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  • SFU Science, Environment & Health Sciences Co-op

    Intended Work Study Semester Plan

    Ph. 778-782-4716 fax. 778-782-3031

    LAST Name: Sim______________________ FIRST Name: Hong Jiang______________________

    Student ID: 301216866______________________ Email address: [email protected]___________________

    Major: _Statistics________________ Bachelors

    Residency: International SEEKING STUDENTS: Please include previous work terms completed.

    Approved by Co-op Coordinator: ____________________ Date: ___________________________

    2013 Fall Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2014 Spring

    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2014 Summer

    Total credit hours this semester:

    Total including this semester:

    2014 Fall Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2015 Spring

    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2015 Summer BUS311



    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2015 Fall BUS341



    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2016 Spring

    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2016 Summer

    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2016 Fall

    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2017 Spring

    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

    2017 Summer

    Total credit hours this semester: Total including this semester:

  • Graduate students: Approved by ________________________ ____________________ ________________ Thesis Supervisor Name Signature Date

    2011 Spring

    2011 Summer

    2011 Fall

    CHEM 215 4 cr. hrs.

    BISC 202 3

    CHEM 282 - 3

    Total hours this semester: 10 Total including this semester: 87

    2012 Spring


    MBB 351 3 cr. hrs.

    MBB 331 3

    STAT 201 3

    CHEM 286 - 2

    Total hours this semester: 11 Total including this semester: 98

    2012 Summer

    Work Co-op #1 Total hours this semester: 0 Total including this semester: 95

    2012 Fall

    Work Co-op #2 Total hours this semester: 0 Total including this semester: 95

    2013 Spring


    MBB 421 3 cr. hrs.

    CHEM 360 3

    BISC 305 4

    BISC 333 - 3

    Total hours this semester: 13 Total including this semester: 108

    2013 Summer

    Work Co-op #3 Total hours this semester: 0 Total including this semester: 108

    2013 Fall

    Work Co-op #4 Total hours this semester: 0 Total including this semester: 108

    2014 Spring


    MBB 432 3 cr. hrs.

    KIN 140 3

    BSCI 130 3

    MBB 441 - 3 GRADUATION

    Total hours this semester: 12 Total including this semester: 120

    Please Note:

    Usually min. of 9 credit hours per study semester

    Maximum of 2 consecutive work semesters before alternating to a study semester

    End on a study semester

    Plan a minimum of 3 work semesters

    3 co-op work semesters required for a Co-op Certificate

    4 co-op work semesters required for a Co-op Designation

    Indicate the total credit hours for each semester and the cumulative total credit hours for each semester

    Check with the undergraduate office for semester course

  • offerings (plan as best you can)

    ** SAMPLE ONLY **