinger foundation prize 2015,

with three generations of doctors

at buchinger Wilhelmi in Überlingen.

toWN of ÜbErliNgEN

60 years as a Kneipp spa

Überlingen is proud to be the only official

Kneipp spa in Baden-Württemberg and the

southernmost one in Germany. Thanks to this

title, the town has for decades enjoyed the

reputation of an exceptional spa town and

is associated with a healthy lifestyle and indi-

vidual responsibility for personal health.

In the past, the town has hosted the “Kneipp-

iade” and is known in the region and beyond

as the place where the world record in wading

was achieved – with several thousand partici-

pants wading barefoot in Lake Constance.

This year, the town of Überlingen is celebrating

its 60th anniversary as a Kneipp spa with major


To mark this 60th anniversary as well as the

state horticultural show in 2020 and in the

course of redesigning our grounds, we intend

to revive the water doctor’s teachings and


For example, we will be installing a Kneipp

basin next to the swimming pool and planting

a barefoot nature trail around it. We will also

create new gardens based on various themes,

including a Kneipp garden.

On the anniversary day itself, we will hold

an open day with guided tours through the

clinic and a lecture by our Kneipp physician

Dr. Siegfried Bäumler.

We are also considering making our own

contribution to the state horticultural show

in 2020.

November 2014: First congress for fasting specialists in MarbellaAt the 45th training convention

of the Medical Association

for Fasting and Nutrition on

29 November 2014, the

participating fasting special-

ists were invited to Buchinger

Wilhelmi in Marbella.

After a very warm reception the evening

before, the conference began with an

introduction to the fasting scene in Spain

by Dr. Andrea Steiger from Marbella.

Dr. Annette Jänsch from Berlin described

her very positive experience in carrying

out her study on “Fasting prior to

chemotherapy for gynaecological

illnesses, ” the results of which will

be presented in June 2015 at the ÄGHe

Congress in Überlingen.

Dr. Michael Boschmann from Berlin

presented the results of an observa-

tional study from Überlingen on the

anti-hypertensive effects of fasting


Dr. Stefan Drinda from Überlingen

demonstrated the positive effects

of fasting on a fatty liver. As at every

conference, special case histories from

the fasting clinic were presented.

Animated debate

A lively debate followed the simultane-

ously translated lecture by rheumatolo-

gist Dr. Virginia Coret, who now com-

pletes the team of doctors in Marbella.

She talked about the “beneficios”, or

the benefits, of fasting on rheumatic

disease and described her surprise,

coming from a background in the

conventional treatment of rheumatism,

at the favourable effects of fasting.

An animated discussion also took place

over the course of a typical Andalusian


On Sunday morning, this extremely

successful conference in Marbella was

rounded off with an excellent guided

tour of town in wonderful weather.

The German doctors suggested meeting

in the south more often!claus rohrer, dr. virgina coret, dr. Stefan drinda, dr. Eva lischka, dr. andrea Steiger, dr. françoise Wilhelmi de toledo,

dr. michael boschmann, dr. annette Jänsch and dr. rainer Stange (left to right).

dr. annette Jänsch explains

the positive effects of fasting

and calorie reduction on health

and longevity.

Page 5: Summer/Autumn 2015 - BUCHINGER WILHELMI · Only if we do this can we let go and find our true selves. The reward for renounc - ing media is a wonderful sense of peace and serenity

The inauguration of two

significant museums in March

2015, the Centre Pompidou

Malaga and the Saint Peters-

burg State Russian Museum in

Malaga, created a sensation.

Malaga has attracted attention for some

years now with several famous muse-

ums (Picasso, Thyssen and CAC, the

Centre for Contemporary Art). The town

also boasts work by internationally

recognized street artists, such as OBeY,

in the Soho district.

Now, two museums of world renown

have opened in one month, making

Malaga a definite “must-see” in the

world of art.

The collection of the Saint petersburg

State russian museum is housed in a

former tobacco factory. Almost 200

works of art from five centuries are dis-

played on 2, 300 m2 of exhibition space,

ranging from icons to contemporary

art and including works by Kandinsky

and Chagall.

On 28 March, the centre pompidou

malaga was opened by Mariano Rajoy,

the Spanish Prime Minister, and Fleur

Pellerin, the French Culture Minister.

The building on the harbour (“The Glass

Cube”) designed by Daniel Buren pre-

sents a permanent collection of 90

works by various artists on 6, 300 m2

of space. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Frida Khalo,

René Magritte and Alberto Giacometti

are just some of the names from the im-

pressive Parisian collection. Alain Seban,

the outgoing president of the parent

museum, emphasized in his address that

the opening of this branch was the best,

most innovative project in his eight

years in the museum.

Patients who are interested in art can

combine a stay in our clinic with a visit

to the museums, as Malaga is just 45 min-

utes by car from the clinic in Marbella.

for children. My son finds this fascinat-

ing, and he now recognizes each phase

of the daphne’s growth from far off.

We stop at the top of a small hill to enjoy

the wonderful views of the Alps and

admire the mountains as the sun rises.

We sometimes see toads on a pond we

pass. When it is still so cold in the early

morning that the toads are stiff and

cannot move off the road, we have to

save many of them.

We finally arrive at the Waldorf school

that my son attends. He starts

his day tired but happy. I just have to roll

down the hill from the school to Überlin-

gen and treat myself to a cup of coffee

on the lakeshore. I gaze across the water

and feel a deep gratitude for the time

I get to spend each morning with my


markus Waldraff, personal trainer:

“I ride on my Vespa every morning from

Dettingen to Wallhausen with my

stand-up paddleboard on my back. As

I have an inflatable paddleboard, I have

to pump it up on the beach. In March, the

water is still very calm in the mornings,

as you could see today. There is a strong

current from Bodman towards Überlin-

gen. Sometimes the waves can be up to

a metre high, which makes the crossing

very challenging. It takes me around

25-30 minutes to paddle to the shore in

Überlingen in these conditions, and less

than 20 minutes if the water is calm.

Once I arrive in Überlingen, I take my

board out of the water and carry it

up to the clinic, where I leave it in the

bicycle shed while I work.”

maria Escudero, public relations:

“I have made the personal decision to

walk to work every day. My colleagues

who drive by car often say, “How lucky

you are!” But it isn’t luck, it was my

choice. I deliberately looked for an

apartment near the clinic. I enjoy walk-

ing there in the early morning hours,

both in winter and summer. It gets me

moving, in the truest sense of the word,

and allows me to make contact with

the new day naturally and gently.

On the way home I think about the day

again, gradually leaving all my worries

and problems behind me, clearing my

mind so that I arrive home relaxed.”


Malaga is becoming a centre for the artsThe journey is the reward

Around 200 employees in

southern Spain and 300 on

the shores of Lake Constance

set off to work in one of our

Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics

every morning. We would like

to present three of them to


tobias döhner, personal trainer:

“After my son Liam was involved in

regular arguments with other children

in the school bus every morning,

I decided to cycle to school with him

each morning myself. It was one of

the best decisions I have ever made

as a father.

The school is 15 km away so, depending

on the season, we sometimes set off

in pitch dark fitted out with head lamps.

When the frost glitters on the path

through the woods in winter, it more

than compensates for having to get up

so early. We always take a break just

before we get to the Affenberg monkey

enclosure to look at a plant that is one

of the first in the year to blossom with a

bright, pink flower in the leafless woods.

It would look wonderful in a vase, but

even the smallest amount can be deadly

charliE hEbdo

Dear old friends of Charlie,

To those who died,

To those who have survived, You landed in our letterbox every Wednesday for so long, With your dirty words, your bold drawings, your thoughts that made us laugh, your thoughts that made us think, This mixture of seriousness and craziness, this razor-sharp view of the world.As soon as something happened, we asked ourselves: “What will Charlie say about that?”And then I think about the fun we had following my oh so respectable parents around with a cameraAs they read Charlie while staying with us, And how we captured the interest on my father’s face and my moth-er’s eyes wide with pleasure and shock.And how happy I am that our two children grew up in a house where Charlie was read.Now they are grown up and owe some of their critical awareness to you.

To you, friends of Charlie, to all

victims of this appalling crusade, The hostages in the small kosher supermarket, the police and those who had the misfortune to be in the wrong place.I have done lots of foolish things. But I have never given a lecture, this is my first.And yet it is good in my profession as a journalist to be curious, And there is one thing I would love to know: What face did you draw that week-end, as you watched from up there on your cloud, like in your cartoons, And saw the many people taking to the streets, The demonstrators, who applauded the police?You can really get up to the most impossible things!

I greet you, friends of Charlie and

you, cops, too.

anne kiesel, a journalist, was

fasting in the clinic in Überlingen

when she heard the terrible news

about the attack on charlie hebdo.

She wrote these lines during a

sleepless night.

Omnisurf – surfing for people with a handicapeva Maria Lischka, the

daughter of our physicians

Dr. eva and Dr. Nobert Lischka

in Überlingen, wants to

make surfing accessible to

everyone who loves exercis-

ing in nature.

She herself has “a somewhat extrava-

gant walk” and would like to enable

other people, who have difficulty walk-

ing but can stay on a surf board, to

experience the fascination of surfing.

Her aim is not to teach them specific

skills, but rather to let them feel the

power of nature and overcome their

own limitations. And to make what

seems impossible possible! The project

was inspired by her own experience

in northern Spain.

At an event by the Soroptimists in the

clinic in Überlingen, she was handed

over a cheque worth eUR 1,290 for her

project. Congratulations!

For information and conditions for

participation, see:

http: //


Matthias Matussek experiences fasting“Your mind, which was previously occu-

pied with finding enough to eat, grows

clear. You feel light and energy flows

through you, you feel ready to take on


It is a time of repentant change. The time

orthodox religion calls one of brilliant

sorrow. How magnificent this devoutness

is. It is iridescent, golden like the back-

ground of an icon. It takes us to easter,

from where it shines on the Christian

fasting period of Lent. Fasting also re-

quires an emotional effort. It is called


The senses open up.


That’s normal, everyone says. If you

are tired you should lie down. I lie down

a lot. In my case, nicotine withdrawal

adds to my fatigue.

I sleep better.

I smell better.

My senses are sharpened.

I am ... not hungry!!!

What’s going on?”

matthias matussek,

Quotes from bilaNZ & die WElt

centre pompidou malaga (left) and the State russian

museum (below).

prof. peter and matthias matussek

Page 6: Summer/Autumn 2015 - BUCHINGER WILHELMI · Only if we do this can we let go and find our true selves. The reward for renounc - ing media is a wonderful sense of peace and serenity

– he is very religious. As a result, his arti-

cle presents the entire spectrum, the

spiritual and physical panorama of an

all-round educated person. Otto

Buchinger would have been delighted.

In WElt am Sonntag, Matussek pub-

lished a report on his pre-easter fast, as

a complement to the summer report,

so to speak. In it, he mainly deals with

the religious aspect of fasting, but also

describes with humour his experience at

carnival in Überlingen, which he came

into contact with when he attended

Mass: almost all the congregation was

dressed up in costume!

Live pictures from the

clinic and radio interview

in the studio

SWR Landesschau, which invited the

clinic’s Managing Director into the

studio last year, came to Lake Constance

this time and reported live from the


Deutschlandradio, which last year

broadcast live from the clinic, invited

Dr. Wilhelmi de Toledo to a one-hour

interview in the studio (“Don’t you ever

fancy roast pork?”).


The percentage of different nationalities

represented in Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics

in 2014:

Germans constitute the largest group

of guests in Überlingen, as do the Spanish

in Marbella – no change there. But the

French are now the uncontended number

two in both clinics, followed by Switzer-

land, Saudi Arabia and Russia in Überlin-

gen; the situation is similar in Marbella,

where Germany is also followed by the

Swiss and Russians.

Champions League

Buchinger wilhelmi: Personalities

photoS Centre Pompidou/courtesy of Malaga city council, Wayne Chasan, Tobias Döhner, Sylvia Floetemeyer, fotolia/Robert Kneschke, fotolia/Dusan Zidar, Niklas Görke, Pablo Gustavo Llaryora, Matthias Matussek, Planstatt Senner, Stephan Sulke, Raimund Wilhelmi, Katrin Zeidler, Cover photo: Bruno Monginoux/www.landscape-photo.netEditor Raimund Wilhelmi

buchiNgEr WilhElmi bodENSEEWilhelm-Beck-Strasse 2788662 ÜberlingenGeRMANYT +49 7551

buchiNgEr WilhElmi marbEllaAvda. Buchinger s/n29602 MarbellaSPAINT +34 952 76 43

News 2015 e (1.0) 15.05.2015

barbara hendricks has been coming to lake constance to

fast for many years. She was made german federal minister

for the Environment in december 2013. congratulations!

olga polizzi, the famous English

designer, came with her daughter

alexandra, who has a show on

English television in which she

visits hotels and gives advice

on how to improve business

(“the fixer”).

Nobody masters

the gift of chanson

in the german

language quite like

Stephan Sulke.

one evening

during his stay,

he performed for his fans in Überlingen and at buchinger

Wilhelmi. of course he sang the song that catapulted him to

fame: “uschi mach kein Quatsch!” (uschi, don’t do anything

silly). the audience sang along.

Wunderkind: aged just 13, robert Neumann from Stuttgart

not only played unbelievably difficult compositions by franz

liszt, but also gave a short introduction as eloquently as a

television presenter.

Jens Spahn (2nd from left) is considered one of the most influential health politicians in berlin.

on his visit together with local mp riebsamen (left), he talked to doctors from buchinger Wilhelmi clinic,

helios hospital (head physician dr. miltenberger on the right) and other clinics in Überlingen.

Buchinger wilhelmi in the mediaIn the second half of 2014,

fasting and Buchinger

Wilhelmi were the subject

of articles above all in the

foreign press.

We were particularly thrilled by a com-

pletely unexpected testimonial by

Patrick Delarive in bilan and l’hebdo,

two very influential Swiss magazines,

in which he reported very openly how a

stay in Marbella changed his life totally

and how he returned to the challenges

of everyday life a new person.

Kathy Horyn from the New York times

took on a completely different kind

of challenge: After 11 days fasting in

Überlingen, she checked into Hotel

Traube in Tonbach in the Black Forest

and ate a five-course menu in the hotel’s

restaurant with 3 Michelin stars as well

as another neighbouring 3-star restau-

rant. Thanks to intensive spiritual and

physical preparation from us, every-

thing went well.

how to Spend it, a luxury lifestyle

magazine published by the financial

times in London, also devoted an article

to Buchinger Wilhelmi. Inge Theron

herself – known in england under the

pseudonym “Spa Junkie” – wrote an

enthusiastic, if critical report.

Healthy nutrition, spas and

meditation in the focus of

French and Russian media

We were mentioned in a number of

French magazines with an interest in

healthy nutrition, spas and meditation,

including figaro madame, madame,

top Santé, femme actuelle, and prima.

Also worth mentioning are several

full-page articles with photos and long

reports in the Russian print media, such

as the Russian grazia, the Russian

inStyle, kommersant, the Russian

l’officiel, life Spa, marie claire, tatler,

topbeauty and vogue.

In early 2015, German-speaking maga-

zines started to show more interest in

fasting, as they always do around the

traditional fasting period of Lent. The

frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung dedi-

cated a highly-regarded interview with

Dr. Wilhelmi de Toledo covering almost

one whole page. An article by Matthias

Matussek, former editor-in-chief of

Spiegel magazine, also stood out. In

bilanz, a magazine sent out with die

WElt newspaper, he reported on more

than eight pages about his fasting expe-

rience, interweaving his encounters

in the clinic with comments on world

events as well as philosophical and

religious considerations and experiences

mass at carnival in Überlingen cathedral

in february 2015

bilaNZ, february 2015 Welt, march 2015

frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung, march 2015

kommersant Weekend, September 2014

laura karasek, daughter of

hellmuth karasek, a german literary

critic, read from her first novel. it is

about the search for a meaning by the

generation known as generation Y.

an unbelievable story: When our guest prof. claude klein

from Jerusalem (left) visited an event in the town museum,

he was asked onto the stage by author martin Walser and

eulogist Susanne klingenstein. they were discussing a book

by Jewish author Sholem Yankev abramovitsh, but only

claude klein could speak Yiddish! he was very impressed by

the experience and has since written a short novella about

it, which is very exciting to read.

Susie orbach (left) is a famous psychoanalyst and feminist known to every doctor and therapist who deals with

eating disorders and gender roles since she published her book “fat is a feminist issue” and numerous other

pioneering books. Jeanette Winterson (right) is a well-known author of English novels. She regularly writes for

the guardian. between them is dr. Wilhelmi de toledo.

buchinger Wilhelmi Überlingen now on facebook.

We look forward to receiving your opinions, your

views, your feedback and your ideas!

New York times Style magazine, November 2014 l’hebdo, october 2014


Germany 29.2 %

France 16.5 %

Switzerland 10.4 %

Saudi Arabia 8.8 %

Russia 5.5 %

Great Britain 3.6 %

USA 2.8 %

Lebanon 2.5 %

Belgium 2.0 %

Turkey 2.0 %


Spain 25.2 %

France 13.1 %

Germany 11.6 %

Switzerland 4.9 %

Russia 4.8 %

Great Britain 4.8 %

Belgium 4.7 %

Saudi Arabia 3.8 %

Canada 3.1 %

Italy 2.6 %

Page 7: Summer/Autumn 2015 - BUCHINGER WILHELMI · Only if we do this can we let go and find our true selves. The reward for renounc - ing media is a wonderful sense of peace and serenity

SubJEct to chaNgE!

plEaSE chEck thE datES oN our homEpagE!


marbElla +34 952 76 43 07

ÜbErliNgEN +49 75 51 807-870

events 2015 Bodensee

Meditation – The way to the Inner selfmon. 14.09. – fri. 25.09.

mon. 19.10. – fri. 30.10.

mon. 16.11. – fri. 27.11.

mon. 07.12. – fri. 18.12.

During these periods, Dr. Christian Kuhn offers motivational talks on spiritual

topics several times during the week and two meditation sessions every week day.

free of charge as part of our holistic programme.

semaines FrancophonesSun. 30.08. – Sun. 13.09.

with Sylvie Petiot, yoga

Sun. 01.11. – Sun. 15.11.

with Sr. Christianne Méroz, spirituality

In 2015, our French-speaking guests will again have the pleasure of experiencing

a programme tailored to their requirements: The Semaines Francophones.

free of charge as part of our holistic programme.

Light in NovemberSun. 01.11. – Sun. 15.11.

Sr. Christianne Méroz, nun, psychoanalyst and author, allows you to rediscover

the poetry and wisdom of the bible with a great degree of freedom and the help

of her profound knowledge.

free of charge as part of our holistic programme.

in french only.

Junior Activity weeksSun. 19.07. – Sun. 30.08.

Time for a new lifestyle.

Keep fit, lose weight and fuel up on energy and vitality in the wonderful

environment of Lake Constance together with other young people aged

between 18 and 30 years from all over the world.

this year, we will be offering this programme developed by NeW

buchinger Wilhelmi to all of our guests for the first time.

This means you can take part in the various sporting activities on a daily basis.

Participants of all ages can register for the open activity days with their doctor’s

consent for an additional fee, which is not included in the daily rate.

For more detailed information, see our brochure or

in german and English only.

ART weeksSun. 16.08. – Sun. 23.08. Summertime: lake constance

Sun. 11.10. – Sun. 18.10. When autumn colours ... are falling

enjoy a creative experience under the guidance of our art therapist

Getrud Kemmerling.

free of charge as part of our holistic programme.

Life Choices – Navigating your Own LifePsychological lectures with Bernd Isensee, psychologist/Rottenburg (D)

thurs. 23.07. – fri. 24.07.

thurs. 10.09. – fri. 11.09.

thurs. 03.12. – fri. 04.12.

Bernd Isensee is back at our clinic in 2015 to present lectures on “eating Consciously”

and “Living Consciously” as well as talks on the subjects of “emotional Intelligence”,

“Dreams and Their Interpretation” and “Self-Guidance”.

free of charge as part of our holistic programme.

in german only.

Happiness week NeW

mon. 21.09. – Sun. 27.09.

Florence Servan-Schreiber is an author who offers workshops for corporations

and holds lectures on positive psychology and the science of happiness.

During Happiness Week, she will show you how to create your own happiness

and mobilise your own “superpowers”!

free of charge as part of our holistic programme.

in English and french only.

events 2015 Marbella

starlite Festival MarbellaSat. 18.07. – Sat. 22.08

Andrea Bocelli, Lenny Kravitz, Lionel Richie and Roger Hodgson perform in

Marbella’s beautiful open-air amphitheatre.

Yoga and Ayurveda seminar with sudhir Tiwarifri. 10.07. – Sun.12.07.

“Breathe positive – breathe yoga!” This is the motto of Sudhir Tiwari’s seminars

in which he teaches the theory and practice of yoga in its different aspects:

Asana, pranayama, meditation, chanting. His knowledge of alternative Western

medicine allows him to correlate Western and eastern tradition in his seminars.

Sudhir Tiwari trained at the famous Kaivalyadham Institute run by his father, the

well-known Pranayama master Shri O.P. Tiwari, in Lanavala, India.

in Spanish and English only.

Lu Jong Yoga workshopSeptember and october

This form of Tibetan yoga involves therapeutic body movements that promote

health and wellbeing. With Marjolein Meulblok.

in Spanish and English only.

Refreshing Activities in summerJuly and august

In July and August, our varied weekly programme will be enhanced with

summertime activities like beach volleyball, Aqua-Zumba® and games and

sports in the swimming pool.

In the evenings, when the temperature has cooled down, you can enjoy

the wonderful sunsets on a walk along Marbella’s beach.

Concert Highlights of the seasonJuly, august and September

Now that we have a stage in the middle of the garden, our patients can enjoy

live music outdoors. This year’s highlights include:

fri. 03.07. Summer concert with ernesto Aurignac Jazz Quartet

Sun. 16.08. Garden party with the Cuban quartet DecubaSon

Sun. 06.09. Flamenco evening

Christmas is a Time for Meditationdecember

Jesuit priest Niklaus Brantschen is an authorised Zen master (Roshi) and the

founder and long- standing head of Lassalle-Haus, a “centre for

spirituality, dialogue and responsibility”.

– Meditation evenings: Zen – or the art of living well

– Religious service on the 4th Sunday in Advent and at Christmas