  • 1. Martin Waller / @[email protected] Teacher, E-Learning Senior Leader and Educational ResearcherHoly Trinity Rosehill C.E. (VA) Primary SchoolBetter Tools, Better Learning II Conference, Goethe-Institut Riga, Latvia September 25th-26th 2014

2. This presentation is also available online, complete with videosand hyperlinks, at: article about the safe use of Twitter in the Primary Classroomcan be downloaded at: information about my published work is available at: me on Twitter at: 3. Teacher andEducational ResearcherClassroom Teacher of Orange Class (Year 2) and Y5Moonstone Class at Holy Trinity Rosehill Primary School inthe UK.Curriculum leader for E-Learning and Computing fromNursery to Year 6Recent postgraduate student (MA in New Literacies) at theUniversity of Sheffield.Independent educational researcher working with a rangeof organisations. 4. This work is based upon 5. 6. So, what about education? 7. Image by Iarstho 8. Web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct apublic profile or semi-public profile within a bounded system,(2) articulate a list of other users within whom they share aconnection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connectionsand those made by others within the system.(boyd and Ellison, 2008: 221) 9. Much of the moral panic around new media focuses on theidea that they distract the attention of children and youngpeople from engaging with print literacy practices and are acausal factor in falling standards in literacy in schools.(Davies and Merchant, 2009: 111) 10. Social networks are here to stay - so how can we use them in schools?What value can they add to an already crowdedclassroom?Is it safe to use social networks in school?Whats the point? 11. Reading in this context means not simplydecoding, but involves the taking part in theconstruction of social networks in whichknowledge is co-constructed and distributed.(Marsh, 2010: 29) 12. Twitter RulesChildren must not mention their name or any of theirfriends by name under any circumstances.Children must not check for repliesor direct messages.Children must not navigate away from our Twitterstream page or look at other peoples profiles.(Waller, 2010) 13. Embedding Popular CultureKiKis Delivery Service - Studio Ghibli 1989Original story by Elko Kadono 14. An online platform to publish writing on a global scale accessible from anywhere in the world.Easy to use for staff and pupils alike.Children receive feedback from a globalaudience and comment positively and criticallyon their peers work.Writing for a real audience and purpose.(Waller, 2014)Blogging 15. 16. 100 Word Challenge Global Writing Project 17. The power of Web 2.0 18. 19. Embedding Technologies 20. 21. 22. Free video conferencinganywhere in the world via aninternet connection. 23. Replicating existing practices into digital form and hopingfor the best is not effective use of digital technologies ineducation.Teaching of safe practices within any onlinesocial network is crucial.Prescribed curricular definitions of literacy should bechallenged to take account of new literacy practices. 24. [email protected]@MultiMartin@MisterWallerY5 Moonstone Bloghttp://moonstone.htrschool.netY5 Moonstone [email protected]