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‘I changed my life’ – Eileen Boyce ( Literacy student)

I hope you remember me. Just letting you now that I have read about 8 more books from the last time I talked to you all. The one I have just finish is Kevin Brooks ‘LUCAS’. A brilliant book, I was crying at the end. It's one book you may want to get for Turn Around. Thank you for your time and I hope everyone is ok. And thank you for helping me to read. I changed my life. ‘What I have got from this Wonderful Place’ – Amila Ferrera (English Language student) In March 2015 I joined the Turn Around language group as a student. I knew about this from one of my best friends who came from Italy.

When I came here the very first day I was a bit afraid, shy and I struggled with the language. Though I knew the language to a certain extent, when I came to speak, my words were not coming out properly. After 2 or 3 weeks I realised I was at the right place. Specifically our teacher Val encouraged me whenever I was struggling and helped my confidence in speaking. We did every kind of subject, not only language but the weather, wildlife, foods and other cultures.

During this one year I improved a lot myself in language. As a result of this I got a job as a meal day supervisor in my daughter’s school 3 months ago. Finally I highly appreciate the team of this centre, especially Val who taught us, spent her valuable time and spread her unlimited talents.

All the best for Turn Around. Thank you so much.

‘My experience at Turn Around’ – Dina Palermo ( English Language student)

My name is Dina, I’m Italian and arrived at Turn Around in November 2014. I remember the first day, I received a very warm welcome from Lynn, Carol and other volunteers and felt at home.

I had read about this palace in a leaflet and as I had been living in Orpington for one year, I wanted to improve my English. My teacher Val has exceeded my expectations. With her I have learned about many interesting aspects of English culture as well as grammar. Things like the weather, flowers, the birds, curiosities, idioms, proverbs, homophones, silent letters and so on.

And that is not all, also I have had a cultural exchange, thanks to my two class mates from Russia and Sri lanka. Every Tuesday I really looked forward to going to the class and I have enjoyed it a lot. Turn Around is not only a place where you learn and study but a place where you socialize and make friends.

Turn Around

Newsletter No.2

Summer 2016

Student Voices

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The Agency – By David Herridge, one of the founders of the Writers’ Group

Late in the nineteen-nineties there was an office located in the Bronx on the tenth floor of a run-down office block. First time callers were slightly taken aback when entering the hallway. Despite the appearance of the block, the hallway was well decorated, clean and tidy, and accommodated a row of comfortable chairs. Showbiz magazines were on hand to while away any waiting time. The main office and that of the secretary were also immaculate; filing cabinets were neatly aligned, and the only note of discord was the proprietor’s large desk. Papers littered the top, leaving the impression that the drawers would be in a matching condition, unlike the secretary’s desk in the adjacent office, which was pristine in every respect. The shrill ring of a telephone saw the agency head adjust his seating, and utter in his most businesslike tones “NYTTA: New York Theatrical Talent Agency. Anthony Gambini speaking.” “What you mean is NYTTA sweater!” was the response. “Who is this?” retorted a slightly irritated Gambini. “It’s Butch, Butch Brogan, you old rascal. Tony, how are things?” Gambini relaxed; it was his buddy from many years ago when they had both been on the set of the Godfather trilogy playing mobsters. They had not been in contact for several months, and Tony had been taken aback for a moment. Kitty (Katerina), Tony’s Polish secretary, came in without knocking and delivered a cup of his favourite coffee, leaving without interrupting his call. “How are tricks, Butch? What are you up to?” “I’m still stage managing. I’ve told you before it’s a lot more secure than stardom, and my private life is my own. None of those press hounds after me. What about you?” ”Same old, same old, but it keeps the wolf from the door. Kitty looks after me” (correcting himself) “at the office I mean. Maria still supplies all my home comforts. What can I do for you?” “I’m calling on behalf of the director about casting for “Iron Man”. They’ve made the comic book hero’s story into a musical, and he needs some heavies and some broads”. He paused, then added “They must be able to sing and dance. Not like the last time. You know who I mean. Mickey Schwarz was his name.” “I said sorry at the time – that bum gave me false credentials.” “I’ll say he did. Dance! He couldn’t even spell the word!”

Writers’ Group

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“Again, my apologies. I don’t often make a bad mistake like that. Whatever is he doing now?” “Last I heard he was heading for Hollywood. A new Tarzan movie.” “Mickey as Tarzan?” choked Tony. “No! The chimp, you chump! I’m not kidding – if you remember, he was not very tall, and he walked with a stoop – ideal casting if you ask me!” “Butch, I’ve got some real prospects on my books at the moment. Young, too, all looking for their first big break. When and where are the auditions, and how many of each do you need?” Butch gave the details required, and before he could ring off Tony asked another question. “Just out of interest, who are the leads?” “You won’t believe this, and, I stress, to me it’s also unbelievable. It’s Bruce Morgan as Iron Man.” “Can he dance? I didn’t know he was a song and dance man.” “He has surprised me, and come on a bundle - due to some intensive lessons.” “I hope the director knows what he’s doing with that muscle-bound lothario. Quite a few of his leading ladies have been obliged to have their appendix out, if you get my drift.” Tony stopped for a moment, and then continued: “So watch him if you can.” Butch resumed his advice on the casting details. “There’s another thing you won’t believe – Sandra Pitts”. “Don’t you mean Sandra the Pits? That dame has lived up to her name and closed more shows than doors in a cloakroom. Who are the angels, or are you not allowed to say?” “That’s the problem, Tony. This angel is in love with Sandra, and the money man calls the tune, especially where she is concerned.” ”He should look across the Atlantic: those Limey broads can sing real good. What about whatshername, something to do with books, folios, that kind of thing?” “Oh, you mean Elaine Paige. Yes, she is very good, but the angel doesn’t love her. End of story.” Further exchanges about the old days followed, and associated trivia brought the call to an end. Tony called out, “Come in, Kitty,” and soon afterwards she came in with pad and pen in hand. “Yes, boss.” “Park it down,” he said, pointing to a chair on the far side of his desk, and then continued, “There are clients to be contacted.” Kitty always smiled to herself when he used the term ‘clients’. She would not give most of them the time of day, but it was a job: reasonably paid, but no benefits save a modest Christmas present. It was within walking distance though, which saved on fares, if not shoe leather. The director had been pleased with Tony’s response, and most of his recommendations were hired. Rehearsals began, and continued uninterrupted for several weeks, working towards an off-Broadway opening. The shrill ring of the telephone in Tony’s office always led to the same response, but before he could make his announcement the caller spoke “Tony, it’s Butch. Bad news – the show is not going anywhere for the moment. Yes, I’ll say that again. The show is postponed, caput, what you will.” Tony had received similar calls in the past, but even with experience he found such news hard to swallow. “What’s the problem?” “The angel has flown. He caught Sandra and Bruce in, shall we say, a compromising situation. Need I say more?” “I warned you about Bruce, but I know you don’t pay the bills. Any hope of a new angel?” “Just for the moment, no. All I can do is sum up the present farce: The Iron Man is in the melting pot and will have to be re-cast!”

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Turn Around at Bromley Volunteer Awards Congratulations to all Turn Around volunteers! You have all been awarded a team certificate for your exceptional service and commitment to volunteering from Community Links Bromley. The new Mayor Ian Payne presented awards to volunteers Melissa Wright and Ayo Togunloju on everyone’s behalf. The event was well attended and it is heartening to see so many young people volunteering in Bromley. Turn Around’s trustees would like to extend a big thank you to all individuals and community partners who have contributed to this team effort over the years. No matter how small you think your contribution is, whether monetary, or your time, whether giving good advice or IT help, gardening, making refreshments or bringing refreshments, it is all very much appreciated. Special thanks to David and Eunice for the gardening, Oksana for the book-keeping, Alex for the IT help, Lorna Bland for the funding advice and our partners at the Cotmandene Community Resource Centre and Mottingham Community Shop.

New English Language Group Starting in September 2016 English language tutor Val Rea will be starting a new weekly English Language group at Turn Around, St Mary Cray, after the summer holidays, starting on Tuesday 6th September. The last group was very successful, judging by the student feedback we received, and we recommend the group for people who want to improve their language skills and their level of literacy in English. Val focuses on vocabulary and meaning whilst helping students get to grips with grammar and how things are written. All students are given homework and can borrow any resources or books they need. If you are interested please give Lynn a call on 01689 835079 to confirm a place. The session is in St Mary Cray and is from 10 am – 12 noon.


Other News

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Holiday Timetable

St Mary Cray Turn Around will run at normal times up to Thursday 14th July, and will be open on Tuesday 19th from 10 am – 5 pm. On Thursday 21st we will be open to adult students from 10 am – 1 pm but because of the school holidays there is no after-school session. We will be running a Nature Workshop instead (please see below). Turn Around will be open in St Mary Cray from 10.30 am – 1 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Tuesday 26th July until Thursday 4th August. We will be back open at normal hours from Monday 5th September.

Outreach The last Outreach sessions before the holiday will be on Saturday 16th July. Outreach sessions will restart on Monday 5th September. As well as the established sessions at the Cotmandene Centre, the Mottingham Learning Shop, Downham Library and the St Hugh’s Centre, there are also sessions at Evolve Housing for their clients, and sessions are starting at Bromley Jobcentre for jobseekers. Nature Treasure Hunt

Skylark White Campion Speckled Wood

Learn to ID native plants, birds and insects in St Mary Cray Thursday 21st July 11 am – 3 pm

Open to all ages. Children under 8 must be accompanied. Bring waterproofs and a packed lunch.

To book a place call Lynn on 01689 835079 or email [email protected] Donations We are very grateful for all the donations we receive, big or small. In particular we were pleased when the staff at Arbuthnot Latham got together to make a further donation to us. We have also been chosen to receive donations from two local branches of Waitrose. Donations can now be made through our website or through the Total Giving website. There are also Gift Aid forms available for donations, which helped us raise more than £1,000 from HMRC last year. When you buy on the internet, from people like Amazon, if you visit the Giving a Bit website first, Turn Around can get a small donation at no cost to you. Before the summer break we will be giving out Turn Around penny jar stickers to any students who want to help, in an effort to gather up all that loose change. Our bank in St Mary Cray, Metro Bank, will count the pennies for free as long as they are deposited in the Turn Around account. New Students Always Welcome

New students of all ages are always welcome at Turn Around. Please see our website for more information about the support we provide, contact Lynn on 01689 835079 or 07794 385553, email [email protected] or just drop in to 25, High Street, St Mary Cray.
