
Styal Golf Course

Accommodation Works Environmental Statement Non-Technical

Summary 1007/6.15.2/169

September 2013

©Mouchel 2013

Document Control Sheet

Project Title: Styal Golf Course

Report Title: Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary

Document No: 1032775.014.001

Revision: 1.0

Status: Draft

Control Date: September 2013

Record of Issue

Issue Status Author Date Check Date Authorised Date

1 Draft J Booth Sep 2013 H Roberts Sep 2013 R McEvan Sep 2013

2 Final J Booth Sep 2013 H Roberts Sep 2013 R McEvan Sep 2013


Organisation Contact Copies

Stockport MBC Naz Huda Electronic

Stockport MBC Joe Roberts Electronic

URS Sam Rosillo Electronic

This Report is presented to SMBC in respect of the Styal Golf Course Environmental Statement and may not be used or relied on by any other person or by the client in relation to any other matters not covered specifically by the scope of this Report.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the report, Mouchel Limited is obliged to exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of the services required by SMBC and Mouchel Limited shall not be liable except to the extent that it has failed to exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence, and this report shall be read and construed accordingly.

This Report has been prepared by Mouchel Limited. No individual is personally liable in connection with the preparation of this Report. By receiving this Report and acting on it, the client or any other person accepts that no individual is personally liable whether in contract, tort, for breach of statutory duty or otherwise.

Styal Golf Course Accommodation Works


Non-Technical Summary

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 1


As part of the South East Manchester Multi Modal Strategy (SEMMMS), Stockport

Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC), Manchester City Council (MCC) and

Cheshire East Council (CEC) are promoting 10km of new road, predominately dual

carriageway, connecting the A6 to Manchester Airport and incorporating the existing

A555 dual carriageway to the south of Bramhall. The alignment of the Relief Road on

the southern fringe of the Greater Manchester conurbation would cross the northern

part of the Styal Golf Course (located between Manchester Airport and the

settlements of Handforth and Heald Green), severing three golf holes from the rest of

the 18 hole course. Accommodation works are therefore proposed to maintain use of

the golf course during construction of the proposed Relief Road and to mitigate the

impact of the Relief Road upon the Golf Course.

The location of the Golf Course is shown below.

The objectives of the Styal Golf Course Accommodation Works (the Proposed

Scheme) are:

• To ensure that Styal Golf Course can continue with its operations during the

construction works.

• To maintain the functionality of Styal Golf Club and its viability as a business.

Figure 1 Location Plan

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 2

• To make available land to accommodate the SEMMMS – A6 to Manchester

Relief Road.

Environmental Statement

The Proposed Scheme requires development consent under the Town and Country

Planning Act 1990 and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in accordance with

the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (EIA) Regulations 2011.

An Environmental Statement has been prepared to report the findings of the studies

and assessments which have been undertaken and which will form part of the

environmental information taken into account by the Planning Authority in

determining whether planning consent should be granted.

This Non-Technical Summary outlines the principal environmental impacts identified

in the Environmental Statement and the proposed mitigation.


A three week consultation period was undertaken during July 2013 where members

of the local community and key stakeholders were invited to comment on the

proposed layout for the remodelling of Styal Golf Course. During this period two

public consultation events were held at Styal Golf Course; one with members of the

public and the second specifically with golf club members.

Targeted consultations (by letter, email or face-to-face meetings) have also been

carried out with landowners and affected parties as well as environmental regulators.

The purpose of the consultation exercise was to obtain environmental data relating to

the existing site, ensure that all are given an opportunity to comment on the scheme

and to assist in defining the key environmental issues associated with the Proposed

Scheme. Feedback from consultations has helped inform the design of the scheme

and environmental protection measures.


A number of variations of site layout were considered to accommodate the required

number of new golf holes and the re-modelling of existing golf holes. The preferred

layout was selected taking into account land area required, proximity to residential

properties, local access and amenity and the requirements of the golf course.

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 3

Existing Environment

The Proposed Scheme comprises the land within the boundary of Styal Golf Club

and the two adjacent fields which border the south eastern edge of the golf course.

The land adjacent to the proposed accommodation works comprise: the existing golf

course; residential properties and fields used for agriculture to the west; residential

properties associated with Station Road and Clay Lane to the south; an area of

scrub/woodland and agricultural fields to the east; and a plant nursery and

agricultural fields to the north. The Styal railway line immediately borders the golf

course to the west.

The existing Golf Course comprises pockets of semi-natural broad-leaved woodland

and areas of improved grassland. There are also some areas of bare ground. There

is a network of freshwater ponds throughout the Golf Course. Dobbin Brook runs

outwith the Golf Club boundary to the south.

The two adjacent fields which border the south eastern edge of the golf course are

primarily used as grazing land for livestock. The field to the west comprises

freshwater ponds whilst the field to the east comprises pockets of scrub, semi natural

broadleaved woodland and native species hedgerows.

One public right of way, Footpath (FP) 10, crosses the Proposed Scheme east-west

and links into FP119 which runs north-south along the edge of the area of

scrub/woodland to the east of the Golf Course. The area of scrub/woodland contains

a network of informal pathways that are used informally for local access, particularly

by dog walkers. FP10 and FP119 are primarily used by dog walkers and for


Styal Conservation Area is located just beyond the boundary of the Golf Club, to the

southwest. Listed Buildings are also located outwith the Golf Club boundary within

the village of Styal to the west and also to the east at The Grange.

The Proposed Scheme

The Proposed Scheme comprises the construction of three new golf holes on land to

the south east of Styal Golf Course (see Appendix A) to replace those that would be

severed by the SEMMMS – A6 to Manchester Relief Road. These three new holes

would become holes 5-7 of the re-numbered course layout. A further five holes

would be altered to provide adequate safety margins from the proposed Relief Road

and good connections with the new holes.

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 4

It is expected that construction of the Proposed Scheme would be undertaken

between February 2014 and May 2015 and would be split into 3 Phases:

• Phase 1 comprises the construction of the three holes in the new land.

• Phase 2 comprises the alteration of the existing holes.

• Phase 3 entails the construction of a realigned 1st tee, extension of an

existing lake, and bunding/tree planting on the southern boundary of the

planned Relief Road.

Environmental Impacts and Mitigation

The Proposed Scheme and associated mitigation measures have been designed to

minimise adverse environmental effects. Nonetheless some impacts would arise

from the proposals and these are summarised below, along with measures to reduce

their effect.

Air Quality

The construction works have the potential to create dust. However, this would be

localised and of short term duration as construction activities would be phased and

works would be split so as not to occur continuously in all areas, thereby controlling

the potential level of dust emission. Construction activities would incorporate

standard measures aimed at reducing dust emissions thereby reducing the risk of

disturbance or nuisance.


Properties located in close proximity to the Proposed Scheme may experience short

term elevated noise/vibration during construction. However, construction activities

would incorporate standard measures aimed at controlling noise emissions and

reducing the risk of disturbance or nuisance. Local residents will be provided with

advance notice of any construction work activities that are likely to cause disruption.

In addition, a community liaison officer will be appointed as a point of contact for



The extension of the Styal Golf Course to incorporate two existing fields to the south

east would result in a minor modification to the existing landscape but core features

would not be significantly altered. Activity on the Golf Course would be extended to

be visible from several immediately adjacent dwellings with existing views of the two

fields but the change would only be slight. Planting proposed as part of the design

changes would reflect local vegetation patterns and over time would reduce overall

awareness of the proposed changes to the Golf Course.

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 5

Nature Conservation

The Proposed Scheme would result in loss of small blocks of woodland. These

features provide bird nesting habitat and are likely to be used by foraging bats. Two

ponds would be remodelled; one of these is known to support great crested newts.

Appropriate landscaping (including tree and hedgerow planting and pond remodelling

and creation) would be undertaken to compensate for affected habitat.

Vegetation/tree removal would either be undertaken outside the bird breeding season

or trees and scrub checked for the presence of breeding birds/active nests prior to

site clearance. Great crested newts (and other amphibians and reptiles) would be

captured and removed prior to vegetation clearance/pond remodelling.

Water Environment

During the construction period there is potential for sediments and other pollutants

(such as chemicals, fuels, oils) to enter water bodies and watercourses as a result of

vehicle movements, earth moving or accidental spillage. Water quality would be

protected by the implementation of appropriate pollution control measures throughout

the construction period.

Golf course drainage would be included within the Proposed Scheme and surface

water run-off will be appropriately controlled and discharged.

Environmental Commitments

The Environmental Statement has identified the following key measures to be

included as commitments as part of the Proposed Scheme, with a view to reducing

potential impacts identified during the assessment:

• Good construction site practices to be implemented to control construction

related noise, dust and traffic emissions.

• Landscaping strategy including tree, hedgerow and shrub planting, grassland

seeding, pond remodelling and creation.

• Two new ponds created throughout the landscaped areas to compensate for

the remodelling of one great crested newt breeding pond.

• Capture and removal of great crested newt and other amphibians and reptiles

from construction working areas.

• Appropriate pollution control procedures to reduce the risk of sediment and

other pollutants entering watercourses.

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 6

A full copy of the Environmental Statement is available for public viewing, free of

charge, during normal office hours at the address below and also on the Cheshire

East Council website at Printed copies of the

Environmental Statement may be obtained, on written request, from at a charge of

£100. A CD of the Environmental Statement and a hard copy of the Non-Technical

Summary are available free of charge.

To view the Environmental Statement, or to request a copy of the Environmental

Statement please contact:

SEMMMS Project Team

1st Floor Fred Perry House

c/o Stopford House


Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 7

Appendix A – Proposed Scheme Layout

Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary © Mouchel 2013 8

Appendix B – Key Environmental Receptors
