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November 2017 Groundspread 1

Summer is coming...and so is Xmas

Latest News and IssuesKeeping you in touch with your

GroundspreadVolume 191

November 2017


Team Wealleans Atego 1529 spreading under the Kaimai Ranges in Turanga-o-Moana

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2 Groundspread November 2017

PRESIDENT Dean Brooks. Email: [email protected] Phone 03 541 9561 Mobile 027 431 4090

VICE PRESIDENT Simon Pedersen. Email: [email protected] Phone 06 329 9712 Mobile 027 221 9481

VICE PRESIDENT John Schultz. Email: [email protected] Phone 03 439 5501 Mobile 027 439 9768

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Brent Scully. Email: [email protected] Phone 03 236 0759 Mobile 027 432 8988

CHIEF EXECUTIVE Kevin Geddes. Email: [email protected] Phone 03 307 8148 Mobile 027 203 3437

NATIONAL COUNCIL:Northland VacantWaikato Graeme Martin. Email: [email protected] Phone 07 888 1759 Mobile 027 293 6407 Taranaki Ross Corlett. Email: [email protected] Phone 06 762 8785 Mobile 027 471 2828Central Districts Simon Pedersen. Email: [email protected] Phone 06 329 9712 Mobile 027 221 9481Nelson/Marlborough Dean Brooks. Email: [email protected] Phone 03 541 9561 Mobile 027 431 4090Canterbury John Schultz. Email: [email protected] Phone 03 439 5501 Mobile 027 439 9768Otago/Southland Grant Anderson. Email: [email protected] Phone 03 225 7893 Mobile 027 660 2293GROUNDSPREAD MAGAZINEEditor: Amanda (Mandy) Ryan. Email: [email protected] Ph 07 863 7528 Mobile 027 453 3425 Business Support: Dani Konig. Email: [email protected]. Ph 07 858 0818 Mobile 021 525 863

NZGFA Office Bearers 2017/2018

Amuri Transport Ltd Andrews Transport 1993 LtdBarwood Motors Ltd Beckers Transport Ltd Boags Contracting Bowe SpreadingBrooks Spreading Ltd Brown & Shanley Bulk SpreadingBruce GroundspreadingCairns GroundspreadersCallander Groundspread Central TransportCounties Bulk Spreaders Ltd DT Kings Transport Ltd EG Corlett 2006 LtdEllesmere Transport Co LtdFertspread LtdGVT Landline Ltd Himatangi Transport Hobbs and Banks Transport Hogarth Spreading Ltd

Hokonui Rural TransportHoskin, JC & RB Hyslop Rural Transport Ltd Jackson SpreadingKaraka Bulkspreading Ltd Knight and DickeyKui Griffin & Co Ltd Mainland Spreading Ltd Manawatu Mini SpreadersMcCarthy Contracting Ltd McQuinn Spreading Northern SouthlandOngarue Transport Ltd Osflo - Spreadmark Pedersen SpreadersPeter Sole Transport LtdPG Smith Ltd Rae Bros LtdR&R Spreading Ltd Ravensdown LtdRE Brooks Ltd

Renwick Transport Ltd Rose Ag Ltd Rural Transport LtdRyal Bush Transport Scullys Transport Ltd Sollys Contractors Spreading Canterbury Ltd Spreading FBT Ltd Spreading North Canterbury Spreading Northland Ltd Spreading Sandford Ltd St Andrews Transport Stephenson Transport Ltd Taihape Bulk Spreading Ltd Temuka Transport Transport (Waimate) Ltd Transport Services Southland West Otago Transport Ltd Wheel Spread LtdWilson Bulk Transport


Spreadmark is a fertiliser placement quality assurance programme. The scheme will register spreading companies provided they have certified spreading machinery, trained operators and an appropriate quality management system which ensures that farmer/grower outcomes are

met and environmental sustainability is protected. The Spreadmark scheme is governed by the Fertiliser Quality Council consisting of representatives from fertiliser user groups, NZGFA and fertiliser manufacturers. For more information contact:FQC Executive Director: Ann Thompson, 04 494 9191 [email protected] NZGFA Executive Director: Kevin Geddes [email protected]

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President’s Report

President Dean BrooksPh: 03 541 [email protected]

This is my first report as President, so like driving a new truck, I might crash the gears or not get it right first time. Like most of you this season, I am flat out trying to catch up on work that should have been done months ago. The weather in most parts of New Zealand has placed the groundspreading industry in the predicament of not being able to work through the spring because it was too wet and now, having to work day and night to catch up.

That does raise the serious problem of inefficiencies in our industry, that place unnecessary cost and constraint when spreading fertiliser on farm land. The weather makes it difficult enough for us, but the other inefficiencies like fertiliser outages, excessive waiting times at fertiliser stores and immature product to spread at times of high demand are all added cost for groundspreaders. As a combined industry of manufacturers, spreaders and farmers, we need to look at all ‘choke points’ in the industry and work together to resolve them.

Council ran two Professional Development Courses for members in October with workshops held Christchurch and Hamilton. Along with 12 others I was able to get to the Hamilton workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to look at business structures (governance, management, operations) and understand business performance. Attendees were encouraged to look at their groundspreading business annual financial accounts and evaluate the physical and financial performance of the business using a series of calculations to determine whether the

business was in good heart or just marking time. There was also a session on the true cost of depreciation and how to factor this into pricing out work and cashflow management. Workshop presenter Geordie McCallum [who spoke to the Napier Conference] was good at analysing annual financial statements frequently prepared for taxation purposes, rather than as a business governance tool. From the feedback received to date, we should repeat this workshop next winter before Conference. Also, Council resolved to seek long term financial support to run this type of member workshop.

The October Council meeting listened to a presentation from Mark Wren, Synlait Environmental Manager who described the Synlait ‘Lead with Pride’ farm certification system. The FQC developed ‘on line’ driver training module is a satisfactory assessment of driver competence for Synlait. Supplementary practical operator training could be given through Spreadmark certified driver trainers. However, proof of placement is also needed as well as fertiliser spreader operator training. Synlait require a Spreadmark pattern test for all Synlait listed Gold supplier farms. Farmer Spreadmark training could be provided by NZGFA trainers. Synlait could have a business relationship with NZGFA to link their brand with Spreadmark. Proof of Placement GPS records must be part of the quality assurance scheme. As always, the threat to Spreadmark is a lowering of standards and I.S.O accreditation is important to Synlait. Some of the points made to Council:1. Farmers become Spreadmark accredited.2. NZGFA give driver/farmer training to

supplement the training module.3. One standard for the Spreadmark pattern

test for all. 4. On farm audit process by Synlait using

Assure Quality, be used.5. NZGFA form a business relationship with

Synlait to train drivers.

Council will continue to work with Synlait and FQC to get the best outcome for all parties concerned.

As someone who enjoyed Conference 2017 at Napier I am looking forward to the 2018 Conference, to be held in the Ascot Hotel Invercargill, 15, 16, 17 July. The Otago/Southland Conference Committee are in action

CONTENTS President’s Report 3Executive Director Report 4From the Minister of Agriculture 4Branch News 5-6Taranaki Life Membership: Phil

Sandford 9MyBallance: Greg Delaney 11Precision: Farmers Success 14Ravensdown: Steph Laird 15Driver Training 16Hazardous Substances

Regulations 17AFSA Conference Report 18Red Alert 19Know your Business 20-21Classifieds 22

ON THE COVERThank you to Wealleans Group

PO Box 414163 West Street, Ashburton

Ph 03 307


FROM THE EDITORIt has been great to see the sunshine finally arrive in the Waikato after a very wet winter and difficult spring. Hopefully the weather will be kinder from now on and set everyone up for a smooth run into summer.

Enjoy reading the latest NZGFA and fertiliser industry news.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

Best wishes for a prosperous New Year.


now and a good Conference is assured. Mark your diaries now.

Take care out there and happy spreading to you all.

Dean BrooksPresident

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By Hon Damien O’Connor Minister of Agriculture, Minister for Biosecurity, Minister for Food Safety, Minister for Rural Communities and Associate Minister of Trade and Export GrowthThey say there are two sure things, death and taxes. The other must be change. Nothing stays still, and our new government provides the opportunity to make changes for the better in a world of rapid change and disruption. The

reality of any organisation or entity is that in today’s world the attempt to remain as you are or carry on doing the same things in the same way is disastrous. Most people I speak with around New Zealand are excited by the opportunity for change under the Labour, New Zealand First, Green Coalition Government.A growing number of leaders are acknowledging that the laissez faire free market economy is one that serves the few at the expense of the many. This is not the New Zealand our ancestors worked and battled for. Elsewhere in the

world it is driving extreme and destructive behaviour. New Zealanders both urban and rural want better and we will proactively work to that better future. Markets must serve their purpose, not dictate our purpose. As the Minister for Rural Communities I will be working to ensure all government policies work to improve the lives of rural people. A checklist for government officials that ensures their initiatives and regulations operate fairly for smaller communities is essential. We called it Rural Proofing and it will be reinstated. The fixation on the problems of Auckland by the previous National Government has neglected too many of us in rural New Zealand. The new coalition government has made clear and robust commitments to boost the future of regional and rural New Zealand and I am very honoured to be able to play a real role in our programme.


National Council met on the 11th October in Wellington, with representation from all Branches except Central Districts. As well, there was invited representation from NZ AAA, Synlait, FQC and Ravensdown to make presentations on specific industry topics.

The review of Spreadmark was a major topic and Mark Wren, Synlait Environmental Manager discussed the Synlait ‘Lead with Pride’ farm certification system. The President`s report covers this in more detail but the main point to take out is that Synlait require a credible Farmer Spreadmark certification for their Gold Elite suppliers. They also require a Spreadmark pattern test for proof of placement. It is interesting that the Synlait Canterbury model farm demonstrated a 44c kg milk solids gain from more accurate fertiliser placement.

Ann Thompson from FQC told the Council that a Spreadmark survey is go out to processors of land based produce to gauge their needs from Spreadmark. The Farmer Spreadmark driver training module is on-line or Dean Brooks reported to Council that $10k from the FQC Spreadmark Promotional levy will be made available to

Executive Director: Kevin GeddesPO Box 414 AshburtonPh 03 307 8145Fax 03 307 8146027 203 3437email: [email protected]

NZGFA to promote Spreadmark. Council also resolved to seek agreement from FQC that the ‘Spreadmark Promotional Levy’ in future to be called the ‘Spreadmark Levy’.

The revised Driver Safety Manual has been lodged with Worksafe NZ for their approval. Worksafe NZ want to rewrite some sections relating to the Health and Safety in Employment Act.

The planned Professional Development Courses for members have been run in Christchurch and Hamilton. Pending the evaluation of these courses, Council may run similar courses in 2018. Appropriate long-term sponsorship to run professional development courses for members is to be sought.

Conference 2017 was evaluated by Council. It was recommended to organising Branches the AGM should be held at the beginning of Conference with an opening and closing noted. The AGM and Association business should be planned to occupy all the Monday morning. Council should ensure the MC/Timekeeper keeps to the agreed schedule and there is time for general business. It is recommended to have fewer speakers but allow time for discussion led by Councillors following the speakers. Councillors expressed the view that modern conferences are not focussed on association business because organisational issues are managed by Council throughout the year.

The finances of the Association are running close to budget with a forecast net cash inflow of $3,043 and a year-end bank balance of $95,971.

Spreadmark driver training is proceeding with approved driver trainers, CanDrive, Phil Johnson and HWR, Peter Herrick. Jim Laird is providing approved driver in the North Island under the direction of HWR Peter Herrick. While this is the busy time of year, ongoing driver training is essential and as well as Branches organising training events, larger companies can use NZGFA/Spreadmark

trainers for ‘in house’ training. It is noted the ‘Chain of Responsibility’ liability includes the dispatcher and everyone in the workplace.

NZGFA was represented by Dean and Sarah Brooks and John and Nivonne Schultz at the AFSA Conference at Torquay, Victoria, 14/15 September. Dean has presented a separate report for Groundspread magazine, but it is worth noting that the annual representation at each other’s conferences is providing a networking opportunity to work together as national organisations to enable members to share information across the Tasman. There is the possibility of an exchange system where members from each Association could spend time in each other`s country learning and sharing ideas to grow groundspread businesses. Two AFSA members came to the Hamilton Professional Development Workshop.

NZGFA and Spreadmark promotional activities have included 15 newspaper and farming magazine articles about fertiliser and Spreadmark. An article will be written for the FFNZ December Farming Review with NZGFA contributing information about developments in fertiliser spreading and to promote Spreadmark. An NZGFA email Newsletter will continue to be produced and distributed to all members every second month. The revised NZGFA Website can include Branch pages. To date the new website has had 233 website users with an average session of 4.8 pages.

John Sinclair Executive Officer of NZAAA addressed Council and pointed out NZ AAA members see no point in a regular pattern test for aerial fertiliser application. The real problem is the variability of fertiliser. While both manufacturers are working to improve product spreading ability, aerial operators need a particle hardness number on all fertilisers at stores. John Sinclair said Aerial Spreadmark should be promoted as a means to keep fertiliser out of water. Kevin GeddesExecutive Director

Fresh start

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Most areas of the Central Districts have had a very wet spring. This has made getting on the ground challenging.

Most properties had a very kind lambing and the milk has been flowing well off the dairy platforms.

The annual spring rush is now on with contractors and farmers trying to make use of the weather windows to plant

crops. Capital dressings are now moving in Hawkes Bay as clients want to make the most of the spring moisture.

Fertiliser stores are very busy at the moment with large volumes of bags moving for planters etc. This has not slowed down wait times for our trucks which is pleasing.

The first of the milk lambs have now

been shifted and we prepare for the busy lead up to Christmas.

There has been so much talk around the change in government and how it may affect the rural community. We sit back and wait.

Tom Yule

Central Districts

Well – “its rain, rain, go away, come back another day”. Yes, we have had enough for

the past couple of months. It has been a spring season for records – most rainfall, lost opportunities to get on the paddocks, getting stuck in paddocks that farmers think are Ok … this includes the horticulture sector as well.

Spreaders have not been moving but the helicopters have been playing in the rain. Understandable that the product must go on somehow. We have all had a very slow start to spring applications.

Crops are also late going in. The positive side is the sun has finally come out and

we are all into it now. Also was good to see good attendance at the development workshop held in Hamilton and was run very well.

Ballance has just commissioned its new silo on site at their Whakamaru Service Centre for the dispatch of urea/Sustain. Good innovation for despatch systems which hopefully will offer us some efficiency/improved service.

We had a good attendance at our Branch meeting in August. We had a guest speaker from WorkSafe who covered off relevant farming and contractor obligations which may have opened a few eyes with regards to the requirements under the new Act and legislation.

The Waikato Regional Council has just released copies of all the submissions for the Healthy River/Wai Ora plan. There are some interesting submissions highlighting the complexity of the challenges regarding the management of our rivers in this catchment. It is fair to say that the modelling the consulting group have applied, may not be the absolute solution for all farm types. It will be fair to say – “there is a lot more water to go under the bridge” before this is resolved.

So, looking forward to a late extended spring fertiliser season.

Stay safe

Bob Hayward


TaranakiHello from the Naki.

It’s being described as the perfect storm by all aboard.

As I recite my last report it’s hard to recall the last time we had a fine week. The rain has been relentless through August and September with higher than average rainfall recorded across all Taranaki sites; we were not the only area suffering the same effects.

October has brought smiles to most as the sun appeared, and the wind blew,

drying out the ground, perhaps a little too quickly for some, leaving fields very pugged as farmers struggled to keep up the with rolling and harrowing making ground conditions more challenging over the rougher terrain. Little silage has been made to date in our area as farmers continue to manage what feed they have ahead of mating.

Cropping is late but well under way now. Orders are flowing in thick and fast resulting in some product outages due to supply and demand - and plant breakdowns haven’t helped. This has put Stores, ground spread operators and bulk carriers under huge pressure as operators work maximum hours each day to keep up with client demand. I feel this workload will continue to flow into the New Year with everything being so much later than previous years.

We have held two General meetings since

the August edition with the most recent being held on Saturday 4th November which included our Christmas dinner function. This was well attended by members and partners with 32 seated for dinner. A huge thank you must go out to our sponsors for the evening: Ace Equipment, Bert & Lorna Sandford, Ravensdown and Ballance Agri-Nutrients.

Following the meeting, during the dinner function, a presentation by Life Member Malcolm Campbell awarded Branch Life membership to Phil Sandford. Phil has been a long serving and active member of the Taranaki branch of the NZGFA for many, many years.

Congratulations Phil.

Well, on behalf of the Taranaki branch I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year, may the warmer weather continue.

Lee Cooper

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Hi all, from the South.

It has been an interesting end of winter and spring with some areas having an early dry spring with good growth and good conditions for getting work done. However, some areas have been wet, cold, and with a lot of wind, which has made things challenging.

We are all very busy with crop ground -

mostly fodder beet ground being done at present.

The fertiliser supply has been good in most areas so far, with a minimal of delays for products.

Most sheep farmers have had a good lambing, with higher lamb numbers now on the ground. Thus, with the dry conditions in some areas, we are not

seeing a lot of excess feed about, but it is mostly a positive vibe out there.

With well needed rain on the forecast, things look good for the season going forward. Hopefully, settled periods after the rain so we can all keep the gear working.

Stephen Whitehead


Hi from Canterbury, where we have had one of the wettest winter and spring for a very long time. This caused delays in lime and base fertiliser jobs and meant everything started at once. All this work has resulted in long waits at the stores for loads. Product outages caused by a lack of transport to bring product in, has also been an issue.

Many drivers have stories of how many times they have been stuck this year. Crazy that we now have all the irrigators working when it was so wet a month ago.

Some very poor quality SOA has been

supplied which has resulted in a lot of striping around the area, mainly farmer spreaders though. The company involved hasn’t been that helpful regarding the issues.

Big thanks to Denise at Ballance Ashburton for setting up a text list to keep spreading companies informed of product supply issues. Something that I am sure could be used at all stores - makes it easier to plan your work.

Ballance have started to build their new store in Ashburton which means more product can be stored and that will

hopefully mean less run outs. We are told that there will be no weigh bridge in the new store which is a surprise. I wonder if the store designer understands how different the spreading fleet operate here with many small trucks in and out all day. The new self-service silo is starting to become more reliable so hopefully all the teething issues are sorted.

Happy spreading and Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all.

Roger Bruce



Well, what a wet spring we have had making it a real struggle to do any work. The truck boys were brought to a halt with the weather which helped me out in the hort scene, as I was off work for three months after an operation, so was able to hire a truck driver from Dean to help out.

Now everyone is busy and in catch up mode. There are a few jobs being left until next winter, because of growth on kiwifruit vines and apple trees.

The soil is now drying out to hard ground and the ruts in the orchards are huge – a major expense to fix, one orchardist spent $60,000 to fix ruts.

There are still a few problems at our Nelson store with load out times. It is now good to have the first hour of the day for spreader trucks only, and get loaded and away. A nightshift has started to do bagging to ease the day time operation. We are still getting the odd hard lump off the plant – no good for drills or small door sizes e.g. hort work at 15mm.

Golden Bay

A very wet start, now drying out. Doing a lot of crop work. Short of bag mixes being available on time, but hope their bagging at night will help the situation.

Keith Lindup


Well, it’s been an interesting spreading season to say the least.

There were issues getting on blocks due to the wetness – then it blew and dried up enough for one day, then it rained again, and again. Unfortunately, although we tried to hurry people up this year with soil testing and starting early, we didn’t make much progress with that. We also experienced a lot of product shortages – mainly with Ballance due to the extra time and distance required to bring the fertiliser in via the alternative highway – when it wasn’t shut due to crashes or snow that is! Gypsum was also a big problem this year with Winstone not having any available early in the season in the South Island. Once it did come in, it was hard to get decent supplies up due

to the restricted hours at their store and the trucks available were already busy bringing up other fertiliser. There were also some pretty rough headlands about after the horrific harvest we had – not all had been fixed up again afterwards.

Well, thankfully, we are past budburst now and into bandspreading with products such as CAN and Nitrabor – these are much more wind friendly to spread. Broadacre spreading is also busy for sheep and beef farms down the east coast.

Tracy from Rose Ag and Jen from Renwick Transport were fortunate to escape from work for a day to head down to Christchurch for the NZGFA Professional Development Course with Geordie McCallum. It covered “Understanding Business Structures, Performance and the true cost of depreciation”. It was well worth the effort of getting away and covered some really useful topics. It was also great to meet some new faces from the industry.


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Anders Crofoot, Chairman of the Fertiliser Quality Council, says a successful promotional campaign involves good material, many tools and man hours.

When an industry associate congratulated me recently on the good work that the FQC is doing with the Fertmark and Spreadmark schemes, I thanked them accordingly, then asked how did they know. They replied they had read an article in the Farmers Weekly recently which applauded our work. They also said they read our regular column in the National Farming Review, had seen the ads we put out, and that they

follow us on Twitter.

Great, I thought, it’s all working. When I got back to the office I decided to re-read the Farmers Weekly article and realised that this was the kind of third party endorsement for Fertmark and Spreadmark that money just can’t buy. Filling two thirds of a page and bearing the title ‘Fertiliser visionaries owed debt’, the article said things like, “the Spreadmark scheme is a must for farmers,” “using a non Spreadmark accredited spreader is false economy” and “why companies like Fonterra, Landcorp, the meat companies and local government don’t insist on Fertmark and Spreadmark is beyond me”.

I then took a closer look at our other promotional activity and discovered that in the last reporting period there had been 12 published articles that mention either the groundspreading industry, the NZGFA or Spreadmark – and in some cases all three.

I switched over to social media and found that the FQC now has 221 followers on Twitter, mostly all farmers. I googled Spreadmark and was delighted that the Spreadmark page on the FQC website was in the number one spot. I then hopped onto the website and took a tour. The home page directed me to the new NZGFA website, and provided links for me to find Spreadmark accredited companies as well as more information about the scheme. I was also able to read about Dean Brooks’ election as NZGFA President.Of course, none of this happened by accident – same with the fence, which didn’t ‘just appear’. Behind the scenes the FQC strives hard to maintain a strong public profile. This is done using all available options from traditional print media to social media, advertising as well as other tools like the 25 years Fertmark/Spreadmark bookmark – which is handed out to farmers at Federated Farmers’ meetings. The FQC is an organisation that doesn’t generate reams of news. Fertmark and Spreadmark tick along nicely and this means new material is scarce. However, we use our time to find engaging ways to remind fertiliser users about the value of both Fertmark and Spreadmark. We talk to new reporters about the schemes and we actively seek opportunities to put the right information in front of farmers. I believe we are making great headway and that awareness of Fertmark and Spreadmark is growing, particularly as farmers focus more on ‘precision ag’. But we are not there yet. There is still much to do.The FQC is committed to continuing to promote Fertmark, Spreadmark and the spreading industry, including both ground and aerial. We are always looking for new ideas, and would welcome any suggestions you may have – please email me at [email protected]

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2017 NZGFA Conference Sponsors We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following companies for their sponsorship of the 2017 Napier Conference.Ace Equipment LtdAllied PetroleumANZ MastertonBallance Agri-NutrientsCablePrice (NZ) LtdCastrolEuro Agri importsGolden Bay Dolomitelveco Trucks New ZealandJim Laird Spread TesterMercedes Benz NZ LtdMultisparesNZI/ LumleyPrecision TrackingRobertson lsuzuRavensdownTRS Tyre and WheelWarren Adams Trucks LtdThank you also to our 2017 Trade Display Exhibitors



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Taranaki Life Membership for Phil SandfordAt the Taranaki Branch Christmas Meeting and Dinner function held on Saturday 4 November, long-time branch member Phil Sandford was awarded Branch Life Membership.

The Life Membership was presented by Malcolm Campbell. Malcolm spoke of Phil’s dedication to the Branch and the Association, being the Branch Chairman in the early 2000s. Phil and his company Spreading Sandford, has always made himself, and his staff, available to participate in Branch activities. Spreading Sandford staff member Lee Cooper is the current Branch Chairman.

Phil has always taken an active part on the committees for the Taranaki based annual NZGFA conferences, and assisted many times arranging the Branch’s many social events.

A number of years ago his father Bert, was also awarded Life Membership. Bert was unable to attend the Saturday night function but Phil’s mother Lorna attended to see the award being presented to their son.

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Ballance Update

By Greg DelaneyAs many of you will have heard, we’re undergoing a major digital transformation at Ballance as we begin the roll out of our new digital portal, MyBallance.MyBallance provides farmers and growers with access to all their fertiliser information in one place. Customers will have a “360-degree view” of their Ballance relationship including online ordering, access to fertiliser plans and recommendations, farm maps, spreader integration, proof of application, shareholding and financial data.The new online platform supports customers to order products straight off their fert recommendations or farm map, place repeat orders, create a custom mix and choose delivery dates or pick up locations, at any time of the day or night. For spreaders, MyBallance delivers several

significant advantages. The first is the new ‘Notify Spreader’ feature which we will be rolling out at the end of this month.When placing an order in MyBallance, customers will be able to select blocks for spreading. A digital map of the selected blocks can then be sent to you, as their nominated spreader, to give you an accurate application map. Once the spread is complete, proof of application can also be sent back to the customer’s MyBallance account (if using TracMap or Precision Farming) to ensure complete visibility from order through to application.

MyBallance will also improve our online ordering system. Under MyBallance, you’ll not only receive an email notification when an order is placed, you’ll also be notified when fertiliser recommendations have been confirmed – allowing you to see what your customer’s plans are so you can schedule your workload accordingly. Customers will also have the ability to provide spreaders with delegated access to their online account, if needed.We’re excited about what MyBallance is going to deliver to our customers, and we’re sure you’ll welcome the efficiencies and advantages it will bring to your business too.


169 Great North Road, Winton, Southland Ph (03) 236 7275 A/H (027) 433 4486

[email protected]

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14 Groundspread November 2017

By Kenneth Irons, Precision TrackingDoes that sound a lofty statement? That you and your groundspread business are vitally important to NZ’s economic success.Let me explain why I believe that to be true.Last month, 30,000 farmers and agriculture specialists gatherered for the World Dairy Expo, in Madison Wisconsin, one of the top four dairy states in the US. Along with 20 other Kiwis, I attended with the delegation travelling under the auspices of Callaghan Innovation and NZ Trade & Enterprise.Tim Groser, the NZ Ambassador to the US hosted us and a hundred locals to an evening function, and then the following morning, Dean Bell, MD of Waikato Milking Systems and I had breakfast with him and two of his officials from Washington DC and Mexico City.Thoughout the week, from walking the vast halls of the Dairy Expo, to meeting in small groups with our US Ambassador and others, there is something unique about New Zealand’s ag sector, specifically the dairy sector.My career has spanned the pharmacy, marketing, banking, supermarketing, media and airline industries, and only recently for less than half a decade, the agriculture sector.As it happens, my trip to the US last month was my one hundreth, and my first while working in the ag sector. For over 35 years I have travelled to, worked in and briefly lived in the US, and on every one of the first 99 visits, the questions from Americans ranged from “where’s New Zealand” to “do you have TV in your country” decades ago, to more recently, “I have a cousin in NZ, tall guy, beard, do you know him”.But on this 100th trip, something profoundly different. From local Wisconsisn dairy farmers to University of Wisconsin academics to the Senior Vice President of Topcon, not only did I not get any daft questions, but they knew all about New Zealand’s ag sector, and I mean really knew. They can quote our production statistics, know our expertise in rotational grazing, and can speak “bilingually” in acres and hectares. Along with all of our delegation, I felt intensely proud to be involved in a New Zealand industry that is so respected as world class.So how does that link to you and your groundspreading services to the NZ ag sector?What differentiates us is our farmers’ highly developed ability to grow grass and turn it into food for a hungry planet. And central to that outcome is our sector’s ability to apply nutrients needed to grow grass and crops, in an accurate, compliant and sustainable way.Central to achieving these high standards is traceablility and in turn, central to that, is you and your company having access to world class technology. That is why Precision Tracking has invested well into six figures on the next generation GPS device for spreaders and sprayers. You may well be using or familiar with Precision Tracking’s proprietary unit that goes in spreading and spraying and other vehicles. Referred to as the “D2”, it’s been a reliable

The Groundspreader’s central importance to NZ pastoral farming success as a nation

work-horse device for the best part of a decade. We have now completed development and in production of the third generation “D3” unit. Its key design is that it is central to a modular system that enables you as a ground spreader to choose which ever guidance display – Trimble, Ag Leader, Topcon, etc, which ever spreading computer - Whitehead V3, Transpread etc, which ever accounting system – MYOB, Xero, etc – which ever dispatch software – SoftPlus, MyTrucking, etc – are right for your business. And how ever you assemble your chosen modules, the D3 can be central to the link between your groundspread business and your farming clients.As farmers assemble their own choice of modules – from preferred fertiliser supplier, seed merchant, agronomist, milk company, meat company, harvester, stock transporter and so on – you as their groundspreader remain central to what makes Kiwi farmers famous and respected everywhere from their smallest local communities to the biggest economy in the world.It is this modular approach that guides everything that Precision Tracking does for you that also guides everything that Precision Farming does for its farmer clients that in turn lead Ballance Agri-Nutrients to partner with Precision Farming as a central component of its new MyBallance online system for its 35,000 shareholder-customers. And Precision Tracking helps reinforce your business as a central part of your farmers’ success and reputation on the world stage.

The classic looking dairy farmer in south west Wisconsin that 20 ag sector Kiwis visited last month. The farmer knows not only what our average milk solids per cow are, but even what Red Bands are

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HawkEye® - new technology to enable smarter farming

By Stephanie Laird

In mid-November, pasture tools and analysis will be available via HawkEye including actual and predictive feed wedges, and strategic feed budgets. HawkEye is a new farm management software that includes the ability to create and edit a farm map, view proof of placement information spatially, soil test visualisation and trending along with agronomy plans and nutrient summaries. Why HawkEye? Use of HawkEye provides a dynamic system for the farm and the farming community by collaborating with a number of key partners including C-Dax, Farmax, Rezare and Hyperceptions. Collaboration has enabled a good base platform, with the flexibility for areas to grow and develop where farmers require better integration between their farm management providers. In essence, a tool that enables smarter farming for a better New Zealand.A key attribute is the ability for client data sharing, which enables everyone from farm managers, sharemilkers and spreading operators to access pasture and application tools, all at the farm owners’ discretion.

With the new pasture analysis tools, supported by C-Dax devices or manual entry of pasture measurement information, the offering of feed management tools is extensive. With a strong focus on animal demand and production targets the tools include predictive feed wedges, pasture growth forecasting, strategic feed budgets including feed variances, nitrogen use and efficiency and supplementary feed requirements. Enhanced nutrient efficiency and pasture productivity is better for the environment and the farmer’s bottom line. Providing the farming community with a dynamic platform, allowing better nutrient management decisions has been a key motivator for HawkEye. Some future features to be deployed include: ordering from maps with agronomy plans, creating permanent and temporary exclusion zones, along with timestamping for these areas. This enables better control of application areas with greater accuracy of calculated tonnages for application and helping ground spreaders apply fertiliser to the highest level of accuracy.For further information about HawkEye, visit

Custom built binsand trailers and all

associated truck and trailer work

• Prompt backup service• Drawbeams• Roll bars• Bumpers• Chassis alterations

Eight easy steps to make the workplace safer1. Maintain a clean work area. Not only will you

remove many hazards from a work area by keeping it clean, but you will also provide a more productive work environment.

2. Use guards and engineering solutions wherever possible instead of relying on personal protective equipment (PPE). Find a way to prevent the exposure in the first place. Your workplace will be much more productive if staff are comfortable.

3. Give clear work instructions. Make sure your staff know the right way to do what is expected of them. Ensure all safety instructions and procedures are available, easy to understand and well communicated.

4. Keep things in perspective. Hazards may be limitless, so focus on the most likely risks first. Don’t dwell on worst case scenarios but focus on what is most likely to occur. Start by focusing your energy in preventing your most common incidents.

5. If a machine is becoming unsafe, shut it down and lock it out before someone gets hurt.

6. Maintain the machinery in good working order. Many times employees get into dangerous situations by having to compensate for a machine defect or wear. In the case of wear, it may have occurred so gradually that people start to think it is normal. A strong preventive maintenance program makes for a strong safety program.

7. Avoid unnecessary hazards. Look for new materials or equipment that can eliminate the hazards you are exposed to.

8. Never walk in front of a forklift, tractor, or any other heavy machine; the operator may not have seen you and even if he has, there’s always room for error. Ensure Exclusion Zones are in place.

Contact Safe Business Solutions (SBS) on 0508 424723 or email [email protected] to find out more about Health & Safety risk management in your workplace.

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16 Groundspread November 2017


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Groundspread training day held 6 September at Auroa with Spreading Sandford and FBT drivers. Trainer Craig Miller from HWR Group was assisted by Jim Laird (taking photo).

Jim Laird is now presenting the NZ Groundspread Fertilisers Association Driver Safety Programme in conjunction with Peter Herrick and the HWR Group. Jim has started the delivery of the HWR Group course and says he is looking forward to presenting more of them in the near future.

Training Report By Philip Johnson – Canterbury Driver Training LtdHi everyone, now that spring has arrived you should all be getting into full swing delivering and spreading fertiliser, weather permitting. Winter was the ideal time to utilise, for maintenance of your equipment and training of your operators - if you were lucky you will have also manged to fit in a well-deserved holiday in anticipation of the busy season ahead.

The importance of on-going training cannot be under estimated, as well as helping with your training and health & safety responsibilities, it can also help with your overall bottom line.

Finding a time and cost-efficient way of providing relevant ongoing training of staff is an issue all industries are struggling with, even more so in the transport industry.

Here at Candrive we are in the process of rolling out an online driver training programme. You will be able to manage this yourselves and set your employees modules that are relevant to your business. As the programme is online, it can be completed at times to suit your driver’s schedule without the need to travel to a course. It will complement your company’s practical driver training.

It’s a great way to have continuous training at an extremely affordable price and should help all of you keep track of your employees training and compliance with H&S.

I am catching up with John Shultz later this week, to show him how this programme works and how it can help your business; we hope to have this available by the beginning of the year.

We are also looking at developing some Groundspread specific modules that can be added in to the programme.

Good record keeping can help in the efficient running of your business, pre-start check lists for your trucks and machines are an excellent way to manage their maintenance.

We now have pre-start books for sale, designed to help improve safety, reduce maintenance costs and ensure compliance with legal responsibilities; available for trucks, forklifts and wheel tracks and rollers machines.

Order your prestart books from –

Wishing you all a very successful season

Best wishes


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• Spreadmark Testing• Driver Training & Assessments• All HT Licences Now presenting the NZGFA Driver Safety Programme in conjunction with Peter Herrick and the HWR Group

Do it right! Spreadmark Testing and driver training are investmentsyou can make to improve your business

Jim Laird Driver Training LtdPh 0274 412 659 A/H 06 377 1731

Are you safely managing your hazardous substances?

It’s important to know the risks of the substances you are working with and what you must do to protect people from harm.

On 1 December 2017, the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 will come into force. The aim is to reduce the harm from work-related activities involving hazardous substances.

Groundspreaders are one of the 150,000 New Zealand businesses that work with hazardous substances. Petrol, diesel, fertilisers and cleaning solutions are common examples.

The regulations will bring greater focus to managing hazardous substances safely at work. It’s not wholesale change. The rules for the work-related use of hazardous substances are moving from the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act to the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA).

Many of the existing requirements continue under the new regulations, so if you are complying now, there may not be much more you have to do. However, there are key changes that will help ensure you are doing your duty to protect people from harm.

Risk management

The starting point is to identify and assess the risks. Make a list of the hazardous substances, the quantities and where they are stored. Then read the safety data sheets to understand the risks they pose, how to use and store them safely and what to do if there is a spill or you are exposed to them.

“From 1 December it will be mandatory to keep both an inventory of your hazardous substances and their safety data sheets, so if

you haven’t already got this in place, you should act now,” says WorkSafe Chief Inspector Darren Handforth.

The simplest way to prepare an inventory is to use WorkSafe’s Hazardous Substances Calculator. It will also provide clear guidance about what you need to do to be compliant, that is the controls you need to have in place to protect people from harm.

Keeping others safe

Businesses have a duty to protect workers and others from the dangers of hazardous substances. Workers need to be informed of the risks and have the training, supervision and equipment to do their work safely.

Some substances may need to be secured, and only handled by people with the appropriate training. Approved handlers become certified handlers under the new regulations. There will be fewer substances that require a certified handler, but a greater emphasis on making sure all workers handling hazardous substances can do so safely.

What to do now

As well as looking at what is changing on 1 December, it’s important to remember there are already rules in place. Now is a great time to review your hazardous substances management and make sure you are complying with your duty to protect people from harm in your workplace.

Check out the WorkSafe website to help you understand your obligations. For practical help, see the Hazardous Substances Toolbox

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Dean and Sarah Brooks and John and Nivonne Schultz represented NZGFA at the AFSA Conference held 14-15 September at Torquay, Victoria. The conference was well run, and they hold the Victorian and national board meetings on the first day. The second day had a number of sessions: ‘Economics and marketing’ - Three speakers on the price of fertiliser, manufacturing and importing fertiliser and agribusiness in Australia; ‘Work Health and Safety’ - launch of the AFSA online WHS system was launched by Rod Abbott and Amy Wyer; ‘Fertiliser Application Technology’ – mapping and robotic application advances and how they may apply to the industry. A presentation was given on the P cycle and soil biology. Sessions on ‘weather forecasting’ which were recorded for later viewing for those unable to attend. ‘Business and succession planning’ - how to initiate the process and when to involve outside professional help. ‘Identifying and analysing business data’ and how to use this to make better business decisions. ‘Human Resources’ - how to attract and retain good staff and the effect this can have on your business and the agricultural industry as a whole. ‘Soil and plant technology’- nutrient management guidelines particularly in high rainfall cropping areas. Real time soil tests and the use of this technology for nutrient budgeting. ‘Fertsmart and Fertcare’ - update to the industry and how things are going with the uptake of machinery testing. This Conference also provided a great networking opportunity and discussions were held on how to work together as national organisations to enable our members to access information and idea sharing across the Tasman. There is potential to form a type of exchange system where members could spend time in another country seeing the differences and similarities in the industry and an opportunity to grow business` and share ideas back to respective national associations. Dean and John expressed thanks for the chance to attend the AFSA National Conference and to continue to build the relationship between the two national bodies.

2017 AFSA Conference Report

Actions speak louder than words.




Graymont is committed to NZ Groundspreading, and when we talk about quality, consistency and service, we make sure our actions speak louder than words.

So talk to us today about your AgLime Requirements.

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John and Nivonne Schultz, Sarah and Dean Brooks, at the AFSA Conference in Victoria

Past NZGFA Conferences 2017 61st Napier – Central Districts2016 60th Nelson – Nelson/Marlborough2015 59th New Plymouth - Taranaki2014 58th Waitangi - Northland2013 57th Methven - Canterbury2012 56th Tauranga - Waikato2011 55th Masterton – Central Districts2010 54th Invercargill – Otago/Southland2009 53rd Nelson – Nelson/Marlborough2008 52nd New Plymouth - Taranaki2007 51st Christchurch - Canterbury2006 50th Auckland - National

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LW300K Loader 11 tonne, 130hp Cummins

includes factory fitted autogreasing extended booms available Our most popular model

$105,000 + GST

Over 130 XCMG machines operating in New Zealand// AB Equipment now XCMG service agents nationwide

LW400K Loader 14.5 tonne, 170hp Cummins

includes factory fitted auto-greasing extended booms available

Working in fertiliser near you $133,000 + GST

LW180K Loader 6.4 tonne, 80hp Cummins QSB3.9

Quick hitches and pallet forks available high dump available

Ideal on farm stock pile machine $73,000 + GST

Ballance Health & Safety Red Alert

What happened:

A truck driver at the Mount Service Centre fell off the drawbar of his trailer after he had finished untarping his truck. It was raining heavily at the time, and as is normal practice at the site, drivers were being asked to untarp inside the weighbridge area to avoid getting their bins wet. The tarp winding system for the truck was designed to be operated from the trailers drawbar. As the driver was about to relocate the handle in its holder (above the ladder) he slipped and fell from the drawbar onto the concrete below. The driver was a very experienced operator and familiar with the site and hazard of wet fertiliser.

Damage/harm (or potential damage/harm:

The driver suffered a broken tibia (shin bone) which required surgery and an eight day stay in hospital. No weight bearing on leg for a minimum of 6 weeks post-surgery with rehabilitation and return to work plan required once medical clearance provided.

Immediate actions/lessons:

Due to the difficulty in moving the driver, an ambulance was called. A despatch operator travelled with the driver to the hospital and stayed until family arrived. Worksafe NZ notified and the scene frozen until authority to release received. Untarping operation moved to outside the weighbridge area while investigation in progress.

Actions required by you:

• Review your controls for the hazard slips, trips and falls. Are they adequate for all conditions; as conditions change, are additional controls required?

• Consider options for improved housekeeping and/or dust control at your site

• Discuss options with your carriers and spreaders if they do not have systems for tarping and untarping from the ground. A simple modification is maybe all that is required to reduce the risks associated with this task e.g. grip tape on smooth steel surfaces, extending or relocating where the winding handle is located.

• Investigate if your carriers have a documented procedure for this task or if it is covered as part of their driver training programme.

Ballance Issue Date: 23 May 2017 Incident Number: 56545

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20 Groundspread November 2017

At the October NZGFA Professional Development Workshops held in Christchurch and Hamilton the facilitator Geordie McCallum encouraged attendees to understand their business.

“Know where you stand, what makes profit – know your history - and plan to do the right things today.”

The day long workshop covered business structures and strategic planning, asset management, understanding your business performance (what the annual accounts tell you, what are the most important measurement units (KPI’s) and how to use this information to budget). The key learning was then put into action working on their own business plan. Attendees received practical take home tools to enhance their business. The 23 NZGFA members who attended said it was very worthwhile.

Key learning from the workshopsKnow the business structures operating within a business:Ownership – Legal entity used to hold assets and trade business. (Owners, shareholders, Partners).

Governance – Make sure the business is well run, maximising value for the owners and is aligned with their overall purpose and objectives – have a strategic plan for three or more years and employ the right Management to execute the plan. Accountable to owners. (Directors, Partners, Trustees).

Management – Role of using the resources in the business to achieve the strategic plan.- by developing annual plan consisting of production targets and budgets, reviewing performance, managing employment and job descriptions. Accountable to governance. (Managers).

Operations – The ‘doing’ part of the business – day to day operations. Accountable to management. (Drivers, despatchers, account/administration staff).

Each of these components has a significant role in a successful business. In many groundspreading businesses an individual has more than one role and it can be challenging to make sense of the conflicting needs. Also, people tend to spend more time in the area they are better at or more comfortable with. Identify what proportion of responsibility you would ideally like in each area versus your actual proportion of responsibility and review.

Geordie’s key tip to attracting and keeping good staff is to offer them jobs they can grow through.

Understand the purpose of planningTo keep one step ahead in business you need to have a plan and a vision. We sometimes get lost; effective decision making needs a reference point to get us where we want to go – a map. Your strategic plan is your map – it is the role of good governance to develop a 10 year plan, then look at three years out and have an annual plan. The annual plan is the management plan and can be broken down to quarterly, monthly and a tactical plan for operators which may be monthly, weekly and daily.

PLANNING IS THE POWER OF 3 - 3 Years, 3 Months, 3 Weeks, 3 Days

How to develop your Plans and GoalsYour goals need to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, have an Action plan, be Realistic, and have a Time limit.

1. Begin with your Strategic Plan Goals. Identify what you want and why. Ask yourself: • What do you want your business to look like in three years? • What is required to achieve this?• What does it look like now?

2. Annual Plan: Write down what you need to do this year to achieve your strategic plan goals.

3. Develop monthly targets of how you will do it and when they will be done.

See sample below.

Asset Management

The standard asset classes in groundspreading businesses are:

• Appreciating assets – Land/yard, Workshop/Buildings, Bulkstore

• Depreciating assets – Vehicles, Loaders/Implements/Bins, Conveyors, Plant, Tools and Machinery, Information Technology.

Appreciating assets are powerful - an asset appreciating at 7.0% p.a. will double in value in 10 years. Having a balance of asset classes spreads your risk.

Groundspreading businesses need to know what the true cost of depreciation is and find ways to reduce it and make sure you are repaying this as minimum principal. Factor the cost into your pricing.

Attendees looked at an example of a Groundspread business and came up with 9.9% being the real cost of depreciation: Average truck 10.5% (8 year lifespan), Merc Atego 12.9% (5 year lifespan), trailers 3.2%, Ute 12.2%, Spreader bin 9.3%, IT 20%, Office equipment 33.3%.

Nigel Monk from Trucks and Trailers spoke on the depreciating cost of trucks.

Know your history – Plan your future – Focus on today





StrategicGoalExampleHaveafulltimeseconddriverinthebusiness.Whatisrequiredtoachievethis?1. Growsalesby$260,0002. Save50%cashdepositonadditionaltruck

($150,000)Whatdoesitlooklikenow?1. Owneroperatoronly–nobackup,hard

totakeholidays.2. Unabletosecureallworkinbusyperiods

1. Employcasualdrivertosecureallpeakspringworkusingbackuptruck.

2. Increaseprincipalrepayments


1. Establishcustomerservicestandardstoensureretention

2. Identifysuitabledriverand

makecontact3. Additional$20,000ofsalesper

monthOct-Jan.4. Wintermarketingcampaignto




StrategicGoalOneWhatisrequiredtoachievethis?1. 2. Whatdoesitlooklikenow?1. 2.

1. 2.


1. 2. 3.

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November 2017 Groundspread 21

An Innovative Design In Fertiliser Transport

Stainless Steel Bin, Built to last. Double Bin allows you to cart two products at once. Light Weight at 5600kg tare allowing for larger load. Air ride Suspension and EBS Braking.

For more information or a quote, get in touch with Adam

Cell: 027 3930571 or 06 342 6604

Email: [email protected]

The Computerised Spreading System

with touchscreen control• Conveyor, Spinner and Blower control with sensor monitoring and event shutdown• Sidling and turbo spinner options• Both proportional and �ow controlled hydraulic capability• Data logging (paddock, job, machine)• GPS Interface with variable rate and proof of placement compatible with Precision Tracking/Ag Leader, Trimble and Tracmap

Phone 07 843 1446 or 0274 776 375 for further details

“A road truck depreciates 20% on the first year, 17.5% on second year, 15% on third year, 12% on fourth year, and 10% after five years,” says Nigel Monk. “Some companies replace trucks after four to five years as the trade-in value is higher. The fertiliser industry has a bad name [for being hard on trucks] which limits the selling market. If you can rotate within five years you get good secondhand value. Over five years take off the stainless hopper; there is not a lot of value in a seven to eight year old truck.“Most people run over five years – as a business decision it is better to rotate at five to six years, after then R&M starts costing more.,” concluded Nigel.Understand your business performanceTo turn profit into progress you need to know where you stand. Know your history and plan to do the right things today: measure information, Benchmark against other similar businesses, try new things – be innovative, small changes matter – don’t remove productive costs but 1% off all costs can make a difference. Create wealth by investing profit back into productive assets.Get to know your business – analyse your Profit and Loss Report: This is an income statement or a statement of financial performance, and tells you what income was generated this year and last year. What does your cash performance tell you? An increase in assets is a decrease in cash and cash is needed to run a business. You need to know where the cash goes so that you know how well you really are doing and if you are making progress. Geordie gave an example of a business making a very small profit and asked if a Fonterra tanker driver can earn $70K+ is that a better option? Look at your unit measurements – $/hectare, $/tonne, hourly rate. Once you are measuring and recording data work out what you need, check if it worked. Set key performance indicators (KPIs) – how many hectares does a unit need to spread to achieve goal? This makes budgeting and monthly reporting simple.Most importantly, we all need someone to keep us accountable.

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22 Groundspread November 2017

SPECIAL OFFER!Receive a free trial can of Prolan lanolin lubricant – just

say you saw the Prolan advert in Groundspread.Contact Murray at Prolan on 07 548 0823 or email [email protected] – remember to say you saw it in



saved work, time

worry & money.

PROLAN COATING SERVICES AVAILABLECall the experienced ‘Prolan team’ for onsite application to protect fertiliser spreaders, loaders and truck chassis. Ph: 07 5480823Mob: 0274 920223 E: [email protected]


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• Long lasting natural lanolin corrosion inhibitor• Resists salt, sand, fertiliser, cold water blasting• Safe on rubbers and wiring• Prolongs machinery life• Increase vehicle resale value• Improve COF checkouts

TrailerGood tidy transport trailer. We have been using this to cart our loader around but is now surplus to our requirements. Can come with either a 40mm or a 50mm drawbar. Will come with a new COF. Asking price $20,000 including GSTAny questions please call Peter on 0274 915 726 or Nathan on 0274 737 961.

Scania Truck2008 Scania P380 with 6 Ton twin spinner Beck bin.Transpread 2020 spread computer. Tracmap GPS unit.445/65R/22.5 tyres all round. 183,000kms, 4084 engine hours.Very tidy, bosses truck. Therefore, done bugger all!

Price $130,000 + GSTContact Dean on 027 431 4090

Classifieds – For Sale

Looking to sell or buy gear? Classified listings are free for NZGFA members in Groundspread. Email to [email protected] list online in The Sales Yard section of NZGFA website (log in to the Members Toolkit Section on website:

Wrecking 4x4 TrucksIsuzu Mercedes MAN

Old and New

Southland Truck Wreckers0800706004

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Scania has a great range of 4x4 and 6x6 spreader models, with engines from 360hp to 440hp. Your Scania spreader will prove to be a more responsive performer no matter what the terrain, with maximum torque from low down in the rev range.

Designed and customised with industry-leading cab safety technology and backed by a dedicated nationwide service network, you will be equipped to go anywhere.

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Talk to your local Scania CablePrice representative about a tailored solution to keep your operation growing.

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24 Groundspread November 2017


Durability, reliability, overall performance and power. Just a few of the reasons why New Zealand’s leading spreader companies trust IVECO. The IVECO Trakker 4x4 boasts industry leading power to weight ratio, a high workload capacity and superb agility for greater manoeuvrability in all applications. Phone 0800 FOR IVECO (0800 367 48326) Your partner for sustainable transport




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