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Successful Email List Building Secrets

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Introduction•An email marketing list can be one of the most valuable marketing tools you can own•The trouble is, it takes time to create•Almost every site is now trying to build a list, so competition can be fierce•Here are some secrets to successful email marketing list building

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Know Your Niche•Niche marketing is the main reason online marketing has been so successful•Know what your target audience wants, and give it to them •One of the ways to get them on your list is to offer them something they really need to solve a typical problem related to your niche•Once they are on your list, you can get to know them better

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Offer an Incentive to Sign Up•Brainstorm a list of things that newcomers to your niche often have trouble with•Think about your own learning experiences•How did you overcome those issues?•Then offer an incentive•Email newsletters are great, but most people online want more these days

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Types of Incentives•There are many types that will work, but the most popular are free special reports•You can also try free ecourses via email•Fact sheets•Infographics•Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)•And more•Keep your incentive relevant to your email campaign

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Provide value to the subscriber•People are busy•Make sure your incentive is worth paying attention to•But don’t overdo it•Try not to undermine the value of your paid products with too much free stuff•Treat each email as a chance to build and deepen your relationship, not just sell stuff

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Use a double-opt in•Be sure you have permission to email•Be sure no one can add someone else to the email, helpfully or otherwise•Confirmed opt-in to weed out those who signed up just for the incentive and will run away once they get the free download•A multi-part ecourse also lessens the chances of this happening

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Emphasize the Value of Your Information•Make sure your subscribers know exactly what they are signing up for,•Why•What they will get•What they can expect•Why your author and the incentive are worth paying attention to

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Position yourself as an expert•An email list can help you show off your expertise•A free special report is bound to get passed around•An ecourse will show you know your stuff•Other forms of incentives with your name on them will form a growing library of solid information products to show what you know

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Leverage your information•People will be coming to your site or blog all the time•People will come and go on your list•An email marketing plan can help you build relationships while re-purposing your best content•There is no duplicate content penalty for emails, only for content showing at your site

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Show who you are•Offer your credentials so they know why they should listen to you•Get testimonials•List your accomplishments•Show your expertise in the free offering•Just because it is free does not mean it can have little value•The free sample will often lead to paid sales

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Work on Building the Relationship

•The welcome message is the first email subscribers get after joining•Make the welcome a warm one•Tell them what to expect•Fulfill their expectations if they wanted a download or ecourse•Personalize messages using subscribers’ details•Use the name of the subscriber with the help of the email marketing platform’s automated features

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Nurture the Relationship•give the subscriber an incentive to stay•Ask subscribers to interact with you and welcome any questions or feedback•Give them surveys to fill out and pay attention to the results•Mention that more freebies and tips are on the way. •Letting them know what content they can look forward to will increase their desire to stay on his list.

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Types of ‘teaser’ content•A question that you promise to answer in the next message•A list of upcoming topics you plan to cover•What will be in the next elesson of the course•Contents or sales that are exclusive to subscribers•Mystery guests•‘Top 5 or 10’ lists

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Conclusion•Email marketing is essential for any business owner, from online, to bricks and mortar•Once you have them on the list, you have a greater chance of building a relationship and selling to them•You can have more than one list•Separate (segment) your lists by topic, whether or not they are a customer that has made a purchase, and so on•Then see what a difference you will find in your sales

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For more informationFor more details about the topics we’ve discussed, and more, register for theEmail List Building Free eCourse••And see how easy it can be to build a responsive email marketing list