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doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.4881-20

Intern Med 60: 1095-1099, 2021


Successful Treatment with Rituximab for Granulomatosiswith Polyangiitis and Multiple Cranial Neuropathies

Kazuhiro Horiuchi, Yuki Oshima and Akihiko Kudo

Abstract:We herein report a case of granulomatosis with polyangiitis in a 73-year-old man. He had experienced bi-

lateral ptosis, redness of both eyes, right facial weakness, and hearing loss in the right ear for two months.

Myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody was positive. Corticosteroids and intravenous cyclo-

phosphamide pulse therapy yielded a response. After the fourth pulse of cyclophosphamide, he developed

headache, diplopia, restricted left eye movement, right facial palsy, and hearing loss in the right ear. A one-

year remission period was achieved by increasing the steroid and rituximab doses. Rituximab was effective

against the relapse of granulomatosis with polyangiitis and cranial neuropathy.

Key words: granulomatosis with polyangiitis, MPO-ANCA, rituximab, cyclophosphamide, cranial neuropathy

(Intern Med 60: 1095-1099, 2021)(DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.4881-20)


Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is an autoimmune

vasculitis of small-to-medium-sized blood vessels. The clas-

sic or complete form of GPA affects the upper respiratory

tract, lungs, and kidneys. It can also occur in the limited

form, which usually involves the head and neck. The Chapel

Hill 2012 Consensus Criteria define GPA as “necrotizing

granulomatous inflammation usually involving the upper and

lower respiratory tract and necrotizing vasculitis affecting

predominantly small to medium vessels”(1).

Treatments for GPA involve intensive immunosuppressive

therapy with high-dose corticosteroids and cyclophos-

phamide or rituximab to induce remission. Once remission

is achieved, patients are switched to less-toxic maintenance

immunosuppression, such as azathioprine and low-dose cor-

ticosteroid (2). Localized GPA typically manifests with mid-

dle ear and respiratory tract features such as otitis media, si-

nusitis, nasal collapse, and airway stenosis.

We herein report a case of localized GPA that relapsed,

presented with progressive and multiple cranial nerve pal-

sies, and responded to rituximab treatment.

Case Report

The patient was a 73-year-old man with GPA who had no

previous medical history. His family history was unremark-

able. He had experienced bilateral ptosis, redness of both

eyes, right facial palsy, and hearing loss in the right ear for

two months. He was referred to our institution because the

symptoms continued to progress.

On an examination, he appeared ill, with a pulse rate of

72 beats/min; blood pressure, 124/74 mmHg; respiratory

rate, 10 breaths/min; oxygen saturation, 96%; and tempera-

ture, 37.0℃. His height was 157 cm, weight 50 kg. His

eyes were congested, and he had pain in both eyes and face.

Saddle nose deformity was not observed. Breathing sounds

were clear on chest auscultation. Body edema was not ob-

served. On a neurological examination, he was alert and

showed bilateral hyposmia, a decreased light reflex in the

right eye, bilateral ptosis, right eye abduction limitation,

diplopia (right lateral gaze), reduced superficial sensation at

the upper right part of the face, right facial muscle weak-

ness, dysgeusia, and mild bilateral hearing loss.

Initial laboratory studies showed the following: a white

blood cell count of 6,200/mm3 (neutrophils 79.8%, lympho-

cytes 14.8%, monocytes 4.7%, eosinophils 0.5%, and baso-

Department of Neurology, Hakodate Municipal Hospital, Japan

Received: March 18, 2020; Accepted: September 13, 2020; Advance Publication by J-STAGE: November 2, 2020

Correspondence to Dr. Kazuhiro Horiuchi, [email protected]

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Intern Med 60: 1095-1099, 2021 DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.4881-20


Figure. Brain MRI with T1 gadolinium enhancement (TR 9 TE 3.4) showed dural thickening in both temporal lesions, indicating pachymeningitis. In the paranasal sinuses, mucosal thickening of the maxillary sinuses, minimal fluid retention, and bone wall thickening were observed, suggesting chronic sinusitis. Inflammation of the bilateral ocular conjunctiva was also observed. Overall, the findings were indicative of right-dominant bilateral otitis media.

phils 0.2%), hemoglobin 13.0 g/dL, platelet count 446×103/

mm3, C-reactive protein (CRP) 6.22 mg/dL, aspartate

aminotransferase 13 international units (IU)/L, alanine

aminotransferase 12 IU/L, blood urea nitrogen 12.5 mg/dL,

creatinine 0.55 mg/dL, sodium 140 mEq/L, potassium 4.3

mEq/L, and chloride 102 mEq/L, glucose, 99 mg/dL,

HbA1c, 6.1%; IgG, 926 mg/dL, prothrombin time 11.2 sec-

onds, international normalized ratio (INR), 0.9 (normal

range <1.15), activated partial thromboplastin time 28.7 sec-

onds (normal range <42 s), rheumatoid factor 10 IU/mL

(normal range <15 IU/mL), proteinase3 anti-neutrophil cyto-

plasmic antibody (PR3-ANCA) <1.0 U/mL (normal value

<3.5 U/mL), myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic

antibody (MPO-ANCA) 4.8 U/mL (normal range <3.5 U/

mL), angiotensin-converting enzyme 8.1 U/L (normal range

8.3-21.4 U/L), soluble interleukin-2 receptor 496 U/mL, and

β-D-glucan <6 pg/mL. Cryptococcus neoformans antigens

and aspergillus antigens were both negative. Anti-Sjögren’s

syndrome (SS)-A, SS-B, ribonucleoprotein, double-stranded

DNA immunoglobulin G, and cyclic citrullinated peptide an-

tibodies were not detected. A urinalysis showed no urine

protein or occult blood. In the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

test, the lumbar CSF opening pressure was 130 mmH2O,

number of cells was 20/μL (lymphocytes, 20, neutrophils,

0), protein level was 80.8 mg/dL, glucose level was 59 mg/

dL, IgG level was 19.0 mg/dL, IgG index was 2.08, and

myelin basic protein level was <40 mg/dL. An oligoclonal

band was not detected.

Chest radiographs and computed tomography (CT) images

were normal. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) re-

vealed dural thickening in both temporal lesions, but the

trigeminal, facial, and auditory nerves showed no gadolin-

ium enhancement. In the paranasal sinuses, mucosal thicken-

ing of the maxillary sinuses, minimal fluid retention, and

bone wall thickening were detected, indicating chronic si-

nusitis. Inflammation of the bilateral ocular conjunctiva was

also observed. Overall, the findings were indicative of right-

dominant bilateral otitis media (Figure).

Both sides of the mastoid were poorly aerated, with soft

opacity in the tympanic cavity and evidence of otitis media.

A consultation with an ophthalmologist for the redness of

both eyes resulted in a diagnosis of scleritis. We performed

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Intern Med 60: 1095-1099, 2021 DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.4881-20


a biopsy of the thickened nasal mucosa. At the biopsy site

of the sinus mucosa, numerous eosinophils, neutrophils, and

plasma cells were found in addition to capillaries with thick-

ened basement membranes and vasculogenesis. We observed

no evidence of fibrinoid necrosis, other vasculitis, or peri-

vascular inflammation that would clearly indicate vasculitis.

In addition, no fungal infection or malignancy was found.

Based on the otitis media, scleritis, hypertrophic pachymen-

ingitis, and PR3-ANCA-positive findings, the patient was di-

agnosed with localized GPA (MPO-ANCA-positive). Fur-

thermore, according to the algorithm of the European Medi-

cines Agency, this case is confirmed by the GPA for the di-

agnosis of ANCA-related vasculitis (3).

The patient was started on treatment with 2 courses of in-

travenous pulses of methylprednisolone 1,000 mg/day for 3

days, which resulted in rapid improvement of bilateral pto-

sis, right eye abduction limitation, diplopia, reduced superfi-

cial sensation in the upper right side of the face, dysgeusia,

and bilateral hearing loss. CRP and MPO-ANCA became

negative. However, the bilateral hyposmia, decreased right-

eye light reflex, and facial muscle weakness on his right

side remained. His oral prednisolone dose was 50 mg/day

after intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) 1,000 mg/day

for 3 days, and he received 4 doses of intravenous cyclo-

phosphamide 500 mg (10 mg/kg) at monthly intervals. The

dose of prednisolone was gradually tapered to 15 mg/day.

Four weeks after the fourth pulse of cyclophosphamide,

he developed a headache, diplopia, restricted left-eye move-

ment in all directions, weakness of the right facial muscles,

and exacerbation of hearing loss in the right ear. No symp-

toms other than cranial nerve issues and headache were ob-

served. The levels of MPO-ANCA (2.8 U/mL) and CRP

(3.52 mg/dL) were increased, and PR3-ANCA was absent.

Gadolinium-enhanced brain MRI detected no evidence of

cerebral nerve thickening. However, it did reveal persistent

mucosal thickening of the sinus and pachymeningitis despite

improvement in the symptoms of sinusitis and otitis media.

We therefore diagnosed the patient with localized GPA re-

lapse and reinitiated methylprednisolone at 1,000 mg/day for

3 days.

Prednisolone was increased to 50 mg/day, and rituximab

was started because intravenous cyclophosphamide monthly

was not sufficiently effective. Rituximab was administered at

375 mg/m2 weekly for a total of 4 doses. His headache soon

improved. Diplopia, eye movement restriction, right facial

muscle weakness, and right hearing loss gradually improved.

No side effects of rituximab were observed. The patient was

switched to maintenance therapy with azathioprine for 6

months after completing the rituximab course, and the pred-

nisolone dose was slowly tapered to 5 mg/day. He remained

in good clinical condition except for mild residual weakness

of the right facial muscles for one year following the com-

pletion of rituximab.


Central nervous system complications are common in pa-

tients with GPA. In a European cohort of 128 GPA patients,

56 (44%) had peripheral neuropathy (either symmetrical

polyneuropathy or mononeuritis multiplex). Only 9 patients

(7%) had CNS involvement, including 6 with cranial nerve

palsies (4). CNS involvement occurred in 8% of cases in a

cohort from the National Institutes of Health (5), and cranial

nerve palsies occurred in 21 of 324 patients (6%) (6). CNS

disease in GPA is attributed to three distinct but sometimes

co-existing mechanisms: by spread of granulomatous tissue

from adjacent sites in the middle ear and sinuses (as in our

patient), by primary granuloma formation within the CNS,

or by vasculitis affecting the CNS. In this case, there were

no findings on MRI suggestive of vasculitis. The arteries af-

fected by GPA were considered to be consistent with the

fact that arteries of the size generally seen on MRI were not


Several previous cases of hearing symptoms, along with

granulomatous nose, throat, and eye were diagnosed with

GPA and treated with rituximab (7). Facial palsy associated

with otitis media is a well-known common feature of PR3-

ANCA-related granulomatosis; however, cranial polyneuro-

pathies are also possible in MPO-ANCA-related vasculitis,

albeit with a lower reported incidence (8-10).

Although the number of PR3-ANCA-positive patients was

small, a previous study found a higher frequency of pulmo-

nary and renal disease in PR3-ANCA-positive cases than in

MPO-ANCA-positive cases, with leptomeningeal and paren-

chymal involvement in the brain being more common in PR

3-positive hypertrophic pachymeningitis than in MPO-

positive and idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis (11).

In our study, no contrast findings or thickening of the cra-

nial nerves was detected by MRI; however, we concluded

the patient’s diagnosis to be multiple cranial neuropathies

caused by hypertrophic pachymeningitis. No lung or kidney

lesions occurred, and relapse only manifested as cranial neu-

ropathies. Thickening of the maxillary sinus mucosa was ob-

served by CT and MRI, but thickening of the cranial nerves

could not be detected by MRI. There have been reports of

dysphagia and pituitary disorders in patients with localized

GPA (12). It is possible that if the patient’s symptoms had

progressed, dysphagia may have occurred, and lung and kid-

ney disorders may have appeared. In localized GPA, 15 out

of 34 (44%) patients were PR3-ANCA-positive (>6 IU/mL)

before treatment and 23/34 (68%) were positive for C-

ANCA. Flare-ups during follow-up were unreliable (range

20-100%), and the specificity was more consistent (range

83-90%). All three patients with elevated MPO-ANCA lev-

els became negative after treatment with rituximab, and all

remained negative during follow-up. One of the three pa-

tients subsequently had disease recurrence without an in-

crease in MPO-ANCA (7). In a Japanese cohort study,

MPO-ANCA was positive in 62.3% of patients with

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GPA (13). Furthermore, seronegative GPA presenting with

multiple cranial nerve palsies was reported (14). Although

MPO-ANCA was positive in our case, we diagnosed it as

GPA based on the clinical symptoms and pathological find-


According to a previous study on refractory GPA, rituxi-

mab therapy resulted in complete remission/improvement in

89.2% of patients with renal disease and 80.8% with alveo-

lar hemorrhaging. However, for orbital mass and pachymen-

ingitis cases, rituximab therapy resulted in improvement in

only 44.4% and 49.9% of patients, respectively (15), sug-

gesting that rituximab may be more effective for treating

vasculitis than for granulomatous manifestations. Further-

more, orbital pseudotumor and pachymeningitis may cause

scarring instead of ongoing inflammation; meanwhile, rituxi-

mab was effective in cranial neuropathies caused by granu-

loma lesions (16). Regarding the effects of rituximab on

ANCA-associated vasculitis, most studies have reported >

80% complete or partial remission rates, with the lowest re-

sponse (37.5%) obtained for granulomatous lesions (17). In

the current case, hypertrophic pachymeningitis at the site of

multiple cranial neuropathies did not lead to progressive

scarring due to long-term inflammation. We believe that ri-

tuximab might have been effective if it had been adminis-

tered before irreversible scarring changes occurred.

The RAVE and RITUXIVAS studies both showed the

non-inferiority of rituximab compared to cyclophosphamide

in AAV (18, 19). However, the results from these trials can-

not necessarily be applied to our patient. The RITUXIVAS

trial and RAVE studies did not have any patients with cra-

nial nerve palsies in the rituximab treatment arm. Neverthe-

less, case series suggest that rituximab can be effective

against cranial neuropathy of GPA (7, 20). From 1985 to

2003, 23% of 350 patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis

exhibited treatment resistance. A low glomerular filtration

rate, female sex, MPO-ANCA positivity, older age, and

chronic kidney biopsy histology have been shown to be risk

factors for treatment resistance (21). The present case met

the following two criteria: positive for MPO-ANCA and

older age. Although IVMP was effective, we reduced the

amount of prednisolone taken to 15 mg/day at 4 months af-

ter treatment initiation to avoid infections. Combining high-

dose steroids and cyclophosphamide had a high probability

of resulting in concomitant infections; thus, the prednisolone

dose was reduced. Relapse occurred because the standard

dose of intravenous cyclophosphamide (IVCY) was reduced

from 15 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg every 4 weeks. When recur-

rence occurred, we could have responded by increasing the

dose of prednisolone and IVCY, but the patient was rela-

tively old (73 years old), so we stopped IVCY administra-

tion and initiated rituximab therapy to prevent side effects

such as infections.

Regarding rituximab therapy, 3 of 28 responders (11%)

followed for at least 12 months had relapsed by that time

point. A further 16 had to repeat rituximab treatment due to

an incomplete response or early symptoms suggestive of re-

lapse but without sufficient disease activity. All patients re-

sponded after repeated rituximab treatment, which was evi-

denced by no further relapses and a decreased dose of glu-

cocorticoids. At 18 months of follow-up, a further 2 patients

had suffered disease relapse (2/17, 12%) (7). As demon-

strated by several clinical trials, induction remission therapy

with rituximab, in which prednisolone was administered for

14 weeks, resulted in favorable outcomes, with 48% of the

patients maintaining remission at 12 months and 36% main-

taining it at 18 months (22). In addition, maintenance remis-

sion therapy with rituximab once every 6 months has been

shown to lead to a positive response (23).

Rituximab is commonly administered at 375 mg/m2 once

a week for 4 weeks; however, in few cases, rituximab ad-

ministration at 375 mg/m2 once only and initial prednisolone

at 20 mg/day successfully induced remission and maintained

patient safety (24). In the present case, rituximab rapidly

improved the symptoms during relapse. In elderly patients,

adjusting the number of rituximab doses and concomitant

prednisolone doses over the course of the treatment may re-

duce the risk of infection. The remission rates for rituximab

and cyclophosphamide for vasculitis are similar, but some

patients are contraindicated for cyclophosphamide therapy or

refuse such therapy because of concerns about myelosup-

pression, fertility, hair loss, and malignancy risk. Further-

more, the use of high-dose steroids is challenging for people

with severe diabetes and osteoporosis. High-dose steroids

and cyclophosphamide induction can be avoided by consid-

ering the first-line induction of rituximab and low-dose ster-

oids during remission or maintenance.


We herein report a case of local GPA presenting mainly

with cranial neuropathy symptoms. Rituximab treatment was

effective in relieving the cranial neuropathy induced by GPA

when relapse occurred with cyclophosphamide or corti-

costeroid treatment.

The authors state that they have no Conflict of Interest (COI).

AcknowledgementWe would like to thank the staff of the medical unit for their

help in the management of this patient.


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Intern Med 60: 1095-1099, 2021
