Page 1: Subject Name: Chemistry 12

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Subject Name: Chemistry 12

I) Tick the correct option: (All questions / options - 315 / 0 ) 0 Marks1) The element whose inorganic minerals are not much abundant in earth crust:

a) Li b) N c) Na d) O

Correct AnswerN2) Ordinary glass is:

a) magnesium silicate b) sodium silicate c) calcium cilicate d) Ca and Na silicate

Correct Answercalcium cilicate 3) Which element is not present abundantly in the earth's crust?

a) silicon b) aluminium c) sodium d) oxygen

Correct Answersodium 4) The conversion of n-hexant into benzene by heating in the presence of Pt is called:

a) isomerism b) aromatization c) dealkylation d) rearrangement

Correct Answeraromatization 5) Hydrogenolysis of an alkyl halide takes place in the presence of catalyst:

a) b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

6) Which is a typical transition metal complexes is due to:

a) d-d- transition of electron b) Ionization c) Loss of s-electrons d) None of these

Correct Answerd-d- transition of electron 7) Newspaper can be recycled again and again for how many times?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

Correct Answer48) Reaction of with ethyl magnesium bromide, followed by acid hydrolysis produce:

a) propane b) propanoic acid c) propanal d) propanol

Correct Answerpropanoic acid 9) Methyl alcohol is used as:

a) a drink b) an anti-freezing agent c) a substitute for petrol d) a preservative for biological sepcimens

Correct Answeran anti-freezing agent 10) The hottest zone in the rotary kiln is:

a) drying b) pre-heating c) burning d) decomposition

Correct Answerburning 11) Coinage metals are present in the periodic table in group:

a) I-A b) I-B c) II-A d) II-B

Correct AnswerI-B12) Alcohol obtained by fermentation never exceeds:

a) 10% b) 16% c) 14% d) 95%

Correct Answer16%13) In Nelson's cell for the production of NaOH cathode is made up of:

a) Mercury b) Graphite c) Iron d) Steel

Correct AnswerSteel14) The structure of quartz, mica and asbestos have the same common basic unit of:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

15) Hardness is as much as that of iron for:

a) Calcium b) Magnesium c) Barium d) Beryllium

Correct AnswerBeryllium16) Soda lime is often employed to remove both:

a) and b) and c) and d) and

Correct Answer and

17) Which halogen is used as an insecticide?

a) b) c) d)

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Correct Answer

18) The common name of 2-Methyl 2 chloropropane is:

a) iso. Butyl chloride b) sec. butyl chloride c) ter. Butyl chloride d) n-butyl chloride

Correct Answerter. Butyl chloride 19) Which of the following is the most strongest acid in solution?

a) HF b) HCl c) HBr d) HI

Correct AnswerHI20) Tertiary alcohols are obtained by treating grignard reagent with _____ followed by:

a) aldehydes b) ketones c) water d) chloramine

Correct Answerketones 21) The ozone layer is:

a) 25 - 28 km high b) 20 - 25 km high c) 25 - 30 km high d) 35 - 40 km high

Correct Answer25 - 28 km high 22) Which of the following acid can be used as a catalyst in friedel-crafts reaction:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

23) Acetic acid was first isolated from:

a) butter b) vineger c) milk d) red ant

Correct Answervineger 24) The hydride of is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

25) During nitration of benzene, the active nitrating agent is:

a) b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

26) Which type of reactions are given by alkanes?

a) polymerization b) elimination c) substitution d) addition

Correct Answersubstitution 27) Hyderogen bond is the shortest between the molecules of:

a) HCl b) HF c) Xe d) HI

Correct AnswerHF 28) Dolomite is an ore of:

a) Strontium b) Magnesium c) Barium d) Potassium

Correct AnswerMagnesium29) Ethyl chloride reacts with alcoholic KOH to give:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

30) The three elements needed for the healthy frowth of plants are:

a) N,S,P b) N,Ca,P c) N,P,K d) N,K,C

Correct AnswerN,P,K31) reaction can be best carried out with:

a) Primary alkyl halides b) secondary alkyl halides c) tertiary alkyl halides d) All of these

Correct AnswerPrimary alkyl halides 32) A single chloride free radical can destroy how many ozone molecules:

a) 100 b) 100000 c) 10000 d) 10

Correct Answer10000033) Elements of the periodic table are classified into blocks:

a) four b) three c) five d) six

Correct Answerfour34) Ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with water to form:

a) ethane b) methane c) propane d) n-butane

Correct Answerethane 35) Ethyl bromide reacts with aqueous KOH to produce:

a) ethene b) ethane c) ethanol d) ethanoic acid

Correct Answerethanol 36) Hydrogen can be pleased at the top of VII A group in the periodic table because:

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a) It is electropositive b) It can lose one electron c) It accepts an electron d) It forms acidic oxides

Correct AnswerIt accepts an electron37) Point out the ore of potassium:

a) Dolomite b) Cryolite c) Bauxite d) Carnallite

Correct AnswerCarnallite38) Which compound is called a universal solvent:

a) b) c) d) None of these

Correct Answer

39) The compound used in the processing of anti polio vaccine is:

a) acetaldehyde b) formaldehyde c) Benzaldehyde acetone d) ethyl bromide

Correct Answerformaldehyde

40) Which compounds will not give iodoform test on treatment with

a) acetaldehyde b) acetone c) butanone d) 3-pentanone

Correct Answer3-pentanone 41) Which statement is incorrect?

a) All the metals are good conductors ofelectricity

b) All the metals are good conductorof heat

c) All the metals frompositive ions

d) All the metals from acidicoxides

Correct AnswerAll the metals from acidic oxides42) The boiling point range of petroleum ether is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

43) Which can produce Ketone:

a) Sec. Alcohol b) Calcium Acetate c) Propyne d) All of these

Correct AnswerAll of these 44) reactions are easily given by:

a) primary alkyl halide b) secondary alkyl halide c) tertiary alkyle halide d) None of these

Correct Answertertiary alkyle halide45) Which catalyst is used in contact process for manufacture of :

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

46) The normal amount of overhead ozone is about:

a) 250 DU b) 350 DU c) 200 DU d) 150 DU

Correct Answer350 DU47) Which of the following compounds may exist as cis-trans isomers?

a) 1-butene b) 2-butene c) 2-butyne d) None

Correct Answer2-butene 48) By convention a peptide having molecular mass upto 10,000 is called:

a) peptide b) polypeptide c) protein d) dipeptide

Correct Answerpolypeptide 49) Metamerism is shown by:

a) Ethers b) Amines c) Both of them d) None of them

Correct AnswerBoth of them 50) Most powerful oxidizing agent:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

51) Which metal is used in the thermite process because of its activity:

a) iron b) copper c) aluminium d) zinc

Correct Answeraluminium 52) The decrease in atomic sizes is no much prominent across rows containing elements of:

a) s-Block b) p-Block c) d-Block d) f-Block

Correct Answerd-Block53) Which one of the following alcohol has greater boiling point:

a) ethanol b) ethylene glycol c) glycerol d) methanol

Correct Answerglycerol 54) Carboxylic acid exists as cyclic dimmer in solution with:

a) water b) alcohol c) benzene d) all

Correct Answer

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benzene 55) Which is a synthetic polymer?

a) animal fat b) cellulose c) starch d) polyster

Correct Answerpolyster 56) decompose to give products:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

57) Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a) acts as a strongoxidizing agent

b) acts as a strongreducing agent

c) acts as adehydrating agent

d) acts assulphonating agent

Correct Answer acts as a strong reducing agent

58) The reaction of carboxylic acids with alcohols in presence of conc. is called:

a) esterification b) neutralization c) hydrolysis d) sponification

Correct Answeresterification 59) Methanol can be prepared from hydrogenation of:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

60) The colour of transition metal complexes is due to:

a) d-d transition of electrons b) Paramagnetism of transistion elements c) Ionization d) Loss of electrons

Correct Answerd-d transition of electrons 61) Which of the following is non-typical transition element atomic numbers are within parenthesis:

a) Cd(48) b) Mo(42) c) Cr(24) d) Fe(26)

Correct AnswerCd(48)62) The percentage of lime (CaO) in portland cement is;

a) 1.0% b) 2.5% c) 62% d) 60%

Correct Answer62% 63) Diammonium phosphate contains:

a) 18% nitrogen b) 48% c) 85% plant nutrients d) 10% nitrogen

Correct Answer48% 64) Aldehydes and ketones react with 2,4 Dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution to give precipitate of the colour:

a) yellow or red b) orange or red c) white or red d) black or red

Correct Answeryellow or red 65) One of the follwing is applied is applied on walls as white wash:

a) Lime water b) Milk of lime c) Milk of magnesia d) Lime stone

Correct AnswerMilk of lime66) Chile salt petre has the chemical formula.

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

67) Tollen's reagent is:

a) alkaline solution containing potassium citrate b) alkaline solution containig potassium citrate c) ammonical d) None of these

Correct Answer

ammonical 68) Which of the following elements form acidic oxide only.

a) Cd b) Al c) Sn d) Br

Correct AnswerBr69) Which one is not a metal direcing group:

a) COOH b) -CHO c) COR d)

Correct Answer

70) The elements of a group II-A are called:

a) Alkali metals b) Alakline earth c) Coinage metals d) Metalloids

Correct AnswerAlakline earth71) Which of the following reagents will react with both aldehydes and ketones?

a) Grignard reagent b) Tollen's reagent c) Fehling reagent d) Benedicts reagent

Correct AnswerGrignard reagent 72) Benzene react with alkyl and acylhalides in presence of . The reaction is:

a) freidel crafts reaction b) aldol condensation c) halogenations reaction d) nitration reaction

Correct Answerfreidel crafts reaction

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73) The reaction between fat and NaOH is called:

a) esterification b) hydrogenolysis c) fermentation d) saponification

Correct Answersaponification 74) The element present in greatest proportion on earth crust is:

a) magnesium b) nitrogen c) oxygen d) iron

Correct Answeroxygen 75) Following is used in making fire proof clothes:

a) water glass b) borax glass c) kaolin d) asbestos

Correct Answerasbestos 76) Modern periodic table is based on:

a) Atomic mass b) Atomic number c) Atomic volume d) Density

Correct AnswerAtomic number77) Presence of double or Triple bond is sign of:

a) Un-saturation b) Saturation c) Addition d) Substitution

Correct AnswerUn-saturation 78) Addition of alcohol in carbonyl compounds gives acetal; the geometry of acetal is:

a) Linear b) Trigonal c) Tetrahedral d) Planar

Correct AnswerTetrahedral 79) Ecosystem is a smaller unit of:

a) lithosphere b) atmosphere c) biosphere d) hydrosphere

Correct Answerbiosphere

80) There are types of ligands in

a) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 7

Correct Answer381) The formula of super oxide is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

82) Both Aldehydes and Ketones react with:

a) Grignard reagent b) Tollen's reagent c) Fehling's reagent d) Benedicts reagent

Correct AnswerGrignard reagent 83) The element Cesium bears resemblane with:

a) Ca b) Cr c) Both of Ca and Cr d) Na

Correct AnswerNa84) The strongest Oxy acid of halogen is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

85) Dolomite is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

86) The intermediate Hydride is:

a) CsH b) c) d) HF

Correct Answer

87) Percentage of nitrogen in urea is:

a) 76% b) 56% c) 46% d) 86%

Correct Answer46%88) Which one of the following elements form aicdic oxide only:

a) Cd b) Al c) Sn d) Br

Correct AnswerBr89) The only non-metal in group III-A is:

a) Al b) Ga c) B d) In

Correct AnswerB 90) A double bond consist of:

a) two sigma bond b) one sigma and one pi c) two pi bonds d) three pi bonds

Correct Answerone sigma and one pi91) Select one which shows cis-trans isomerism:

a) b) c) d) None

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Correct Answer

92) Proxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) is an irritant to human beings and it affects:

a) eyes b) ears c) stomach d) nose

Correct Answereyes 93) Position of isotopes in the periodic table was explained by:

a) Newsland b) Mendeleev c) Lother Meyer d) Moseley

Correct AnswerMoseley94) The element deposited at the cathode during the electrolysis of brine in diaphragm cell:

a) Na b) c) d)

Correct Answer

95) Rectified spirit is:

a) 80% alcohol b) 95% alcohol c) 85% alcohol d) 98% alcohol

Correct Answer95% alcohol 96) Orthoboric acid when heated to red hot gives:

a) boric anhydride b) pyroboric acid c) metaboric acid d) tetraboric acid

Correct Answerboric anhydride97) ____________ does not belongs to alkaline-earth metals:

a) Be b) Ra c) Ba d) Rn

Correct AnswerBa98) The halogen which occurs naturally in a positive Oxidation state:

a) F b) Cl c) Br d) I

Correct AnswerI99) What is the name of the reaction when gives an ether:

a) Hofmann's reaction b) Williamson's reaction c) Kolbe's synthesis d) Wurtz,s reaction

Correct AnswerWilliamson's reaction 100) ______ is Alcohol in the following:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

101) The addition of unsymmetrical reagent to an unsymmetrical alkene is in accordance with the rule:

a) Markowinkoff's rule b) Auf Bau Principle c) Paul's exclusion Principle d) None

Correct AnswerMarkowinkoff's rule 102) Aldehydes react with hydroxylamine in acidic solution to give:

a) an oxime b) aldol c) polymer d) acetic acid

Correct Answeran oxime 103) The electrophile in aromatic sulphonation is:

a) b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

104) The oxides of non-metals are:

a) Acidic b) Amphoteric c) Basic d) Neutral

Correct AnswerAcidic105) Which of the following is weakest acid:

a) phenol b) benzoic acid c) ethyl alcohol d) water

Correct Answerethyl alcohol 106) Phenol can be identified by the test:

a) bromine water b) chlorine water c) lucas test d) baeyer's test

Correct Answerbromine water 107) Ordinary mortar is a mixture of:

a) Slaked lime cement and water b) Sand cement and water c) Slaked lime, sand and water d) Lime, gypsum and water

Correct AnswerSlaked lime, sand and water108) The molecular mass of protein is:

a) less than 10,000 b) greater than 10,000 c) equal to 10,000 d) equal to 9,000

Correct Answergreater than 10,000109) Macronutrients are required for acre in quantity ranging from:

a) 2-200 Kg b) 3-200 kg c) 4-200 kg d) 5-200 kg

Correct Answer5-200 kg 110) Which one of the following will turn ilme water milky:

a) b) c)

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Correct Answer

111) Which is most difficult to oxidize?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

112) Zine oxide is:

a) Basic b) Amphoteric c) Acidic d) Neutral

Correct AnswerAmphoteric113) Chemical composition of colemanite is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

114) Which of the following halogens is solid at room temperature?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

115) Which element is used in thermite process because of its activity?

a) Fe b) Cu c) Al d) Zn

Correct AnswerAl 116) Peat before conversion into coal is converted to:

a) anthracite b) asphalt c) Lignite d) All of these

Correct AnswerLignite 117) Formalin is a 40% solution of:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

118) Micronutrients are required in quantity are ranging from:

a) 4-40 g b) 6-200 g c) 6-200 kg d) 4-40 kg

Correct Answer6-200 g119) In purification of potable water, the coagulant used is:

a) nickel sulphate b) cooper sulphate c) barium sulphate d) alum

Correct Answeralum 120) To avoid the formation of toxic compounds with chlorine, the substance used for disinfecting of water is:

a) b) Ozone c) Alums d) Chloramines

Correct AnswerOzone 121) Enzyme used for the treatment of blood cancer in children is:

a) cellulose b) urease c) L-aspargimase d) latic dehydrogenase

Correct AnswerL-aspargimase122) The common names of alkenes have the suffix:

a) one b) ylene c) eylene d) yne

Correct Answerylene 123) Which element is not present in all proteins:

a) carbon b) hydrogen c) nitrogen d) sulphur

Correct Answersulphur 124) When oxidation of secondary alcohol is carried out we get:

a) aldehydes b) ketones c) alkenes d) carboxylic acid

Correct Answerketones 125) Which is not a polymer:

a) starch b) glucose c) protein d) nylon

Correct Answerglucose 126) Elimination biomolecular reacion involve kinetics,:

a) 1st order b) 2nd order c) 3rd order d) zero order

Correct Answer2nd order 127) If a polymer is ABC,ABC,ABC type,it is called:

a) Co-polymer b) Ter-polymer c) Hetro polymer d) None

Correct AnswerTer-polymer 128) Which is the least reactive of all the alkali metals:

a) Li b) Na c) K d) Cs

Correct Answer

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Li129) Cannizzaro's reaction is not given by:

a) formaldehyde b) acetaldehyde c) benzaldehyde d) tri methyl acetaldehade

Correct Answeracetaldehyde 130) Encircle the correct statement.

a) metallic character increasesdown the group

b) metallic character increasesalong a period

c) metallic character remains thesame along a period

d) metallic character remains the samedown the group.

Correct Answermetallic character increases down the group131) Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is not used for which crop?

a) cotton b) wheat c) sugrance d) paddy rice

Correct Answerpaddy rice 132) The number zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln during manufacture of cement are:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

Correct Answer4133) In modern periodic table, elements are arranged the ascending order of:

a) Atomic masses b) Valency c) Valence electron d) Atomic number

Correct AnswerAtomic number134) The highest ionization energy is possessed by:

a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorus c) Bismith d) Antimony

Correct AnswerNitrogen135) Methyl ketones are characterized by:

a) Tollen's reagent b) Iodoform test c) Benediets reagent d) Fehling solution

Correct AnswerIodoform test 136) The most metallic element from the following is:

a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Antimony d) Bismuth

Correct AnswerBismuth137) Beryllium reacts with sodium hydroxide to form:

a) BeO+NaH b) c) d)

Correct Answer

138) Degree of polymerization for a polymer of vinyl chloride is 1000. molecular mass of the polymer is:

a) 63 b) 630 c) 63000 d) 100

Correct Answer63000139) Compound showing maximum repulsion with is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

140) Hexagonal structure of benzene was confirmed by:

a) x-ray b) cathode rays c) canal rays d) alpha rays

Correct Answerx-ray 141) The catalyst used in manufacturing of by contact process is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

142) The reagent used for partial reduction of carboxylic acides:

a) HI+Red P b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

143) Aromatic hydrocarbons are the dericatives of:

a) normal series paraffins b) alkene c) benzene d) none

Correct Answerbenzene 144) Which naturally occuring substance is ?

a) haematite b) lime c) cryolite d) quartz

Correct Answercryolite 145) Which one is true about melting points of halogens?

a) Decrease down the group b) Increase down the group c) Remain same in the group d) First increase then decrease down the group

Correct AnswerIncrease down the group146) The extra-ordinary stability of benzene molecule is due to:

a) cyclic structure b) that is gives addition reactions c) large delocalization of -electrons d) None of these

Correct Answerlarge delocalization of -electrons 147) Dipolar structure of zwitter ion is also called:

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a) double salt b) health salt c) internal salt d) external salt

Correct Answerinternal salt

148) Coordiantion number of Pt in is:

a) 2 b) 4 c) 1 d) 6

Correct Answer6149) Phosphorous helps the growth of:

a) root b) leaves c) seed d) stem

Correct Answerseed150) Enzyme used for the diagnonsis of obstructive jaundice is:

a) LDH-I b) L-Asparaginase c) Lipase d) alkaline phosphatase

Correct Answeralkaline phosphatase 151) Whih compound shows maximum hyderogen bonding with water:

a) b) c) d) None of these

Correct Answer

152) Down's cell is used to prepare:

a) Sodium metal b) Sodium bicarbonate c) Sodium carbonate d) Sodium hydroxide

Correct AnswerSodium metal153) Chemical formula of laughing gas is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

154) The coordination number of Cu is is:

a) Zero b) Two c) Four d) Six

Correct AnswerFour 155) Which of the following is electrophile?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

156) Vinyl acetylene combines with HCI to form:

a) polyacetylene b) Benzene c) Chloroprene d) Divinyl acetylene

Correct AnswerChloroprene 157) Which metal is used in the flash light photography because of its activity?

a) iron b) copper c) aluminium d) zinc

Correct Answeraluminium 158) Bone ash contains:

a) 80% Pb) 80%

c) 90% Pd) 90%

Correct Answer

80% 159) The general formula of monoynes is:

a) b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

160) Dimethy ether may show which type of isomerism:

a) Tautomerism b) Metamerism c) Geometric d) Functional group

Correct AnswerFunctional group 161) Silver mirror is given by:

a) aldehydes b) ketones c) ethers d) acids

Correct Answeraldehydes 162) The chemist who synthesized urea from ammonium cyanate was:

a) Berzeilus b) Kolbe c) Wholer d) Lavoisier

Correct AnswerWholer 163) Which of the following has greatest number of unpaired electrons?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

164) The main pollutant leather tanneries in the waste water is due to the salt of:

a) lead b) chromium (VI) c) copper d) chromium (III)

Correct Answerchromium (VI)165) Make the correct statement:

a) All lanthanides are present insame group.

b) All halogens are present in thesame period

c) All the alkali metals are present inthe same group

d) All the noble gases are present inthe same period.

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Correct AnswerAll the alkali metals are present in the same group166) Number of isimers of is:

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

Correct Answer2167) Bond angle in is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

168) Keeping in view the size of atoms which order is the correct one:

a) Mg > Sr b) Ba > Mg c) Lu > Ce d) Cl > l

Correct AnswerBa > Mg169) Among the given ionic halides which one have highest melting and boiling point.

a) lodides b) Bromides c) Fluorides d) Chlorides

Correct AnswerFluorides170) Boric acid cannot be used:

a) An antiseptic in medicine b) For washing eyes c) In soda bottles d) For enamels and glazes

Correct AnswerFor washing eyes 171) Lindlar's catalyst is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

172) The chemist who synthesized urea from ammonium cynate is:

a) Berzelius b) Kolbe c) Wholer d) Lavoisier

Correct AnswerWholer 173) How many resonance structure of benzene are known:

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6

Correct Answer5174) Arsenic oxides are removed during manufacture of by passing through:

a) Ferric hudroxide b) Sodium hydroxide c) Calcium hydroxide d) Potassium hydroxide

Correct AnswerFerric hudroxide 175) Synthetic polymer in the following compounds is:

a) polyester b) bakelite c) PVC d) polystyrene

Correct Answerbakelite 176) Total number of -electrons in benzene are:

a) 3 b) 6 c) 12 d) 18

Correct Answer6177) Which one is not a property or use of mustard gas:

a) used in 1st world war b) powerful vesicant c) high boiling liquid d) high boiling gas

Correct Answerhigh boiling gas178) Group VI-B of transition element contains:

a) Zn, Cd,Hg b) Fe,Ru,Os c) Cr, Mo, W d) Mn , Te, Re

Correct AnswerCr, Mo, W179) The conversion of n-hexane into benzene by heating in presence of Pt is called:

a) Isomerization b) Aromatization c) Decarboxylation d) Rearrangement

Correct AnswerAromatization 180) Mild steel contains carbon:

a) 0.1 to 0.2% b) 0.2 to 0.7% c) 0.2 to 0.6% d) 0.1 to 0.6%

Correct Answer0.2 to 0.7%181) The word paper is derived from the name of which reedy plant:

a) rose b) sun flower c) papyrus d) water hyacinth

Correct Answerpapyrus 182) Which liquid is called wood spirit?

a) b) c) d) None of these

Correct Answer

183) Which element is not present in all proteins:

a) carbon b) hydrogen c) nitrogen d) sulphur

Correct Answersulphur 184) Micro-nutrients are required in quantity ranging from:

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a) 4-40 g b) 6-200 g c) 6-200 kg d) 4-40 kg

Correct Answer6-200 g185) Carnalite is the mineral of:

a) Be b) Na c) Mg d) Ca

Correct AnswerNa186) Absolute alcohol can be obtained from rectfied spirit:

a) By adding sodium metal b) By Extraction c) By redistillation in the presence of CaO d) Not possible because of Azeotropic mixture

Correct AnswerBy redistillation in the presence of CaO187) A cyclic dimer of acetic acid is formed when it added to benzene. The number of oxygen atoms in a dimer ring is/are:

a) one b) two c) four d) six

Correct Answerfour188) Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) is:

a) a nose irritant b) a throat irritant c) an eye irritant d) a skin irritant

Correct Answeran eye irritant 189) In t-buty; alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded to:

a) Three hyderogen atoms b) Two hyderogen atoms c) One hyderogen atom d) No hyderogen atom

Correct AnswerNo hyderogen atom 190) The pH range of acid rain is:

a) 6.5 to 7 b) 6.5 to 6 c) 5.6 to 6 d) 5 to 4

Correct Answer5 to 4191) Which gas is used for artificail ripening of fruits?

a) ethene b) ethyne c) methane d) propane

Correct Answerethene 192) Mark the correct statement.

a) All lanthanides are present inthe same group.

b) All halogens are present in thesame period.

c) all the alkali metals are present inthe same group.

d) all the noble gases are present inthe same period.

Correct Answerall the alkali metals are present in the same group.193) In reactions which of the following happens?

a) 50% inversion and 50% retension of configurationis obtained

b) 100% retension of configuration isobtained

c) 100% inversion of configuration isobtained

d) None ofthese

Correct Answer100% inversion of configuration is obtained 194) Gold dissolves in aqua regia to form:

a) b) c) d) None of above

Correct Answer

195) The fiber which is made from acrylonitrile as monomer is:

a) PVC b) Rayon fiber c) acrylic fiber d) polyester fiber

Correct Answeracrylic fiber 196) The number of elements classified by Newland in the periodic table are:

a) 38 b) 62 c) 92 d) 85

Correct Answer62197) The reaction between a fat and alkalai is:

a) esterification b) hydrolysis c) saponification d) fermentation

Correct Answersaponification 198) Which element in the given is paramagnetic:

a) Zinc b) Iron c) Scandium d) Copper

Correct AnswerIron 199) Which of the following elements from polymeric halides?

a) Be b) Ga c) Al d) All of these

Correct AnswerAll of these200) Following is better to disinfect water:

a) b) c) d) None of these

Correct Answer

201) Which statement about glucose and sucrose is incorrect?

a) both are soluble in water b) both occur naturally c) both are carbohydrates d) both are disccharides

Correct Answerboth are disccharides 202) The number of zones through which the charge passes in a rotary kiln during manufacture of cement are:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 4

Correct Answer4

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203) Halogen acid in gaseous state found as equilibrium mixture of monomers and nexamers is:

a) HF b) HCl c) HBr d) HI

Correct AnswerHF 204) Formula of Lindlar Catalyst is:

a) b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

205) If the temperature is dropped from to , the viscosity of petroleum oil may:

a) increase four times b) decrease four times c) increase 100 times d) decrease 100 times

Correct Answerincrease 100 times 206) The milk of magnesia is used for the treatement of:

a) Acidity b) Basicity c) Rancidity d) Jaundice

Correct AnswerAcidity207) Chemical garden is formed by using compound:

a) sodium carbonate b) sodium silicate c) asbestos d) soap stone

Correct Answersodium silicate 208) The total number of transition elements is:

a) 10 b) 14 c) 40 d) 58

Correct Answer58209) How much fresh water is used for domestic purpose:

a) 8% b) 23% c) 69% d) 100%

Correct Answer8%210) The reaction between fat and NaOH is called:

a) double salt b) health salt c) internal salt d) external salt

Correct Answerinternal salt 211) Which one is dihydric alcohol?

a) ethanol b) cyclohexanol c) glycerol d) glycol

Correct Answerglycol 212) Xenon has kinds of oxides:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1

Correct Answer2213) Which one has yellow or orange crystalline ppt?

a) Acetone hydrazone b) 2,4- DNPH c) Ethanol oxime d) Bisulphite addition product

Correct Answer2,4- DNPH214) Mark the correct statement:

a) Metals from basic oxides b) Metals form acidic oxides c) Metals are non-conductor of electricity d) Metals have tendency to accept electron

Correct AnswerMetals from basic oxides215) Which element forms an ion with charge +3:

a) carbon b) silicon c) aluminium d) beryllium

Correct Answeraluminium 216) Which one of the following is not a nucleophile?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

217) A polymer formed by the polymerization of three different monomers is called:

a) copolymer b) terpolymer c) homopolymer d) crosslinked polymer

Correct Answerterpolymer 218) The compound which does give not iodoform test:

a) acetaldehyde b) ethyl alcohol c) formaldehyde d) acetone

Correct Answerformaldehyde

219) Oxidation number of Fe in is:

a) +4 b) +2 c) +6 d) -4

Correct Answer+2220) Which one is an incomplete period?

a) 4th b) 5th c) 6th d) 7th

Correct Answer7th221) Epoxy resins are fundamentally:

a) polymide b) polyethers c) polyesters d) polyvinyls

Correct Answerpolyethers

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222) Which one is the amphoteric oxide?

a) b) c) ZnO d)

Correct AnswerZnO223) Synthetic rubber is made by polymerization of:

a) chloroform b) acetylene c) divinyl acetylene d) chloroprene

Correct Answerchloroprene 224) Which one of the given is Amphteric in nature:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

225) Which of the following metal reacts with :

a) Titanium b) Iridium c) Platinium d) Magnesium

Correct AnswerMagnesium 226) Which of the following noble gas is used as earthquacke protection?

a) Ne b) Argon c) Rn d) Ze

Correct AnswerRn 227) The longest period in the periodic table is:

a) 7th b) 6th c) 5th d) 4th

Correct Answer6th228) Which of the following statement is correct?

a) Na atom is smaller than b) Na atom is larger than K c) F atom is smaller than d) F atom is larger than F

Correct AnswerF atom is larger than F229) Which one is more stable?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

230) Which is insoluble in water?

a) CaO b) SrO c) BaO d) MgO

Correct AnswerMgO

231) Chlorine heptoxide reacts with water to form:

a) Hypochlorous acid b) Chloric Acid c) Chlorine and oxygen d) Perchloric Acid

Correct AnswerPerchloric Acid232) Carbon atom in dimethyle ether is:

a) sp-hybridized b) c)

d) None of these

Correct Answer

233) The sulphate compound insoluble in water is:

a) Barium sulphate b) Sodium sulphate c) Potassium sulphate d) Zinc sulphate

Correct AnswerBarium sulphate234) The amino acids which cannot by synthesized by our body are:

a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20

Correct Answer10

235) In mechanism, the hybridization of carbon atom changes from to:

a) b)

c) d)

Correct Answer

236) A manure is:

a) An organic material b) An inorganic material c) A chemical compound d) A mixture of organic and inorganic material is:

Correct AnswerAn organic material 237) Which of the following is covalent oxide:

a) BeO b) MgO c) SrO d) CaO

Correct AnswerBeO238) Ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid by:

a) hydrogenation b) hydration c) oxidation d) fermenration

Correct Answeroxidation 239) Which is Chile saltpeter?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

240) Which is not a calcarious material?

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a) lime b) clay c) marble d) marine shell

Correct Answerclay 241) Atomic number of Te is:

a) 52 b) 60 c) 65 d) 80

Correct Answer52242) The state of hybridization of carbon atom in HCHO is:

a) b) c) d) sp

Correct Answer

243) The oxide of Beryllium is:

a) Acidic b) Basic c) Amphoteric d) None of these

Correct AnswerAmphoteric244) Strongest reducing agent is:

a) HF b) HBr c) HCl d) Hl

Correct AnswerHl245) The general formula of alkanes is:

a) b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

246) Octane number 100 is given to:

a) n-octane b) n-heptane c) 2,2,4 - trimethyl pentane d) 2,2,4 - trimethyl octane

Correct Answer2,2,4 - trimethyl pentane 247) Which of the statements is true:

a) Li gives violet flame b) Sodium gives ceramic red flame c) Cs gives blue flame d) All are incorrect

Correct AnswerCs gives blue flame248) The only Alkaline earth metal which one reaction with Oxygen at 500-600 forms:

a) Beryllium b) Magnesium c) Calcium d) Barium

Correct AnswerBarium249) The presence of a double bond in a compound is the sign of:

a) saturation b) unsaturation c) substitution d) dehydrogenation

Correct Answerunsaturation 250) Which of the following is not a fatty acid?

a) propanoic acid b) acetic acid c) phatalic acid d) butanoic acid

Correct Answerphatalic acid251) Elimination Biomolecular reaction involve:

a) 1st order kinetics b) 2nd order kinetics c) 3rd order kinetics d) zero order kinetics

Correct Answer2nd order kinetics

252) Pentane shows how many chain ismoers:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

Correct Answer3253) Dead burnt gypsum is:



c) d)

Correct Answer

254) Species deficient in electron are called:

a) Electrophiles b) Bases c) Nucleophiles d) Oxidizing agen

Correct AnswerElectrophiles 255) Tincal is a mineral of:

a) Al b) C c) B d) Si

Correct AnswerB 256) Silver bromide is used in:

a) Paints b) Photography c) Ceramics d) Gasoline

Correct AnswerPhotography 257) Chile salt peter has the chemical formula:

a) NaCl b) c) d)

Correct Answer

258) Which is used as non-stick coating for cooking pans?

a) Feron b) Teflon c) Argon d) Krypton

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Correct AnswerTeflon 259) Formation of acetaldehyde from ethanol is known as:

a) reduction b) addition c) oxidation d) substitution

Correct Answeroxidation 260) Which of the following will have highest boiling point:

a) Methanol b) ethanol c) propanal d) 2-hexanone

Correct Answer2-hexanone 261) has ______ Hybridization:

a) b) c) d) None

Correct Answer

262) A double bond consists of:

a) two sigma bonds b) one sigma and one pi bond c) one sigma and two pi bonds d) two pi bonds

Correct Answerone sigma and one pi bond 263) Oxidation of NO in air produces:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

264) The brown gas formed when metal reduces is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

265) Which of the following sulphates is not soluble in water?

a) sodium sulphate b) potassium sulphate c) zinc sulphate d) barium sulphate

Correct Answerbarium sulphate 266) Half of the mass of atmosphere is concentrated in lower:

a) 4.6 km b) 5.6 km c) 3.6 km d) 15 km

Correct Answer5.6 km 267) The isomerism shown by alkanes is:

a) Skeletal b) Position c) Geometric d) Metamerism

Correct AnswerSkeletal 268) Vegetable oils are:

a) unsaturated fatty acids b) glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids c) glycerides of saturated fatty acids d) essential oils obtained from plants

Correct Answerglycerides of unsaturated fatty acids269) Sabatier-Sendern's reaction can be used to prepare:

a) Alkynes b) Alkenes c) Alkanes d) All

Correct AnswerAlkanes 270) Which of the following is the most Acidic Oxide?

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

271) Polymeric halides are formed by the elements:

a) More electropositive b) Less electropositive c) More electronegative d) Less electronegative

Correct AnswerLess electropositive272) Which halogen acid is the weakest acid in its solution form in :

a) HF b) HCl c) HBr d) HI

Correct AnswerHF 273) Following is an aromatic aldehyde:

a) Butanone b) 2-Pentanone c) Pentanol d) Benzal dehyde

Correct AnswerBenzal dehyde 274) Which of the following is not a a nucleophile:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

275) The nitrogen present in fertilizers helps plants:

a) to fight against disease b) to produce fat c) to produce protein d) to produce carbohydrates

Correct Answerto produce protein 276) Glacial acetic acid at low temperature is:

a) semi solid b) ice like solid c) viscous solid d) thin liquid

Correct Answerice like solid 277) Acetone is prepared by the hydrolysis of:

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a) ethyne b) propyne c) ethane d) propane

Correct Answerpropyne 278) The % age by volume of in air is:

a) 98 b) 88 c) 78 d) 68

Correct Answer78279) Active nitrating agent during nitration is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

280) Which of the following elements is not a micro nutrient?

a) Cu b) Fe c) Mg d) Mo

Correct AnswerMg 281) Starch is a polymer of:

a) -D-glucose b) -D-glucose c) -D-fructose d) -D-fructose

Correct Answer-D-glucose

282) The element that forms amphoteric oxide is:

a) Li b) Be c) C d) N

Correct AnswerBe283) Cholorofluorocarbons play an effective role in removing in the:

a) troposphere b) stratosphere c) polar region d) equator

Correct Answerstratosphere 284) Natron had the chemical formula:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

285) Marsh gas is:

a) ethene b) acetylene c) heptane d) methane

Correct Answeracetylene 286) Which halogen reacts spontaneously with Au(s) to produce

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

287) Primary alcohol is obtained by treating Gignard Reagent with:

a) b) c) d) None of these

Correct Answer

288)Toluene :

a) orthonitrotoluene b) m-nitrotoluene c) p-introtoluene d) 2,4,6-TNT

Correct Answer2,4,6-TNT289) Cellulose is a polymer of:

a) -D Gulocoe b) -D Gulocoe c) Sucrose d) All of the above

Correct Answer

-D Gulocoe 290) Catalyst used for the laboratory preparation of formaldehyde is:

a) b) c) d)

Correct Answer

291) Nitration of toluence takes place at:

a) m-position b) p-position c) o-position d) Both b & c

Correct AnswerBoth b & c292) Which one does not belong to alkaline earth metals?

a) Be b) Ra c) Ba d) Rn

Correct AnswerRn293) Ortho, para derivatives are obtained by halogenations of:

a) Nitrobenzene b) Toluene c) Benzaldehyde d) Benzene

Correct AnswerToluene 294) The optimum pH of salivary amylase is:

a) 5.4 to 6.9 b) 5.4 to 7.9 c) 6.4 to 6.9 d) 6.4 to 7.4

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Correct Answer6.4 to 6.9 295) The residual ash after incineration of industrial waste is disposed off a landfill, which is lined with:

a) portland cement b) clay and plastic c) methyl silicon d) stone-ware

Correct Answerclay and plastic

296) Which compound is formed, when reacts with ?

a) Ethane b) Methane c) Ethanol d) Acetone

Correct AnswerMethane 297) Which one of the following element can form Super Oxide?

a) Li b) Be c) K d) Mg

Correct AnswerK

298) dichlorethyl sulphide is prepared by treating sulphur monochloride with:

a) ethane b) ethene c) ethyne d) methane

Correct Answerethene 299) Out of all the elements of group VIA, the highest melting and boiling point is shown by the element:

a) Te b) Se c) S d) Pb

Correct AnswerTe 300) Aromatic compounds give sooty flame because they:

a) resist the reaction with air b) contains high percentage of carbon c) have stable structure d) have a cyclic structure

Correct Answercontains high percentage of carbon 301) Starch is:

a) monosaceharide b) disaceharide c) polysaceharide d) oligosaceharide

Correct Answerpolysaceharide 302) Monovalency of Heavier Elements group III A can be explained on the basis of:

a) Low ionization Energies b) Inter Pair effect c) Their large sizes d) Low electronegativity values

Correct AnswerInter Pair effect303) The ore has the general name.

a) Gypsum b) Dolomite c) Calcite d) Epsom salt

Correct AnswerGypsum304) In t-Butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded to:

a) 2-hyderogen atom b) 3-hyderogen atom c) 1-hyderogen atom d) No hyderogen atom

Correct AnswerNo hyderogen atom 305) Mark the correct statement?

a) Covalent character of metal halidesincreases from left to right in a period

b) Boiling points of group IV-Ahydrides decrease down the group

c) Ionic character of hydridesincrease from left to right in aperiod.

d) The basicities of II-Adecrease on descending thegroup

Correct AnswerCovalent character of metal halides increases from left to right in a period306) Tetramethyl lead is added to petrol to:

a) prevent its freezing point b) increase its boiling point c) prevent its knocking d) increase its viscosity

Correct Answerprevent its knocking 307) Which one of the following is a condendation polymer?

a) benzene b) bakelite c) PVC d) None

Correct Answerbakelite 308) The carbon atom of the carbonyl group is:

a) sp hybridized b) hybridized c) hybridized

d) None of these

Correct Answer

hybridized309) Which acid is used in the manufacture of synthetic fibre?

a) formic acid b) oxalic acid c) acrbonic acid d) acetic acid

Correct Answeracetic acid 310) In the Mendleeve's periodic law the properties of elements are periodic function of their:

a) Volume b) Densities c) Atomic Number d) Atomic masses

Correct AnswerAtomic masses311) When sugar is treated with conc. the sugar, becomes black due to:

a) Oxidation b) Reduction c) Dehydration d) Combustion

Correct AnswerDehydration 312) The region of earth capable of supporting life is called:

a) atmosphere b) startosphere c) biosphere d) lithosphere

Correct Answerbiosphere

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313) Which compound is more reactive one towards electrophilic reagent:

a) benzene b) ethane c) ethene d) ethyne

Correct Answerethene 314) The percentage of nitrogen of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate is:

a) 46% b) 82% c) 33% d) 16%

Correct Answer33%315) Geometric isomerism is present in:

a) Mathane b) Ethane c) Propane d) 2-butene

Correct Answer2-butene
