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  • 8/14/2019 summer03neuromcqs


    Neuro/Emb/Radio mcqs-summer 2003

    1) An ectopic testis may be located in the penis.2) Hypospadias are located on the dorsum of the penis.

    3) A fertilized ovum will divide by mitosis.4) The cingulate gyrus is composed primarily of commissural fibres.

    5) The aortic arch is formed by the second pharyngeal arch.6) Lesion the the spinal cord at T1 will lead to atrophy of intrinsic muscles of the


    7) The thymus is visible with a PA chest X-ray.

    8) The facial nerve (CN VII) is a purely motor nerve.9) The uterine tube is formed from the mesonephric duct.

    10)The ventral spinocerebellar tract is enters the cerebellum via the inferiorcerebellar peduncle.

    11)The inferior cerebellar peduncle is attached to the cerebellum by the middlecerebellar peduncle laterally.

    12)Spinocerabellar fibres entering the cerebellum send collateral fibres to thedentate nucleus.

    13)Meckels cartilage is present in adult mandible.

    14)The maxillary prominence has mesodermal center.15)The scleroderm gives rise to muscles.16)The lower border of the secondary atrial septum is associated with the

    foramen ovale.17)Abnormal fusion of the primary atrial septum with the atrioventricular septum

    leads to congenital valvular problems.18)Valvular stenosis is caused by abnormal formation of the atrioventricular

    septum.19)Pulmonary stenosis leads to right ventricular hypertrophy.

    20)An epiphysis is radio-opaque with plain film.21)All upper motor neurons of the pyramidal tract synapse of interneurons.

    22)The spleen develops in the ventral mesentery.

    23)The thymus is formed from the third pharyngeal pouch.24)The epithelial lining of the gut tube arises from the endoderm of the yolk sac.

    25)Charting a childs height change over time is called a velocity chart.

    26)A child in the 30th centile for height is taller than most others his age.27)The processus vaginalis is a normally obliterated part of the female anatomy.28)Taste sensation is in part located in the insula.29)The tectum is located on the posterior surface of the brain stem.

    30)The right hemidiaphragm is lower than the left hemidiaphragm.31)The neural crest does not give rise to any calcified tissue of the body.

    32)A morula has a space (blastocoele) in its centre.33)The trophoblast is a syncytium.

    34)The deciduas basalis is derived from the trophoblast.35)Sialography is a radiological study of the salivary glands.

    36)Achondroplasia does not affect the skull.37)The optic cup forms the retina in part.

    38)A cleft lip is always in the midline39)Duodenal stenosis is one cause of vomiting in newborns.

    40)Agenesis means only partly developed.