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Page 1: Suffixes

Name: Period:


Suffix Meaning Examples Sentence Sentence

-ward In the direction of skyward, homeward, inward, upward, backwards

The balloon drifted slowly skyward.

The wagon rolled backward down the hill.

-ful Full of, characterized by, or tending to

hopeful, peaceful, forgetful, resentful, tearful, resourceful

I was hopeful that the rain would end and we would be able to have our picnic.

I am becoming so forgetful lately that I could not find my keys this morning.

-ish Relating to or like childish, devilish, foolish

It is very childish to throw a temper tantrum in class.

My dog was in a devilish mood this morning and tore up the newspaper.

-less Without senseless, motionless, ceaseless, worthless

The situation appeared hopeless to the lost child.

The man was cranky and very humorless when the clown approached him.

-like Resembling; having the characteristics of

catlike, lifelike, childlike

The painting was so well done that the child appeared lifelike.

-en Made of or like golden, earthen, ashen, silken, sharpen, strengthen

Regular exercise helps strengthen your body and sharpen your mind.

-ize To make or to cause to be

legalize, materialize

The town committee voted to legalize parking on certain streets.

The magician snapped his fingers, and a large rabbit seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

Page 2: Suffixes

Name: Period:

-y Having the quality of (added to nouns & adjectives)

messy, mousy, runny, sticky

Her hair was no longer golden, but a mousy shade instead.

-er someone who or something that does, provides, or is involved with. (added to a verb)

teacher, lawyer, surveyor, farmer, safer,

It is safer to lock the door when home alone.

The lawyer argued the case in front of the Supreme Court.