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The Conquest of Granada


The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards (Almazor and Almahide; or, The Conquest of

Granada ) consists of two parts and ten acts. In the play, fifteenth-century Granada is besieged by

the Christian armies of Ferdinand, king of Spain. Mahomet Boabdelin, the king of Granada,

faces not only the challenge of the Christian army, but also the challenge of reconciling a

populace divided into faction : the Zegrys and the Abencerrages.The hero is Almanzor, who

fights for the Moors.

Part I

We see the introduction of a mysterious stranger, Almanzor, hostilities between the two

factions that are subdued only after Almanzor kills a Zegry, the condemnation of Almanzorof

disobeying the king’s order, the pardoning of Almanzor by request of Prince Abdalla, the king’s

brother, more factional fighting that is subdued not by the king but by Almanzor on the king’s

behalf. Boabdelin explains to the leaders of each faction that their ‘’ intestine strife ‘’ weakens

the state and aids the enemies.

Almanzor has led the forces of Granada to victory over the Castilians and brought about a

cessation of factionalism. In an exchange of taunts with his prisoner, the Duke of Arcos,

Almanzor promises to release him in order to gain the honor of defeating him in the next battle.

We also find Prince Abdalla courting Lyndaraxa, sister to the Zegry leader Zulema. Lyndaraxa is

already promised to the leader of the Abencerrages, and second, Abdalla is not a king. The

second difficulty leads Abdalla to consider betraying his brother in order to gain the throne and

the hand of Lyndaraxa.

Boabdelin refuse Almazor by not allowing him to free the Duke of Arcos. Abdalla enlists

Almazor’s aid in his attempt to gain the throne. The act continues with a revolt of the Zegrys led

by Abdalla and Almanzor. Almanzor forces his way into the castle , meets Almahide, falls in

love with her, and finds out about her vow to Boabdelin. When Abdalla asks Almanzor how he

can reward him for his efforts, Almanzor answers that he can free Almahide. Before Abdalla

acts, Zulema enters and asksAbdalla to grant Almahide to him. Sensing Abdalla’s willingness to

accommodate Zulema ,Almanzor revokes his friendship with Abdalla and goes from his camp.

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Almanzor offers his services to Boabdelin, the king he was fighting against . The bulk of

the act is taken up with the love affairs of Lyndaraxa and Almahide, each of whom wrestles with

earlier vows and competing lovers. The act ends with Almanzor rescue of Almahide, and in

response to his confession of love she suggest that she should take his suit to Boabdelin and her

father, Abenazar.

Abdalla, whose rebellion has failed, asks Lyndaraxa to shelter him, but she refuses him

because he never managed to become king. The family prejudice continues to mark other lovers:

Ozmyn andBenzayda. Boabdelin vows to reward Almanzor’s aid with whatever he may desire,

and Almanzor asks Boabdelin to surrender Almahide to him . This insolence earns Almanzor his

second condemnation from Boabdelin, which Almanzor escapes by the request of Almahide.

Part II

Married to Boabdelin in the second part of the play, Almahide remains constant, despite

Boabdelin’s jealousy saying she removed Almazor forever from her sight. With the loss of the

heroic defender, Almanzor, and with Abdalla’s escape to join the Christians, Boabdellin’s

fortunes precipitately decline, and his people begin to rebel . The people asks the king to yield

the town, or call Almanzor back.

Almahide is forced by the war situation to recall Almanzor to save her husband’s throne;

thereby she intends to share her love by virtue. Unfortunately , she miscalculates Boabdelin’s

response to her yielding to Almanzor request and giving him her scarf saying is “for my

husbands sake” – that is a sign that he is their champion.

When Boabdelin saw the scarf in Almazor’s possession he breaks into a jealousy rage

and considers Almahide faithless. Insisting of her honesty, Almahide demands the scarf back and

returns it to her husband. And she even makes the upset Almanzor fight to save him

whenBoabdelin is took prisoner by the Duke of Arcos . Almanzorproceed a prisoner

exchangewithChristiancampand thusfrees theking Boabdellin.

The old AbencerragoAbenazaris a deadly rival of the Zegry chief, Selin, and their

inveterate hatred causes them to violate the bonds of nature and attempt to kill their children,

Ozmyn and Benzayda, who, like Romeo and Juliet, fall in love despite their clans’ feud. Finally,

the spirit of sacrifice and the selfless love vanquishes , and eventuallythe twofamilies

willreconcile by the love of their children .

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ZulemaandHamettriedto rapeAlmahide who calls for help and she is saved only by the

providential appearance of Abdelmelech. Lyndaraxa and her brothers swore falsely by Alcoran

and accused Almahide of adultery. Despite all signs of fidelity his wife has given, Boabdellin

condemns her to summary execution without trial. The young Ozmyn demand a trial by combat ,

a judgment of God, and Boabdelin agrees.Of the prosecution are Zulema andHamet and of the

Queen are Almanzor and Ozmyn. Despite Lyndaraxa’s dirty tricks, Almazor and Ozmyn win.

MeanwhileappearSpaniardswhoconqueredthe city and Boabdellinis slain by a Zegry’s hand –

killed not by a Spaniard but by one of his own Granadans.Lyndaraxa joins the Christians in the

last assault and is rewarded with the crown of Granada, but she taunts Abdelmelech once too

often, and he stabs her with a poniard and then he stabs himself.At the final of the the play we

find that Almanzor is the lost son of the Duke of Arcos, a Spaniard. By Boabdellin’s death,

Almahide is free from her vow and her new parent, the godmother queen Isabella, gives her hand

to Almanzor, she receive a “Coronet of Spain” from Almanzor’s family and she will reign as

