Page 1: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history


for the


CIVICSNOTE: There are helpful links, terms

to know and a sample question for

each benchmark covered in semester

one. (There is an answer key at the

end of the PowerPoint for the sample


SPECIAL NOTE: If you cannot get

online to visit the links, please use

your units from quarter one and

quarter two.


If you visit any of the Escambia

County websites…. You can find


as Quizlet vocab review at the

bottom of each page for each



Page 2: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

How to use the Escambia County Website to study?


These websites are great study tools! There are three basic

parts for each benchmark: 2. Three sample

questions per

benchmark with


3. Vocab Practice using Quizlet

1. Clear explanation of the benchmark

Page 3: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.1: CitizenshipLinks:

Escambia County 2.1

Citizenship! It all starts here. –Tutorial

SS.7.C.2.1 Sample Question:

Which is a requirement for a person to become a naturalized U.S.


A. passing a U.S. history and government exam

B. working in the U.S. for at least five years

C. being born to American parents

D. serving in the U.S. military


Citizen Naturalization

14th Amendment Alien

Immigrant Law of Blood

Law of Soil Resident

Unit 1

Quarter 1


Page 4: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.2 Obligations and Responsibilities


Escambia County 2.2

Show Your Citizenship Tutorial


Obligation/Duty Common Good Responsibility of a Citizen

Civic Participation Selective Service


Sample Question:

Unit 1

Quarter 1


Page 5: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.3.1 Forms of Government


Escambia County 3.1Forms of Government– Tutorial Forms of Government- FLVS– video


Direct Democracy Representative Democracy Republic

Communism Monarchy Absolute MonarchyOligarchy Autocracy Socialism

SS.7.C.3.1 Sample Question:

What do an absolute monarchy and an autocracy have in common?

A. a single ruler

B. a written constitution

C. a national court system

D. a single legislative house

Unit 1

Quarter 1


Page 6: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.3.2 Systems of Government


Escambia County 3.2

Systems of Government Tutorial– Tutorial

Systems of Government- FLVS– Video


Governor President Prime Minister

Parliamentary System of Government Federal System of Government

Confederal System of Government Unitary System of Government


Sample Question:

Unit 1

Quarter 1


Page 7: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.1 The Enlightenment


Escambia County 1.1

Enlightenment Influence on Founding Fathers Tutorial–Tutorial


Enlightenment Separation of Powers Natural Law

Social Contract Montesquieu John Locke


Sample Question:

Unit 2

Quarter 1


Page 8: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.2 Impact on Government


Escambia County 1.2

Colonists: What were they thinking?–Tutorial


Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Mayflower Compact

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Limited Monarchy Self-Governed


Sample Question:

Unit 2

Quarter 1


Page 9: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.3 and SS.7.C.1.4 Declaration of Independence


Escambia County 1.3

Escambia County 1.4

Britain vs. America: What Led to the Declaration of Independence Tutorial

Analyzing the Declaration of Independence– Tutorial

Vocab: English/British Policies Affecting Declaration of Independence Tyranny

Natural Rights (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) Role of Government

Complaints and Grievances in Declaration of Independence Assent

Oppression Self-Evident




Unit 3

Quarter 1

SS.7.C.1.4 Sample Question:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with

certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,

Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Which document contains this passage?

A. Declaration of Independence

B. Articles of Confederation

C. English Bill of Rights

D. U.S. Constitution9

Page 10: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.9 Rule of Law


Escambia County 1.9

Understanding Rule of Law Tutorial


Rule of Law

Sample Question:

Which characteristic serves as a long-term protection against tyranny and is a foundation

of liberty in the United States?

A. the commerce clause

B. the elastic clause

C. the right to trial

D. the rule of law

Unit 3

Quarter 1


Page 11: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.5 Articles of Confederation


Escambia County 1.5

From Confederation to Constitution – Tutorial


Articles of Confederation (weaknesses) Shay’s Rebellion Debt Constitutional Convention

Sample Question:

How did the U.S. Constitution solve a problem created by the Articles of Confederation?

A. It avoided the issue of states' rights.

B. It allowed the states to elect representatives.

C. It prevented the amendment of federal laws.

D. It enabled the federal government to collect taxes.

Unit 4

Quarter 1


Page 12: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.6 Preamble of the ConstitutionLinks:

Escambia County 1.6Understanding the Preamble– Tutorial


Union Justice Domestic Tranquility

Welfare Posterity Ordain Defense

Sample Question:

In the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, what is the meaning of the phrase "We the People"?

A. The people express their will through political parties.

B. The people express their will by directly creating laws.

C. Government receives taxes from the people and exists to support them.

D. Government receives its power from the people and exists to serve them.

Unit 4

Quarter 1


Page 13: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.7 Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances


Escambia County 1.7

The Three Branches: Check yourself! Tutorial


Limited Government Separation of Powers

Checks and Balances Constitutional Government

Sample Question:

What check does the U.S. Senate have on the president?

A. overriding vetoes

B. appointing judges

C. declaring laws unconstitutional

D. refusing to confirm appointments

Unit 4

Quarter 1


Page 14: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.1.8 Federalist and Anti-Federalist


Escambia County 1.8

The Great Debate: Federalists vs. Antifederalists– Tutorial


Federalist Viewpoints Federalist Papers Anti-Federalist Viewpoints

Anti-Federalist Papers Bill of Rights Ratification

Sample Question:

What was the Anti-Federalists' greatest concern about ratifying the U.S. Constitution?

A. The lack of a federal court system.

B. The lack of legislative veto power.

C. The lack of a strong military.

D. The lack of a bill of rights.

Unit 4

Quarter 1


Page 15: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.3.3 Structure of the US ConstitutionLinks:

Escambia County 3.3Three Branches of Government– Tutorial


Article I Legislative Branch Makes Laws

Article II Executive Branch Enforces Laws

Article III Judicial Branch Interprets Laws

Sample Question:

Which branch of federal government makes laws?

A. bureaucracy

B. executive

C. judicial

D. legislative

Unit 4

Quarter 1


Page 16: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.3.5 The Amendment Process


Escambia County 3.5

Amending the Constitution: Do you have an Eraser– Tutorial


Amendment Process Caucus Ratify

Sample Question:

Unit 4

Quarter 1


Page 17: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.4 Bill of RightsLinks:

Escambia County 2.4

Know Your Rights: Tutorial


Bill of Rights Amendments 1-10 1st Amendment (Five Freedoms) Cruel and Unusual Punishment Double Jeopardy Due Process Eminent DomainEqual Protection under the Law Pleading the Fifth Right to Bear ArmsRight to Legal Counsel Search and Seizure SuffrageTrial by Jury Unenumerated Powers (9th Amendment)

Sample Question:

Where can a description of U.S. citizens' civil liberties be found?

A. Declaration of Independence

B. Preamble to the Constitution

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Bill of Rights

Unit 1

Quarter 2


Page 18: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.5 The United States Constitution: Limiting and Safeguarding

Individual Rights


Escambia County 2.5


Limited Individual Rights Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch

Appellate Process Ex post facto Habeas Corpus Independent Judiciary Precedent

Privacy Summary Judgment

Sample Question:

Unit 1

Quarter 2


Page 19: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.3.6 Constitutional Rights… Individuals vs. SocietyLinks:

Escambia County 3.6

Journey Through Justice Tutorial

The Supreme Court and Equal Rights Tutorial


Constitution Rights Civil disobedience Economic freedom

Forced internment Property Rights Eminent domain

Sample Question:

What has been one long-term result of the constitutional protection of free speech?

A. fewer court cases involving minors

B. fewer laws limiting minority rights

C. a more accurate election

D. a more informed society

Unit 1

Quarter 2


Page 20: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.3.7 Impact of Voting Rights AmendmentsLinks:

Escambia County 3.7

Voting Rights TeD Video


13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment

19th Amendment 24th Amendment 26th Amendment

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Civil Rights Act of 1968

Sample Question:

How did the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 impact political participation?

A. All person who passed a literacy test could now vote.

B. All children of foreign citizens could now vote.

C. All African-Americans could now vote.

D. All women could now vote.

Unit 2

Quarter 2


Page 21: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.3.12 Landmark Supreme Court CasesLinks:

Escambia County 3.12

The Supreme Court and Equal Rights: Two Famous Cases– Tutorial

Journey Through Justice: Our Federal Courts– Tutorial

Understanding Rule of Law Tutorial


Marbury v. Madison Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Education

Gideon v. Wainwright Miranda v. Arizona In re Gault

Tinker v. Des Moines Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier United States v. Nixon

Bush v. Gore. District of Columbia v. Heller Juvenile rights

Rights of the accused Segregation

Sample Question:

Which was an outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?

A. Administrators may limit the content of students publications.

B. Public school districts that segregate deny equal protection.

C. Students have a reduced expectation of privacy in school.

D. Criminal defendants have the right to an attorney.

Unit 2

Quarter 2


Page 22: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.8 Political PartiesLinks:

Escambia County 2.8

Party On: Political Parties in America– Tutorial


Political Parties Republican Party Democratic Party

Communist Party Libertarian Party Socialist Party

Sample Question:

In the modern political system, which issue represents a basic disagreement between Republicans and


A. the responsibilities of government

B. the frequency of national elections

C. the legality of the U.S. Constitution

D. the support for the U.S. military soldier

Unit 3

Quarter 2


Page 23: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.9 Requirements for Political OfficeLinks:

Escambia County 2.9

Evaluate the Candidates: Who will you choose? Tutorial

Vocab: Platform Debate Candidate

Sample Question:

Unit 3

Quarter 2


Page 24: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.10 and SS.7.C.2.11 Impact of Media, Individuals and Interest

Groups on Monitoring and Influencing GovernmentLinks:

Escambia County 2.10

Escambia County 2.11

Evaluate the Candidates: Who will you choose? Tutorial

Vocab: lobbying lobbyist watchdog

political action committee (PAC) special interest

bias symbolism propaganda

SS.7.C.2.10 Sample Question:

Who do lobbyists represent in their attempts to

influence government?

A. military officers

B. elected officials

C. interest groups

D. circuit judges

Unit 4

Quarter 2





Page 25: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

SS.7.C.2.13 Multiple Perspectives on Public and Current Issues


Escambia County 2.13

Vocab: Resolving problems Government Agencies Public Perspectives

Sample Questions :

Unit 4

Quarter 2


Page 26: Studying for the MIDTERM - St. Johns County School … for the MIDTERM NOTE: ... A. passing a U.S. history

Sample Questions Answer Key:Quarter One:

SS.7.C.2.1: A

SS.7.C.2.2: C

SS.7.C.3.1: A

SS.7.C.3.2: A

SS.7.C.1.1: A

SS.7.C.1.2: C

SS.7.C.1.3: C

SS.7.C.1.4: A

SS.7.C.1.9: D

SS.7.C.1.5: D

SS.7.C.1.6: D

SS.7.C.1.7: D

SS.7.C.1.8: D

SS.7.C.3.3: D

SS.7.C.3.5: C

Quarter Two:

SS.7.C.2.4: D

SS.7.C.2.5: B

SS.7.C.3.6: D

SS.7.C.3.7: C

SS.7.C.3.12: B

SS.7.C.2.8: A

SS.7.C.2.9: D

SS.7.C.2.10: C

SS.7.C.2.11: D

SS.7.C.2.13: D

