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Definition of study skills

According to oxford dictionary the word “SKILLS” means,“expertness, practiced ability, facility in an action or in doing or to do something dexterity tact”

There are many types of skills which are necessary to achieve success in life. There skills essential not only to lead an organized life but also to play one’s role as a good family member, citizen and above all to cope with the ever-increasing demands of modern era .

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Skills may broadly be classified as follows:

1: study skills

2: academic skills

3: life skills

4: professional skills

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1: STUDY SKILLSStudy skills refer to acquire ability to gain competent, excellence required for the application of mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, reflection of his particular subject.

ROWNTRE (1970) Defines study skills as follows:

“Study skills involve you in dividing goals and choosing methods, solving problem, collecting information, separating facts from opinions, comparing facts and weighing up opinions, and looking for proof and truth”

The objective, thus, is to offer a model prescribed of “good” study habits in order to encourage increased personal autonomy and response for one’s own learning.

Thus we can say that STUDY SKILLS “Are those skills and abilities which enable a student to study efficiently and to scope with the demands of his subject”

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Study Skills

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the study skill which are imparted to students up to matriculation level or known as micro or primary study skill they can further be divided into two stages.

1: Controlled stage

2: Guided Stage

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It is the stage at which a child acquires the basic study skills under the control of his teacher or instructor. This stage is normally until primary level.


It is the stage where a child guided in acquiring the basic study skills. This stage is after the primary level up to matriculation.

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The study skills which a student acquires after the matriculation level are generally called advanced study skills.

there can be classified as follows:



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The stage where a student is required to adopt and acquired study skills of higher level then controlled or guided stage is called advance sage. It normally includes the intermediate level.


This is the stage where a student is free to exercise his mind in acquisition of the skills, and is not controlled, guided or restricted by graduation and can last as long as one aspires to study.

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HOW DO WE LEARN STUDY SKILLSThere are two ways of learning study skills:



There is a very small number of students who formally learn these skills in there educational institutions. They keep on imparting their own strategies which , sometimes, do not work for them the psychologist have found the need of teaching these skills compulsorily, at all levels, so that students are better able to cope with there students academic requirement.

courses are now been introduce at educational institution to equip the students with these necessary skills which may help them successes in their academic endeavors.

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the concept of study skills is a very wide ranging one which includes coverall types of skills that are necessary to learnt. the following list shows a selection of individual skills that typically rear in the literature and in practice.

HOW TO WRITE Writing skill can be acquired though planning and organization by virtue of practice and planning, a student can tremendously improve this writing abilities to a great extent. Following is a brief outline of the essential writing skills formulated by experts. The pre requisites of writing are strong and sound grammatical knowledge and good vocabulary which is followed by rules.

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Select a topic and make a print on which you wish to write.

Support your point with specific evidence.

Read various books related to your topics.

Organized your work and look for cohesion and coherence.

Write clear and error free sentences.

Take help from books in the library to discover various styles of writing.

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Learning vocabulary is an ongoing process. what is important is to learn and effective method of increasing our vocabulary at a faster speed. these include effective reading ,preparing list different and new words , understanding their usage in new context, using them in your sentences and receiving there time and again so that you may not forget.

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There are many ways of acquiring reading skills. Most of the college students have a basic competence in reading. By them, they have acquired a core vocabulary and have understood the structure of language. The problem arises when the standard students complain that they have difficulty in getting through the required reading in a course, that they can not keep their mind on what they record or read. As solutions to these problems, experts have suggested the following skills:


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Improve your ability to concentrate on the text .

Focus your attention on what you are reading or studying.

Have Geneon interest in the subject you are reading on.

Combine physical and mental activities.

Consider reading as thinking

Read good articles and selections.

Research and reference material can also help a lot.

Newspaper can also help increase vocabulary and concentration.

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As you sit in the class, it is easy to just sit back and listen. But memory fades quickly. For this it is necessary to keep a written record of these notes.

Following steps can be tracked:

Take notes of each subject on a separate bound book.

Put the title of each day’s lecture at the center of the topline of a clear sheet of paper.

Write on only 1 side of the page. Use the space for extra comments.

Identify the kinds of details that you are noting.

Do not recopy your notes.

Try your best to right legibly.

Use abbreviation's.

Use note taking techniques of mapping and courell system

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HOW TO MEMORIZE Memory, of course ,is the key to learning and to succeed in exams.

Following steps may be follow,

Study a new concept carefully.

try to associate by relating each bit of information.

when reading text chapter , use your own familiar main ideas and major details.

spaced reviews ensure, the placement of information into long-term memory.

use mnernaric sentences, acronyms, abbreviations and visualizations.

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To make the most of his opportunities in his educational institution, a student must use his study time educational institution, a student must use his study time effectively. There are certain suggestions based on the principals discovered by psychologists of improving the organizational abilities of the students:

set-up a schedule for non-university activities.

set-up a schedule for university activities.

set-up your priorities-list of each course.

write out specific schedules the might before class.

make specific schedules for long-term projects.

plan your week-ends.

find out when do you study best .

Make a time schedule for longer project.

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A lot of teaching in college and universities is done by organizing seminars and tutorials among the students. Students are divided into various groups and they are asked to present their views on the topic. The topics of seminars can be different nature,e.g. social, political, textual, religious etc. following are the essential features of seminars.

The discussion should be closed in such a way that it may cover every aspect of the topic.

The discussion should not cross the boundaries of the subject.

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Efficient reading refers to reading in such a way that the students may understand the context of the book in the least possible manner, and in the minimum time. This includes critical reading, effective reading and fast reading.

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A dictionary is an essential tool for every writer. You should consult your dictionary every time you have the slightest doubt in any diciplen of language.

A. Learn about the most useful dictionary

B. Learn how to read the entries in a standard desk dictionary. It includes to learn:

> spellings

> syllabication

> pronunciation

> parts of speech

> definition

> word origin

> usage

> synonyms and antonyms

> geographic and biographical entries

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Students are asked to justify the ideas in public and seminars. These presentations must be successful, informative, comprehensive and interesting.

Some dues are:

A. Practice your speech

B. Read of to yourself

C. Try different movements e.g. of head, hands and face expressions.

D. Practice by reading your presentation before people you know.

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A student must be well versed with grammer and try to practice their rules. This is very important to communicate efficiently: both in written and oral communication.

A. Read the laws of garammar and try to practice them.

B. Read other books and attempt to recognize the text of writing used by the author.

C. Do creative writing yourself.

D. Get it checked from your teacher.

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Assignments are also an important part of student life. The recommended process involves reading, planning, note taking, drafting, writing, editing, proof reading and presenting.

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Listening carefully and attentively to what is being said is extremely important.

It requires:

A. Concentration

B. Preparation before class

C. Preparation after class

D. Active participation

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In order to prepare for exams, followings directions should be followed:

A. Study and prepare a long time before exams

B. During exams keep yourself relaxed and pay attention to your meals, that give you energy.

C. Your requirements must be met thoroughly and should be solved with full direction

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to master style, it is important to keep patience. Hard work and intelligence are pre-requisites for good style. For this purpose you must try to look up your own style. Reading good books can create a habit of adopting good style.

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Library is a very useful part of a student life. It is a quite and comfortable place. It offers us books of different types on different subjects.

The features of library skills are:

A. there is a library catalogue having lists of totals of the books, subjects of the book and name of author.

B. Use the catalogue to search for books of your interest.

C. Reference books may also be referred to during study in library because they can not be issued.

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After acquiring the basic study skills, academic skills are acquired to form a concrete building of more advanced knowledge. The skills are essential for research scholar who intend to study their subject in depth. These skills make their work more systematic and help them in achieving the technique of acquiring the integrating more and more knowledge in least possible time.

Followings are some of the important academic skills:


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A. How to write a research paper.

B. How to write thesis.

C. How to give lectures

D. How to interact with students

E. How to do research

F. How to teach in general

G. How to deliver a lectures

H. How to prepare C.V

I. How to compose.

J. How to surprise

K. How to conduct reminder

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3. LIFE SKILLSLife skills are those skills which are required by every individual irrespective of their profession and academic carrier. These skills are essential to lead a balanced life and their practice can make life happier and well organized.

It includes the following skills:

A. Emotional skills

B. Professional skills

C. Moral skills

D. Social skills

E. Political skills

F. Economic skills

G. Religious skills

H. How to drive

I. How to use first aid

J. How to make yourself independent

K. Sign of popularity

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professional skills are those skills and techniques which are related to the work of someone who is qualified for a particular job. Any job can require a special training and advanced education. In the modern world, a professional is required to show a very high standard of work. Experts call professional skills as highly significance. Every profession require some specific skills which are necessary to master.

Professional skills embody:


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A. Professional attitude

B. Professional knowhow

C. Professional courses

D. Organizational abilities

E. Temperamental balance

F. Critical thinking

G. How to deal with people etc…

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According to the concise oxford dictionary, “ORGANISE” means,

“to give orderly structure to, frame and put into working order, make arrangement for an initiate.”

In simple words, wee may define it as follows:

“to do write thinks, at the write time, in the right way, and at the right place”

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Being a student, is a full time job. In caring out that job, it is very important to take account of what you will doing today and where you will be going each day. Research studies have consistently shown that the most successful students organize themselves in the best possible manner. This fact gives rise a very important question about most of the students, in general.

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If we analyze the students community with particular reference to Pakistan, we shall find that most of the students are either disorganized or partially organized. There are many factors which play their part in determining this kind of an attitude on the students side; for instance, most of the students in the country study in educational institutions run by the govt. These schools do not demand a hectic or organized approach to studies. As a result, most of the students tend to ignore the aspect of organizing themselves to meet the requirements of their academic activities. There is an organized approach in private educational institutions where students are required to meet a challenging academic plan, which is impossible to be successfully copier without proper organization. The need of the hour is to generalize the organizational abilities in students so that, they are able to meet the challenges of the modern era. Let us, now, analyze some of the reasons which contribute to being organized or dis organized; or to know why are students organized or disorganized.

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No two human beings can be a like in their natural ability to deal with a problem. Some is the case with possessing or acquiring the organizational abilities, researches show that some students are by nature organized and deal with everything in an orderly mannar. Where is, some do not posses this natural ability and have to put in special effort to acquire it. An experiment was conducted by the famous psychologist WORTMAN. He observed two identical twin sisters who were put and brought up in the same environment. But, both of them showed different organizational habit:-

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B was more organized than A.

She took her meals in a proper mannar, without spoiling her clothes, different to A.

She put everything in her room in an arranged manner, whereas A was least bothered about it.

She slept and played at proper time etc…

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It is often said:

“people’s general natures are very nearly always the same; it is due to different environment do they grow and grow further apart.”

The influence of family background on the habits of an individual is vital. It is generally observed that the students who belong to families where their parents are organized, are more or better organized than others. There can be exceptions to this rule, but studies show that a child who is brought up in an orderly environment is more likely to trace the patterns of organization than others. The professions of parents is quite significant in this respect. For instance, a child of an army officer is more likely to be organized than that of a landlord. In additions to this, the role of a mother and her organizational abilities have a direct influence on those of his child.

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C. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSThe environment and activities in the educational institutions bear a great influence on the habit of a student. After his house, a student spends most of his times in his school, college or university. If he is made to study according to an organized patterns, he would surly adopt it. The evidence of this preposition is the difference b/w the organizational abilities of the students of English and Urdu medium schools.

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There is a famous saying,

“a man is known by the company he keeps”

Friends and companions have a great influence on the habit of an individual, especially of a student. There is because he spends his time in the educational institution with his friends. If a group of friends is organized a student will surly adopt its ways. On the other hand, a student may start taking things lightly. Most of the students spoil their habits by being in the company of bad friends. Thus, it is very important to move a circle of organized and orderly people.

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In order to analyze whether a student is organized or not, it is very important to know the range of factors which contribute to organization. Presence of proper activity orientation or vice versa can determine the organization abilities of a student to a great extent.

Let us examine them: