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In modern Sweden, Midsummer's Eve and Midsummer's Day were formerly celebrated on 23 June and 24 June, but since 1953 the celebration has been moved to the Friday and Saturday between 19 June and 26 June with the main celebrations taking place on Friday. It is one of the most important holidays of the year in Sweden. Raising and dancing around a maypole  is an activity that attracts families and many others. Before the maypole is raised, greens and flowers are collected and used to cover the entire pole. People dancing around the pole listen to traditional music and sing songs associated with the holiday. Some wear traditional folk costumes or crowns made of wild springs and wildflowers on their heads. The year's first potatoes, soused herring and pickled herring, chives, sour cream, beer, schnapps and the first strawberries of the season are on the menu. Drinking songs are also important at this feast, and many drink heavily.

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England Stonehenge Summer Solstice, Wiltshire

CountyPerhaps the largest, most well-known summer solstice tradition is at Stonehenge, where druids, pagans, New Age–types and partiers assemble the night before to watch the sunrise of the longest day of the year. English Heritage, the keeper of Stonehenge, opens up the ancient site to massive crowds, who cheer, drum and chant to welcome the day’s first rays. June 19–20.

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California, USAThe 2012 Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Celebration, Santa BarbaraStarted in 1974, this annual event and parade now draws more than 100,000 spectators and participants. It’s a whimsical spectacle, starring extravagant floats, massive puppets, elaborately costumed marchers, world music and dance performances, crafts, local food, a children’s festival and a drumming circle, natch. Festival June 22–24; parade June 23.

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Austria In Austria the midsummer solstice is

celebrated each year with a spectacular procession of ships down the Danube River as it flows through the wine-growing Wachau Valley just north of Vienna. Up to 30 ships sail down the river in line as fireworks erupt from the banks and hill tops while bonfires blaze and the vineyards are lit up. Lighted castle ruins also erupt with fireworks during the 90-minute cruise downstream.

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Romania In Romania, the Midsummer celebrations are

named Drăgaica or Sânziene. Drăgaica is celebrated by a dance performed by a group of 5-7 young girls of which one is chosen as the Drăgaica. She is dressed as a bride, with wheat wreath, while the other girls, dressed in white wear a veil with bedstraw flowers. Midsummer fairs are held in many Romanian villages and cities. The oldest and best known midsummer fair in Romania is the Drăgaica fair, held in Buzău between 10 and 24 June every year.
