
Suki’s KimonoBy: Chieri Uegaki

Illustrated by: Stephane Jorisch

Unit 5 Week 1

cottonNoun: cloth made from cotton


My shirt was made from cotton and polyester.

What do you own that’s made of cotton?

festivalNoun: a celebration or holiday

Every New Year, my neighborhood has a festival with fireworks.

What type of festival have you been to?

gracefulAdjective: showing beauty in


The dancer moved her arms in graceful curves.

When have you seen someone do something graceful?


Noun: square piece of cloth used to wipe a face or nose

I used a handkerchief to wipe my nose when I had a cold.

Why might you use a handkerchief ?

pacesNoun: steps in walking

It took 203 paces to climb the steps of the lighthouse.

How many paces do you think you walk in one day?


Adjective: light in shade or color

I wore a pale blue scarf around my neck during the winter.

Why might someone look pale?


Noun: a repeated beat; sound or motion

One song had a great rhythm, so everyone danced.

Why do you like to dance to the rhythm of a song?


Adjective: fitting closely; tightly

I pulled the covers up to my chin, and then I felt snug in bed.

Why might it be a problem if your clothing is too snug?

I Love Saturdays y domingos

By: Alma Flor AdaIllustrated by: Claudia Degliuomini

Unit 5 Week 2

bouquetNoun: a bunch of flowers

I gave my mom a bouquet of flowers for Mother’s Day.

Why might someone get a bouquet of flowers?


Noun: a show that includes acrobats, clowns and trained animals

The circus performers included tumblers, trapeze artists and trained lions.

Have you ever been to a circus?

difficultAdjective: hard to do

I would not have found the test so difficult if I’d only studied harder.

What is something that is difficult to do the first time?


Verb: eating or biting in a quick way

I like to watch the squirrels nibbling the scraps we throw into the garden.

What are some other foods animals might be nibbling?


Noun: a walkway that stretches over water

At the beach, seagulls lined the sides of the pier.

What activities can you do on a pier?


Verb: rises high in the air

Andy’s kite soars high above the others because he has great skill.

What are some things that can soar?


Verb: the action that causes food to pass from the mouth to the stomach

My throat hurt too much to swallow anything except ice-cold drinks.

Why might it be hard to swallow if you’re sick?

Good-Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong

By: Frances Park and Ginger ParkIllustrated by: Yangsook Choi

Unit 5 Week 3

airportNoun: place where planes take

off and land from

At the airport, we boarded the plane to fly to New York.

Where might someone travel to from an airport?


Noun: underground room, under a building

We went into the cellar to stay safe from the tornado.

Why is a cellar something useful to have?

curiousAdjective: eager to find out

I enjoy social studies because I am curious about the world.

What is something you are curious to know?


Adjective: tastes very good

For my birthday, my mom ordered delicious cupcakes from the bakery.

What do you like to eat that is delicious?


Verb: told about in words or writing

When our dog went missing, I described his appearance to the police.

When have you described something to someone?


Noun: good-bye

We waved farewell to my grandparents as we boarded the plane.

When have you told someone farewell?


Adjective: wanting to go home

I felt homesick while I was at summer camp for 4 weeks.

When have you felt homesick?


Noun: everything a person remembers

I have many happy memories of my summer vacation to California.

What do you have memories of?


Noun: drops of rain

I opened my umbrella when I felt raindrops on my head.

When have you felt raindrops?

Jalapeno BagelsBy: Natasha Wing

Illustrated by: Antonio L. Castro

Unit 5 Week 4


Noun: place where bread and cake are made and sold

I walked to the bakery to buy fresh bread.

What delicious treats might a bakery sell?


Noun: group of things made at the same time

Mom and I made a batch of 24 muffins for the bake sale.

What types of food might be sold in a batch?


Verb: to heat a liquid until it bubbles and gives off steam

When the water boils, it’s time to put the pasta in the pot.

My grandma boils water when she makes tea.


Verb: three or four strands woven together

My mom braided my hair for my birthday party.

What is something that can be braided?


Noun: flour mixed together to make bread

We ordered whole wheat dough for our pizza crust.

What are some foods that are made from dough?


Noun: items something is made from

Flour is one of the main ingredients in baking.

What ingredients do you need to make a cake?

Me and Uncle RomieBy: Claire Hartfield

Illustrated by: Jerome Lagarrigue

Unit 5 Week 5


Noun: thick, stiff paper

We packed the books in a cardboard box.

What items might be sold in a cardboard box?


Noun: a meal with a lot of food

My family had a feast to celebrate my dad’s birthday.

What types of food might be at a feast?


Adjective: frightening, scary

The lion looked very fierce when it growled.

What other animals may be fierce?


Noun: sets of stairs

I walked up three flights of stairs to get to the top.

How many flights of stairs might someone walk to get to the top of a building?


Noun: person who throws a baseball

Our team’s pitcher struck everyone out.

What is one type of pitch a pitcher might throw?


Verb: destroyed or damaged

The cake was ruined when she dropped it on the floor.

What can be ruined if it is not taken care of?


Noun: small porches with steps

My neighbors’ stoops needed repairs to the broken stairs.

Where are stoops located on houses?


Noun: valuables; prizes

The ring from my grandmother is something to keep as a treasure.

What is a treasure that you own?
