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Page 1: Summary


Page 2: Summary

HOW TO WRITE A GOOD SUMMARY Read the question carefully and identify

the nouns in the question (Underline them as this will help you to detect the points)   

Then look at the 10 words given.          Try to find the 10 words in the text,

sometimes not the whole 10 words could be found in the text. If, the 10 words is no where in the text, look back at the question; words from the question could be in the text. (Usually the points are directly after the words and in the second paragraph) 

Page 3: Summary

Read the text carefully to identify important facts/ points.

Underline the important facts/points, leave out details like example or lengthy descriptions.

Before you write your summary.. List down the points, write them down in your answer sheet and then, count the words. Name of people and places are considered as one word. Examples: Kota Kinabalu, Tun Mahathir Mohamad

After that, do some cutting, pasting and joining; cut redundant words and try to join the points and re-organise them. 

Page 4: Summary

Make sure that what ever you do would not change the meaning.

Then, as far as possible write out your summary using your own words,  but use the same tense as in the passage.

You must use /begin your summary with the 10 words given.

Use connectors or whatever suitable words to link the fact. 

Write your summary in not more than 60 words and in one paragraph.

Don't forget to write the number of words in brackets as the end of your summary.

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Practise 1Guiding is planned for ordinary girls and so ordinary women can be their

leaders. To be a guider does not require one to be rare genius at all, but it is obvious that certain qualifications are necessary.

Guiders are appointed by the person responsible for guiding in the immediate are, the District Commissioner. Those wishing to offer their help can do so by becoming guides themselves.

The wise guider may not appear to be making decisions or organizing when the girls can do it themselves, but that does not mean that she is idle.

In fact, the success of everything that happens in the Unit depends very largely on the guider. It is she who sets the tone. She generates that atmosphere and attitudes of guiding so that they are received by the guides. She sees that the methods are put into proper use and that there is an ample supply of suggested activities. She understands the aims behind it all and works toward their fulfillment.

She must make sure that the girls follow a standard of personal behavior and are able to care for individuals. Among other things, she herself must be enthusiastic in entering into every activity. Above all, she is expected to have good ideas of things to do.

Write a summary on the role and responsibilities of a guider. Begin your summary as follows: Success depends on the guider as she is the one…

Page 7: Summary

PRACTICE 2Kuala Lumpur’s latest arts and crafts market is held monthly every first Saturday of the month in the leafy surroundings of the National Art Gallery and the National Theatre. Here, people come together for shopping, to have fun, listen to music and enjoy good food. Rain or shine, it has provided space and opportunity for people to show and share ideas, hang out, shop and interact.What is attractive about the market is that the highlights change every month. The objective is the same- to not only provide a platform for local artist to showcase their diverse and unique talent across a variety of sectors including arts, crafts, music, heritage and much more, but also develop interactive art appreciation activities that the whole family can enjoy.At the market, one might find budding artists, paintings, photographs, prints, batik, baskets, clothing, silk-screened T-shirts, scarves, jewellery, pottery, soap, homemade cookies, handmade dolls, hand-bound blank books, stationery, glass ware, local hawker fare and much more.What is unique about the market is that visitors have the opportunity to mingle and interact with the artist who have created the works or the artisans who have produced the handicrafts. This is certainly an interesting alternative to shopping in retail stores and art galleries. Where else do you get to see and talk to the person who painted your new favorite picture and also support them directly?

Write a summary on the activities that take place in the Kuala Lumpur arts and craft market.

Begin your summary as follows: At Kuala Lumpur’s latest arts and crafts market, we can…

Page 8: Summary

PRACTICE 3Tasik Kenyir is in Terengganu. It is a large man-made lake. In fact, it is the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia. It is about 260 000 hectares in area.Most people know about Kenyir Dam in Tasik Kenyir, which provides electricity and water to the area. However, there is more to Tasik Kenyir than this. This lake is home to variety of flora and fauna. Many different types of animals and plants can be found here. There are also 14 waterfalls and rapids as well as 340 islets, or small islands, on this lake.Tourist, both local and foreign, like visiting Tasik Kenyir for a taste of nature and exploration. People can participate in various activities such as wildlife spotting, kayaking, angling and obstacle course activities. For the more adventurous visitors, they can explore the surrounding jungles and go mountain climbing, caving, jungle trekking and picnicking.For those who enjoy spending time relaxing in nature’s beauty, Tasik Kenyir is the place to visit. Write a summary describing Tasik Kenyir and why people

would want to go there. Begin your summary as follows: Tasik Kenyir is the largest man-made lake in Southeast…

Page 9: Summary

PRACTICE 4Turtles are reptiles and many of them live in the sea. Female turtles only come to land to lay eggs. When a female turtle lays eggs, tears can be seen flowing from her eyes. People often think that the female turtle is crying but this probably not true. The turtle is actually getting rid of the access salt in her body trough the tears.There are between 100 and 150 eggs in a turtle clutch. The eggs have soft thick shells and are round. Only about 80 per cent of these eggs hatch into baby turtles. The baby turtles or turtle hatchlings come out of their nest when the temperature becomes cooler, normally in the early hours of the morning. They immediately crawl towards the sea. Along the way, they way get attacked by predators such as birds. The hatchlings have to reach the sea within two or three hours after they hatch or they may die.A turtle hatchling’s life is not easy. It is all alone and has to learn very quickly to survive.

Write a summary on turtle eggs and turtle hatchlings. Begin your summary as follows: In a turtle clutch there are between 100 and 150…

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PRACTICE 5The highly acclaimed Awan Porto Malai Resort, located on the south western tip of Langkawi Island, is a charming resort. This resort is inspired by Mediterranean architecture. Langkawi, an island famed for her legends and duty-free status, is a combination of sun, shore and sea that opens up a world of oceanic pleasures.Awana Porto Malai Resort is therefore indeed a playground for those who want to indulge in the lifestyle of the rich. Strolling along the breeze boardwalk is yet another experience for one gets to discover the beauty of the sunset.The resort is designed and built on prime waterfront land. Thus, it is convenient to attract both local and foreign tourists. As it is self-contained, it has world class amenities and, most importantly, they are within easy reach. The rooms, 175 of them which face the sea or lagoon, are completely furnished with king-sized or twin beds, colour television, IDD telephone facility tea/coffee making facility and attached bathroom. For those who love water activities, Awana Porto Malai Resort is just the place for you. It is a true wonderland that gives you total pleasure in jet skiing, canoeing, water-skiing, sunset cruise, sailing and wind surfing.Make Awana Porto Malai Resort your next destination if you are planning on a holiday. Write a summary on why Awana Porto Malai Resort is a good

holiday destination. Begin your summary as follows: The resort is a good holiday destination for the following…

Page 11: Summary

PRACTICE 6Trees are one of the biggest living things on Earth, and they live the longest. A tree has three main parts. The crown is the top part of the tree, which divided into many branches, each covered in leaves. The leaves make the tree’s food. The trunk of the tree is its stem, which supports the crown. The outer covering is a layer of tough bark, which protects the thin layer of living wood beneath. A tree’s roots are spread out as far below the ground as the branches spread above. They hold it firmly in the ground and also soak up water from the soil.Broad-leaved trees such as oaks and maples have wide, flat leaves. Their seeds grow inside the flowers and the fruits on the tree. Cone-bearing trees or conifers such as pines and firs have thin, hard needles instead of leaves. Their seed grows inside cones. They can live in much colder places than broad-leaved trees.Trees provide food and shelter for many other living things. Plants live on the branches or climb up the trunk, and fungi grow on the bark. Climbing and flying animals live among the branches, eating flowers, fruits or seeds. Some animals eat the leaves or nibble at the wood or bark. Others eat the insect that live on the trees. Write a summary on the parts of trees and their functions. Begin your summary as follows: A tree is divided into three parts. The top part…

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PRACTICE 7Often, when you go jungle trekking, you get bitten by leeches. There are several ways to avoid getting bitten by leeches. Here are a few methods that you can follow.One way to stop leeches from biting you is by spraying insect repellent generously on your socks and shoes before you start your trek through the jungle. This will cause the leeches to curl up and drop off before they bite you. If you prefer not to do this, there is another way. You can try soaking your clothes in salt solution or tea. Make sure you dry them in the sun before wearing them. This will stop leeches from coming near you. You can also wear special “leech socks “that you can pull over your trouser legs.If you find leeches on your body, you can make them drop off by putting a burning matchstick close to them. Make sure you do not burn yourself, though. Leech bites will bleed. To stop the bleeding you can spread some fire ash or sea cucumber oil on the bite. Once the bleeding stops, wash the wound with soap and water. This will prevent the wound from getting infected. Write a summary on how you can stop leeches from biting

you and what to do if they do bite you. Begin your summary as follows: In order to stop leeches from biting you, spray insect…

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PRACTICE 8When Shridar Chillal from Pune, Mumbai, India, decided to grow his nails to a record-breaking length, he never thought it would be so hard on his life. His nails grew to a length of more than one metre each. This caused his left hand to grow out of shape because of the weight of the nails. The nails were tortoise shell in colour and twirled at the ends.For 20 year, he was in record books for having the longest nails in the world. His longest nail, a thumbnail, measured 1.5 metres in length.Chillal was very careful when walking down the street for fear that someone or something may bump into him and break one of his precious nail. “When I see a car, a scooter, a cow or a bull, a child or even adults, before they come my way, I have to make sure I’m out of the way,” he said.One would imagine that it would be tough for him to find a job especially since his nails were so fragile, but once again, Chillal proved everyone wrong. He was a freelance photographer and then a Press photographer until he retired in 1995. Write a summary on Shridar Chillal’s fingernails. Begin your summary as follows: Shridar Chillal form India grew his fingernails to record-breaking…
